Doomsday Chariot Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 118 Variation Plant, Black Malan! (First Update! 1/7!)

the eleventh day of the last days,

heavy snow,

The strong wind turned into an icy wind, and the snow on the ground became thicker and thicker.

At the beginning, the snow layer was only a few to ten centimeters thick,

But on the eleventh day, the snow layer was almost half a meter thick.

Small motor vehicles have been completely unable to go on the road,

The survivors went out with difficulty,

It takes a lot of energy to walk a distance.

Gradually, no one went out. They got enough supplies in the first two days when the heavy snow came, and chose to stay at home and watch the heavy snow bury the ground.

cold, heavy snow,

No one wants to go out, wearing a thick padded jacket, eating some hot food at home is what they want to do most.

Of course, not everyone has the idea of ​​hoarding supplies.

Those who thought that peace would be restored and that the army would take over the city...... lazily lay at home, waiting for the army to solve it.

In just one day,

The army did not wait, but the falling snow made them fall into despair.

what to do!?

Some people choose to venture out to find food,

There are also people who choose to...grab!

"Get the stuff out!"

Several men with machetes saw a young man walking towards him, and they were overjoyed immediately, and surrounded him ferociously.

The young man glanced at them indifferently, and took out a thick and big thing from his waist...

Dark and shining with icy colors.

When the robbers saw the black thing, they subconsciously stopped and looked at him in horror.



Xing Tian smiled lightly,

Watch their reactions.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

The men who robbed immediately confessed and smiled,

One of them said: "The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and my family beat my family."

"I'm not part of your family."

Xing Tian looked around,

Here, it is an "ice cream" shop in the commercial street of Tiancheng Plaza,

Of course Xing Tian doesn't come here to eat "ice cream",

Instead the Scoutbot found something strange, so he came to have a look.

"Yes! Yes! Brother!"

They cringe, back away, trying to sneak away,

Xing Tian sneered and ignored it,

Just said something to the air,

"Clean up."

Outside the door, the thugs were relieved to see that Xing Tian hadn't made a move, and turned around to walk outside.

"Made, I encountered a hard stubble!"

One person cursed,

The others nodded their heads,

"Too unlucky, how could I suddenly meet such a person!"

"Yeah, pistols, except for those evolutionaries, who would dare to mess with them!"

"Or, go and kill Old Wang, I see he has hidden a lot of food."

Several people are chatting,

Suddenly the sound of "buzzing" sounded,

It's like the noise of a helicopter, but much smaller,

They turned their heads curiously,

In mid-air... Several scout robots stick out of their guns.


Inside the store, Xing Tian heard the noise outside and continued to investigate the situation.

The store has been frozen,

Business is expected to be good before the end of the day, and there are still a few stumps of customers left here.

"This is it?"

Xing Tian walked to the inner kitchen and saw a pot of green plants.

Before the doomsday, it is normal to put a pot of green plants in the store. After all, this thing is beneficial to human beings, and it is a good thing to put as much as possible.


It has been snowing for several days, how can a pot of green plants survive till now?

"Let me see what you are!"

Xing Tian walked over and grabbed it with both hands.


In an instant, the green plants moved,

The leaves of the green plants grow rapidly and turn into a vine!

This time, the rattan made a sonic boom, which is enough to prove its strength.


But facing Xing Tian, ​​its attack is still too weak,

in an instant,

Xing Tian firmly grasped its leaves, and then grabbed the green plant in his hand.


Lu Zhi was still struggling in Xing Tian's hands, like a living baby.

"Mutated plants?"

Xing Tian has great strength, of course it is impossible for him to escape, he said: "Mechanical Heart, scan it!"

Mechanical Heart: "Yes! Scanning..."

【Black Malan】

Race: mutant plant.

Talent: [Quick Healing].


Realm: Black Iron Level 2.

Introduction: It is a magical plant, it is recommended to breed, and the corresponding potion can be made through the potion workbench.

"It really is a mutated plant!"

Xing Tian's eyes flickered, seeing the talent of the plant, he couldn't help revealing a hint of joy.

The talent of "Quick Healing" should be able to make a good potion.

Although, he does not need,

But he is not alone in the chariot!

And... this thing seems to be a trading item!

"For the transaction, we still need to plan."

Xing Tian pondered for a moment, picked up the green plants, and walked back.

Soon after, he returned to the chariot,

At this time, in Tiancheng Square, everything was covered by thick snow, and only the outline of the building could still be seen.


The "Colossus of Heaven" was almost completely disassembled,

The day and night work of a hundred spider-sensing robots has turned this iconic building into a metal resource point, which is stored in metal conversion tanks.

Xing Tian just stepped onto the chariot,

Yun Yiyi rushed over bouncing,

"Brother Xing Tian! Good news! The 100,000 metal resource points you asked for have been achieved!"

(PS: The liver didn't move last night, and I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. I'm sorry, it must be seven more today!)

Of. .

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