The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: a piece of White Rabbit candy]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a pack of compressed biscuits]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green prop card: a set of assault clothes]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue prop card: a Colt Python revolver]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue summon card: Skeleton Warrior]

[Congratulations! You got a C-level silver skill card: Ball Lightning]

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white summon card: Weak Slime]


Looking at the seven cards he opened, Qin Hao's face showed excitement.

He didn't expect that he would draw so many good things.

In addition to food and clothes, he actually drew a revolver, a skeleton warrior, and a ball lightning.

With a thought.

Seven cards appeared in Qin Hao's hand, and then he checked them one by one.

[A piece of White Rabbit Toffee]

[Card level: White Material Card (F-level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a piece of delicious White Rabbit Toffee]

[A pack of compressed biscuits]

[Card level: Green Material Card (E-level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a pack of compressed biscuits with meat floss flavor (200 grams)]

[A set of jackets]

[Card level: Green Item Card (E-level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a set of well-fitting black jackets, including a pair of black boots]

[Colt Python Revolver]

[Card level: Blue Item Card (D-level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for an 8-inch Colt Python revolver, including 50 matching .357 Magnum bullets]

[Skeleton Warrior]

[Card level: Blue Summoning Card (D-level)]

[Card Introduction: You can summon a skeleton warrior holding a battle axe to help you fight]

[This card is a consumable card, and each summon can last for 15 minutes]

[Remaining summon times: 3/3]

[Ball Lightning]

[Card Level: Silver Skill Card (C-level)]

[Card Introduction: You can release a one-cubic-meter ball lightning to attack the target]

[This card is a consumable skill card]

[Remaining use times: 8/8]

[Weak Slime]

[Card Level: White Summoning Card (F-level)]

[Card Introduction: You can summon a very weak slime]

[It is very weak and easy to die]

[This card is a one-time card, which can last for 5 minutes after summoning]

"Nice! That's great!" Qin Hao couldn't help but wave his fist excitedly.

With a revolver, a skeleton warrior, and ball lightning, he has some trump cards to protect his safety in this world.

You know.

Even if he is immortal.

But... he is still an ordinary person and can still get hurt!

Therefore, you must have enough trump cards to protect your safety!

In addition to the White Rabbit Milk Candy and the black jacket suit, Qin Hao stored all other cards in his personal card pool.

Anyway, you can directly use your mind to take them out when you need them. There is no need to put them outside to avoid being remembered by others.

After peeling the White Rabbit Milk Candy and putting it in his mouth.

Qin Hao quickly took off his blood-stained pajamas, and then exchanged for a whole set of black jackets.

After changing.

Instantly, he turned from a pajamas man with no temperament into a handsome boy.

After hanging the dog-leg knife on his waist.

He looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, now I have become much more handsome."

After turning on the faucet and washing his face.

Qin Hao turned around and walked out of the bathroom, intending to continue looking for food and water on the eighth floor.

After searching the entire eighth floor one by one.

He only found three packs of small biscuits, two small hams, a pack of dry noodles and two bottles of mineral water.

He hid in an office, made a cup of oatmeal and ate the remaining twenty breakfast biscuits.

Then he walked out of the room and walked towards the stairwell.

After carefully entering the corridor on the ninth floor.

Qin Hao stood at the door with a dog-leg knife in his hand and listened attentively.

After confirming that he didn't hear any sound, he walked into the first office and searched.

It only took more than ten minutes


Qin Hao searched all the rooms on the ninth floor.


Did not find any food.

Did not encounter any zombies.


Qin Hao had to enter the stairwell and continue to walk upstairs, passing the tenth and eleventh floors, all the way to the twelfth floor, pushed open the security door and walked in.

After quietly observing at the door for a while.

Then he walked into the first office on the right and searched.

But it was a pity.

The three consecutive offices were empty, and it seemed that they were not rented out. There was nothing inside except tables, chairs and benches.

When he pushed open the fourth office and walked in.

Qin Hao instantly saw a woman with disheveled hair squatting in the corner with her head down.

What came into view was a smooth and white back, and a part of the snow-white thing overflowing from both sides of the body.

She was actually - not wearing any clothes! ! !

Almost in an instant.

Qin Hao became nervous and tightly grasped the dog-leg knife in his hand.

He didn't think that the woman squatting in the corner was here to give him benefits.

This is most likely not a normal person!

After all, how can a normal woman squat in the corner of the room without saying a word.

Still very tempting.

If it were an old man, his eyes would probably be straight, and he would directly raise his gun and charge.


Qin Hao was not tempted by beauty!

After swallowing his saliva, he clenched the dog-leg knife in his hand and slowly walked towards the woman.

At this time, the woman with her head down seemed to feel Qin Hao behind her.

She slowly turned around, swaying the two big white rabbits in front of her, and raised her head to look at Qin Hao.

As the hair was thrown to the ears, a pale face was revealed, with two or three abscesses oozing green liquid.


The female zombie let out a beast-like roar, then stood up suddenly, shaking a pair of big white rabbits, waving her arms and rushing towards Qin Hao.

"Tsk tsk~ It's a pity that she has developed so well." Looking at the pair of bouncing big white rabbits, Qin Hao showed a trace of regret on his face.

He dodged the rushing female zombie sideways.

He swung the dog-leg knife in his hand and chopped it down on the back of the female zombie's neck, and at the same time raised his foot and kicked her calf.

A full-strength knife, plus a kick.

The female zombie was knocked to the ground directly.

The knife just now directly cut off more than half of the female zombie's neck, but she was not completely dead yet.

"Go to hell!"

The female zombie struggled and just wanted to get up, Qin Hao showed a trace of cruelty on his face, and directly raised his foot and stepped hard on her smooth back.

After stepping the female zombie down with one foot.

Qin Hao squatted down, swung the dog-leg knife in his hand and chopped directly at her neck.

He chopped three times in a row and directly chopped off the head of the female zombie.

A translucent card flew out of her body and flew directly into Qin Hao's mind.

Without any hesitation.

He opened this card directly.

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a pack of compressed biscuits]

"Compressed biscuits are compressed biscuits." Looking at the card he opened, Qin Hao couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But he soon thought it through.

After standing up and taking a look at the pair of dazzling thunders in front of the female zombie, Qin Hao glanced at the empty office, then turned and walked out.

After searching.

He found that the offices on the entire twelfth floor were not rented out, and they were all empty.

After frowning slightly.

Qin Hao walked directly upstairs.

But it was a pity.

From the thirteenth floor to the top fifteenth floor, it was all empty.

Not to mention supplies, there wasn't even a zombie!

After sitting on the stairs and resting for a while.

Qin Hao stood up, pried open the security door to the rooftop, and then walked into the rooftop.

After looking up at the sun directly above his head, he estimated the approximate time.

It should be around one o'clock in the afternoon.

After walking back and forth on the rooftop for a few laps and observing the surrounding environment.

Qin Hao found that there were still many figures in some of the surrounding buildings.

Some of them were living people, and some were zombies.

In addition, he also found a large group of zombies on the street not far away, as well as a large zombie about three or four meters tall.

"These are all walking cards, but unfortunately I don't have the ability to deal with a group of zombies now."

After sighing, Qin Hao turned around

He walked towards the stairwell, intending to search from top to bottom again.

He had just reached the corner of the staircase on the eleventh floor.

The security door was opened from the inside, and Tingting half exposed her body. After seeing Qin Hao, she was obviously a little surprised.

"Huh? Why did you change your clothes? Where is Brother Long? Why are you the only one back?"

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