Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 780: The Real Front

On Chen Xin's way to Europe, he once overlooked the Eastern European defense line under construction from the sky on a frigate.

The line of defense construction site spread from one end of the line of sight to the other end of the line of sight, like a giant dragon lying across the ground, which left a deep impression on him.

However, although the defense line under construction is large in scale, it is still much inferior to the European defense line that has been put into use and is engaged in fierce battles almost all the time.

At this time, the escort land ship that Chen Xin was riding on had already reached the front of the European defense line, and below them was the front position where the battle was most intense.

Here, even in the air, there is a certain degree of danger.

Because the air units of alien creatures will launch air raids from time to time, trying to break through the defense line from the air, if they encounter these flying units in the air, they will undoubtedly pose a certain threat to the escort land cruiser.

Although for the escorting land ship, relying on the anti-aircraft weapons on the ship will not be afraid of those flying units, but no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

During the time when Chen Xin and the others flew to the forward position, they had already encountered at least three groups of flying units, which made Chen Xin even think that humans had lost their air supremacy over the defense line.

Of course, it doesn't.

In the face of the penetrating alien creatures, the anti-aircraft weapons deployed on the defense line will play their due role and knock down these flying units.

Seeing the traces of tracer bullets like whips flashing with lightning on the ground from time to time drawn from the ground to the sky, Chen Xin had a very intuitive understanding of the battlefield.

Although the anti-aircraft weapon was the first weapon that Chen Xin saw on the forward position, in fact, the most direct collision and confrontation with the alien creatures in the forward position was the soldiers in the trench at the front of the position. Equipped weapons.

Because alien creatures are attacking all the time like the tide, the front end of the forward position is a line of defense that is also fighting fiercely all the time.

Looking down from the sky, it is very intuitive to see that the entire defense line is bright.

That is not a light, but the light brought by the flames ejected from the muzzles of the continuous firing guns on the forward position.

Originally, the muzzle flame was only the moment when the bullet was fired, it could neither illuminate much area nor last for long.

But with the almost non-stop shooting from the muzzle, these faint flames gathered together, illuminating the entire defense line.

Looking at the flames that looked like a giant flaming dragon, Chen Xin really felt the intensity of the battle.

Although I have seen the battle between Yan Kingdom's army and alien creatures in the front line of the Dongting Lake theater in China, I have to admit that there is still a difference in the degree of intensity between the two.

Perhaps it is because the scale of alien creatures on the European battlefield is larger, so their attacks are also more violent!

Because there is no sunlight, the ground is black, but on the other side of the line of defense illuminated by the flame mouth, the black ground seems to be alive, and under the faint light, it is constantly rushing towards the line of defense like waves. , Just like the sea water is always beating against the coast, this kind of offensive seems to never stop.

Chen Xin clearly knew that all the ground on the other side of the line of defense was covered by alien creatures as far as he could see, and they were attacking like a tide in a literal sense.

This is not an exaggerated description, but a very realistic description, because there are indeed as many alien creatures as there are in the ocean.

"If this is a nuclear bomb, I don't know what effect it will have?" Chen Xin said to himself, but he was thinking about whether it would be worthwhile to do so.

Although limited by the light problem, Chen Xin can't really see the specific situation of the "Wang Yang Chonghai", but he can guess it more or less. I am afraid that even if a nuclear bomb is dropped, it will only be cleared in a short time. A group of extraterrestrial creatures, after forming a cavity, it will be filled by other alien creatures in an instant.

Of course, there is no doubt about the power of nuclear bombs, but there are indeed too many alien creatures.

This is so much that in addition to the trenches at the forefront of the defense line and the anti-aircraft artillery fire filled behind the trenches, humans have also arranged additional artillery positions as fire support.

You may not be able to see it clearly on the ground, but you can clearly see the rear of the defense line in the sky. The bright light produced by the shells across the sky hit the alien creatures in front of the forward position, just as Chen Xin expected. The bomb craters were smashed like that, creating a blank space in a short time, and then disappeared in an instant.

Relying on the cooperation of the three different configurations of the defense line, human beings rely on such a seemingly thin line of defense to firmly block the alien creatures from Europe, and prevent the alien creatures from continuing to penetrate and spread.

In fact, the contribution made by Chen Xin is very significant.

Although the defense line seems to be very stable now, a large amount of ammunition pouring down is enough to defuse the attack of alien creatures, but before Chen Xin arrived in Europe, these defense lines were already on the verge of collapse. The enemy whose position can bear several times.

After the soldiers on the forward positions gradually began to replace the equipment provided by Chen Xin, their combat power was effectively improved, and they finally began to regain their strength in the face of the attack of alien creatures, which created the current situation. The line of defense is solid, and the arrival of alien creatures is more or less a situation of death.

Right now, what Chen Xin thinks about is also about the equipment he provides to European countries.

Before seeing the direct sight of the earth attacking you, Chen Xin's impression of the European battlefield was basically the same as that of the domestic Dongting Lake theater, so in terms of the equipment provided to European countries, Chen Xin A specially designed reduced version is used.

But now, looking at the scene of fierce fighting in front of him, Chen Xin couldn't help but ask himself, should he provide them with more powerful weapons?

Although export reduction is a matter that all countries will follow in terms of arms export, the scene before him makes Chen Xin feel that he should provide the original version to enhance every trace of the precious combat power of alien creatures.

After all, this scene of "sea of ​​insects" everywhere will always make people unconsciously feel intimidated and want to seek a sense of security.

As for the two terrifying upright apes, powerful weapons are the best source of security at the moment, and the greater the power, the stronger the sense of security.

But soon Chen Xin didn't think about it anymore, but told the captain to prepare to land.

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