Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 2: : big bomb

Xia Jianzheng wanted to introduce Xie Cong to Shi Hu and others. [Wudong Qiankun]

At this moment, Yasha hurried out from the depths of the tunnel, "Boss, Liu Li said just now that when you come back, contact her quickly and say yes..."

But before Asha finished speaking...


Another figure jumped down from the tunnel entrance.

This person is naturally Xie Cong...

It's just that Xie Cong at this time was completely different from the "poisonous scholar" in Yasha's mouth at that time.

And the big bald head, which was bright enough to be used as a mirror, added a bit of a sturdy aura to him.

For a while, no one recognized him.

However, as an agent, Yasha is obviously not in this ranks. Recognizing people and recognizing people is a skill she must have. ..

"You are……"

With just one glance, Yasha recognized Xie Cong. She swallowed half of what she said to Xia Jian just now, and said coldly, "Poison Xiucai?"

Three of the 'Poison Xiucai' came out.

The atmosphere in the tunnel suddenly became tense.

Shi Hu, Feng Feng, and the others, who were still smiling just now, immediately seemed to have been suddenly electrocuted. While retreating quickly, they did not forget to draw their weapons and aimed their black muzzle at Xie Cong.

There is no doubt about the appearance of the enemy, as long as Xie Cong dares to make a slight change, they will shoot without hesitation.

No wonder they reacted this way...

No wonder, the image that Xie Cong left for them at the beginning. It's so terrifying, so profound.


However, Xie Cong's own reaction to everyone seems to have been taken for granted. Obviously, he has not encountered such a situation before, and it has become a habit.

But suddenly seeing Shi Hu, Feng Feng and others, Xie Cong may have remembered that unpleasant memory again!

He was used to rubbing his bald head, showing his white teeth and grinning, "Long time no see, hello everyone!"

This time. Everyone was dumbfounded.

It seems that today this guy is not here to make trouble!

Everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes to Xia Jian, as if they wanted to hear what Xia Jian had to say!

But now where can Xia Jian have a good face...

What kind of little brother have you received! one person. It frightened them like this.

Can you be a little more stupid?

Moreover, with Xie Cong's strength, is it useful for you to hold a gun and point it at others?

Are the lessons learned not enough?

Isn't this just embarrassing yourself!

of course! Although angry. But Xia Jian also knew that this was not a good time to get angry. Not only can I not get angry, but I have to relieve everyone, and immediately said loudly: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Are you treating your own people like this? What should you do when you hurt someone? Hurry up and put the gun away!"

"My own?"

Hearing that, Shi Hu and Feng Feng, whose brains were already in a state of shutdown, mechanically turned their heads, looked at Xie Cong, and looked at their boss.

After confirming that Xia Jian's face was serious, it didn't seem like he was joking. Then he reluctantly took the weapon back.


It's Asha...

As expected of the intelligence!

Thinking of the previous situation outside, I saw Xia Jian and Xie Cong in a state of embarrassment. In just a few words, he seemed to understand something. He immediately stretched out his hand, walked to Xie Cong, and said with a smile, "Welcome to join!"

"I will take care of you in the future! If there is a chance, let's get close! Get close!"

At this time, Xie Cong regained his original gentlemanly demeanor.

However, he ignored a question. With his naked head, which was comparable to a light bulb, and his smelly and wet coat, how did he look at this moment? How funny.

Xia Jian even rolled his eyes...

female horse!

Just now, this kid was still tearing his heart out and crying for that woman named Hua Fang, wishing he could accompany her to death.

How long has it been?

Just got close to another woman! Can you be more shameless?

I can't help but have some taste in my heart...

How to say this is also our subordinate!

He pushed Xie Cong aside and pulled Asa over at the same time. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the storm, "Take him to get acquainted with everyone, and by the way, see if you can help me get a set of clothes..."

"Yes! Boss!"

In this regard, the storm naturally has no objection.


When the storm led Xie Cong away, Shi Hu approached Xia Jian again, "Boss! What's the situation? Could this Xie Cong really join us?"

Shi Hu still can't believe it!

"What do you say?"

Xia Jian glanced at Shi Hu and kicked his ass, "Hurry up and watch it for me, don't cause me any accidents!"


After Shi Hu led everyone away, Xia Jian looked at Yasha seriously: "Tell me about the situation carefully..."


Yasha nodded, "Liu Li seems to have something important to call you. Since ten minutes ago, she has been calling you on the walkie-talkie, but you have never called her back..."

Xia Jian interjected: "Is she calling me? Why didn't I hear it?"

But when Xia Jian took off the walkie-talkie that was pinned to his waist and saw the wet big Tuo, he suddenly remembered that it seemed that at that time, he was struggling with Xie Cong in the cesspool!

It would be strange if his walkie-talkie was working at this time.

"The female horse's..."

Seeing the disgusting things on the walkie-talkie, Xia Jian's face stiffened, and his stomach couldn't help but swell again. Obviously, he remembered the experience in the cesspool again, and almost subconsciously threw the walkie-talkie aside. .

Seeing the appearance of Xia Jian, and then contacting Xia Jian and Xie Cong, how could Asha not know what happened. At the moment, he suppressed the smile and continued: "I see that you have never returned to her, so that's how you responded. Liu Li asked me to tell you that when you come back, you should contact her as soon as possible. She has something important to report to you!"

Saying that, Yasha handed her walkie-talkie to Xia Jian, then wriggled her buttocks very wisely and walked away.

But when she left, she did not forget to pick up the walkie-talkie that Xia Jian had just dropped on the ground.

Although there are still many walkie-talkies in the underground base, but this thing. In the apocalypse, it is impossible to produce at all, and one is broken. Naturally one less.

In fact, Xia Jian just couldn't hold back for a while, and then he went to the side.


"Liu Li! Liu Li..."

When Asha disappeared from the passage, Xia Jian started to call on the walkie-talkie.

It's just that after calling only twice, Liu Li's reply rang on the walkie-talkie. "Received! Got it! Boss. You're back!"

Xia Jian's brows could not help wrinkling, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart...

There is only one explanation for Liu Li's ability to answer herself so quickly, that is, she has been standing beside the walkie-talkie, waiting for her news. If it wasn't a very important matter, Liu Li would obviously not do this.

And from her voice, Xia Jian could clearly hear a trace of anxiety.

"Liu Li. Is there something wrong?"

"Boss, it's not good..."

really. As soon as Liu Li spoke, Xia Jian's heart sank, "I intercepted a message just now that the Southeast Military Region may carry out a large-scale bombing of Shenzhen-Hong Kong City?"

"Southeast Military Region? Large-scale bombing?"

"Well! Listening to what they mean, it seems that they are going to carry out a comprehensive and large-scale bombing of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong City to destroy xìng?"

Xia Jian couldn't calm down a bit. Since Liu Li repeatedly emphasized the scale of this bombing, the scale of this bombing must not be small. Maybe it was really aimed at Shenzhen and Hong Kong, carrying out all-round and carpet bombing, "Do you know? Know why?"

"It didn't say in the message!"

"When is this? How much time do we have?"

"Just half an hour ago, the bombing time seems to be seventy-two hours later..."

Seventy-two hours later.

In other words, there are still three days before this so-called bombing will be carried out.

Xia Jian couldn't help but ponder...

There are only two options waiting for him now. One is to leave Shenzhen-Hong Kong City immediately and hide away with everyone, but in this case, he has to give up everything he has, including the underground base and most of the base. equipment.

Another way is to let everyone hide in the underground base. If you do this, you will have to take a great risk, because now you don't know the scale, intensity, and scope of this bombing.

And not to mention whether the underground base can survive the bombing, just after the bombing, the shortage of various materials and food is definitely inevitable, where will the base go?

At that time, maybe I still have to leave Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

In this comparison, it is naturally safer to leave the Shenzhen-Hong Kong market.

But the problem is, there is no way to tell if this news is true or not.

If Xia Jian led everyone to hide away, and the last **** southeast base did not bomb, then the joke would be really big!

You must know that in the apocalyptic environment of the end of the world, a large-scale migration is equivalent to pinning your head on your trousers belt.

It's like playing with your life.

Always be prepared to be surrounded by dark chasers, the danger of the entire army being wiped out.

Isn't there a living example in front of you!

Xia Jian had a hard time deciding...

Liu Li also seemed to know that Xia Jian was thinking about this, and did not disturb him in the process.

After a long time, Xia Jiancai asked tentatively, "Liu Li?"

"Yes! Boss!"

"How credible do you think this news is?"

"I'm not even sure..."

After a while of silence, Liu Li added: "However, if it's my opinion, I would rather believe it or not..."

Would you rather believe it or not?

Xia Jian was thoughtful and ended the call with a heavy heart.

…………………………………………………… (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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