Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 13: : use life to pretend

At the end of the barren street, a huge snow dragon dragged a long dust tail, galloping down the street as fast as lightning!

And at the very front of Xue Long, there is a small black spot looming...


The roar is getting louder...

The small black dots are also rapidly magnifying at a speed visible to the naked eye!

I can watch qīngchǔ soon...

Where is a shíme little black spot!

Obviously a person who is running wild...


To be precise, it should be two people!

I saw a young man hugging another middle-aged man in his thirties by the waist. Every time his feet landed, a large amount of snowflakes and dust would be thrown up...

Huge power instantly reaches the ground!

The pavement that can carry dozens of tons, like broken glass, sags suddenly, and the cracks like spider webs spread densely to the surrounding pavement." "The novel chapters are updated the fastest.

Under the huge recoil force, I saw the two of them, like sharp arrows from the string, rushing out in an instant...

The violent air waves swept out, rolling up the snow and dust in the sky, and the grass on both sides of the road also took the opportunity to dance in the wind...

Before the crows who were busy eating the corpses of the dark chasers could react, the two had already passed by like a phantom!

The frantic airflow raged out...

'Quack quack...'

The frightened little ones immediately fluttered high!

The place is a mess...


'Quack quack...'

Just when these dark little guys kept cursing the two bad guys who scared them...

'Fuck!! No way...'

The young man on the run. Suddenly there was a loud cry.

Immediately afterwards, the two suddenly slowed down, waited until the speed was slightly buffered, and the young man braked again. Finally stopped!


At this time, a strong wind blew, and the snow dust that filled the street quickly dispersed...

Two embarrassed figures gradually appeared in the dust and snow that filled the sky...

They are no one else!

It was Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun who had just left the port!

It's just that Xia Jian at this time, completely méiyǒu, when he was in the port just now, that majesty is in all directions. Mighty and domineering!


With a blushing face and a thick neck, he supported his knees with his hands, panting like a cow, hǎoxiàng would lose his breath at any moment!

As for Mo Shaojun...

Does he still have an image at this time?

A long hair that was still flowing. Now the roots stand upside down, and there are still glittering ice crystals looming above.

The eyebrows were not spared either!

Clothes have long been like beggars' clothes...

The skin is even more eerily red!

It was blown by the strong wind and frozen by the cold air...

All in all, a dignified soldier-level powerhouse was abruptly tossed by Xia Jian like a little daughter-in-law who was abused!

'The female horse's. At last there is no one...'

Wait until you breathe out. Xia Jian's image is completely empty of complaints...

Listening to what he said, his feelings were because there had been people on the road before, so he had to maintain a fast speed!

Think about it too!

Even if Bolt, the Martian, asks him to dash for 1,000 meters at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, then he has to get down obediently!

This time, in order to pretend to be coercive, in order to create a tall image in front of those survivors on the dock, Xia Jian is really fighting with his life!

Fortunately, I found this dìfāng that no one else has!

Otherwise, there is a danger of wearing a gang!


Mo Shaojun took care of his hair with his hands. While looking around...

‘shíme thing?’

'This dìfāng... this dìfāng I have never been here before...'

‘What? Haven’t been here? What does shíme mean?’

Xia Jian tūrán has a very bad feeling...

Want to zhīdào now can méiyǒu GPS!

I hope that Xia Jian, a otaku, will use walking. From the port to the university town?

It is estimated that if you don’t spend ten days and a half to explore, there is definitely no hope!

The reason why he brought Mo Shaojun ashore was not only related to his ability, but the most important thing was because Mo Shaojun said that zìjǐ was a living map of Shenzhen and Hong Kong!

As a result, this so-called living map actually said that Zìjǐ has never been here!

Is this the shíme situation?


'I, I hǎoxiàng lost my way...'

It seemed that zhīdàozìjǐ had committed a heinous crime, so Mo Shaojun shrank his neck and hurriedly distanced himself from Xia Jian!


Xia Jian is now very kind of throwing Mo Shaojun into a frying pan and frying and frying, frying and frying...

He glared at him angrily, 'Don't hurry up and think of a way!'

Wanting zhīdào, the current shíjiān is very tight, it’s not good if you are not quick!

In Xia Jian's plan...

He wants to try his best to take away those talents who will be used by kěnéng in the future!

If you can't use it, rúguǒ has good strength. If conditions permit, you can take it away, and naturally you might as well take it away!

In the future, the new dìfāng! There must be a shíhòu who can get labor...

As for the **** and the old and the sick!

Even with that condition, Xia Jian can only say that Ai Mo can't help!

However, the premise of all this is that there must be enough ships!

Xia Jian will not let go of those boats that Huo Jie has repaired!

Yasha and Shi Hu will even drive that luxury yacht to Hong Kong Island, looking for a large ship that has been restored by kěnéng!

Don't ask to be completely repaired! As long as it can be moved!

In the repair of guòg, some precision parts and electronic instruments will definitely be needed!

This shíhòu, those things in the warehouse of the underground base can be used!

Of course, Xia Jian will not let go of generators, engines, and those computers in the control room!

Therefore, the top priority in this plan is the precious precision parts, instruments and machinery in the warehouse of the underground base!

With those guys, the ship can be repaired faster and better!

Such important things, naturally, cannot be left to human hands!

Xia Jian went out in person!

And bring Lao Mo...

At first, he boasted that zìjǐ was a living map of shíme!

Another important reason. It's because Xia Jian wanted to try to fool the group of Tibetan Mastiffs away together!

After all, it's a neighbor!

If you can help, of course you need to help!

Of course! Xia Jian's real intention of wanting to make people work as coolies. He won't say if he is killed...


'Hey! Boss! There's a gas station there...'

After some searching, Mo Shaojun finally found the gas station found by the hapless dark chaser.

'Gas station?'

'There should be a map in the gas station!'

Mo Shaojun, who knew he was guilty, would naturally show a positive yīdiǎn!

Without further ado, rush back quickly!

However, the return of Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun really frightened the little guys who were about to fly down and enjoy the food!

‘Isn’t it the one who cursed them just now, was heard, and came to teach us a lesson?’

So ever. Dozens of crows, in another flurry, hurriedly escaped from the corpse of the dark chaser...

The corpse of the Darkstalker eaten alive by these little guys. Immediately expose to air!

When passing by, Xia Jian made a patch on the corpse's head based on the principle of prudence!

Of course, the blood crystal was not spared either!

Blood crystals are not big. It seems to be a dark chaser that has not yet evolved. Let Xia Jian shout bad luck!

This blood crystal, which is not even a soldier, can be used as a yīdiǎn méiyǒu for him now.

But soon, Xia Jian found an iron crossbow behind the corpse again, and there were several crossbow arrows in a bag on the waist!

Yet another unlucky child!

I think it was only after the Great Destruction that I was infected!

This can be explained as the evolution of shíme and méiyǒu!


A gas station is a typical roadside stop...

A small little house. A large awning extends to the curb, under the awning. A few rusted cars parked!

There are still several corpses on the ground that have been gnawed down to their skeletons!

Many people must have visited this gas station!

Waiting for the ground...

Mo Shaojun, eager to make up for his mistakes, rushed into the convenience store of the gas station without saying a word!

A burst of rummaging!

The food shíme was definitely not even a tiny bit left!

Fortunately, what Mo Shaojun was looking for was not food...

Xia Jian was outside, watching while watching...

But the so-called vigilance is just pretending!

In this wilderness, even the dark chasers are starved to death, where is there any danger!

While bored, Xia Jian suddenly found some dazzling colors in the grass in the corner of the awning!

Anyway, nothing to do, Xia Jian habitually walked over!

clear the grass...

Xia Jian found out that it was an off-road motorcycle with no name!

Can't help but lose interest!

Getting ready to turn around...


Xia Jian suddenly found a skin bag full of arrows on the back seat of the motorcycle!

Move your mind!

Xia Jian couldn't help thinking of the corpse just now!

He walked back quickly, and quickly those crows that fell down again, carefully groping on the corpse...


In less than a while, Xia Jian found a bunch of motorcycle keys from the corpse!

Seeing this bunch of keys, Xia Jian's depressed mood just now became soaring...

It's so much better with this!

More than ten kilometers of road, only half an hour!


On the other side, Mo Shaojun worked hard and finally found a map, and his frown was gone.

'Haha, boss! I found it, I found the map...'

Unexpectedly, I just rushed to the door happily...

'Boom rumble...'

Suddenly there is the roar of the engine!

Mo Shaojun was startled, he was about to dodge instinctively, but he didn't think about it, right here, Xia Jian was driving a motorcycle and rushed over, just when Mo Shaojun thought he would hit zìjǐ... …


The motorcycle braked suddenly and stopped steadily at his pángbiān...

Mo Shaojun stared at this motorcycle in, boss, you, this is...'

‘Come up!’

Xia Jian shook his head quite arrogantly!


Mo Shaojun hurriedly climbed up and sat back...

'Boom rumble...'

When Mo Shaojun was seated firmly, Xia Jianyi stepped on the gas, and the motorcycle suddenly rushed out!

Only a trail of smoke was left, and the black bird feathers flying all over the sky...

…………………………………………………… (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

PS: Impermanence has something to do during the day!

The remaining two chapters are expected to be late...

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