Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 847 Weapon Problem

It's still the same runway, and it's still the aerospace plane for the test flight, but this time the aerospace plane for the test flight is different from the last time.

The current aerospace plane has been passed by Chen Xin. Although no major changes have been made, it is clear that some problems exposed during the last test flight have been adjusted in this upgrade, and the shield device has also been installed. up.

This test flight, in addition to further testing the extreme performance of the aerospace aircraft, is to test the shield device to test whether the shield device can operate normally at an altitude of 40,000 meters.

Because I have already flown once, the takeoff this time is not as tense as last time.

"Academician Chen, what do you think of this test flight?" A researcher from Europe asked Chen Xin in English.

These scientific researchers from Europe have also been familiar with the working environment here in Yanguo during this period of time, and they have also had a lot of contact with Chen Xin, the chief executive, and gradually became familiar with them.

While waiting for the aerospace plane to complete the take-off inspection, I couldn't help chatting with Chen Xin.

"This test flight? I don't have any opinion. The plane has already flown once. There is no problem with the design in all aspects, and it can meet the design requirements in theory. I don't think there will be any problems in this test flight, unless there is an accident." Faced with this question, Chen Xin didn't say much, but only showed his confidence in this test flight.

In fact, this is also the case. After all, this aerospace plane has flown once before, and he has optimized it with the system. There is no possibility of any problems in terms of performance or quality.

Although there is still the possibility of accidents, theoretically speaking, this test flight is pretty sure.

Hearing what Chen Xin said, the European scientific researcher raised his eyebrows, obviously surprised by Chen Xin's confidence in this test flight.

But he didn't say anything more, just nodded and said: "I hope God bless, everything goes as smoothly as you said, Academician Chen."

"This is in China, you have to say God blesses you." Chen Xin joked, but he didn't make fun of other people's beliefs.

Although this apocalyptic disaster has caused the entire world to suffer greatly, and the religions of all countries in the world have been severely affected, there are still a large number of devout believers who have become more determined in this situation.

They believe that this disaster is just a test given by the gods to mankind. Human beings need to abandon bad habits and sins, purify themselves and regain the favor of the gods.

Chen Xin has always scoffed at this statement. When he was in Europe, he once had a conflict with a religious group in a certain city, which ended in violent suppression.

But he still respects people who are truly devout and willing to be strict with themselves and not force others to believe.

The foreign scientific researcher in front of him is obviously not a particularly devout person. The so-called God's blessing is just a mantra developed over the years.

So facing Chen Xin's ridicule, he just shrugged and made an indifferent expression.

While the two were chatting, the aerospace plane also completed the preparations before the test flight, entered the runway, and soared into the sky amidst the roar of the engine.

Watching the aerospace plane climb, Chen Xin suddenly asked the researchers on the side: "Do you have any ideas about the aerospace plane's weapons?"

"I don't have any good ideas at the moment. I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense to install missiles on the aerospace plane. After all, the flying speed of the aerospace plane can reach Mach 10, which is faster than many missiles." The scientific researcher shook his head. Obviously, there is no good answer to Chen Xin's question.

In fact, this is also the case. Even if the hypersonic missile DF-17 that Yanguo is currently equipped with has a maximum flight speed of Mach 10, it is still a ballistic missile, which is not the same as the missile equipped on an ordinary fighter jet.

Therefore, what kind of weapons should be installed on the aerospace aircraft is now a headache for the project team.

If we want to develop missiles for use in a hypersonic environment, it is undoubtedly another new project, which will increase the input cost of aerospace fighters.

But it is obviously impossible to say that it will not be done. After all, the aerospace plane is used for war. It is impossible to say that the plane has no weapons and can only be used as a high-speed reconnaissance plane.

However, it is obviously not easy to develop a hypersonic air-to-air missile or air-to-ground missile that did not exist before.

First of all, the engine of the missile is a big problem. After all, not all missiles can reach a flight speed above Mach 10.

DF-17 is a ballistic missile, and relevant design experience cannot be directly applied to air-to-air missiles or air-to-ground missiles.

"How about laser weapons?" Chen Xin put forward an idea.

In a hypersonic environment, lasers are indeed much more ideal than missiles. After all, no matter how fast an aircraft is, it is not as fast as the speed of light.

"Laser weapons are indeed feasible, but under the current technical conditions, high-power laser weapons will have large optical lenses, which will be easily damaged in a supersonic environment. If this problem cannot be solved, laser weapons still cannot be used in supersonic On a hypersonic plane." The researchers nodded in agreement with Chen Xin's idea, but also pointed out the problem.

With the current level of human science and technology, the most practical laser weapons produced are those produced by Chen Xin's scientific research center, but even those laser weapons that have been tested in actual combat want to be applied to aerospace fighters flying at hypersonic speeds However, there are still many technical problems to be overcome.

Without Chen Xin's intervention, it is obvious that human beings are still unable to achieve such a technological breakthrough in a short period of time.

Chen Xin also nodded in understanding. Of course he knew about this kind of thing. After all, he also participated in the development and manufacture of laser weapons.

It’s just that the difficulties are difficult. If there is no good solution to the problem, whether it is laser weapons, hypersonic air-to-air missiles or air-to-ground missiles, it must be done.

But at this moment, another scientific researcher on the side suddenly interjected: "I don't know if high-energy particle beam weapons are feasible? Since we can create a magnetic beam device to confine high-energy charged particles into a shield, can we also use Does it shoot out and become a weapon?"

"High-energy particle beam? Do you mean to use a magnetic field to accelerate charged particles, and then use the kinetic energy carried by the particle beam to cause damage?" Hearing the researcher's proposal, Chen Xin couldn't help feeling his eyes light up.

This is indeed a very feasible idea. After all, the energy shields have been manufactured, and the technical principles used between the two are the same. It is just a change in the application method of the electromagnetic field.

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