Doomsday Chariot Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 17 Rumors Of Jincheng University (Chapter 17! 1720!)

since doomsday nightmare,

Xing Tian has always had a sense of urgency and depression in his heart,

In order not to repeat the crisis in the dream.

He almost tried his best to reverse his fate.

Now, all this will disappear!

In the dream, the giant black beast crushed him to death,

Now he has revenge,

In the same way, smash it to death!

"What is going to wither will wither eventually."

Xing Tian muttered to himself and snapped his fingers,

In the distance, the muzzle of the "Thunder Cannon" on the roof of the chariot lifted up, and a Thunder missile rose up. Amidst the flames and smoke, it flew across the sky and hit the pile of flesh and blood accurately.


The flames swept across the sky,

The roar exploded, bringing hot air and strong wind, blowing on Xing Tian's body.

He disarms the armor form, transforming the power armor into a motorcycle.

The wind, the roar, the heat...

All this left Wang Ze dumbfounded,

Of course, he was surprised by many things,

For example why Xing Tian can resist monsters,

why his motorcycle can deform,

Why can it be turned into a steel suit!?

Tony Big Shit!?


He saw Xing Tian walking towards him.

"Brother Iron Man, don't hit me! I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything!"

Wang Ze raised his hand, as if being caught by the police uncle.

Xing Tian glanced at him, ignored him, and grabbed the giant axe.



The earth and rocks left, the huge ax tore the ground, and the surface of the ax exuded a cold light, which was shocking.

"I'm not some Iron Man`~!"

Xing Tian was in a good mood, couldn't help laughing, looked him up, and asked, "Are you from Jincheng University?"

"Huh? You know me?"

Wang Ze was startled,

"President of the student council, how come I don't know you, I used to watch your speeches in the audience."

Xing Tian smiled lightly,

"Are you also a student of Jincheng University?"

Wang Ze looked at Xing Tian's muscles and his face twitched.

Such a strong and ruthless man, why doesn't he have the slightest impression!?

This doomsday... Sure enough, all the "monsters" came out.

"How about Jincheng University?"

Xing Tian asked,

Wang Ze was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face darkened.

It seemed that he was hesitating for something.

"Student, can I ask you a question?"

he said.

Xing Tian nodded and sat on the motorcycle.

"Just ask!"

"Whether the country has a base or something, you now... Forget it, I won't inquire about your secrets.

Wang Ze said in a deep voice: "The situation at Jincheng University is very complicated, very complicated!"

"A university, at best, has a little more monsters, what's so complicated.

Xing Tian couldn't help but smile,

If there are many monsters, he will go there instead,

Because of the dense monster points, not only are there many level 2 and level 3 monsters, but there may also be level 4 and level 5 monsters!

With his current strength, even powerful level 5 monsters can be killed!

But it's a pity that none of the monsters above Grade B of the Ten Song Dynasty were seen nearby.

It seems that from the fourth day of the end, the temperature of the world has cooled, and the growth rate of the monsters has slowed down a lot.

"It's not that simple, Xing Tian, ​​you'd better stay away from that place."

Wang Ze gritted his teeth and said with a heavy expression, "That's hell!"

"Look at scaring you, what kind of monster can scare the famous student council president like this?"

Xing Tian laughed.

Wang Ze smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "You don't know, what I'm afraid of is not monsters, but people!"


Xing Tian frowned,

"What do you mean? People from other places went in and occupied the school?"

"No... in front of that devil, people from outside are just his dogs."

Wang Ze trembled with fear on his face.

Xing Tian saw his heart of fear and was very curious,


Who would be called a "devil" by him?

You know, this is not an age of peace,

The devil before the doomsday is just a joke,

But after the apocalypse, the devil represents the deepest fear, and the zombies are not in case!

".||is the dean!"

Wang Ze wiped his face, full of hatred,

"He is a devil! He made a deal with the devil and got a terrifying power. Relying on that power, he enslaved the entire school and many outsiders!"

As he spoke, Wang Ze tore open his sleeve,

On his forearm, there is a familiar pattern.

Xing Tian once saw,

On that.....grudge sculpture!

"This is..………"

With a sudden in his heart,

I have met that bald monster before, so I naturally know that the bald head turned into a monster because someone is behind the scenes.

Resentment sculpture, that's what the people behind it are!

And the pattern on (Zhao Zhao) Wang Ze's arm in front of him obviously came from a place!

Could it be... Khan.

"This thing is what the devil added to us after he got that kind of power.

Wang Ze showed a look of fear,

"As long as anyone does not listen to his words, he will suffer painful whippings day and night, and he will not be able to live or die!"

"Especially, he's a pervert!"

"What he likes most is to catch disobedient people, let everyone gather, and then execute that person Ling Chi with a blade in public!"

Wang Ze looked ferocious, and tremblingly said: "Every living person, every piece of flesh was cut off by him, skinned and cramped..."

(PS: I feel dizzy, my head is hot, and I feel like I'm going to faint.)

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