Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 108: :lament

View from the sky...

Under the dim light of the flickering light, in the snow-capped jungle, an armored vehicle with many holes, with its site facing upwards, overturned crookedly on the hillside!

The whole car seems to have fallen from the sky!

The exterior is full of scars and bullets, and the blood flowing down the exterior and the scraps of minced meat left on the sharp edge all indicate that this armored vehicle had experienced a tragic battle before this. !

However, the body was seriously deformed at this time...

The ground in the center has also been dented by the heavy weight of the car body.


A blood clan with a height of more than three meters, full body, exuding a terrifying and violent aura, landed on the body and screamed in the sky! His fists kept pounding against the rock-like muscles in his chest.


Intensive gunshots sounded...

At the rear of the heavily distorted compartment of the armored vehicle, a strong man was covered in blood and tilted his bullets crazily!

He growled wildly...

Red eyes! Under the reflection of the blazing fire, that mature face was extremely hideous at this time!

"Puff puff……"

The bullets swept through dark purple trajectories, forming a dense barrage, and shot to the left one after another. In one direction, it was an agile vampire with thick limbs, blood red all over, and agile movements!

It growled angrily...

He swung his claws several times to smash that strong man's head!

But every time I was hit back by the dense barrage, it was my body instead. There are more blood holes spewing blood!

On the south side of the hillside...

A headless corpse lay upright on the ground, and has long since lost its breath!

Under him, there is a little boy who doesn't know his life or death!

Blood gushing from the startling wound of the headless corpse. Like a plague, it quickly infected the surrounding snow!

Soon they couldn't tell each other apart...


The one who howled excitedly was an agile vampire a hundred meters away!

It was grabbing a **** head!

He kept raising his head, dumped the milky white liquid in his head, and quickly opened his mouth to catch it, making a satisfying "tsk tsk..." sound!


Yang Jing's eyes are red in the middle...

It was like a scene in a nightmare, which left her at a loss and confused. The whole person has entered a state of exhaustion, and he doesn't know what to do at all!

I was about to instinctively rush over to save my husband...

"You still have Xiaoyun..."

"You're dead, what about Xiaoyun?"

An ethereal voice. Through many obstacles, it echoed in her mind.

"Little Cloud..."

Under the influence of this voice, Yang Jing finally woke up a little!

His gaze subconsciously turned to the little boy who was crushed under the headless corpse, whose life and death were unknown...

"Yes! I'm dead. What about Xiaoyun?"

like a belief...

The despair and confusion in his eyes disappeared instantly. Instead, there is firmness, firmness that cannot be shaken even if the sky is torn apart!

I looked back at Wang Ning again...

Just in time for...

The power-type vampire that has been standing on the carriage, with its arms raised, slammed down!


In the screeching sound of friction...

The armored vehicle's reinforced and thickened rear compartment armor sinks again under huge force!


The frantic roar stopped. Under the pressure of the armor, Wang Ning spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he could faintly see the minced viscera...

"Go. Let's go..."

But even so, the man in madness did not forget to roar. Crazy to pull the trigger!

The constantly flashing tongue of fire, like the fire of his life, is showing its final glory to the world...

A tear of blood slowly slipped down!

Yang Jing closed her eyes tightly and turned her head sharply...

"Let's go!!"

Two simple words, like exhausting all her strength!

He stumbled to the headless corpse, tossed the corpse aside, and tightly hugged the comatose little boy in his arms...

At this moment...

The soft body in her arms is the most important thing in her life!

Think of this...

Yang Jing suddenly felt that her body, which was already about to be exhausted, was full of strength again! Follow closely behind Yang Tao, stumbling into the endless dark jungle!


There was another explosion from the rear!

In the distance, Yang Jing saw a fire soaring into the sky, and half of the carriage was violently blasted into the air!

Vaguely, Yang Jing seemed to see her husband's familiar smile in the firelight...

The surrounding world suddenly returned to peace!

Yang Jing's body couldn't help but tremble slightly...


Yang Tao lightly patted Yang Jing's shoulder and comforted her!

But the words come to the mouth...


But he found that the air around him seemed to freeze, and he suddenly lost control of his body, and he couldn't even move his lips or blink his eyes!

Just standing there blankly, keeping the original posture...


Yang Tao's abnormality quickly caught Yang Jing's attention...

After all, Yang Tao's situation at this time is very strange. One hand is half raised, half raised, and placed an inch away from his shoulder. His whole body, including the expression on his face, seems to be frozen!

The whole person seems to suddenly become a statue!

"Yang Tao?"

Yang Jing suddenly had a very bad feeling and reached out to pull him: "What's the matter with you?"

But before her fingers touch Yang Tao...

A weird scene happened...

Yang Tao's body seemed to be hit from the side by a sports car with a speed of 200 yards. The whole person is like a sandbag, accelerating violently, hitting the tree trunk on the left!


Just a moment...

That huge force. Let the trunk of nearly two meters in diameter tremble violently!

A large amount of snow fell from the already overwhelmed branches and leaves immediately...

As for Yang Tao...

Under such a terrifying force, at the moment when the body was in contact with the tree trunk, a series of creepy "clicks..." came out when the body was neutral!

The blood is like a gushing spring, constantly overflowing from the mouth, nose, eyes and ears!

This sudden scene suddenly made Yang Jing stand on the spot...

She had no idea what was going on...

But there is no time for her to be in a daze at this time...


There was another muffled sound, Yang Tao, who had just hit the tree trunk. Again, in an impossible way, he slammed into another tree trunk several meters away!

The kind that is very quiet, suddenly very moving. The coexistence of strength and speed, and the sight of violating gravity and common sense of physics in his eyes made Yang Jing horrified!

Feeling in the dark. There seems to be a pair of icy eyes. Looking at here in general!

"Run away..."

A weak voice suddenly came over!

It's Yang Tao...

After hitting it twice in a row, knowing that his life is going to die soon, he finally poured all his thoughts on life into this eldest sister who had only known each other for two days!

Then the whole person disappeared like a shooting star in the endless darkness in the jungle like lightning...

Until four or five seconds later...


In the direction where Yang Tao disappeared, there was a sudden explosion on a hillside not far away!

A cloud of flame slowly rises...



Run away!

Obviously, Yang Tao finally blew himself up with a glorious bomb. It gave Yang Jing the last glimmer of hope!

In the next ten or so minutes, no blood clan and dark chasers came to catch up!


More likely it is. Perhaps those blood races and dark chasers simply disdain the flesh and blood provided by these two humans! After all, there are more than three million survivors on the road thousands of meters away, waiting for them to eat freely...

When passing a hillside...

Fortunately, Yang Jing found a simple cave composed of two boulders on the hillside!

To be precise, this is a humble lair!

The ground is dry, and the inside is covered with a thin layer of hay!

There seems to be a hint of warm air on it...

However, the owner of the lair disappeared at this time!

Escape all night!

After experiencing death and pain, Yang Jing was already exhausted at this time!

After finding this lair...

She had been clenching her teeth and holding her last breath, and she felt that all the strength was quickly draining from her body!

Without any choice……

She could only hug Xiaoyun and crawled into this narrow and simple lair that gave her a sense of security!

It doesn't matter if the owner of the lair wants it or not! !


The hole of the lair is facing the direction Yang Jing came from...


In the distance, the fire was blazing into the sky, and there were intermittent violent explosions and shrill, desperate screams!

From time to time, a huge cloud of flames rises into the sky...

In an instant, the entire jungle seemed to become a little brighter!

And behind...

There was a faint sound of wind, penetrating through the cracks in the rocks! "Woo..." It sounded like an evil ghost howling!

There is simply no cold wind getting into the cave!

Other than that, the surroundings are quiet...

Just the occasional cloud of snow falling from the sparse tree branches!

In the dull sound, a lot of snowflakes splashed...


quietly listening to the wind...

Yang Jing was in a trance for a while, and the feeling of exhaustion and weakness kept coming out of her body!

I couldn't help squinting my eyes!

But in the next second, her slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and her body trembled violently...

"can not sleep……"

It seems to be admonishing myself, and it seems to express the firm belief in my heart! The voice is a little weak!


In less than five seconds, the face that had just opened, drooped down again...

Before you know it, even your head hangs down...

are you asleep?

Perhaps! !

in the face of extreme fatigue. Any firm will is so vulnerable...



There was another violent explosion, this time, even if the distance was a kilometer. The ground can also clearly feel the clear tremor!

At the same time, a cyclone quickly spread through the jungle at a speed visible to the naked eye...


Under the influence of this cyclone, the originally calm jungle immediately turned into a raging wave!

far away……

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rises into the sky...

The explosion was very violent!

The violent shock wave that trailed behind the cyclone raged out. Blow down a lot of trees...

If anyone can get close to the center of the explosion at this time...

You will find that it turns out that several trucks sending arms from the army exploded!

This explosion completely ruined the last hope of Hu Minghai and his party...

But Yang Jing would like to thank them...

The explosion. Let her wake up a little bit again...

Looking at the mushroom cloud slowly rising in the distance, Yang Jing slapped her cheeks a few times, feeling sleepy still. After thinking about it, Yang Jing simply got out of the cave...

Duke Zhou's two victories just now. Make her completely vigilant!

It also makes her understand...

If not use some radical means. It is simply impossible to defeat Duke Zhou by will alone!

Thinking of this...

Yang Jing simply picked up a handful of snow from the snow, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and rubbed it on her face!

In an instant, a chill that pierced through the heart invaded the whole body!

The whole person is also completely awake...

Looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance again, his eyes became a little confused unknowingly...


It's a killing night!

Bloody night! !

Desperate night! ! !

Of the more than three million survivors, how many have successfully escaped the catastrophe?

Nobody knows……

Maybe no one will know!

Yang Jing suddenly became a little confused...

Is there any hope?

Is there really any hope for mankind?

Disaster tonight...

Let Yang Jing completely recognize a fact!

In front of the overwhelming blood clan. What line of defense, what shelter. All are so vulnerable! Today's human beings simply do not have the capital to compete with blood races, mutant creatures, and demon races!

So in the next time, what should human beings do?

Is it really only struggling in vain, step by step, slowly towards extinction?

This is a rather esoteric question!

Yang Jing feels that she may spend her whole life and may not find the answer!


Yang Jing suddenly turned her head and glanced at the cave hidden in the pile of stones behind her!

The thoughts that were still a little confused at first became firm again...

No matter how……

At least I still have Xiaoyun!

As long as Xiaoyun is alive...

No matter how slim the hope is, I have to work hard to survive...


The slaughter continued...

Despair and death keep spreading!

till the end……

That tragic scene, maybe even the goddess of the night can't stand it anymore, she tragically opened a corner of the dark curtain, and in the boundless darkness, a fish belly was finally revealed!

It's just that it's already seven or eight hours later...

Day has finally come...

The evil spirit raging in the **** on earth finally began to slowly retreat into the bottomless dark abyss again!

This time...

They eat flesh and blood!

Take away millions of souls!

The only way to get down is the mountains of corpses, the messy death cemetery...

In the morning sun...

Above the several-kilometer-long mountain road, it was completely shrouded in a thick layer of blood mist!

The whole world was shrouded in blood...

The warm blood even melted the hard frozen soil, soaked the soil layer, and gradually gathered in the valleys into bright red blood pools mixed with ice cubes and snow water!

With the breeze caressing...

The strong **** smell can be clearly smelled from ten miles away!




At the same time, when the dark chaser retreated, a small noise began to appear in the distant jungle!

In the grass under the dense forest, grass dragons that are advancing rapidly began to appear...

The goals, without exception, are all in the direction of the road. At first glance, it looks quite spectacular...

Night belongs to the blood clan and the demon clan!

At night, the blood race and the demon race will have a substantial increase in strength!

In the face of absolute strength...

Even powerful mutant creatures have to temporarily avoid the edge!

But once it's daytime...

When the strength of the Demon Race and the Blood Race is greatly weakened, they will become vulnerable in the face of mutant creatures!


The daytime belongs to mutant creatures!

When the first rays of sunlight drifted down, the mutant creatures who had endured a night of hunger and thirst finally scrambled to get out of their nests...

The **** feast is about to begin again!

For the survivors who survived...

A new round of disaster is coming...



Not all mutant creatures like these **** things!

Especially the leftovers eaten by the dark chasers!

on a hillside...

There are two young wolf cubs playing in the snow!

Encountering mutant mice that occasionally pass by...

Even if they are not as big as a mutant mouse, the two wolf cubs will still roar aggressively at each other.


In the face of the two little wolf cubs whose size and strength are far less than their own, these mutant mice just screamed twice, and then ran away quickly!

Don't dare to stay in the same place for a long time!

As for attacking the wolf cubs...

That's even more of a day and night talk! At least not dare to do it blatantly until there is no absolute certainty!

This is the tribe!

This is the gap between predators and ordinary mutant creatures! !


When you see all the mutant creatures, you can't avoid yourself!

The two wolf cubs howled in their tender voices...

In the vagueness, there is really such an indescribable aura!

But at this moment...


"Do not……"

A shrill desperate, high-pitched scream suddenly cut through the sky above the jungle!

Instantly overwhelmed the whistling of the two little wolf cubs...

The two little wolf cubs seemed quite dissatisfied with the sound that interrupted them, looked at each other, and immediately accelerated towards the direction where the scream came from...


An empty hillside appeared in front of them...

On the upper part of the hillside, there is a messy pile of gravel, of which two huge rocks are particularly eye-catching!

And in front of these two rocks...

A woman with disheveled hair was kneeling in the snow, holding a thin body tightly in her arms, looking up to the sky like a mad cry...

……………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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