Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 307: : Desperate 1 fight

no warning...

Instantly pierced through the head of the bat-winged beast, and the blood-red spear drilled from the forehead stirred again...


I saw the bat-winged beast's slender, extremely ferocious Tianling cover, which was like a watermelon, and suddenly exploded. [Wudong Qiankun]

White viscous brains, black blood, like fireworks that exploded in an instant, splattered in all directions.

And the corpse of the bat-winged beast, which had lost half of its head, fell to the ground softly, twitching unwillingly, the beating blood vessels and wriggling brains were clearly visible, constantly pouring out...

The leader of the winged beast, who had reached the strength of a king-level bat, was killed so quietly and neatly!

You must know that this is a dignified king-level creature tickle ww." ". ?br/>

With its strength, it can appear anywhere in the world, and it can set off a death storm. It is definitely a catastrophic existence.

To die so inexplicably! So frustrating!

This sudden change, Rao is so incredible and unreal in the eyes of the peak powerhouses among the surviving human beings such as Huo Jie, Xiao Ling, Xia Jian, and Xie Cong.

Is this the same monster that slaughtered dozens of people in a frenzy and forced them to nowhere?

After realizing that this had really happened, everyone immediately opened their eyes wide and looked towards the door, as if trying to figure out what kind of creature it was, so perverted and brutal...


The slayer hidden behind the door did not make everyone in the room wait too long...

When the bat-winged beast leader fell, the whole picture of the blood-colored spear was also revealed in front of everyone.

That's not some bone spear at all!

But the part that just hangs down is nearly two meters long. The whole body is blood red, like a scorpion tail, a 'tail' composed of flexible bones!

tip of tail. Incomparably sharp, in the darkness, a little cold star flashes from time to time...

What a killer weapon!!

Is this the scorpion tail of the batwing beast?

This thought appeared in everyone's heart...

It's no wonder that everyone thinks this way. After all, this thing is too similar to the tail of a bat-winged beast. The only difference is that the former is blue-black, and the one in front of you. It's blood red!

But in addition to guessing, Xia Jian didn't know why, but always felt this thing in front of him. A bit familiar.

I always feel as if I have seen it somewhere!

Xia Jian didn't wonder for too long...

The mystery will be solved soon!

Because during this period of time when everyone was speculating, a slender figure covered with blood-colored scales was slowly falling from the top of the roof...

It's just too dark...

For a while, I couldn't see clearly.

But in everyone. Wait and see. Squinting, wanting to witness the true face of this terrifying creature that can be easily killed in seconds, a king-level bat-winged beast...


This terrifying creature suddenly let out a harsh scream.

Hear this screeching...

Everyone in the room (except Xiao Ling), their faces changed dramatically...

I heard it!

They had heard this familiar whistle several times this evening.

It was clearly the whistling sound that controlled the bat-winged herd.

"Could it be..."

Xia Jian instantly thought of those bat-winged beasts before, and the king-level bat-winged beast at the door that had died. "Is this beast the real bat-winged beast leader?"

This is not only Xia Jian.

Huo Jie and Xie Cong obviously also thought of it...

But don't wait for everyone to act. There was a sudden sound of breaking in the room...

Xia Jian's eyes flashed.

Intuitively, a blood-red figure flashed in the field of vision.

The attack came so suddenly...

The speed is also so fast, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as fast as lightning.

Wait until Xia Jian understands what happened.


Huo Jie and Xie Cong, who were still blocking the door just now, were like kites with broken strings at the same time. They flew back without any resistance and slammed into the wall heavily.

Hoger is fine! No problem! Although Xia Jian didn't know the reason, it was obvious that the attack just now did not cause him too serious injury.

But Xie Cong's situation is not good.

This blow alone made him vomit several mouthfuls of blood, and he couldn't get up for a long time.


Immediately after...

The blood-red figure did not slow down.

There was another piercing scream, and if it was like a sharp arrow from the string, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Xia Jian like lightning.


Xia Jian's soul flew out of the sky.

Ho Jie, who was injected with the potion, couldn't stop the monster's blow, let alone himself.

Xia Jian is very self-aware...

Compared with Ho Jie's at this time, his only advantage may be that he can clearly perceive the attack trajectory of this terrifying creature without looking at it with his eyes.

Now holding a knife in both hands...


While the wind was blowing, Xia Jian didn't care whether his body could handle it or not, and he used all his strength.

The "Basic Swordsmanship", which was full at the third level, and the "Assault and Kill Swordsmanship" that he had already practiced to the first level, were launched immediately.

The terrifying power that has reached the power of three hundred people is instantly poured into the blade...

next second...

It swept the thousands of troops in one style, and swept towards the red figure that rushed towards him.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

If someone can slow down ten times and observe carefully at this time, they will find out.

In Xia Jian, to be more precise, between Xia Jian's saber and the red figure, the invisible air was compressing at an astonishing speed.

It presents a twisted state that can only be seen when the air is heated when the flame is burning.

But here, it's not because the air is heated.

It was caused by the fact that the speed of the two parties about to collide was too fast and the air was squeezed.


The two haven't collided yet. There was still a loud noise like thunder in the room.

It was the saber-cutting sword in Xia Jian's hand, and the red figure still both broke through the speed of sound. The resulting sonic boom.

A circle of white mist raged out in an instant, sweeping the entire room.

But it's not over yet...

The sonic boom just passed,


In the deafening sound of gold and stone, a red figure collided with the saber that was swept out by Xia Jian.


The Mars flashed, and it was another powerful wave. raging out...


Xia Jianru was hit hard.

The huge force, along the arms, instantly spread to the chest. Even faintly heard the groaning of the bones.

His chest was surging violently, and his throat was sweet.

While flying off the ground, a mouthful of blood spit out...

At the same time, under the huge anti-shock force. His newly recovered hands. The tiger's mouth burst open again, and the saber also flew away all the way...

Looking at the red figure...

Xia Jian's tenacious blocking obviously also caught him off guard.


He let out a loud whistle again, his figure suddenly rose up, and he flew back in the air...

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, your efforts were not in vain!

At least for the time being, my life was saved...


In fact, this blockade by Xia Jian was beyond the attacker's expectations.

Xie Cong, Huo Jie, Xiao Ling, Hua Fang...

At this time, the eyes of everyone in the room focused on Xia Jian.

Huo Jie and Hua Fang are fine!

After all, he had never really fought against Xia Jian.

Xiao Ling and Xie Cong. But they are all very aware of Xia Jian's strength, and the shock in their hearts. It goes without saying.

However, everyone soon lost the mind to feel that Xia Jian was strong...


There was another crackling sound from the room.

It turned out that after a single blow failed, the terrifying creature was already standing firmly where Huo Jie and Xie Cong were just now.

Everyone finally saw the whole picture of this creature!

Overall, it still maintains the size of a human! It's just that there are layers of extremely dazzling blood-red scales on the surface of the body. In this regard, except for the color of the scales, it is very similar to the bat-winged beast.

And on her shoulders...

What is the tail that everyone saw just now, that thing is a pair! It is a pair of blood-red bone wings with scorpion tails.


With just one glance, Xia Jian, who had just climbed up from the ground, clutching his arms, recognized the identity of the creature in front of him.

What kind of bat-winged beast is this, it is clearly the guardian of the demon race that I met at Shenzhen-Hong Kong University!

of course!

To a certain extent, it can also be said that it is Chen Yan and Chen Xi's sister Chen Li!

Xia Jian's heart suddenly became cold...

He has played against this pervert, and he still remembers the horror of this demon guardian. This is the only one who can make him feel fear by just relying on his breath. .

more clearly...

This demon guardian is really good at speed.

But even so, its power is still evenly matched with the self after the full explosion.

Just these people...

Xia Jian glanced at Huo Jie, Xie Cong, and Xiao Ling who were left and right, and his heart was beating.

This is the wounded and the sick! I'm afraid that this time it will be more fortunate and less fortunate!

He was already wondering if he was looking for a chance to slip away!


Compared to Xia Jian...

Ho Jie isn't doing much better now.

If he hadn't fought before, he might still have the confidence to fight.

But now...

Huo Jie calmly rubbed his chest, where there were five shocking bloodstains.

Rao has already injected the potion, and his strength has instantly broken through to the level of the first-level king level, but when facing this demon guardian, he still feels powerless.

Ho Jie knew that this was absolute suppression from the level.

That is to say!

The strength of this demon guardian is definitely above the peak of the king level.

It even reached the level of an emperor!

But even if he knew that he was defeated, Huo Jie could not be discouraged...

This is his pride as a a soldier.


As for Xie Cong...

Compared with Xia Jian and Huo Jie, it was even more unbearable.

At this time, the blood on his face had already faded, and his face was pale, as if he was seriously ill.

Fortunately, the demon guardian was blocked by Xia Jian.

Otherwise, as long as you come again, it is estimated that Xie Cong will have to report to the Lord of Hell.


Ok! One more chapter to come! rushing!

Impermanence is working hard! Please support everyone! (To be continued. Mobile users, please read.)

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