Doomsday Chariot Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 34 Attributes Skyrocket! Heart Of God Of War! (Second Update! 2/7!)

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Vaguely, Xing Tian seems to have fallen into an ancient battlefield,

Countless savage lives are fighting to the death,

Among them, the three-headed and six-armed giant with a height of hundreds of meters is invincible,

There is a long snake that hovers a thousand meters into the air, spit out golden flowers,

Someone rode the clouds and mist to sweep,

Some people pinch the stars with their hands and wave their hands to fill the sky with divine fire,

There is a monster who speaks divine words, destroying the world


After the extremely shocking scene, Xing Tian's back was covered with sweat, and his pupils were filled with Lan Kuang's battle intent remaining.

In just a moment, he seemed to have traveled to the barbaric era and fought a fierce battle,

All the blood in my body is roaring!

However, he soon felt the comfortable "610" feeling in his body.

It seems..... a lot stronger?

Genetic evolution medicine, not only can be upgraded without side effects, but also has great benefits for the control of the body,

So after Xing Tian upgraded to Black Iron Level 3, there was no problem of physical imbalance.

But now...he has a feeling that he seems to crush the steel, and step on the ground inside the car to create a hole!

"Mechanical Heart, scan me immediately!"

Xing Tian said in a deep voice,

Mechanical Heart: "Yes!"


"Scanning started!"

【Xing Tian】

Race: Human.

Talent: [Immortal Blood], [Heart of God of War]

Bloodline: [Undead God of War].

Introduction: You can get stronger, this is just the beginning.

【Immortal Blood】

Talent Type: Mythical.

Talent level: 3.

Talent introduction: Xing Tianwu's relatives, you have obtained "Fatal Resist", "Blood Rebirth", "Axe Proficiency", "Shield Proficiency"

"Resist Deadly"

Grade: top.

Introduction: You will no longer have fatal points, even if your head is lost, you can continue to fight.

"Blood Rebirth"

Level: Level 3.

Introduction: As long as there is still blood, you can restore your body, but it will consume variable blood.

"Ax Mastery"

Level: Level 3.

Introduction: You have obtained a part of the inheritance of the God of War, mastered the method of killing, and are proficient in various axes.

"Shield Proficiency"

Level: Level 3.

Introduction: You have obtained a part of the inheritance of the God of War, mastered the method of defense, and proficient in various shields.

【Heart of God of War】

Talent Type: Mythical.

Talent Level: Level 3.

Talent introduction: The god of war is immortal, you get "roar of fighting spirit" and "killing heart".

"Battle Roar"

Level: Level 3.

Introduction: Your roar can deter the enemy, the weaker the enemy, the more effective it is, and the power and range increase with the level.

"Killing Heart"

Level: Level 3.

Introduction: In the combat state, every time you kill an enemy, you can get a layer of murderous aura and get an extra 10% damage. Now you can get up to 3 layers at the highest level, and the murderous aura will gradually disappear after leaving the combat state.

【Undead God of War】.

Introduction: The God of War is immortal, it seems that you have only developed a little bit of blood.


Compared with before, the attribute panel has undergone earth-shaking changes!

One more talent, one more bloodline,

Even the previous [Undead Blood] talent has undergone tremendous changes,

"Blood Restoration" became "Blood Rebirth"

It looks the same, but it's actually quite different!

After all, recovery can be hindered. For example, if the enemy has the ability to reduce the recovery ability, then Xing Tian will be greatly restricted.

Now it's different,

Rebirth is much stronger than recovery!

There are absolutely very few that can restrict rebirth.

"Axe Mastery" and "Shield Mastery" have obviously been strengthened, Xing Tian tried to hold "God of War Axe" and "Ghostwood Shield", and immediately felt a blood connection,

The blood boiled, and the mysterious and vicious moves were performed in the mind,

Giant axe, throwing axe, small axe, multi-section axe, long axe...

Countless methods of killing, full of fighting spirit!

The same goes for shields,

All kinds of exquisite means are now at his fingertips,

Afterwards, Xing Tian looked at his new talent [Heart of God of War],

This talent is probably obtained from the blood,

You can tell by the name, born for fighting,

Two characteristics, all of which increase combat ability!

A feature that can suppress mobs, "War Roar", and a "Killing Heart" that directly increases damage, simple and direct, and it's over!

"As expected, it is worthy of being called the God of War. The new abilities are all related to combat."

Xing Tian complained,

That's fine, man, just do the real thing, don't engage in any conspiracy.

"And my physical strength!"

Xing Tian estimated,

My own strength...... seems to have skyrocketed to a limit!

Ten thousand catties of strength!

Ten thousand catties, what kind of concept is this!?

For example, the Japanese car that Xing Tian drove in the dream weighed about 2,000 kilograms, but now Xing Tian can lift five such cars,

You can even dance!

Chicken you are so beautiful~!


"Level 4 should be able to break the limit of 10,000 jin, right?"

Xing Tian's eyes flickered,

Now he can't wait to find a level 4 monster to fight alone, he has a feeling,

With my current strength alone, I can kill level 4 monsters!

If power armor is used, I am afraid that a powerful monster of level 5 can be worthwhile by itself.


Mechanic Heart opens a virtual panel,

Above is a picture taken by the scouting robot.

"Master, there are new discoveries..."

(PS: Some readers said that some devices of evolution should be described in detail. I ask everyone for their opinions. If everyone thinks it is okay, I will describe it in detail in the future, instead of just mentioning it in one stroke as now.)

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