Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 207: : disaster strikes

War is cruel, and this is the truth that has been proven countless times since ancient times!

In the face of the torrent of steel and the raging explosive flames and shock waves, the human body is as fragile as tofu, and it is simply vulnerable!

The reason why things have come this far...

It cannot be said that Ho Jie is too ruthless! Too cold-blooded!

It can only be said that Liu Jian is still too naive!

In fact, such an outcome was already doomed from the moment the two sides met!

The contradiction between the two sides is doomed to be irreconcilable...

Do you want to strike first? Or do you want to capture it? Entrust your destiny to the promises of others?

The cruel reality forced Huo Jie to make a decision!

Unless Hojaken hands over that mysterious thing Liu Jian said! And join the southeast base......

But is this possible?

If Huo Jie was this kind of person, he would never have chosen to betray, and he would never have given up the rights and glory and wealth that he could obtain!


Seeing the battle intensifying, the casualties on both sides are increasing. Up to now, the Lianhu Base, which has a large number of people, has had a terrifying 60% of its personnel, three or four thousand people, and now there are only one thousand left. In the early stage, Shi Hu couldn't help but leaned in front of Xia Jian and asked in a low voice: 'Boss! Who do you think will win in the end?'

But Shi Hu is obviously asking the wrong person!

'Hard to say……'

Xia Jian seemed a little absent-minded...

In terms of fighting alone, Xia Jian may not lose to anyone on the scene, but if he is talking about commanding the battle or something. [Wudong Qiankun] Xia Jian is a complete layman!

What's more, at this time, Xia Jian's mind was not about who wins and who loses! Instead, he kept staring at the strong female general who fought side by side with Xie Cong and Huo Jie.

Could it be Xiao Ling?

pity. Because the scene was too chaotic and the distance was far away, Xia Jian couldn't see the woman's face clearly...

And now, obviously it's not the time to rush up to confirm (Xia Jian doesn't want to drag his own people into the water!

Fortunately, the battle has now come to an end, and the battle is almost over!

Although in the end who loses who wins!?

This one is a little hard to say for now!

As for why it's hard to say...

Although the Lianhu base suffered heavy casualties, and even more than half of the staff were attrition, most of the people who died were ordinary strengtheners. Even some ordinary people without any resistance!

And their core evolutionaries actually didn't lose much!

As for the soldiers Liu Jian brought...

He was caught off guard by Huo Jie at the beginning, and he was almost served a pot!

It seems to have the upper hand now! But after all, the disadvantage of the number of people is also there. One death is one less.

In fact, each of these warriors is very clear in their hearts that the real fierce battle is yet to come...


Xia Jian suddenly thought of a possibility...

Could it be that Ho Jie is using these ordinary survivors and enhancers on purpose to consume the living strength of the team brought by Liu Jian!

Seeing this, Xia Jian couldn't help shivering!

If so. That Hodger. But it is really a dangerous person who kills decisively!


At this moment, a cold muffled sound suddenly attracted Xia Jian's mind back!

It was the female general-level enhancer. Under the siege of a general-level wind-type mutant and a general-level power evolutionary person, she gradually became unsupported, and finally, in a careless manner, she was cut by a wind blade in her chest. Like a kite with a broken string. flew backwards...

The two general-level powerhouses who besieged her naturally pursued the victory, following her like a shadow. I chased after...

'not good……'

Xia Jian let out a low cry!

Although I haven't seen her face clearly yet, Xia Jian is basically sure that this woman is Xiao Ling!

I'm debating whether to go up and help...


Lao Mo suddenly came over with a dignified face, 'Did you hear me?'

Xia Jian wondered: 'What did you hear?'

Lao Mo didn't answer, but pointed to the sky with his finger...


Including Xia Jian, everyone who was not on the battlefield just now attracted their minds, and they all held their breaths...

'Wow wow...'

wind noise?


The next second, Xia Jian seemed to think of something and suddenly opened his eyes.

On the other hand, Feng Feng, Shi Hu, Yasha and the others who were opposite Xia Jian also suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Xia Jian with horror...

The next second, everyone exclaimed in unison: 'Bat-winged beast!!'

That's right!

At this time, to make such a big noise in the sky, Xia Jian really can't think of anything other than the bat-winged beast...

And the whistling wind sound is clearly the sound of the bat-winged beast when the pair of huge flesh wings flaps!

The huge movement on the battlefield finally alerted these bat-winged beasts!

The poor warring parties are still immersed in the battle, unaware of this huge crisis that is approaching them!


What makes Xia Jian, Shi Hu and others even more alarming is that those bat-winged beasts have been hovering in the sky outside the battlefield, and they have no intention of joining the battle group now!

After recognizing the form at this time, Shi Hu, Feng Feng and the others, none of them felt relieved that the bat-winged beast did not launch an attack now...

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressing!

After day contact!

For the wisdom of the bat-winged beast, everyone present can be said to have a full understanding of it!

Everyone knows very well that these bat-winged beasts will never just come to see the excitement! The reason why there is no attack now is just because they think that it is not the time to launch an attack...

And once the two sides of the battlefield are divided into winners and losers!

Believe that by then...

Everyone seems to be able to predict what will happen next!

‘Female horse!! Could it be that this group of beasts has become jīng…’

'Now I guess these people are really playing...'


After thinking about this, everyone exclaimed in amazement...

Huang Weiguo, who had been hiding at the back, also joined in the fun and climbed to Xia Jian's side, 'These are the bat-winged beasts you're talking about?'


'Are they really as smart as you say they are?'

'Old man, aren't you talking nonsense?'

Huang Weiguo's eyes lit up, 'Wait, can you help me catch a few heads...' Not only is this old man not worried about feelings, he actually has the mind to make this idea!

Everyone is speechless...

Whether it can get out of here smoothly is a question, who would have the heart to catch these beasts for this old man!

Ignoring Huang Shi Hu asked the question that everyone is most concerned about right now: 'Boss! What should we do now?'

Xia Jian frowned, looked at the people around him, and then looked at Xiao Ling in the distance, who was fighting with two general-level powerhouses again, 'That's it! You guys go back to the entrance first, I'll be watching from here. It depends...'

‘Boss! Is that girl really Big Sister Xiao?’

As the first person to follow Xia Jian, Shi Hu naturally knew Xiao Ling! He also knew the source of the grievance between Xia Jian and Lianhu Base...

'I'm not sure yet...' Xia Jian shook his head.

'Then you still...'

‘That’s why I have to stay, don’t worry! Even if you can’t beat it, are you still afraid that I won’t be able to escape?’

"Then be careful..."

………………(To be continued.)

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