Doomsday Chariot Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 107 Political Marriage, Yang Ziyi (Third Update! 3/7!)

(PS: For the convenience of reading, the dimensional space inside the tank will be called the interior space, and the storage space will be called the storage space. The original small garage dimensional space will be called the factory space!)

in factory space,

The robot manufacturing station is running wild,

The mechanical arms move one by one, combining various robot components that have just been manufactured,

Then connect the circuit and connect the high-energy battery.

In just three minutes, a brand new mayfly detection robot was released!

In the next moment, connect to the chariot network,

order conveyed,

The scouting robot immediately flew out of the factory space and began to perform scouting tasks.

Three minutes later, another spider sensing robot,

one after another,

The machine manufacturing platform is overloaded, and the heat wave generated between the machine operations,

It even spread to the outside world, causing the snowdrifts around the chariot to melt and turn into snow water to flow in all directions.

time flies,

In the blink of an eye 807, it was night.

the ninth day of the end,


The snow is still falling, but the wind has left.

Looking up at the sky, through the snowflakes in the sky, the figure of the blood moon can be seen faintly.

At the entrance of a hall in the shelter, Yang Tianxiong and Secretary Huang looked at each other with sparks in their eyes.

"General Yang, I heard that your subordinates have sent news of monsters. I don't know... Can I get ten acupuncture points?"

Secretary Huang smiled on the surface, looking eccentric and quite weird.

He was about forty years old in his grade, and held high positions all the year round, with a faint majesty on his body.

Yang Tianxiong snorted, and said coldly: "Talking is like farting! Come in!"

"Haha, the general is really grand."

Secretary Huang didn't take it seriously, and Shi Shiran followed behind.

Soon, the two came to the hall,

A projector was activated, on which were the pictures sent by the soldier captain,

Among them, it also includes the course of events,

And the dictation of the mobile phone owner and the like.

"This is……………"

Secretary Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the glazed arm, his mind was shocked.

"Did such a monster appear in Jincheng a few days ago?"

He turned around and asked,

A middle-aged man in black pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Secretary, I've never seen it before."

Hearing this, Secretary Huang looked at Yang Tianxiong,

The latter frowned and said: "The people in the research institute compiled a monster illustration book, which recorded all the monsters that humans have seen, various mutant zombies, huge mutant beasts, and groups of mutant bugs! "

"But, only there is no monster of this glazed color!"

He said in a deep voice: "This glass color is very conspicuous. If someone has seen it, they will definitely not forget it!"

The shelter not only has its own team,

The human beings living inside also formed teams one by one,

Even, the survivors of the outer city have seen many monsters, (bjab)

Therefore, the "Monster Illustrated Book" of the shelter is still very complete.

"That's the new monster that appeared with the heavy snow!"

"Under the circumstances that other monsters can't hide, this glazed monster suddenly appeared!"

Secretary Huang exclaimed in shock: "I'm afraid the person who came here is not kind!"


Everyone is killed, who doesn't know that the comer is not good!?

Yang Tianxiong glanced at him contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "Secretary Huang, I have something to do, but it's okay to say it!"

"Haha, the general really speaks quickly, so I won't be polite to you."

Secretary Huang narrowed his eyes and said, "The situation in the Shelter has changed rapidly, and that old bastard from the Liu family is aggressive. We have to guard against it!"

"Then, what's the secretary's opinion?"

Yang Tianxiong became serious.

Secretary Huang said in a deep voice, "How do you and I join forces?"

"The girl in purple, I watched her grow up, and Quan Zi is also a childhood sweetheart, why don't we get closer..."

Secretary Huang chuckled with a clear meaning.

The so-called political marriage is very common in the upper class.

Yang Tianxiong was a little moved when he heard the words,

But he always doted on his daughter, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "I agree with you, but Ziyi's marriage is up to her to decide, not to mention, she has two daughters.

"It's just an adopted daughter. Ziyi has been clean all her life, but Gouzi always praises me in front of me!"

Secretary Huang nodded and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave. You know how to do it in the long lantern meeting three days later!"

"I will. The Liu family is indeed going to suppress it. If Liu Tai dies, they still dare to act like monsters!"

Yang Xiongtian revealed a stern look,

Secretary Huang nodded, turned and left.

(PS: I saw some readers talking about the number of women in the protagonist. Let me ask everyone, do you think it is better to have more or less women in the protagonist? Or, is it more refined but not too many?)

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