
With a surge of light, Qin Yu and Tang Yan appeared in Qin’s restaurant again.

Upgrading the restaurant requires a larger store area, so as soon as he came back, Qin Yu directly paid a lot of money to buy the 2nd floor.

“If the upgrade conditions are met, do you want to start the upgrade?”

A system prompt sounds.


Qin Yu said, and then hung up the sign that the restaurant was decorated and closed for business.

It’s just that Qin Yu didn’t know that this casual action made countless diners wail and scream.

“Is Qin’s restaurant open? Not open yet? My God, I’m going to starve…”

“Son, when the Qin restaurant opens, remember to cook me a meal of beef noodles…”

“The food in this 5-star hotel is not good, it’s all!” Ah, why hasn’t Qin’s restaurant opened yet! ”


Two days later.

Qin Yu’s restaurant has finally been upgraded!

“The upgrade is complete, the rewards start to be distributed, and three new dishes are rewarded.

Qin’s Beer [Restoration Department]

Price: 999

Qin’s secret beer!

Effect: Soothes the mind and mind

System additional effect: purifies radiation

Rating: ★ ☆☆☆☆

Limited to one per person per day! Each serving is six bottles.

Sesame spinach【Medicinal and food department】

Price: 9999

Using top-quality sesame seeds, Fu with the deep-sea fish soup of the Endless Sea, the cauliflower foam from Strange Island, and the high-quality green onion and garlic cultivated by Sky Farm as auxiliary materials, with the original ecology and pollution-free, pure and top-quality Lingquan mountain spinach!

Effect: Awaken the mind and open the trick! Promote brain education!

System additional effect: purifies radiation

Rating: ★★ ☆☆☆

Limited to one per person per day!

Three system prompts sounded in succession, adding three new recipes in Qin Yu’s mind.

“There are so many rewards after the main quest and upgrade!” Qin Yu said in surprise.

In addition, what made Qin Yu very excited was an extra three-star recipe!

Eight Treasure Duck【Health Department】

Price: 99999

The sprinted duck from the Valley of the Five Elements is filled with cracked wood peas, deep-sea shrimp, Mingyang winter shoots, flame chestnuts, dried scallops in the valley, ghost mushrooms, etc., and poured with specially prepared flame red oil soup when it comes out of the basket!

Effect: The Lord replenishes the deficiency, nourishes the yin of the five internal organs, nourishes the blood and solidifies, and replenishes the blood and water!

System additional effect: purifies radiation, suppresses cancer!

Rating: ★★★ ☆☆

Limited to one per person per day!

This is a three-star level, needless to say, it can purify radiation and suppress cancer!


Even cancer can be suppressed, you must know that the incidence of cancer in modern society is very high, women are easy to ru adenocarcinoma after they are in their forties, men’s various liver cancers, etc., this delicacy is definitely the gospel of the world!

“Ding! After the recipe reward is distributed, congratulations to the host for upgrading the restaurant to LV5, increasing the number of contracted employees to 3, increasing the number of VIP members to 3, and three three-star dishes can be purchased at the original price every day. ”

A system prompt sounds.

“Good, good!” Qin Yu was very satisfied, he could sign two more employees, and now he had to consider the next candidate.

The VIP qualification has already used up one, and now there are two more, which is not bad.

“Good, good! It didn’t cost me to upgrade. Qin Yu chuckled.

With the completion of the upgrade of the restaurant, Qin Yu also found that the Qin restaurant in front of him had undergone some changes.

“There’s nothing that has changed on this floor.”

Looking around the lower first floor, Qin Yu found that the first floor remained the same, but the dormitory and VIP shower room had disappeared, and he went upstairs to see how the second floor that had just been acquired would become after the upgrade!

Second floor.

There are several more rooms on both sides of the corridor, and the staff dormitory and VIP shower room have been moved to the second floor.

Qin Yu checked and found that there was an additional VIP bath room on the second floor, which became two VIP bath rooms! And two more bathrooms and two lounges!

This is much more convenient than before, otherwise it will be trouble for many people.

“Huh, added boxes?”

Qin Yu looked at the extra rooms on the second floor in amazement, which had different names, the waves of the sea [majestic], the quiet forest [tranquility], the small bridge flowing water [serene], and the reckless wilderness [vastness].

Four ordinary private rooms.

In addition, there is a more chic box, which clearly says VIP box, the end of the sea!

“I didn’t expect that the name of this system has a special flavor, majestic, peaceful, serene, and reckless! And the end of the sea! Interesting! ”

Looking at the five new private rooms with satisfaction, it is true that there is no lack of top bigwigs who come to eat at Qin’s restaurant today, and many of them are moved to bring their mouths over, the hall to eat, on the one hand, noisy, on the other hand, is not suitable for this large number of food enjoyment, the box is the best choice, I believe that this box will be sought after by everyone after its launch.

Just don’t know how pricing this system is?

With his familiarity with the urine nature of this system, Qin Yu checked the price of the lower box with curiosity.

I don’t know if I don’t look at this, I’m shocked when I look at it!


Can’t help but burst into foul language, Qin Yu looked at the price list of the box dumbfounded, an ordinary box is 99999 yuan an hour!

VIP box 999999 yuan per hour!

99,000 hours for ordinary boxes, 999,000 hours for VIP boxes!

What kind of international joke, this Nima is still billed by the hour, the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t help asking: “System, did you forget to hit the decimal point?” ”

“Produced by this system, absolutely boutique, the price is undeceiving, this is the price!”

The system said righteously.

“It’s systematic.” Qin Yu was speechless, but he suddenly became curious, what is the mystery of this box, and the price of selling it is so expensive?

“Grip the grass… Is this a private compartment? Qin Yu walked to the box at the end of the sea and looked at it, and was instantly shocked…

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