Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 107: :worship

Now Xia Jian is not the little rookie who just left the school, and he can't walk when he sees the beauty!


As the boss of a large-scale force with tens of thousands of people, although Xia Jian doesn't take care of things very much on weekdays, under the influence of his eyes and ears, he has also learned some imperial ways from Xu Leini, Liu Li and others. [big master] m

Immediately, his eyes widened, his momentum suddenly soared, and he said angrily, "Are you the boss? Or am I the boss?"

With the strength of Xia Jian today...

In addition, he had just finished killing, and the evil spirit shrouded in his body had not completely dissipated, and he suddenly dissipated his own breath without any scruples.

Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai immediately felt that they were not facing a single person.

It's a wild beast that will choose people to devour at any time!

so frightened...

The two immediately shivered, and suddenly became honest...

Seeing Jing Ruohanchan, Xia Jian nodded with satisfaction, restrained his momentum, and comforted: "I will tell you the address, you remember, when you get there, we will let you go, and someone will arrange for you. …”


Ai Xiaoxue hesitated, but she finally summoned up her courage, "Boss, do you really want our help? We are really familiar with the entire Pearl City. If you are looking for someone, maybe we will know. Where is he……"

As a strong...

Moreover, from Xia Jian's previous attitude, Ai Xiaoxue could predict that there must be many people in the entire Pearl City who begged the other party to take in like the two of them!

But Ai Xiaoxue is not willing to be like those people...

I don't want to be so oblivious to everyone...

In this case, you must strive to have more contact with this person in front of you. This way you can get to know him better and respond accordingly!

"Do not……"

Xia Jian wanted to say that he didn't need to...

But on second thought, this is what Ai Xiaoxue said!

I am unfamiliar with this Pearl City, and I have only been here many years ago.

Instead of running around like headless flies like now. Try your luck, maybe ask these local snakes, you can really get some gains!


Even chatting with these people will not waste much time at all.

Take 10,000 steps back and say, if there is no harvest, then drive them back...

Think of this. Xia Jian had already made a decision, and when he said the words on his lips, he swallowed them back again and nodded, "Yeah! Let's go first! I'll ask you something..."

Ai Xiaoxue suddenly cheered...



waiting hall...

Because the roof is covered with thick snow, blocking the sun. The hall, which was originally dimly lit, was now a bit brighter because of a hole in the roof of the hall.

Rao is that dozens of minutes have passed!

But the strong **** smell that filled the entire hall still did not dissipate at all.

A large pile of fleshy pieces of meat was piled in the center of the hall, next to a huge pit.

Blood and water gradually gathered in the pit...

It gradually turned into a blood puddle with a diameter of Mish...

The wind is still howling!

From time to time, there will be snowflakes with heavy snowflakes. Floating down from the cracked roof, in the empty hall, floating freely until it gently fell to the ground.


Out of thin air, it added a bit of chill to the otherwise warm hall.

at this time……


A heart-piercing scream suddenly resounded throughout the hall.

It was the second floor, and the screams came from the second floor.

"Hold on!! Xiao Yang, you must hold back..."

As the screams sounded, there was a burst of hurried encouragement.

"Brother Yang, you'll be fine in a while!! You'll be fine..."

There was also a girl's voice that sounded like a wind chime, but it was just a girl's voice. Because it is too eager, it seems limited and hoarse.

Move the camera to the second floor corridor...

I saw Xia Jianzheng squatting on the ground, pressing his palms down, a milky white halo under his palms. It is looming, as if there is life, sending out some kind of very rhythmic pulse.

And Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai, who had just been taken in by Xia Jian, looked at the ground anxiously.

On the ground was a figure soaked in blood. This man was struggling desperately, howling with all his might, as if he was suffering great pain.

Pain indeed!

Because at this time, this person's chest has a large wound on the mouth of a bowl.

Through the wound, you can faintly see the smooth internal organs in the wound, rising and falling in the chest cavity.

Warm blood, like spring water, frantically poured out of this wound...

I think this person is the little Yang that Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai spoke of!

turn out to be……

This Xiao Yang was one of the few people who followed Wu Kai and Ai Xiaoxue.

But after the first sneak attack failed...

The dozens of dark chasers immediately rushed to the second floor.

The situation is out of control...

The scene became chaotic.

In the team of Wu Kai and Xiaoxue, there were two companions on the spot. They were killed by headshots by the spirit-based vampire who controlled the bullets.

Fortunately, seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Kai made a decisive decision and immediately chose to retreat.


This little Yang is a bit unlucky!

Although he also chose to retreat at the first time, he did not want to be targeted by one of the dark chasers, and caught up with him on his chest.

Just when Xiao Yang thought he was going to die...

But Xia Jian appeared at this time. After scratching Xiao Yang, the dark chaser had not had time to make up for it, and was summoned back by the spiritual blood clan.

This caused the scene where Xiao Yang was dying at this time.


At this time, I really don't know whether to call this little Yang lucky or unlucky.


That's because he suffered such a serious injury, but he didn't die immediately, and he met Xia Jian through **** luck.

As for bad luck...

Although this Xiao Yang did not die again, unfortunately, his wound was injured by the Dark Chaser. Even if he didn't die immediately, he might not be able to avoid the fate of becoming a dark chaser in the end.

Now because of Xia Jian, Xiao Yang naturally doesn't need to program the Dark Chaser.


For those who have never enjoyed the "Healing Technique", when they suddenly enjoy the pain like the bite of ten thousand ants, it is definitely better than killing them. And make them suffer.


Compared to Xiao Yang, who is now suffering from death!

At this time, Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai were completely shocked in their hearts...

Looking at Xia Jian's eyes, it also became more and more frenzied...

They never imagined that the boss they had just recognized would be able to cure a companion they thought was mortal.

a long time……

Xiao Yang had completely fainted.

The wound is also under the treatment of a "Healing Technique" charm, and the speed can be seen by the naked eye. Quickly stop bleeding, scarring, healing...

Wait until the ability in a "Healing" charm is completely exhausted.

The wound finally healed five or six points...

Although it still looks so shocking, at least this little Yang's life will not be lost.


Xia Jian exhaled softly.

A "Healing Technique" magic talisman is naturally impossible to achieve this kind of healing effect. In fact, he secretly used the "Healing Technique" for this person several times.

And the reason for using a magic talisman to cover...

In Xia Jian's view...

The two had only known each other for a while. Although he recognized him as the boss now, he did not gain his trust. If some things can be hidden, try to hide them as much as possible.

"Okay! Take a few days off and you should be fine..."

Seeing the anxious two people, Xia Jian felt a little touched. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you boss..."

"Boss, you are a god!! Thank you so much..."

Ai Xiaoxue and Fatty were naturally shedding tears of gratitude, and looked at Xia Jian with gratitude and admiration on their faces.

"No need to thank me!"

Xia Jian waved his hand and said indifferently: "We have a lot of magic talismans in our base. One hundred soldier-level blood crystals can be exchanged for one. When you have blood crystals in the future, you can return the double to me..."


Fatty's forehead is full of black lines: "Do you want to pay it back? Double? Isn't that two hundred?"


Xia Jian nodded solemnly. Not at all like a joke.

Now even Ai Xiaoxue feels speechless...

Is there such a stingy boss?


Confirm that Xiao Yang's injury is no longer a problem.

After putting it in place, the three of them got together again...

Looking at Xia Jian who was using a bonfire on the opposite side, leisurely roasting a piece of meat from an unknown animal, the two of them were sitting with seriousness on their faces. It was like a primary school student being confronted by the head teacher.

"Boss, just ask what you want to know! We absolutely know everything and say everything..."

This time...

Wu Kai's boss, but his name is sincere, and there is not a little bit of water mixed in.

Xia Jian can naturally feel the change in the fat man's mentality...

Nodding his head, he said indifferently: "Actually, this matter really has something to do with you..."

After a pause, Xia Jian glanced at the two of them, and continued: "It's not just you, but all the survivors in Pearl City. I think you saw it just now, I'm chasing that spiritual blood clan. !"


Fatty and Xiaoxue nodded again and again!

Indicate that you know...

"Actually, adding this one, this is already the fourth head I killed, and the strength has reached the general level of the spiritual blood family..."

The two of them looked at each other with admiration.

Xia Jian asked back, "Do you know why I want to hunt them down?"

The two shook their heads: "I don't know..."

Xia Jian asked again: "Don't you think that there are too many general-level blood clans in the Pearl City?"

The two of them were confused...

As the so-called authorities are obsessed, bystanders are clear.

As survivors who have been living in Pearl City and have never been to other places, everything that happened in Pearl City is to them. In fact, it's all normal.

"Then do you know the military base 015?"

Xia Jian changed his way...

This time, Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai finally nodded: "I know, people from that base often came to Pearl City to collect supplies, but I haven't seen them in this period of time..."

"Boss, I heard that the base is huge. There are millions of survivors, right?"


Xia Jian nodded, and his tone suddenly became a little deep and a little dignified: "Of course they won't come, maybe you don't know! Just last week, the dark chasers in Pearl City were under the control of these spiritual blood clans. They came out in full force and attacked that base, that base is over!!"


Hearing the news, Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai suddenly exclaimed.

But what surprised them even more was behind...

I saw Xia Jian grit his teeth and said: "More than three million people, there are only less than 10,000 people who died!!"

"Oh my God!!"

This time, Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai were more than shocked...

Just listening to Xia Jian's heavy voice. They seem to have seen the tragic scene, and they can't help but feel a little hairy! !

After being shocked...

The quick-thinking Ai Xiaoxue quickly thought of something, looked at Xia Jian with admiration, and suddenly realized: "So, boss, you want to hunt down these spiritual blood clans?"


Xia Jian didn't blush either, and nodded with peace of mind.

Although he is not so noble...

but! seemingly! I came to Pearl City this time, and I really had some reasons for this.

"After our observation..."

Xia Jiansu said: "Behind this group of dark chasers. Not only are there a large number of spiritual blood races in control, but among these spiritual blood races, there is also a super ****! I came to Pearl City this time, mainly to find this The mastermind behind the scenes! As long as it is solved, the survivors in the various bases near Pearl City can continue to live..."


Ai Xiaoxue and Fatty respected Xia Jian in awe.

They didn't cheat at all this time!

Because they completely believed what Xia Jian said...

It's not that they are really so easy to deceive, but, in their opinion, as a strong man of Xia Jian's level, there is no need for this kind of thing. lie to them.

"That boss..."

half silent...

Ai Xiaoxue suddenly raised her head, looked at Xia Jian, and said solemnly, "Maybe we can really help a little this time?"


Xia Jian glanced at Ai Xiaoxue suspiciously.


Ai Xiaoxue and Fatty nodded at the same time...

"For the past six months, we have been wandering in Pearl City, where is there a powerful blood clan. We basically know the approximate location..."

After saying this...

Ai Xiaoxue secretly added a sentence in her heart: "Not only do I know, my abilities are not very accurate in predicting other things, but I am very sensitive to those particularly powerful spirit-type blood clans, and I can often see that they are related to them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here today!"


Ai Xiaoxue wouldn't tell Xia Jian this!

At least, in a short period of time, Ai Xiaoxue will not tell Xia Jian that he has the ability of a prophet.


Xia Jian never imagined that he actually picked up two treasures under the wrong circumstances.

With these two mobile gps, even if they're not that accurate and have all kinds of bugs, as long as they're 1/10 accurate, it's worth taking them with you.

Ai Xiaoxue's goal has finally been achieved!

After an in-depth conversation, she and Fatty were finally able to successfully stay by Xia Jian's side.

With this qualification!

I believe that in the future, when Xia Jian belongs to the forces, the two of them will also be able to gain a high status.

But before they officially set off to hunt the blood clan, Fatty and Xiaoxue had one more thing to do...

Xiao Yang has not recovered!

Since he has already saved the life of an unrelated person, Xia Jian will not waste too much mental power and "healing" magic on him.

After all, this is the Pearl City in crisis.

Secretly, there is also a very terrifying, very smart and cunning vampire!

If this vampire really has the kind of intelligence expected...

Xia Jian believes that he has been in Pearl City for a week, and he may have been discovered by it and targeted.

Therefore, Xia Jian must maintain his state to deal with the danger that may occur at any time.

I definitely can't just leave Xiao Yang here...

Impossible to bring him!

After all, Xia Jian had already brought two burdens with him. If he really wanted to bring another sick number, let alone the trouble of going to the blood clan, it would be good if he didn't get troubled by the blood clan.

After some negotiation...

Ai Xiaoxue and Wu Kai decided to send Xiao Yang back to their agreed meeting point first.

Trust with those companion care!

Xiao Yang shouldn't have any big problems!


Fortunately, the rendezvous location they set was not far away...

Just inside a skyscraper less than five miles from the bus station.

If it is only for this period of time, compared to the survivors in other places, the survivors in the center of the Pearl are undoubtedly happier!

A large number of dark chasers were evacuated from the city center.

The supermarkets, bus stations, and hospitals that used to be the most densely populated places by dark chasers have now all become empty.

Even if there is an occasional dark chaser!

There are a very small number of them, or those who are locked in a secret room and cannot come out.

The meeting place that Ai Xiaoxue and the others chose, the skyscraper was such a place.

At the bottom of the building, that is, below the ground, is a large supermarket.


The main part from the ground floor to the fifth floor is a large department store! There is also an Industrial and Commercial Bank and a Construction Bank in the corner!

Further up, there are Food City and Movie City.

Continue to go up is the office building for rent...

Moreover, Pearl City is different from Shenzhen-Hong Kong City, which is like a ruin. It has not experienced a direct nuclear explosion. The damage to the building is not serious.

With no damage to the building structure...

It's obviously a lot easier to search for and clear out dark chasers!

And the dark chaser in the skyscraper in front of him should have been completely cleaned up.

Several main entrances and exits have been completely blocked.

The iron roller shutters on various glass windows have also been pulled down and reinforced again.

Only one main exit is left...

At the exit, there are four survivors with guns guarding...

………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Power. Mobile users please go to an. to read.)

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