Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 202: : retaliate with virtue

It turned out that the entrance turned out to be hidden under a very ordinary slate above the head!

And when Chen Sisi decided to gamble with Xia Jian, she played a trick!

It is said to have reached the destination! But in fact, Yijing is dozens of meters beyond the difāng where the entrance is, and Ruguo Xiajian is looking for it in the tunnel she is referring to, and it is definitely not found!


Xia Jian pretended to be mysterious, but smiled without answering, "Remember what you said just now..."

Say it! Ignore the annoyed Chen Sisi, and punch the stone slab...


With a crisp sound, the gravel flew, and at the top of the tunnel, a cave with a diameter of about half a meter and only one person tongguo was exposed!

Unexpectedly, Xia Jiang just climbed through the cave...

"do not move……"

Before I could see the situation around qingchu, I was hit by a black gun barrel on my head...


The person holding the gun is an old man with white hair and beard, and a rickety body." "The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest.

Xia Jian doesn't like to be put on his head with a gun, even if he clearly has a gun, he is very likely to be a mentor in Chen Sisi's mouth, even if he is just an old man, that's not enough...

Almost as soon as he saw the barrel of the gun stretched out towards Ziji, Xia Jian's right hand protruded like lightning, grabbing the barrel of the gun in a flash, and suddenly exerting force.


The next second, with a harsh noise, the dark barrel of the gun was twisted into a ball of twist by Xia Jian...

This situation is obviously beyond the expectations of the gunman. Unprepared, in order to protect himself, he could only instinctively want to retreat...


Xia Jian can be prepared. How could Rongyi just let him go.

Seeing him slammed on the ground with one palm, the violent power was transmitted to the ground in an instant along his arm, and the next second, Xia Jian's whole body was flexible like a loach, and in the blink of an eye, he emerged from the cave... …

And after coming out. His speed was still unabated, his feet stomped on the ground several times, the old man in the room. I just felt that Ziji's eyes flashed, and when he fixed his eyes and looked again, Xia Jian came first, hǎoxiàng like a ghost. A ghostly appearance appeared behind Ziji...

about to resist...

Xia Jian Yijing put his hand on the shoulder of the old man. 'Don't move! We méiyou malicious...'

This is Xia Jian's warning, and there is an unquestionable meaning in his tone!


The gunman was an old guy with white hair and beard.

Since he was standing behind him, Xia Jian could only see his back.

However, this old guy should have been injured. Shihou, who had retreated just now, was a little messy and seemed to be enduring some kind of huge pain...

Hearing Xia Jian's warning, any sensible person would probably obey Xia Jian's orders honestly!

Bijingziji's little life is still in the hands of others! Who can't live with Ziji's little life!

But maybe it's a guānxi that gathers like similar things!

The old guy in the room. And it just doesn't do normal things.

After listening to Xia Jian's warning, he was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, turán wanted to turn around...

This old guy didn't listen to Ziji's warning, Xia Jian instinctively wanted to give this old guy a look.

But when he waved his hand halfway...

The old man also turned around.

Eye to eye!

The two of them were startled together!

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The two exclaimed in unison.

And Xia Jian had just waved his hand halfway, so he couldn't move it.

Emotion, the mentor in Chen Sisi's mouth, is still his old acquaintance...


The old man is no one else!

It was Huang Weiguo who had been placed under house arrest by Huo Jie!

He is well-known both at home and abroad for his superb medical skills. It is said that before his retirement, he was the chief physician of some heads of state.

As for a legendary character like Wei Shime, Wei Shime will meet Xia Jian, a little fart who lives at the bottom of society...

The matter had to be mentioned by an accident four years ago...

Due to the early death of his parents and the ruthless abandonment of the cheap brother, Xia Jian lived alone from childhood to adulthood. It can be said that he is no different from an orphan!

The hardships of life are of course needless to say!

But because of this, in order to get rid of this kind of life, Xia Jiancai tried his best to enter the university!

It's not that I hope that after I go to college, I can go to the dragon gate, I can find a good job after graduation, and I will never worry about food and clothing!

Xia Jian is just to learn more useful knowledge for nénggou! And expand ziji's knowledge.

Because of Xia Jianmingbái's reason, although Ziji went to university, he might not have much prospects, but Ruguoziji has been guarding Ziji's one-third of an acre, and it will definitely not become a big climate.

But here comes the shihou problem...

Junior high school is fine!

Bijing is an orphan and has a national policy to take care of, so Xia Jian doesn't need to spend too much money.

What about university?

Tuition costs tens of thousands!

This is simply an astronomical figure for Xia Jian, who has a fixed income in méiyou.

Without any choice……

Xia Jian could only move some crooked thoughts.

In fact, there is no shime!

After the Shenzhen-Hong Kong City, Xia Jian planned to repeat the old business and do another vote.

After nearly another month of familiarity and stepping, Xia Jian chose a villa in a high-end community as the target of the theft.

And under the yin and yang...

In that villa, the old guy Huang Weiguo lived!

Now Xia Jian is tragic...

The old guy Huang Weiguo is a national treasure.

The daily life of difāng will naturally be protected by some special departments.

Xia Jian, who had lost his hand from méiyou, finally broke down. As soon as he entered the villa, he was discovered by those who secretly protected Huang Weiguo, and finally caught him.

Fortunately, Xia Jian's identity was finally found out. It was just an ordinary burglary. In addition, Xia Jian was just eighteen years old at the time, and Huang Weiguo also sympathized with him and said a lot of good things, so Xia Jian He was just sentenced to one month's reeducation through labor.

I didn't think so...

This guy Xia Jian is not only not grateful, but also bears a grudge.

Because those guys who secretly protected Huang Weiguo at that time exposed their identities. So until he was caught, Xia Jian didn't know where he was planted...

He is such a stubborn character!

After he came he even got on Huang Weiguo's bar and touched his house again!

As for the result...

There is no doubt that Xia Jian was captured on the spot again!

When Huang Weiguo saw this guy again, he was dumbfounded!

What happened to this thief? Why are you still pestering my house and not letting it go?

Out of curiosity, he read Xia Jian's information!

When zhidào Xia Jian was alive, and zhidào turned out that Xia Jian stole it just to go to university, Huang Weiguo was flooded with sympathy on the spot.

To return the grievance with virtue, not only did not hold Xia Jian accountable, but also helped Xia Jian contact Shenzhen-Hong Kong University, and helped him pay the tuition for the first year!

……………… (To be continued.)

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