Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 206: : The tiger's mouth grabs food

What happened next was the scene that Xia Jian and the others encountered...

Xia Jian, Shi Hu, and others who suffered an unintentional disaster were almost hit by a collapsed building!

Then he was attacked by the bat-winged beast that fell along with the building!

In the end, things got out of hand for a while!


And the culprit of the incident, Chen Sisi, may be the so-called stupid people have stupid blessings! Not only did she miraculously survive the siege and interception of hundreds of bat-winged beasts, but even the collapse of the building later, such a mortal situation, also Couldn't kill her!

The plot that only appears in such novels happened to me, and even Chen Sisi was feeling his own **** luck!

She even wondered if she had the halo of pig's feet!

But soon, she found out that things didn't seem as good as she imagined!

Because soon she found out very tragically that she was trapped here!

Originally, she was hiding in a room, but at this time, the room was hanging on all sides, and now there is only one wall left. The floor slab is supported by only two pillars as thick as buckets. Although it should not collapse for the time being, but With her skills, don't expect to climb down from the height of the thirty-sixth floor!


Just when Chen Sisi was thinking about it, a crisp gunshot suddenly came from the sand and dust below!


Chen Sisi, who was a little discouraged just now, regained her spirits!

However, at this time, it was within a radius of several miles downstairs". [Wudong Qiankun] was completely covered by the thick dust, and Chen Sisi couldn't see what was going on under the dust at all.

So even if she knew that someone was down there, she could only wait anxiously...

fine. She didn't make her wait too long. In the sand and fog below, there was another round of dense gunfire, and from time to time there were one or two bullets, whistling past with a sharp whistle, in the air. Pull out a trail. Some stray bullets even hit the floor where she was standing, splashing large pieces of concrete, so frightened that Chen Sisi almost screamed!!

Can be next. There is something even more surprising to Chen Sisi...

Because she found that gradually some bat-winged beasts seemed to be frightened by some kind of fright. They flapped their huge fleshy wings in a panic and flew out from the sand and fog...

see this. Chen Sisi should have been excited!!

After all no matter what. Now that these bat-winged beasts have begun to flee, it proves that the combat effectiveness of those below is very powerful, powerful enough to make these bat-winged beasts start to be afraid!

After these bat-winged beasts are driven away, she can cry out for help...

But I don't know why, but Chen Sisi found that he couldn't be happy, and there seemed to be a sense of crisis faintly!

'These winged guys are smarter than dark chasers!!'

Based on this phenomenon, Chen Sisi pondered a little. It soon came to a somewhat ill-advised conclusion.

Smarter than the Dark Chaser! Can fly! There are so many more!


The flame of hope that had just ignited in Chen Sisi's heart was extinguished in an instant!

She didn't think of the group of survivors below. You will have such unbelievable luck...

Therefore, in her opinion, although Xia Jian and the others have the upper hand now, once their bullets are exhausted, they will be almost finished.

However, things did not develop in the direction Chen Sisi expected...

As time goes by, although the gunshots coming from the sand fog are not as dense as when they first started, not only did the survivors show no signs of collapse, but there were more and more injured bat-winged beasts. Escape from the sand fog below!

This time, Chen Sisi finally had doubts about his previous speculation!

'Maybe their strength is very strong, there are many evolutionaries, even if the bullets are exhausted, they can drive away these bat-winged beasts with their own strength...'

Chen Sisi thought like this, the fire of hope that had just been extinguished was rekindled for a while...

'God bless, we must hold on...'

While waiting anxiously, for the first time ever, Chen Sisi began to pray!


It was at this time that the bat-winged beasts that could not be attacked for a long time finally broke free from the sand fog under the call of the bat-winged beast leader!

Then Chen Sisi witnessed more and more bat-winged beasts converging from all directions, circling in the sky, and the huge vortex gradually took shape...

While feeling uneasy, Chen Sisi finally saw the survivors in the sand fog clearly for the first time...

'Why are there so many people?!'

Seriously, when Chen Sisi found out that there were only a dozen or so people who had been resisting the bat-winged beasts, she was really shocked!!

A dozen of them actually blocked hundreds of bat-winged beasts!

Before that, Kuo Sisi had always thought that the one below was the convoy with only five or six hundred people!

Then at this moment, she saw the other party's personnel spread out, looking for something nearby...

When he saw that someone was opening the manhole cover, Chen Sisi thought for a while, and then he understood what the other party was trying to do!

They found that the situation was not good and wanted to withdraw from the sewers!

That's right!

It must be! In the face of the overwhelming bat-winged beasts overhead, just change someone who understands a little bit, and you should quickly withdraw! Only fools will continue to stay here!


Chen Sisi remembered that if he remembered correctly, the sewers around here don't seem to be able to hide from people!!


This idea just flashed in Chen Sisi's mind, and she saw that the team that had just dispersed had assembled again!

'Next they will definitely be looking for the entrance to the subway tunnel...'

It seems to confirm Chen Sisi's guess! The crowd below really dispersed again...

'If only I could get closer, and I could call for help...'

At this time, Chen Sisi was trapped on the thirty-second floor!

In addition, the wind was relatively strong, so she dared not shout for help like this!

At that time, it may be that the group of people below did not hear it. On the contrary, it attracted the nearby bat-winged beasts, that is, there is really no place to cry!

But at this time, perhaps God really heard the prayer in Chen Sisi's heart. The young man on the other side, who seemed to be the leader, actually jumped on the roof of the building not far from the páān in a few jumps...


Unable to think about it, Chen Sisi took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, opened her throat and began to ask for help...

'help me……'

With this sound, Chen Sisi used her strength to suckle!

The young man really heard it!

Chen Sisi also found him, followed the voice and glanced at herself...

I didn't think so. Those **** bat-winged beasts above their heads actually launched an attack at this time...

'No way!! Run out at this time to make trouble for the old lady...'

At that time, Chen Sisi had a kind of ng who wanted to scold his father!

Then she really saw the young man, after discovering herself. His eyes only stayed in his direction for a while, and then he was swooped down again, and the terrifying bat-winged beasts were attracted, and there was no intention to save her at all. It is estimated that she was directly used as air!

Chen Sisi is so angry!!

But there is no way to get angry!

She is asking for something!

And not always. Let people risk their lives to save someone who has nothing to do with them!

At this time, Chen Sisi's high IQ finally came into play again...

Seeing her have an idea...

In the face of danger from the sky, the best way is to hide underground.

Let Chen Sisi analyze, and judging from the actions of the following group of people, they must have not found a suitable place to hide! They have not found the entrance to the subway tunnel...

But they don't know where to get to the subway tunnel, they know it!

After thinking about this, Chen Sisi took a deep breath. Shouting in his loudest voice: 'Don't leave me behind...I know where to get to the tunnel...I can take you there...'

Due to too much force, Chen Sisi took three sharp breaths. Only then did she shout out these few words! When she shouted the last sentence, her voice was already a little hoarse, and her throat was even more painful!

Fortunately, the effort was not in vain...

The young man finally stopped again...


Chen Sisi was overjoyed and hit the railway while it was hot: 'The entrance is just a few hundred meters to the east, very close...'

Alright! Chen Sisi is finishing his psychological tactics again!

At this time, the bat-winged beasts swooping down from the sky, the closest, is less than two kilometers away from the ground!

And based on the speed at which they swooped down, the time until the first round of attacks arrives is at most about half a minute...

Life is on the line...

Chen Sisi knew that his own life was in this young man's mind! If he refused to save him, even if he didn't fall to his death, he would definitely be drowned by the overwhelming bat-winged beasts in the end!

'Ten... ten thousand ah...'

Chen Sisi prayed secretly! Suffering!

In just a few seconds, it felt like a century to her!

Then Chen Sisi saw that the young man still jumped from the top of the building, and after meeting the crowd, he quickly hid in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Páān!!


Chen Sisi shouted in vain, wanting to call him back!

But no one even looked at her at all!

The bat-winged beasts in the sky are getting closer and closer, covering the sky and covering the earth, densely packed like a bat group, and swooping down towards the bottom...

Seeing that the survivors below all disappeared into the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Chen Sisi no longer had any illusions about them, and closed his eyes in despair!

Perhaps the only thing she can do now is to choose for herself how to end her life!

Was it divided by the bat-winged beast, or jumped directly from here and fell to pieces...


'jump down……'

However, just when Chen Sisi was hesitating whether he should jump from the thirty-second floor to ask for a good time, a loud shout suddenly came from below.

What's even worse is that the voice is actually telling her to jump down...

‘Fuck!! My mother likes to dance or not. What are you babbling about...'

Chen Sisi was angry on the spot!!

In her excitement, she, who has always described herself as a lady, actually uttered foul language!

'Hurry up and jump...'

at this time. The voice sounded again!

Chen Sisi was about to swear, and she vented a lot before dying, but her mind suddenly froze, and she finally turned around!


He's telling me to jump off! Could it be...

As if thinking of something, Chen Sisi quickly climbed to the edge of the floor and looked down.

The young man who seemed to be the leader of the other party just now really didn't know when he left and returned, and ran under her!

'The female horse's. Jump! I catch you...'

Sure enough, seeing Chen Sisi's reluctance to jump, Xia Jian below was also anxious!

But Chen Sisi, who usually cares most about other people's swear words. It would be that I don't mind being scolded at all!

I can no longer care that this is the thirty-second floor...

I can't even bother to investigate whether the person below can catch me...

Because those bat-winged beasts were only about 100 meters away from her, she could even hear the flapping of their fleshy wings as they swooped down. The banging sound...

Eyes closed. I kicked my feet **** the deck, stretched my arms, and jumped down from the thirty-second floor so beautifully and magnificently...


Chen Sisi's jump really means resignation!

She is quite a bachelor!

Anyway, when the building collapsed, he should have died!

It is a miracle among miracles to live to this day!

Besides, anyway, even if that person didn't come, he planned to jump from here. Please have a good time!

That being the case, even if you don't catch it in the end. Chen Sisi also feels that he has no loss! And if he catches it, he will make a lot of money immediately!!

So, now Chen Sisi really doesn't feel too nervous. Not only is she not nervous, but she is still in the mood. She closes her eyes, listens to the wind whistling in her ears, and enjoys the thrill of acceleration of gravity...


But she's more relaxed! As long as you jump, you don't have to worry about anything!

Xia Jian was so depressed...

Just jump on the dance of your female horse! What kind of elegance and what kind of action do you play...

You can just jump right off!

it's good now!

Being jumped by Chen Sisi immediately attracted the attention of some bat-winged beasts!

In addition, Chen Sisi jumped up fortunately!

The dive that could have taken the opportunity to open the distance from those bat-winged beasts suddenly turned into a natural fall!

Not only has the distance not been pulled apart, but it has gotten closer...

If this trend continues, let alone pick up people, I am afraid that this stupid woman will be caught up by the bat-winged beasts behind her!

I have to figure out a way to stop those bat-winged beasts a little bit!

He glanced around quickly, and when he saw a few cars on the side of the road, Xia Jian's mind suddenly moved...


It was at this time that Chen Sisi, who was closing his eyes, was finally startled by the sound of breaking air coming closer and closer behind him!

Looking back suspiciously!


Chen Sisi was so frightened that his soul flew out of the sky. It turned out that there were already a dozen bat-winged beasts, and they had already chased after her at a distance of more than ten meters...

This time, Chen Sisi finally came to his senses, that he had made an extremely stupid mistake just now!

But what can be done now?

Chen Sisi could only scream in surprise while waving his limbs indiscriminately, hoping that he would fall faster!

But just as Chen Sisi saw the bat-winged beasts above her head getting closer, she could even see the wrinkles on these monsters' faces and the foam between their teeth, when she was about to despair.

In the nick of time...


Chen Sisi found that there was a sudden sound of breaking air below him!

'Are these monsters going to flank up and down?'

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chen Sisi instinctively looked down at his body!

next second...

Chen Sisi's pupils suddenly dilated...

what did she see!

She actually saw seven or eight seriously distorted and deformed sedans, with a harsh airflow, rapidly dilating in her pupils!!

'Get out of the way...'

At the same time, Chen Sisi suddenly heard a loud roar!

Could it be that these cars were all thrown up by the young man just now?

Chen Sisi's mind couldn't help but come up with a thought that even she thought was unbelievable...

This is a car that weighs several tons each!!

But this terrifying man is throwing them like basketballs! How perverted the power of this man is!!

But now there is no time for Chen Sisi to sigh...

Just as she reduced the area of ​​her body as much as possible, she instinctively wanted to avoid those who hit her!

Oh! No!

When those cars were smashing into the bat-winged beasts behind her, Chen Sisi suddenly saw a fire!

It turned out that just when she was dodging, dozens of basketball-sized fireballs suddenly appeared behind these cars!

And these fireballs are faster, catching up with the car in front of them in the blink of an eye...


At the moment when Chen Sisi and these cars crossed each other, seven or eight cars, without exception, were overtaken by these fireballs, and the fireballs hit the cars one after another!

In the blink of an eye! Seven or eight cars were engulfed by the fireball and turned into a larger fireball.

At this moment, Chen Sisi could even feel the terrifying temperature on those fireballs...


Just heard a deafening bang...

In the raging heat wave, the first car finally became violent in mid-air, and instantly turned into a huge ball of fire...


Then the explosions sounded one after another...

The hot air wave engulfed everything within a hundred meters in an instant!

Chen Sisi, who was swept by the tail of the air wave, suddenly smelled a burning smell in his head...


Maybe it's an instinctive fear of fire!

Under the successive explosions the bat-winged beasts swooped down like locusts from a height of several thousand meters, and finally there was a little disturbance.

The formation is also a bit messed up...

If it wasn't for seeing the situation, the leader of the bat-winged beast continued to let out a long howl, and there might be a serious traffic jam in mid-air.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Sisi finally pulled a little distance from the bat-winged beast that was chasing closely behind his ass.

But that's not enough...

Although the explosion just now seemed very spectacular, except for the unfortunate bat-winged beasts that were hit by the car, this huge explosion did not cause much damage to the bat-winged beast at all.

Under the control of the leader, the bat-winged beasts formed a formation again and swooped down towards Chen Sisi...

………………………………(To be continued.)

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