Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 302: :pier

Looking at this strange woman in his arms, Xia Jian was dumbfounded on the spot.

The woman who was finally rescued at the risk of her own life, didn't even know herself.

It's a big joke!

Where is the real Xiao Ling?

Do you really want to return without success this time?

However, just when I was annoyed, I accidentally noticed that the woman in her arms, after answering her own question, glanced at the novel chapter in a certain direction, intentionally or unintentionally.

Seemingly aware, Xia Jian followed her line of sight and looked over...

It turned out that through the window, you could clearly see that on the first floor of the opposite building, dozens of people were running in the corridor.

"It's him?"

With just one glance, Xia Jian recognized that among those people, one of them was Xie Cong, who had a relationship with him.

Next to Xie Cong, there was a handsome man with a strong body.

Looking at the figure, it is vaguely familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Jian knew that this should be the Huo Jie.

Keep looking down...


Xia Jian's eyes flickered, and his attention was immediately attracted by a stretcher carried by two soldiers, closely behind Xie Cong and Huo Jie.

There seems to be a person lying in the fight!

In an instant, Xia Jian seemed to think of something, looked down at the woman in his arms, and asked subconsciously, "Is that Xiao Ling?"

A complicated look flashed in Hua Fang's eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but she nodded unexpectedly, "Yeah!"


Xia Jiandao thanked him. After wanting to put the woman in his arms on the ground, he continued to chase after him.

But just when he wanted to pull out his hand, he suddenly found out. The woman in her arms held her tightly and refused to let go...

"You are this?"

"Take me with you..."


Xia Jian looked at the woman on the ground, and then looked at the team downstairs who were resisting the bat-winged beast and dashing fast, and soon disappeared at the corner of the passage, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

Now is not a good time for spamming kindness...

accidentally. Even his own life would be taken in.

Seemingly seeing Xia Jian's hesitation, Hua Fang continued, "Like you. We can't catch up with them at all. We still have several evacuation routes around here..."

Xia Jian is still hesitating...

It's not that he doesn't believe in Hua Fang.

But he didn't believe it at all, just rely on Huo Jie and Xie Cong. Can get rid of yourself.

"I beg you……"

Maybe he knew what Xia Jian was thinking. Knowing that she couldn't convince Xia Jian, Hua Fang's eyes were red, she was seriously injured and almost died, this woman who didn't shed even a single tear had a tendency to cry.


Xia Jian sighed, "Hurry up..."

With his arms around Hua Fang, Xia Jian jumped away. Just jumped off the stairs...

After all, he is also a general-level powerhouse, so let's take it as a good relationship! Anyway, since I found out about the relationship between Xiao Ling, Huo Jie and Xie Cong. Xia Jian's hostility towards them has weakened a lot.

Xia Jian also knew that it was a misunderstanding before!

I don't know when, when the two sides will cooperate...

Of course, the more important point is that Huafang is not important. With Xia Jian's current strength, even if he brings one person, the impact on him can basically be ignored.


When Xia Jian came outside, he suddenly discovered that the situation outside was several times more severe than at the beginning after only a short while.

If at the beginning, when only facing those bat-winged beasts, the survivors who spontaneously gathered together could still reluctantly resist with the weapons in their hands and building cover.

Then with the addition of the Black Corpse King...

The resistance on the side of the survivors completely collapsed.

The battle began to show a one-sided trend...

The survivors who had gathered together just now were crushed by the black corpse king with the bat-winged beasts and crushed like a rotten tree.

Countless survivors screamed...

There was no way to organize any effective resistance at all, and they just fled for their lives.


When Huo Jie and Xie Cong retreated, they only brought dozens of core elites with them, and the rest were all left near the building opposite.

Not to mention whether Ho Jie's arrangement can be done.

But at least it can share a lot of pressure for Xia Jian...

Holding Hua Fang with one hand, Xia Jian swung the saber in his hand again and again. The gods blocked the killing gods, the Buddha blocked the killing Buddha, and the bat-winged beasts swarming like locusts couldn't stop him at all.


In the process of fighting with blood, Xia Jian will inevitably be stained by the highly corrosive black blood that scatters all over the sky.

All the way to kill the **** storm, Hua Fang is okay! But Xia Jian was all over his body, but there was no one piece of clothes that was good, and white pungent smoke was constantly bubbling.

There was also some black blood stained on the skin.

Although it wasn't fatal, Xia Jian, who was also in pain, only gritted his teeth, so he didn't feel embarrassed...

Fortunately, Xia Jian has "Healing Technique".

It hurts a little bit! As long as the information is timely, Xia Jian is not afraid of leaving any permanent scars.

After a long wait, he broke a **** path and rushed to the downstairs of the opposite building. Xia Jian was about to follow the route that Huo Jie and Xie Cong retreated just now...


Amidst the deafening explosion, the entire passage, under the violent shock wave, broke apart and turned into a pile of ruins.

It's impossible to leave any more...


Xia Jian dodged the splashed masonry fragments, and quickly jumped to a high platform, trying to confirm the positions of Huo Jie and Xie Cong.

But where he entered the eyes, there was a lot of darkness, and the fire was flickering. A **** scene, but where to find the slightest shadow of the team.

"This way..."

Just when Xia Jian was annoyed, Hua Fang pointed to the opposite corridor.

Xia Jian glanced at Hua Fang suspiciously...

Hua Fang is also straightforward. Explained: "In order to prevent the bat-winged beast from catching up, they must have completely blown up the road. I know where their foothold is, and I will take you directly..."

There is no question of trust or not.

Besides trusting the woman in his arms, Xia Jian seemed to have no other choice.


In Xia Jian's view, this woman didn't know her at all.

In addition, she also saved her life as Xiao Ling, this woman may now consider herself her own.


The scene is extremely chaotic.

But as long as you don't get entangled by those black corpse kings. With Xia Jian's strength, if he wanted to leave, he would only rely on a few bat-winged beasts. Still can't stop him.


Xia Jian hugged Huafang, not showing off the mountains or dew, and there was no other screaming survivors to be eye-catching.

Under the cover of night.

Xia Jian's body is as flexible as a monkey, constantly moving between buildings.

Just a few breaths of effort. out of the battlefield.

And this time...

Slaughter on the battlefield. It is also nearing the end.

The sound of gunfire became more and more sparse, and the screams became less and less. At first glance, the flickering battlefield was completely shrouded in countless bat-like bat-winged beasts.

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian's heart is somewhat heavy...

Although he was devastated, after he woke up, he saw many dead people. Even killed a lot of people with his own hands, but like this. It was the first time I had ever seen a scene where five or six thousand people died tragically in an instant.

And most of these people are still soldiers! Evolver!

The cunning and cunning displayed by the demons also made Xia Jianhou terrified.

It's ridiculous that he once thought he had a certain strength, and was complacent about it.

In the end, he suddenly woke up, and he turned out to be just a frog in the bottom of a well that didn't know the heights of the sky.

"I wonder how many people escaped?"

Xia Jian glanced at the battlefield for the last time, and then glanced at the direction in which Shi Hu and others were retreating, "I don't know if everyone is okay?"

To be on the safe side, Xia Jian used the walkie-talkie to contact Shi Hu.


They saw the opportunity early, and before the bat-winged beast launched an attack, they had already withdrawn to the underground tunnel.

Plus it's far from the battlefield.

Except for the little girl Chen Sisi, who accidentally twisted her foot when they were retreating, no one was injured or killed.


Ten minutes later...

A river several miles away from the battlefield.

Perhaps because of the sufficient water resources, the entire river bank is lined with green trees, luxuriant branches and leaves, and lush greenery.

In the ruins that were conservative and devastated, leaving only a fragment of ruins, it became a world of its own, and even the turbid and yellow river water in the past has now become crystal clear.

At first glance...

Both sides of the entire river are full of vitality, and the scene of the end times cannot be seen at all.


Under the night, a black shadow, like a ghost, appeared and disappeared in this jungle.

Often one taps at the tip of the treetop.

A piece of ice debris was shaken off, and when I looked again, people had appeared dozens of meters away.

Move like a rabbit, nothing more than that...

The shadow was in the jungle like this, traveling for several miles...

"Here! Just ahead..."

A weak female voice suddenly came out of the shadow's arms.

As soon as the voice fell, the black shadow that was moving forward suddenly had his feet on a tree trunk that could only be hugged by four or five people, and even clicked under the tree.

With a few crisp sounds, several clearly visible footprints appeared on the thick trunk, and the entire thick giant tree began to shake violently in an instant.

Scattered leaves and shards of ice.

And the shadow also took advantage of the strength from the trunk, and the figure suddenly rose, and finally landed firmly on the branch of another giant tree not far away.

This black shadow is naturally Xia Jian who just broke out of the battlefield.

Under the guidance of the woman in his arms, he flew all the way and arrived here at the first time...

Looking in the direction Huafang pointed, Xia Jian was in a dense forest and saw a looming construction area.

During the Great Destruction, the buildings were not damaged much!

There are only a few houses that are clearly warehouses. When the roof was hit by the huge shock wave of Changsheng when the nuclear air exploded, the roof was lifted off, revealing the dense cargo inside.

not far away. There are also neat rows of shipping containers.

A little further away, there is a cement stone road leading straight to the edge of the river, where you can also see several large-bellied transport ships.

If Xia Jian expected it well, there should be a small pier there.

At this time, Hua Fang stretched out his finger and pointed into the distance, "Did you see that white building? That's the meeting point we set..."

Follow the direction of her fingers. Xia Jian really saw a small two-story white building.

With his arms around Hua Fang, Xia Jianqian silently leaned over.

When they got close, Xia Jian carefully observed the surrounding area...

Judging from the appearance. This white building should be the control center of this pier.

On the snow near the outside, Xia Jian also found some messy footprints.

"Looks like it's here..."

I was hesitating whether to sneak in...



From this white building, there was no warning. Suddenly there was a series of crisp gunshots.


Immediately after. The sound of gunshots still echoed in my ears, and another shrill scream cut through the night sky in an instant.

The gunfire stopped...

"This is……"

Xia Jian's face stiffened, and he retracted his feet when he was about to enter the control center, and glanced at the woman in his arms inquiringly.

But for the sudden gunshots and screams, Hua Fang obviously didn't know what was going on inside.

Naturally, it is impossible to answer Xia Jian.

"Go in and see..."

Maybe the ignorant is fearless! Hua Fang's courage is not small.

Xia Jian is not as naive as her...

There is obviously a problem in this building, and it is not a general problem, from the dense and messy gunshots and the screaming screams just now. He basically dared to conclude that there must be monsters such as dark chasers in it.

It might even be a demon!

There's no one here to help draw fire.

There is no need to show up too much! As long as there are hundreds of dark chasers or dozens of bat-winged beasts. Once he is surrounded, it is enough to consume Xia Jian to death.

Observed the layout of the entire building.

Xia Jian confirmed the direction of the gunshots just now, and carefully touched the vicinity, wondering if he could observe the situation inside through the window...

I don't think at this moment...


In the control room, there was another scream.

However, unlike the shrill scream that was about to die just now, this scream clearly contained a sense of fear and despair.

Immediately after...

"Bang 嘡..."

The window on the second floor not far away suddenly burst open...

A figure came straight out of the window, as if it had been frightened in some way, screaming in horror, and was about to flee into the woods without looking back.

But before he rushes out a hundred paces...


Xia Jian faintly heard a gust of wind.

In the dark jungle, a black figure disappeared in a flash, and even Xia Jian couldn't see what it was.

The screams stopped...

The figure that was still running wildly just now turned into two parts.


I don't know why, when the black shadow appeared, Xia Jian felt like his hair was upside down and his scalp felt numb.

"Is it a bat-winged beast?"

Xia Jian seemed to be asking Huafang, but also talking to himself.

"It shouldn't be..."

I didn't think that Hua Fang really answered.

Seeing Xia Jian looking at herself, Hua Fang explained: "That person was called Wang Wei just now, and he was an evolutionary at the peak of the famous soldier level..."

"The female horse's..."

Xia Jian cursed fiercely.

Just now, he killed dozens of bat-winged beasts with his own hands, so he naturally knew how strong the bat-winged beasts were.

If it is true as Hua Fang said, the so-called Wang Wei really has the strength at the peak of the soldier level, then hiding in the control room, can scare him to such a degree, and can also kill him with one move...

Xia Jian didn't dare to think about it any longer...

But one thing is possible!

Just judging from the speed at which the creature was elusive, if it was really eyeing him, Xia Jian reckoned that he would be more fortunate than himself.


Just when Xia Jian was wondering if he should leave this place of right and wrong earlier.

Hua Fang suddenly motioned to Xia Jian to keep quiet...

With her reminder, Xia Jian faintly saw several vague figures in the corridor through the window.

These figures are walking very slowly...

There seems to be some scruples! They were covering each other and slowly moved towards the exit.

However, because the light was too dark and the distance was relatively far, Xia Jian didn't know whether those figures were people, or mutant monsters such as dark chasers.


The atmosphere is quite depressing...

A gust of breeze blew, the surrounding trees squeaked, and countless small pieces of ice fell from the leaves and fell into the collar, sending out bursts of icy cold.

But that's it, Xia Jian still didn't dare to take a deep breath...

For fear of disturbing those figures.

At this time, it is not time to investigate whether they are human or mutant creatures. Xia Jian believes that as long as he dares to make a sound, no matter what they are, what he will face will definitely be a stormy attack.

over time.

The figures were getting closer.

"It should be human..."

From their previous behavior, Xia Jian made such a judgment.

But under the high concentration of spirit, Xia Jian ignored that there was another person beside him...

I didn't even notice that, as the figures approached, the expression on Hua Fang's face had gradually become excited from the previous nervousness and surprise.

Until you can clearly see the clothes of the figures in front of you...

"Brother Jack!"

Perhaps because she was too excited and her emotions were out of control, Hua Fang forgot her surroundings and couldn't help shouting out loud.

Hearing Hua Fang's voice, the people in the room were obviously stunned for a moment.

"Hua Fang?"

The other party obviously recognized Hua Fang from her and Xia Jian also recognized from this somewhat familiar voice that the person who spoke should be the one who was talking to him not long ago. Xie Cong who played a game.

"How do you..."

What else does Xie Cong want to say...

But at this moment...

"Jie Jie..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity for everyone to be distracted, a series of sinister sneers suddenly came out of the room.


In the darkness, Xia Jian could only see a dark shadow passing by. Xie Cong, who was still talking just now, seemed to have been hit by some kind of impact, and was heavily slammed against the wall of the corridor.

…………………………………………(To be continued...)


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