Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 11: : Fudge

Now Xia Jian is extremely happy with his decision just now. [Wudong Qiankun]

Back then when he was still in the basement, he could only stare at those two little **** with his eyes, and he couldn't even scold Gu Niang when he wanted to, but now he can at least speak.

This gave him the foundation to fool the little girl in front of him...

As for fooling a little girl, will she be despised?

He doesn't care so much!

as predicted……

After his coaxing, Xia Jian successfully got the information he wanted from the little girl's mouth.

As he thought, it was indeed a subway tunnel.

It's just that that was five years ago. Since the urbanization process has accelerated and the subway network has been expanded, this place has been abandoned due to its remote location. After a few years, it has gradually been forgotten.

Until three years ago, a group of orphans discovered this place!

Safe, relatively decent environment, and through the subway tunnels extending in all directions, they can appear in any part of the city covertly, of course! The main thing is that no one will bother you.

So the group of orphans took this place as their home.

This stay is three years.

In the past three years, more and more orphans have gathered here, and a small society has gradually formed.

On the eve of the Great Destruction, the total number of orphans gathered here reached an astonishing two hundred people...

Then came the Great Destruction!

Disaster befalls this, the Garden of Eden in the eyes of the orphans.

Overnight, nearly one-third of the orphans died...

Fortunately, the terrain here is complicated, and because these orphans have been walking on the edge of darkness for many years, they have a keen sense of crisis, and they all have decent skills. Under the leadership of the elder brother, he miraculously defeated those dark chasers who were mutated by orphans infected with the virus.

But the price is that nearly half of the orphans have closed their eyes forever...

However, what was even more unexpected was that when the orphans spent a huge price to clean up their lair, they thought they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and a group of survivors fled here.

For the first time, the orphan leadership, which had been united, was divided on the handling of this group of outsiders.

Big Brother and Big Sister, agree to take in these survivors.

And the elder sister's younger brother is resolutely correct...

In the end, when the opinions of the two sides could not be reconciled, the elder sister's younger brother, leading a group of dozens of brothers who were close to him, disregarded everyone's retention and left here angrily.

What's next...

Even if the little girl didn't say it, Xia Jian could have expected it.

What will happen when a group of scheming and cunning adults flee to a group of half-children who still retain some innocence and kindness?

The dove occupies the magpie's nest! !

The original owner here, the few remaining orphans, paid the price for their kindness.

The materials they have collected over the years have been invaded.

Brothers and sisters enslaved...

In order to get food, but did not want to go out to take risks, the group of survivors detained some orphans and forced the remaining orphans to go out to find food. And if the food is not handed in on time, they replace the food with the portion of the detained orphans...

After three months, the number of orphans left has dropped sharply.

Up to now, out of more than fifty orphans, only five are still alive...

five! !

Speaking of this, the little girl's eyes were red, and she finally couldn't help crying.


Destroy people xìng!

Perhaps because he is also a half orphan, the reason for the same illness.

Rao Yi Xia Jian's heart, which had been tempered like a stone by him, trembled a few times when he heard this.

And then the uncontrollable anger...


wrong! ! This group of people is not even better than animals, because at least the animals still know how to repay the favor.


But now even if Xia Jian was angry again, it would not help.

What has happened cannot be undone!

If he is not injured now, he can still kill some, vent his anger, and avenge these orphans by the way, but the reality is that he can't even move...

"do not Cry……"

Xia Jian had no experience in comforting the little guy.

Seeing the little girl crying, he felt irritable.

But how could the little girl listen to him...

Finally, Xia Jian thought of a way to distract the little girl: "What's your name?"

"Little flower..."

The little girl wiped away tears.

"What about your elder brother and elder sister?" Xia Jian asked again.

From the chat just now, Xia Jian has figured out that among the five remaining orphans, she counts as one, and Dazhi and Xiaoqiang also count as one each, and the rest are the eldest brother and eldest sister in her mouth.

"The eldest brother is called Dashi, the eldest sister is called Xiaozhu, we all call them Brother Stone, and Sister Zhuzi..."

The little girl talked a little more this time, and didn't cry so much.

Now it's Xia Jian's turn to be speechless...

Little flower! Dazhi! cockroach! Dashi! Bamboo! !

What are these names?

And what makes Xia Jian speechless is still behind...

As if she knew what Xia Jian was thinking, the little girl couldn't help crying, she stared at Xia Jian angrily, and pouted, "Is our name bad?"

Xia Jian dared to say no, and nodded quickly, "It sounds good! It sounds good!"


The little girl was really coaxing, and immediately smiled: "This is all from Xiaolong, of course it sounds good..."

"Little Dragon?"

"Xiaolong is the younger brother of Sister Zhuzi, he is the smartest person in our place..."

Xia Jian's forehead is full of black lines...


Perhaps after talking for so long, the little girl was a little thirsty. After wiping away her tears, she turned around in the corner for a while, found a bottle of unopened mineral water, twisted the bottle cap, and took a few sips.

She's fine without drinking water...

Since the injury, Xia Jianchan has not touched a drop of water for five or six days.

He still thinks it's a miracle that he can survive until now.

This will make your mouth dry, and even your lips have long been chapped...


She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stared straight at the mineral water bottle in Xiao Hua's hand, her eyes were about to fall out.

Seeing that the little girl was about to take back the water, Xia Jian finally couldn't help it and whispered, "Xiaohua..."


The little girl looked at Xia Jian strangely.

"Can you give me a drink?"

"But I only have this bottle?" The little girl glanced at the mineral water in her hand and said a little reluctantly, "It's gone after drinking it..."

Hearing this, Xia Jian was overjoyed: there is a play!

"Just one sip, I promise just one sip..."

The little girl believed it to be true: "You said it!"


Xia Jian answered with an incomparable It's a pity that he can't move his neck and can't nod his head, which makes his words a lot less persuasive.

With Xia Jian's assurance, the little girl tilted her neck for a while, and seemed uneasy. Finally, she had an idea and poured a full bottle of water into the bottle cap and poured it into Xia Jian's mouth.

But how can a bottle cap be enough for Xia Jian to drink, but not enough to moisten his throat...

"Can you give me a bottle cap back?" Xia Jian licked his lips and looked at Xiao Hua expectantly.

Hearing this, even though Xiaohua was reluctant, she still poured out another bottle and capped it...

However, just as Xia Jian opened his mouth and was about to pick it up, a slap suddenly swept out from the oblique handle, grabbing the bottle cap and the mineral water bottle in Xiao Hua's hand.

Xia Jian suddenly took an empty...


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