Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 79: :past

() Thinking that this news has been in Xie Cong's heart for too long, he is eager to find someone to share it with, Xia Jian just asked a little, and he said it all like a bean...

"It seems that twenty years ago, we started to secretly build such an underground city in our country..."

The whole thing actually had to start with a mission five years ago...

At that time, Xie Cong was just a rookie!

That mission was also the first assassination mission that Xie Cong received!

It is also Xie Cong's first time abroad!

Even his first murder!

It is precisely because of so many firsts that Xie Cong has a very deep memory of this mission!

The mission target is a defected scientist!

It is said that he is a senior researcher of a secret research laboratory! What I have come into contact with in ordinary times is that kind of absolute state-level secrets!  …

It is because of its special status!

In order to avoid the leakage of state secrets, the above even gave up extradition directly, but sent more than a dozen special operations teams to kill them!


What exactly does this researcher know, and what does he usually study, Xie Cong has no idea!

He said the same orders were given to members of the special operations team: kill the target at all costs, and forbid any contact with the target!

The order is so...

Xie Cong did exactly that!

When the target came into contact with a mysterious white man, Xie Cong, who was hundreds of meters away, pulled the trigger without hesitation!

With the roar of two heavy snipers!

The two people in the scope fell into a pool of blood in an instant!

And never got up again!

mission completed!

Next, what Xie Cong and others need to do. Just get close to the target and confirm once again that the target is dead!

In fact, in normal tasks. There is no last step!

Not only Xie Cong, everyone at that time didn't believe that the target was still alive!

It's all because of self-confidence!

Second, no one will believe that a person who has been bombarded with half of his body by a heavy sniper will still survive!

However, in the order above, it was repeatedly emphasized that it needs to be 100% sure that the target is dead!

then. Everyone, including Xie Cong, thought this was just a passing scene! No one will kill a mortal person. Take it to heart!

However, just at this moment, the accident happened!

When Xie Cong and others approached...

Everyone was shocked to find that not only did the target not die. Instead, he jumped up and down from the ground!

Look at what the target is doing at the time. Should be trying to escape!


The moment he got up from the ground, Xie Cong clearly saw the target's internal organs that had slipped out of the body, as well as the horrific bones on the chest!

But the target doesn't care at all!

It's like this body is not your own at all!

This is Xie Cong, the first time to come into contact with the existence of mutants!

The target is actually a very rare mutant with self-healing ability!


The target's self-healing ability is not strong. This also directly caused him to fail to break out successfully!

Running about 100 meters away. The target was nailed to the ground alive by a steel pipe with the thickness of a baby's arm that appeared out of thin air!

The person who threw the steel pipe was named Qin Bu!

Xie Cong will always remember this name!

Because this person is not only the instructor and senior superior of his captain Huo Jie, but also said to be the first batch of 'judges'!

This is also the first time Xie Cong came into contact with 'The Judge'


The identity of Qin Bu's 'judge' was also discovered by Xie Cong from Huo Jie's mouth after several years!

The power is said to be unfathomable!

But he is not very old. I heard that he was only in his early twenties at the beginning! Maybe he is not as old as Huo Jie!

Alright! Less gossip...  

At that time, before the target could escape, he was nailed to the ground by Qin Buyi's steel tube!

The steel pipe as thick as a baby's arm pierced through the back of the target, and then drilled out from the front of the chest, actually breaking the target's spine!

The scene at that time, extremely blood type, is simply terrible!

But even so, the goal still hasn't failed!

Even struggling wildly on the pole!

Looking at the movement he made at the time, Xie Cong didn't even doubt that if he gave the target a little time, he could really break free from the steel pipe!

Too bad the target doesn't have this chance!

Looking at the approaching special forces, the target seems to realize this too!

In desperation, he began to babble nonsense!

Because it's been too long...

Moreover, the spiritual state of the target was extremely unstable at that time, and the whole person seemed to be in a state of madness, and some words in the east and west were incoherent.

At that time, Xie Cong didn't remember the original words of the target very clearly.

But there are a few points that left a deep impression on Xie Cong...

The goal seems to be blaming someone in the country!

It is said that some people, for their own selfishness, in order to obtain power that they should not have, are touching God's forbidden area and moving things that human beings should not move. This is retreating the fate of the entire human race into the fire pit!

If you don't stop...

The end of the world will surely come!

Even if a large number of evacuation fortifications are built, it will not help!

That's just self-deception...


The target revealed not much information!

And it's so unbelievable...

Xie Cong didn't care about it at the time, and directly filtered it out as some nonsense when the target was dying!

It's not just him...

A lot of people who were there at the time thought so!

After all, in those few years everyone was clamoring for the end to come soon! Everyone has been completely immune to such language and rumors...


The target didn't babble for long and didn't reveal any more information. Qin Bu cut his head off with a knife!


But at this time Xie Cong was thinking about it carefully...

Suddenly found...

Some of the information revealed by that goal at that time has now been fulfilled!

strong force!

This must be those so-called 'judges'!

the end of the world...

Needless to say this! Ever since the Great Destruction, mankind has been driven to a dead end. They are almost extinct. If this is not called the end of the world, then Xie Cong really doesn't know how it should be called the end of the world!

As for the massive evacuation fortifications...

Seeing the underground city in front of him, Xie Cong suddenly realized!

No wonder there was a strange order prohibiting contact with the target!

And if you recall carefully...

Xie Cong also suddenly discovered that when everyone thought that the target was talking nonsense, although it was very indifferent. But Qin Bu strangled him on the spot right away.

Now it seems……

It should be Qin Bu worried about revealing more information!



After listening to Xie Cong's memories, Xia Jian smiled softly. With a bit of emotion: "The end of the world rì!! Don't say it's you, even me, I'm afraid I wouldn't believe it at the time!"


The end of the world!

At that time, although Xia Jian did not completely believe that there would be the end of the world in the future!

But also very stubborn. The end of the world will never come so soon...

And even if it's really the end of the world...

Should also be nuclear war. Or an alien invasion or something!

As for the virus!

Although I have thought about it!

After all, in the late rì movies at that time, viruses and biohazards accounted for a very large proportion.

But Xia Jian always stubbornly believes that...

The description of the virus in the movie is too exaggerated!

"I wouldn't believe it either..."

Liu Li didn't miss the opportunity and also interjected next to her!

But what she said was like saying it in vain!

Everyone knows that if she would believe in the crisis at the end of the day, I'm afraid she wouldn't put all her effort into listing the company she created with her own hands!

"Ha ha……"

For the comfort of Xia Jian and Xie Cong, Xie Cong smiled noncommittally!

a long time……

He suddenly raised his eyes. Looking from a distance, the endless steel jungle in the distance. Suddenly there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his eyes!

The voice has also become very distant...

"Actually, thinking about it now, maybe at that time, the captain already believed that person's words..."

"team leader?"

Xia Jian thought for a while: "Did you mean Ho Jie?"


Xie Cong nodded...

"Why do you say that?"

Xie Cong said solemnly, "Why do you think the captain would not hesitate to commit treason and stay in Shenzhen-Hong Kong? Why do you think the captain is trying so hard to become a 'judgment'?"

Say this...

Xie Cong suddenly lost interest, "It turns out that I have been kept in the dark by the captain for a long time!"


Xia Jian laughed twice...

In this regard, he really didn't know how to comfort Xie Cong!

But Xia Jian also underestimated Xie Cong's ability to bear...

just a moment...

Xie Cong has returned to normal, "But I can only blame myself. These things can't be put in the light, and I was there at the time. Maybe the captain thought I knew it too!"

Xia Jian is still speechless...

After a while, Xia Jian suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, how did you know that these underground cities were built twenty years ago?"

Xie Cong smiled: "It's not that simple. The 'Judger' project started twenty years ago. Since that goal didn't lie, then these underground cities must have been built during the same period..."

"So that's how it is..."

Xia Jian was disappointed with this answer...

He thought that Xie Cong would break out what kind of heavyweight news!

The result was just deduced by him...


Whether the facts are really what Xie Cong said is open to question!


The conversation is It's been over a quarter of an hour...

Stop and go all the way!

By the way, Ma Guanhua visited the underground city...


A huge circular square has already appeared in the field of vision.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge musical fountain. If there is no accident, this should be the very center of the first-level underground city...


Dad was bitten by a snake!

I stayed with me all night last night. I didn't come back from the hospital until about noon today. My head was still in a daze until 8 o'clock. I finally got a recommendation. Three shifts tomorrow! (To be continued...)

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