After a long time, the two of them were busy.

Back in the shelter, Chu Antian and Coco were sitting together chatting.

Seeing Mu Yun return, Chu Antian immediately asked with concern, "How is it? Is there a solution?"

"It should be fine. I'll recover my spiritual energy first." Mu Yun said calmly, "Wait for me."

Just now, it took a lot of energy to maintain Su Yaya's awakening. Although the scope of the field opened by Mu Yun was not large, it still consumed 30% of the spiritual energy.

For the sake of insurance, it is safer to restore the state to the peak.

Directly took out a third-level spiritual energy crystal core and absorbed it. Ten minutes later.

A devil fruit emitting a colorful halo appeared in Coco's hand.

The glutton who had been drooling over this fruit for a long time couldn't wait to take it and take a bite.

Suddenly, a strong heat flow flowed into the stomach along the throat, turning into a surging spiritual power rushing to the limbs and bones.

Mu Yun also quickly opened the domain and eliminated the pain when Coco woke up.

"Hmm~~" Coco couldn't help but moan comfortably.

This heat flow was really comfortable!

"Uncle, Coco is a little uncomfortable."

Coco frowned and said, with fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

Coco, who was still young, didn't know how to express her feelings, so she could only use uncomfortable instead.

"Bear with it, it will be over soon." Mu Yun comforted gently.

Chu Antian stood by and watched nervously.


Hearing Mu Yun's comfort, Coco's face was slightly relieved.

Time passed by minute by minute...

Ten minutes...

Twenty minutes...

Thirty minutes...

After an hour, Coco's evolution was still not over.

"Honey, why hasn't it ended in such a long time?" Chu Antian looked at Coco with some concern, "Is Coco safe?"

You know, even if Mu Yun survived a narrow escape, it only took him an hour to awaken.

Judging from the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from Coco, it seems that Coco's awakening will take a long time, which is too weird.

"It's okay." Mu Yun comforted, "The longer the awakening time, the stronger the awakening power will be."

"Wait a little longer."

Another hour later, just when Mu Yun's spiritual energy was about to run out, Coco finally fully awakened.

She opened her eyes, her eyes were clear and pure like the sea of ​​stars, but her temperament changed dramatically, and the whole person seemed to carry a holy and mysterious aura.

Invisible pressure instantly filled the whole room, and the air seemed to be solidified, suffocating.

The next second, a dazzling white light burst out from Coco's body. Mu Yun felt a huge pressure coming towards him, and his head was buzzing.

On the contrary, Chu Antian looked at him in confusion as if nothing had happened.

A dazzling white ball of light appeared in the air, and then suddenly rushed into Coco's body.

"Boom boom--"

Accompanied by a violent shock, the originally clear sky suddenly changed, dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder, and violent storms came in an instant.

"How brave!!"

The ethereal voice sounded in the sky of City B, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

The strange thing was that for some reason, this voice did not reach the city below at all.

It seemed that... the owner of the voice was not talking to humans.

"Boom boom--"



The sky suddenly exploded, and a huge silver-gray waterfall poured down from the sky and landed on the top of the tallest building in the center of the city.

The terrifying power smashed the building into pieces.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The ethereal voice sounded again, with a hint of disdain in the tone.



A few more thunderbolts struck, as if venting their dissatisfaction. Finally, the dark clouds retreated and the bright moonlight fell again.

The night sky was dotted with stars, and everything returned to calm.

In the shelter, Coco returned to normal, and the original holy and mysterious aura dissipated into nothingness.

"Uncle, Coco seems to have learned a very powerful skill."

"Huh?" Mu Yun glanced at her.

Coco smiled and spread out her chubby palms, only to see a white symbol in the palms rotating, emitting a soft glow.

"What is this?"

Chu Antian also came forward curiously at this time and looked at it, "This symbol is very beautiful, what is it for?"

Scratching the back of his head, Coco

I don't know how to explain it.

Obviously, she couldn't understand the meaning of this symbol with her little head.

Mu Yun also looked at it curiously. He had never seen such a supernatural power in his previous life.

Could it be... that it can only take effect when injected into someone else's body?

"Yes, that's it."

Keke waved her little hand excitedly, "Uncle, you guessed it right."


Mu Yun was a little confused. What did I guess right?

I didn't say anything just now.

"Keke heard it all."


Mu Yun reacted immediately, "So Keke, you can hear other people's voices?"

"I don't know, anyway, I can hear it."

Keke looked innocent.

Chu Antian on the side was a little confused, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Oh, Keke doesn't know how to explain it, you can see for yourself."

As he said, Keke threw the rune with a white halo towards Mu Yun's forehead, and Chu Antian did the same.

As the rune entered the forehead, soon, a special connection appeared between the three people.

That feeling was very wonderful.

It was as if everyone could feel what the other person was thinking, a bit like telepathy.


Mu Yun tried to call in his heart, and Keke responded immediately.

(Uncle, I'm here.)

Following the connection, Keke passed the information he knew in his heart into Lin Ming's heart.

[Skill]: Mind Control

"Mind Control": Planting a mind seed on the target can produce a heart corridor, no matter where, you can communicate with each other... Passive: Mind Reading.

The explanation was very long, and the three studied for a long time and roughly understood the effect of the skill.

It is equivalent to a local area network without distance restrictions. Keke is the administrator, who can control the upload and download speeds within the local area network and monitor various information within the local area network.

As the number of users in the local area network increases, Keke, the administrator, can also be strengthened.

Mu Yun can feel at this moment that a trace of spiritual energy in his body slowly flows into Keke's body along the Corridor of the Heart.

If his guess is correct, everyone who is planted with a seed of mind will become Keke's employee.

It is equivalent to paying the network fee.

"If this seed is planted for all mankind, wouldn't it be a breakthrough to the tenth level in a minute?"

Mu Yun couldn't help but secretly shocked.

Of course, Mu Yun also knew that this was impossible.

No one would want to be planted with an unclear seed by a stranger, unless...

Another bold idea popped up in Mu Yun's mind.

However, this matter still needs to be considered in the long run. Tomorrow, go to Blue Bay Manor to plant it for your own people first.

In this way, Mu Yun can monitor every move in the base even if he is thousands of miles away.

If anyone has a rebellious heart, Mu Yun can kill it in the cradle.

In general, Keke has become a god-level assistant.

As time goes by, he will grow into a powerful master.

The key is to save money.

Just collect the network fee.

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