Doomsday Chariot Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 57 Black Cat Monster (Fourth! 4/7!)

The sixth day of the end, the second location after the hunt began.

everything has been cleaned up,

Xing Tian sent the mechanical spiders to process the corpses and collect crystal nuclei, while he was preparing to leave and go to the third location.

However, at this time, Meng Xiaoyao sent a piece of news.

"Don't go to the underground mall!"

She seemed to be in a hurry, with a hint of deep horror.

Xing Tian is a bit strange,

This clever woman can often keep her head in her head, this time

"I'll be right back!"

With a thought in Xing Tian's mind, the power armor worn on his body automatically deformed and fell off, assembling into a silver-gray motorcycle.

He rode on a motorcycle and sped away amidst the roar.

after awhile,

He returned to the chariot,

The drizzle washed away the blood on his body and the motorcycle, but it was stained with ice rain, and he looked like a drowned rat.

Fortunately, with a strong physique, 367 did not catch a cold.

Of course, cold will still be cold.

just got into the car,

A gust of heat hit, Xing Tian immediately shivered comfortably, and closed the door.

"Xing Tian, ​​this way!"

Meng Xiaoyao sat on the sofa,

Yun Yiyi was originally sitting next to her, when she saw Xing Tian's appearance, she hurriedly brought a dry towel over to wipe his pressure.


Xing Tian smiled lightly, touched Yun Yiyi's small face,

The latter's face was slightly red, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Xing Tian sat down and looked towards the computer.

Meng Xiaoyao has opened a video,

It should be the impact captured by the scouting robot, which is the third location where Xing Tian originally hunted——the underground shopping mall!

Inside, there are many shelves,

Daily necessities, packaged food, water and drinks are all available,

The rainwater left and washed the ground, making the ground of the underground shopping mall look less messy, but rather clean.

And inside the underground shopping mall, there is a cloud of black mist...

That black mist is a monster,

There are countless black mist arms growing on his body.

And near the black mist, there are iron cages, in which one after another human beings are imprisoned,

Those human beings did not die, and leaned against the iron cage sluggishly.

Each arm of the black mist monster will stretch out to hold a human heart,

It seems to be absorbing something.

"This monster should have evolved from a cat!"

Meng Xiaoyao suddenly spoke,

"Cat? A cat evolved into a cloud of mist?"

Xing Tian was startled,

"Yes! You watch this video!"

She opened another video,

was taken before,

Above is a little black cat walking around the underground shopping mall with graceful steps.

Then, she opened another video,

Inside, the black cat turned into a black mist monster, floating in the space in the mall.

"So that's it, it's a mutant beast!"

Xing Tian nodded,

A group of demons dance in the doomsday, the most important ones are zombies, Zerg and giant beasts,

There are two sources of giant beasts, one is the mutation of the beasts on the earth, and the other may be monsters from other worlds.

The black cat in front of me, no accident, is a mutated cat from the earth! (bjaf)

"However, a mutant beast won't make me vigilant, right?"

Xing Tian frowned,

not that he is proud,

It is really during the time period of the sixth day of the doomsday, his current strength is too strong,

Itself is a level 3 evolutionary,

Possess level 3 power armor,

owns a robot,

With tank missiles, cluster missiles and other weapons,

It can be said to be invincible against monsters!

"Xing Tian, ​​the situation may not be that simple!"

Meng Xiaoyao looked dignified, and said: "After the first and second robots went in and successfully captured the video of the target, I sent robots in again, but nothing was found.

"Destroyed? Rebuild it!"

Xing Tian didn't care,

Robots are fragile. On the other hand, they cost very little resources, so it doesn't hurt to be destroyed.

"It's not that simple, the robot is not destroyed!"

Meng Xiaoyao clicked on a video,

This was taken by a later robot, but it was not the scene of an underground shopping mall, but a vast desert.


"Is it an illusion of light and shadow?"

Xing Tian frowned,

Shooting video, nature and light are related,

If the light is distorted, or if the monster has the ability to create light illusions, it can indeed change the results of the robot's shooting.

"No, I tried it, it shouldn't have anything to do with the light."

Meng Xiaoyao took a deep breath and said, "Here, there may be an invisible crack in space, or even... not just ten."

"...Then change to another place."

Xing Tian opened his mouth,

Jincheng University is located near the urban area, and there are many places to hunt,

He is not attached to that.

Meng Xiaoyao glanced at the other party in surprise,

Yun Yiyi turned her head to look, feeling a little unbearable,

"Brother Xing Tian, ​​those humans are so pitiful."

"The situation over there is unclear, and I don't need to take risks to save people."

Xing Tian shook his head decisively,

He is not the savior,

Wouldn't you be a fool if you rescued anyone you saw?

"All right.

Although Yun Yiyi was kind, but also very well-behaved, she didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, the voice of the mechanical heart suddenly sounded,

"Master, I suggest you go over there to clean up."


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