Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 49: : Attack from mutant creatures

After confirming that there are other dangers nearby, the elder brother of the two carefully drew a shotgun from behind Zìjǐ, and loaded the bullets with great skill...

Kneeling on one knee on the ground, holding his hands flat, he aimed the black muzzle on the wolf cub who was looking at them curiously.

This shíhòu...

This wolf cub may have felt the maliciousness of the two!

With soft hair, he suddenly stood upside down...

It was actually grinning at the two of them to show their power!

But cubs are cubs after all!

Only zhīdào now the strength of human beings is very weak, Luan Ww." "The novel chapters are updated the fastest. ⒉姕hīdào, even a weak human being can easily kill it after owning a firearm.


A few seconds later, a crisp gunshot came from the jungle!

The bullet that burst out hit this ignorant little wolf cub!

Under the absolute power contained in the bullet itself...


The little wolf cub only had time to let out a cry, and his body the size of a local dog suddenly shot out a large amount of blood, like a kite with a broken string, and flew backwards into the snow in the distance.

Then fell into the snow...

From time to time, I twitched, and the blood that continuously overflowed from the hair instantly dyed a large area of ​​snow red. It was already a lot of gas out and little gas in, and I was about to die...


"Haha, brother, I really have you..."

Seeing that the shot hit the target, the younger brother couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the elder brother Zìjǐ.

rúguǒ is normal, maybe the older brother will stop the younger brother from making a sound!

But today nénggòu harvested a prey. The older brother was obviously in a good mood, and when he was excited, he let his younger brother go.

at the same time……

The gunshots that sounded just now and the wolf howls that stopped. It was also in the sky above the jungle and spread far away.

The sudden sound of gunfire suddenly startled a large number of birds and beasts.

A large number of frightened birds flapped their wings hard, screamed, and fled out of the dense forest where they lived in panic.

Under the influence of these beasts...

Plenty of snow, by them from under the lush foliage. The slap fell off.

A shíjiān…

"Shasha..." The sound of the snow falling down is endless...

And this sound, with the passage of shíjiān. Getting denser and bigger...

In the end, the quantitative change led to the qualitative change!


It evolved into a fǎngfó thunderous roar.

Even the ground trembled faintly...

"what happened?"

This change immediately caught the attention of the brothers who were about to collect the wolf cub's body.

"No zhīdào..."


The brother frowned. Watching zhōuwéi that large swath of snow fell from the towering giant tree. And the ground where zhōuwéi trembled slightly, suddenly there was a very bad idea in my heart.

After a while, my brother's face changed dramatically...

He finally remembered shíme: "The female horse's, wouldn't it be an avalanche?"

"Fuck!! Avalanche!!"

After all, the two brothers have lived in this mountainous area for half a year. Naturally, if the sound is too loud, there is a certain chance that it will cause an avalanche.


What the two of them didn't expect was, Brother Zìjǐ. There will be such a bad day.


With this level of understanding, how dare the two brothers stay in the same place for a long time.

They don't want to become icemen...

Without further ado. Regardless of whether the movement was too loud, it would alert the mutant creatures nearby, and immediately burst out at the fastest speed, rushing towards the wolf cub's corpse desperately.

Heaven and earth are huge!

Food is the biggest!

Even if the sky falls, food cannot be wasted!

It seemed that these two brothers were desperately trying to get their loot back.

It can be imagined how important food is among today's survivors!


Before the two brothers rushed to the corpse of the wolf cub!


In the snow in front of them, there was a loud muffled sound, and the giant hammer hit the ground, and a large number of snowflakes suddenly splashed.

Two brothers accidentally...

Immediately, it was enveloped in by the splashing snow, and it was soaked through!

The icy chill made the two brothers have to stop temporarily to avoid the oncoming snow.



Wait until this round of scattered snowflakes finally dissipated. The two brothers slapped the snow water adhering to their clothes, and were about to move on to pick up today's harvest...

The moment you look up...

The two brothers were stunned at the same time.

It's just that hǎoxiàng is shíjiān, and it's normal! The two brothers kept turning and raising their heads, motionless!

Only the expression on his face is changing at a very fast speed!

From the annoyance of being splashed by the snow at the beginning, it gradually turned into a kind of panic like encountering a ghost, then to horror, and then to fear...

Did they see shíme?

I saw that the wolf cub's body pángbiān just now was not in shímeshíhòu, and there was a group of adult giant gray wolves about the size of a calf!

That's right!

It's a bunch!

The number of wolves in the entire pack is actually no less than a hundred!

With blood-red eyes open, he stared at the two brothers who wanted to get close to the corpse.


After a while, with a low cry, there was a sudden commotion behind the wolves.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the two brothers, the wolves that had been staring at them all began to move slowly to both sides, making way for a passage.


I saw a giant black wolf the size of an adult bull, slowly walking out of the pack.

no doubt!

This huge black wolf must be the leader of this group of gray wolves.

The giant black wolf and méiyǒu first glanced at the two brothers with his cold pupils, and then walked to the corpse of the wolf cub. He stuck out his tongue and licked the wolf cub.


There was a series of screams like weeping again, as if calling for the wolf cubs.

But at this time, the wolf cub had already lost his breath, and he couldn't die any longer. How to respond to it.

It lasted about a minute...

yǐjīngmíngbái shíme's giant black wolf, raised his head sharply, his icy pupils suddenly exuded vicious hatred, and stared at the two brothers...

Being stared directly at by the alpha wolf, the younger brother shuddered violently.

"Old... bro..."

Turning his neck hard, he looked at Brother Zìjǐ. I'm afraid that because Zìjǐ's movement is too big, it will disturb the group of gray wolves on the opposite side, " to do..."

Nor zhīdào because it is too cold. Or because of fear!

The younger brother stood tremblingly in the same place, even his tongue was a little knotted.

If usual...

Seeing his brother's appearance, his brother must have to teach him a lesson.

But today...

Don't talk about my brother, even his zìjǐ is not much better. There was even a hint of coolness in his crotch!

"Still... can... how... how... how to do..."

Brother quickly observed the terrain. At the same time, his feet moved back secretly, just as he was about to notify Zìjǐ brother to start running.

The alpha wolf seems to have seen through his mind...


Suddenly raised his head and screamed...

A high-pitched, wild wolf howl resounded through the entire jungle in an instant.

The violent and violent aura poured out towards the two brothers...

Brother trembled...

"Run away..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person shot out like a sharp arrow from the string.

The younger brother was startled at first...

Immediately reacted, cursed inwardly, and rushed out...


See the two brothers run away!

The head wolf who screamed in the sky. Coldly glanced at the direction where the two escaped, the huge body. tūrán rose into the air.

Like lightning, with an extremely violent aura, it swooped towards the two brothers...

How can two legs run faster on four legs!


In the blink of an eye, the younger brother, who was jogging a step, was overtaken by the alpha wolf, and he heard a scream, and the younger brother's great head was separated from his body.

"Ah!! Don't kill me..."

The death of the younger brother stimulated the elder brother!

At this time, my brother was a little bit hysterical, and he didn't think of shíme, but he stopped unbelievably, knelt on the snow and began to beg for mercy.

Ask the wolf for mercy?

It was absolutely incomprehensible before the age of peace.

But now...

With the emergence of more and more powerful mutant creatures, human beings are gradually míngbái, many mutant creatures, tèbié are those powerful mutant creatures, in fact, the owner is not weaker than the wisdom of human beings, many human beings have used this A way to escape a life!

But today my brother is obviously begging the wrong object!

What greeted him was a wolf claw flashing coldly and rapidly expanding in its pupils.


His head exploded instantly!

The stylistic begging for mercy has also stopped...

But the death of the two brothers did not reduce the anger of the alpha wolf...

Stepping on the corpses of the two brothers, the alpha wolf screamed again in the sky...

And this time, the high-pitched wolf howl was even more violent and violent than before, as if it contained endless resentment.


Before the whistling of the alpha wolf stopped, a wolf howl suddenly came from the jungle in the distance.


There were more and more wolf howls coming from the jungle, and then they came one after another, and there was a faint trend of connecting them together.

And as the shíjiān goes on...


There were even more roars of wild beasts in the continuous wolf howling.

In an instant...

The peaceful jungle suddenly boiled. Countless birds and beasts burrowed out of their respective dens, roared loudly, and joined the roaring one after another.


at the same time……

Dozens of miles away, in a military base surrounded by mountains.

The howl of the beast that appeared suddenly caught the attention of most of the survivors!

Everyone got out of their respective shelters. Looking at the surrounding mountains and forests in confusion, something happened.

No wonder everyone is wondering...

To zhīdào, many survivors who took refuge in this base. It's been almost half a year since I entered this mountain forest from the beginning of the Great Destruction Day, but I have never encountered such a situation this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know that something shíme happened to zhīdào?"

"The ghosts are howling shíme?"

Just when everyone was wondering...


Throughout the military base, sirens blared loudly!

And it's the highest level of alert...

"It's not good for the enemy to attack..."

Survivors, who were still full of doubts just now, suddenly appeared one by one. His face changed greatly, and they rushed into Zìjǐ's tent and picked up their weapons. Quickly rushed towards the city wall.


Different from the doubts and confusion of the survivors outside...

At this time, in the center of the base, a conference room exists in the underground...

The highest level of the entire military base is gathered here.

In the conference room, there is smoke!

Countless usually just stomp. the entire base. Even the entire Eastern Military Region, the big men who were about to tremble, all frowned and looked at the front of the conference room with a frown.

On the wall directly opposite the conference room, an LCD screen is guarding an aerial image from the air.

on the screen...

Snow-covered and wooded...

It's a snowy mountain...

Only at this time, this piece of originally quiet mountain. There are huge mutant beasts in the lush jungle. Run wild.


This video is very short.

It only lasted for dozens of seconds...

Then the whole picture was completely shrouded in misty snow, making it impossible to see it.

That is, in this shíhòu, sitting at the head of the conference table, an old man in a tunic suit pressed the remote control in his hand.

The screen stopped...

The big guys in the conference room also took their eyes off the LCD screen and took a few puffs of cigarettes.

The smoke shrouded in the conference room became even thicker...

"I didn't expect it to come..."

Just when the conference room fell into a dull state, an old man in a military uniform suddenly spoke, but he looked like he was talking to himself when he saw his brows furrowed and his head lowered.

Looking at the rank on his shoulders, the old man turned out to be a lieutenant general.

"I didn't quite believe the shíhòu when they talked about this before, and I laughed at them..."

Say this...

The lieutenant general shook his head and laughed at himself!


what happened?

Listening to the tone of the lieutenant general, it seems to be similar to what is on the screen. Does it happen in other dìfāng?

And they hǎoxiàng had long expected that these mutant creatures would attack the base!

"Don't talk about those useless..."

The old man in the tunic suit decisively interrupted the lieutenant general's emotion: "The question now is, what should we do next?"

"what to do?"

The lieutenant general smiled bitterly: "What else can we do? Could it be that this time, we still have dìfāng to retreat?"


The meeting room fell into a repressed silence again.

Obviously, most of the people here agree with the words of the lieutenant general...

a long time……

A younger old man sitting at the bottom of the conference table tried to say, "Then, can we use a nuclear bomb..."


But before he could finish speaking, he was greeted with a sneering sneer from the lieutenant general.

"Nuclear bomb? Do you still want to hide in the ground with that old guy Liu Guowei?"

Liu Guowei?

It is the dictator of the Southeast Military Base today!

turn out to be……

In the Southeast Military Base, Liu Guowei used a nuclear bomb to attack Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In this period of shíjiān, yǐjīng spread all over the country.

Of course, this nationwide refers to those military bases and survivors' settlements that have connections with the outside world.

However, the reason why Liu Guowei used the nuclear bomb was to eliminate the demons and the demon guardians who had the strength to reach the king level or even the emperor level.

However, when they threw the five nuclear bombs down, Shenzhen-Hong Kong City was completely destroyed, and 90% of the dark chasers and human survivors inside also died at once.

However, these five nuclear bombs did not have a good effect on the demons and blood.

And it doesn't work...

It seems to have completely angered the Demon Race and the Blood Race!

Because on the second day after the explosion, the demons and blood tribes in the area around the southeast military base actually united and launched an overwhelming attack on the southeast base.

The sad southeast base, with their strength, faced the full-scale attack of the blood clan and the demon clan, and it only lasted for less than five hours, and was forced to transfer all of them underground!

However, the words of the lieutenant general sneering at the southeast military base have invisibly provided others with a way of thinking...

"Hide in the ground?"

Another old man, tūrán, opened his eyes and said, "I remember the situation in the Northeast Military Region was similar to ours. They just moved underground and hid for more than a week, and then these mutant creatures, hǎoxiàng, zìjǐ evacuated. Bar?"

"Do you want to hide too?"

"They have so many people on our side! And you have thought about méiyǒu, rúguǒ if we really do that, we must give up those survivors who rely on us..."

"Actually, I think this is not a solution..."

"Humph! According to you, we don't have to worry about everyone's life or death?"

"Who said I don't care?"

A stone stirs up a thousand waves...

The old man's proposal immediately caused a storm in the conference room.

Listening to what he meant, hǎoxiàng was the scholar's southeast military base and northeast military base yīyàng, which moved all troops underground.

The disadvantage of this is that the underground space is limited and the materials are limited, and those ordinary survivors must be abandoned...

For this opinion...

Agree to have it...

More people are against it!


"Alright! Alright! Give me peace..."

Facing the suddenly noisy conference room the old man sitting at the top, finally couldn't help it and patted the table.


He turned his head and asked behind Zìjǐ, "How much ammunition do we have now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man who had been standing behind him like a shadow yīyàng walked up quickly and handed over a document, "In the last battle at the port, we lost too much, with the current ammunition reserves, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid shíme?"

"I'm afraid it won't last until we drive these mutant creatures away..."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the entire conference room became quiet again.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressed...


I'm sorry, I'm really out of status... (To be continued...)

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