Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 46: : 1 to 1 group

Xia Jian cannot deny that...

From childhood to adulthood, this was the first time he felt that he was so small!

That's right...

just tiny...

Rao did not feel this way when he encountered the dark cloud composed of thousands of bat-winged beasts...


After all, it was not long before the breakthrough. At this time, the black widow could not fully control her power. Similarly, the pair of bat wings behind her were not fully mature because they were just growing up. [Wudong Qiankun]

It's nothing when a man soars through the sky!

But if Xia Jian is on his back again...

Don't forget, Xia Jian is also carrying a Ningshuang, a double-edged sword that weighs a ton!

After taking Xia Jian and encouraging him to glide for a distance, Black Widow finally saw a speedboat like a small leaf in the stormy sea...

Wings flutter...

Immediately flew in that direction.

When the two of them fell into the speedboat, the black widow started the engine at the first time...


In the roar of a series of engines, the speedboat burst into maximum speed in an instant.


When the speedboat sailed several dozen meters away from the area covered by the monstrous waves, Xia Jian was able to witness the true face of this creature that could make him feel small.

Also until this time...

Xia Jiancai discovered that comparing the ancient dinosaur with the giant beast in front of him was a bit depreciating.

The round body is covered with various markings. There are also some sharp burrs, and there are constantly water droplets falling down from above.

With just one glance, Xia Jian confirmed the identity of the monster.

This is a mutant sea snake...

It's just a mutated sea snake smaller than those just now. It is a super mutant sea snake that is thousands, tens of thousands times larger.

The thickest part of this super mutant sea snake is definitely over 60 meters in diameter!

What is this concept?

A standard basketball court is twenty meters long and fifteen meters wide.

A standard football field is 105 meters long and 68 meters wide...

In short, this super mutant sea snake in front of him. There are three basketball courts, or half a football field.

As for the length...

Xia Jian said that with his own eyesight, it was impossible to measure it.

If you really want to describe...

That is shading the sky. The sun and the moon were dull, giving Xia Jian the feeling that he was standing under a hundred-story skyscraper.


Compared to Xia Jian who was in the game...

Liu Li and others, who were several miles away from the place of the incident, naturally saw it more realistically! The shock is even bigger!

look around. Three ships. Nearly 2,000 people, at this time, it was so quiet that you could hear needles falling!

Wind! Engine sound! Sound of the waves……

At this time, all these voices could not be heard, only his heartbeat became more and more rapid, more and more violent, as if it would pop out of his throat at any time.

Although they were too far away to measure the specific value of the monster's size.

But don't forget to have references!

Those two giants of the sea in the eyes of everyone, the aircraft carrier Izumo and the USS George Washington. In front of this super monster that suddenly emerged, it was no different from a toy.

As for those Tibetan Mastiffs!

It wasn't a lifetime just now. The Tibetan Mastiff group that has divided the mustaches.

The moment this giant sea snake appeared, it immediately became a good dog.

They all hummed in a low voice, their tails tucked, and they all retracted under the cabin, like a tortoise with a shriveled head, no longer arrogant and domineering.



Just as Liu Li and others in the distance were all dumbfounded, while Xia Jian and Black Widow were busy escaping for their lives.

The terrifying body of this giant sea snake trembled violently, like an oscillating eardrum. Even the burrs on the torso vibrated continuously, making a series of buzzing sounds.

What followed was a mist like a tsunami.

There is also that circle, with its torso as the center, the huge waves swaying rapidly.

"What is it going to do? Could it be..."

A thought suddenly flashed through Xia Jian's mind.

Can't wait for him to figure out...

The torso of the giant sea snake that was constantly rising just now trembled suddenly, and then began to bend, like a mountain, pressing down on the speedboat where he and the Black Widow were.

Fortunately, this giant sea snake pressed down very slowly, probably due to its huge size.

But even so...

The visual impact and shock caused to people is also unparalleled!

In front of the giant sea snake's terrifying body like a skyscraper, a speedboat is like that small, inconspicuous gravel.

There is no resistance at all.

Xia Jian's face changed wildly...

"The female horse's..."

Hearing an angry shout, Xia Jian instantly went wild.

keep roaring...

The double-edged sword in his hand was danced like a spinning wheel by him.

One after another, arc-shaped sword qi, which was as fast as lightning, burst out...

One after another slashed on the mountain-like body of the giant mutant sea snake.

But the result...

These arc-shaped sword qi emitted by "Assassination Sword Art" are powerful, this is true!

But no matter how powerful it is, this giant mutant sea snake is too big!

Xia Jian poured out more than a dozen sword qi with all his strength, and slashed on its huge body, only to cut out insignificant wounds.

Then a large amount of viscous liquid was spattered.

It's like tickling this giant mutant sea snake.

Do not believe in evil, Xia Jian once again condensed a small fireball!

For a while, the fire rained all over the sky...

In a few seconds, he was forced to send out hundreds of small fireballs, and these small fireballs, without exception, all hit the target (faced with such a large target. As long as he is not blind, there is no one who can't hit the target. possible!).

But still the same problem...

The mutant sea snake is too big!

Although the power and lethality of these small fireballs are great, they are only the body of the mutant sea snake. A little twist, except for a few more holes that are almost negligible, it can't cause fatal damage to it.


All available means are used!

This time Xia Jian is completely out of the way!

Seeing the huge shadow that was like a skyscraper, constantly rolling towards him, Xia Jian couldn't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness!

Although the breath emanating from this giant sea snake gave him the feeling that it was not as strong as the guardian of the demons!

But it's not much different from the king-level bat-winged beast!

King-level mutant creatures!

"hurry up……"

"Hurry up..."

At this time, Xia Jian had no other thoughts. There is only one thought left in my mind, so hurry up and leave this ghost place.

But Xia Jian didn't even think about it...

He doesn't want to stay here, why does Black Widow want to stay here?

Although the speedboat and she was driven to the rapid. Although the speed of this mutant sea snake is relatively slow, it can be called a terrifying size, so what if you dodge this blow?

Just when it slaps the sea, the huge waves formed are enough to make this small speedboat. Completely fell apart.


"Boss. Why don't you..."

Seeing that there was not much time, the black widow looked at Xia Jian anxiously, "I'll take you and fly back directly..."

Black Widow is about to abandon the ship...

At this time, it is clear that abandoning the ship is the best choice!


If he abandons the ship, Xia Jian must give up Ningshuang in his hand!

Otherwise, Black Widow can't carry the weight of Xia Jianjia Ningshuang!

How could Xia Jian not understand this truth!

Black Widow just mentioned it, and he understood the truth.

He looked at the giant mutant sea snake that was getting closer and closer, and then glanced at the double-edged sword in his hand.

Although very sad...

But Xia Jian thinks he knows how to choose!

compared to his own life. Thousands of blood crystals are obviously nothing!

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. Throwing Ningshuang aside, she was about to let Black Widow hold her and leave.

I didn't think it was at this time...


Suddenly, a series of huge roaring sounds came from a distance...

Don't wait for Xia Jian to look at the source of this loud noise!

On the huge body of the giant mutant sea snake that was constantly pressing down on the speedboat, huge blood flowers were suddenly blown out.

"This is……"

Xia Jian followed the voice and looked over...

It turned out to be the Mustine destroyer, as long as it was still usable artillery, it was already firing frantically at this time.

And it's not just artillery...

There are also two white missiles with white tail flames, which are soaring from the tail of the Mustin destroyer and shot at the giant mutant sea snake.

In less than three seconds...

The missile hits the huge torso of the giant mutant sea snake!


In an instant, two huge flame clouds rose from the huge body of the mutant sea snake.

in firelight...

Countless mucus, like a downpour, kept pouring down from the air.

The raging shock wave, sandwiching the excitement, set off another gust of wind and waves on the sea.


The explosion of these two missiles finally inflicted heavy damage on the giant sea snake, and its huge body trembled again, sending out a painful hum.

Moreover, its huge body, which was originally crushed in the direction of the speedboat, was also blown into two pieces by the huge power of the two missiles.

Then it deviates from the original direction.

slanted to the side and fell down...

That direction was the little devil's Izumo aircraft carrier.

The mutant sea snake that was broken into two pieces smashed up at once...

I just heard a loud bang...

In the surging waves, the aircraft carrier Izumo, which Xia Jian thought was a giant at sea, turned out to be like a weak boat.

It fell apart in an instant...

Then, with the two bodies of the mutant sea snake, at an extremely fast speed. sunk to the bottom of the sea.



In this series of incidents, the speedboat where Xia Jian and Black Widow were on was a miracle. In the strong wind and waves, persevered.

Although Xia Jian and Black Widow looked like they were as embarrassed as they were at this time.


The roar of the engine sounded again.

Taking advantage of this rare gap, Black Widow once again controlled the speedboat to accelerate.

Xia Jian's face was ashen, his eyes unblinkingly looked at the aircraft carrier Izumo in the distance, and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea...

Xia Jian felt at this moment that there were 100,000 grass-mud horses running wild in his heart.

Finally formed a "rely on..." word!

Humanity's ultimate weapon at sea. In front of such terrifying mutant creatures, they are so fragile and vulnerable.

This is too...


Xia Jian's heart suddenly trembled.

I just went out with emotion. I seem to have overlooked an extremely important issue.


These mutant sea snakes, like those earthworms, have an extremely annoying ability to divide and reproduce!

Now, this super huge mutant sea snake. It was blown into two pieces. Will it be...

Thinking of this...

Xia Jian couldn't help shivering.

Subconsciously, he maximized his spiritual perception and dived toward the sea...

After a few seconds...

The dignified Xia Jian's face suddenly changed, and a flash of horror flashed.

Next, he didn't care about Ning Frost anymore, as if he had been electrocuted, he jumped up violently and rushed towards the Black Widow who was controlling the speedboat. Ignoring the questioning look from Black Widow, he hugged her by the waist.

At the same time the strength of the whole body. It suddenly converges to the feet, and the feet are passed to the deck of the speedboat.


In the next second, the speedboat instantly exploded into countless fragments.

Xia Jian also used the anti-shock strength, hugged the black widow, and rose into the sky...


The black widow who hasn't figured out what Xia Jian is doing is waiting to ask...


There was a loud roar of waves from the sea below.

Black Widow's eyes widened suddenly, and she opened her mouth in horror, and she couldn't ask any questions.

turn out to be……

in the raging waves.

On the sea level in front of the speedboat, a huge **** mouth covered with countless sharp serrations was breaking out of the waves, rapidly magnifying in her eyes...

Seeing this huge mouth, the black widow slammed violently.

This will finally know why Xia Jian suddenly fled like he was going crazy.

The bat wings suddenly spread out from behind...

He hugged Xia Jian with his backhand, and the bat wings that were flapping hard, just as the **** mouth was about to bite her and Xia Jian, it was dangerously and dangerously inserted into the edge of the sharp teeth and flew past...

At that moment, Black Widow even felt like she could smell the disgusting stench that spewed from her open mouth.


Black Widow secretly rejoiced in her heart.

Fortunately, Xia Jian discovered it in time, otherwise, he and Xia Jian would have already been reduced to food.

However, just as Black Widow breathed a sigh of relief...

"Fly higher..."

In Black Widow's ear, Xia Jian's snarling roar was heard again.

Being yelled at by Xia Jian...

Black Widow flapped her wings subconsciously, constantly raising her height.

at the same time……

The sea beneath him and Xia Jian exploded again.

It was another huge **** mouth similar to the previous one, bursting out of the waves, carrying a stench, and biting them directly.

Now there is no need for Xia Jian to continue roaring...

The black widow, whose soul flew out of the sky, had completely gone berserk, flapping her wings desperately, speeding up, speeding up again, pulling up, pulling up again, frantically rushing towards Dingyuan and Weiyuan.

And because of flying high, Black Widow and Xia Jian can clearly see that under the sea, there are countless black shadows, following them and moving forward quickly.


After flying to a safe enough height, the black widow glanced at the huge shadows under the sea with a lingering fear, and said in fear, "Boss, what are these things?"

Although it was just a glimpse in the waves just now.

But Black Widow could still tell that the two monsters that emerged from the bottom of the sea were not the giant mutant sea snakes before.

Because the mouths of those sea snakes are somewhat like circular suction cups.

And the two monsters that emerged from the bottom of the sea just now clearly had a huge mouth and countless sharp and hideous teeth.

And not only is there a difference in the mouth, but in terms of body size, the reminders of the two monsters in the back are also huge, almost the size of a subway.

But compared to that giant sea snake, it was really nothing.

Not on a level at all...

In the face of Black Widow's inquiry...

In Xia Jian's mind, the picture he saw just now appeared in his mind.

Huge body...

Streamlined body...

And that huge triangular mouth and those razor-sharp teeth!

Xia Jian said solemnly, "I think it should be a shark! Mutated shark..."

"Mutant shark?"

Black Widow was shocked at first...

Immediately, with a ghost-like expression, he looked at the black figures below in disbelief, and said in awe: "You mean, all of the following are the sharks just now?"

No wonder Black Widow has this look...

You must know that from the perspective of her and Xia Jian, looking at the sea surface, as far as the field of vision can be, there are no less than a thousand huge black shadows swimming quickly under the sea surface.

It's a pity that Xia Jian obviously doesn't know about this problem!

I can only shake my head helplessly...

It's just that these marine creatures are really too big. His half-hearted mental perception could not see the whole picture of these things at all.

Even the two sharks got out of the sea by themselves, and Xia Jian recognized them...

"Then what do we do now?"

Black Widow suddenly thought of another question: "Do you just fly back like this?"

Now these things under the sea are obviously eyeing her and Xia Jian.

If she just took Xia directly back to the Dingyuan and Weiyuan, then these things under the sea will definitely follow.

Think of the Izumo aircraft carrier that has completely fallen apart and sank to the bottom of the sea.

no doubt……

In front of these huge marine creatures, the Dingyuan and Weiyuan were as fragile as tofu.

I really want to go back like this...

It is estimated that in less than a minute, the Dingyuan, Weiyuan and Mustin will all sink to the bottom of the sea.

Xia Jian naturally wouldn't do such a stupid thing...

"No! Contact them and ask them to leave this sea area quickly. We will take these things around here first..."

……………………………………………………………… (To be continued..)

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