Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 101: : stumbling block

Noisy night...

When the first ray of morning light appeared in the white sky...

After several days of heavy snowfall, there are finally signs that it is about to stop!

In the ferocious cold wind, the goose feather snow that danced wildly in the sky gradually turned into tiny snow crystals that were so finely broken that they could not be seen at all!

The modern city of reinforced concrete is covered by thick snow!

It's all white everywhere...

At first glance, it looks like a white desert, and when the cold wind blows, it rolls up snow particles in the sky...

In low-lying places, the depth of the snow has even reached an astonishing two meters! Once someone walks into it unwillingly, it is very likely that not even a single bubble will emerge, and they will be completely trapped in it.



Stand on the top floor of a skyscraper!

Xia Jian took a deep breath...

The icy airflow, mixed with countless tiny ice crystals, went from the trachea to the lungs!

Feeling the biting coldness, Xia Jian couldn't help shivering, which made Xia Jian meditate all night, slightly groggy, and suddenly cheered!

The whole person also seems to be awake a lot...

Looking around...

As far as the eye can see, the city that used to be mainly gray and white is now all white! !

In dim light...

This endless white is slightly dazzling!

And the air is foggy, the sight is blocked, and you can't see too far!

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian couldn't help feeling a little bit...

Once upon a time, Xia Jian had countless times in his mind, imagining what the world would be like when it entered the Ice Age!

I don't know...

Before you know it, the Ice Age has quietly come to your side!

Continue with the current trend. Maybe it won't be long before the whole city will be buried under the thick snow! !

Then in the long wait, looking forward to the next opportunity to see the sun again! !

"Fortunately, in the underground fortifications, there is a perfect circulation system and material reserves..."

Xia Jian couldn't help but secretly rejoice...

If it weren't for this, Xia Jian couldn't imagine how the tens of thousands of people under his command would survive this endless harsh winter! !

No food source...

No perfect heating facilities!

an ordinary person. Wanting to survive in this harsh environment is tantamount to wishful thinking!

Is it just by swallowing these snow and ice that contain a lot of radiation and impurities to fill the stomach and keep warm?

Fortunately, Xia Jian also has a faint sadness in his heart...

Not for myself!

But for the whole of humanity...

In this long and harsh climate, perhaps even most of the government forces can survive it.

But these people are only a few after all! !

At this moment. How many survivors are outside these government forces?

Ten percent?

Or ninety percent?

In Xia Jian's mind, the possibility of the latter should be greater! !

How many people can survive in such a harsh environment...


Yesterday, in the underground space of the supermarket, so many blood cocoons were found!

This made Xia Jian suddenly feel a faint sense of crisis...

think carefully……

It has been more than half a year since the Great Destruction Day!

When the first month has passed after entering the last days, and the second month has passed...

The Dark Chaser begins its first evolution!

Although this process. It wasn't really done until the third month! !

However, it is undeniable that in the second month after entering the last days, at the beginning of the month, various signs have already appeared!

The most obvious of them was in the middle of the second month, after Xia Jian escaped from the Huatian Building, at that time, the dark chaser he met at night. Will be directly promoted to soldier level!

Although once the night comes, the strength of the dark chasers will increase. This is already the most basic attempt in the end of the world!

However, such an improvement that directly crossed a level only appeared in that period of time!

And now...

in the same place. There were as many as dozens of blood clans, and they advanced to the general level at the same time! !

Does this indicate that it won't be long before these blood races, dark chasers, and demon races that haven't appeared for a long time. Will they soon usher in their second advancement?

If this is true...

Does that mean that after this advancement, these dark chasers wandering the streets will all have the strength of generals?

It's not that Xia Jian is unreasonable!

Wasn't that the case with the last advancement?

Ninety-nine percent of the dark chasers have achieved soldier-level strength overnight!

Once even an ordinary dark chaser has the strength of a general...

Xia Jian didn't dare to think about it any longer. Maybe at that time, the human beings who once covered the entire surface of the earth will become a very distant past tense! !

"Do what you can do!!"

Xia Jian clenched his fists subconsciously! !



The wind is blowing again...

The fierce cold wind rolled up large tracts of ice crystals, constantly shuttled through the tall buildings!

From a distance, it looks like a white ribbon...

until the sun sets...

The ribbon was instantly stained with a layer of dazzling blood, which was extremely dazzling! !


The soles of the shoes stepped on the snow, and a series of footsteps sounded behind Xia Jian...

"grown ups……"

Very pleasant sound, like a bird chirping.

Xia Jian turned around...

What appeared in his field of vision was a girl with clear eyes, fair face, and pure as snow!

Ai Xiaoxue!

However, under Xia Jian's reminder, she has lost the qualification to continue to be called Xia Jian's boss!

There is Wu Kai who is treated in the same way as her!

It's not that Xia Jian cares about this title...

But when tacit understanding has become a rule, even Xia Jian can't break it at will! Otherwise, bringing this person in front of this person like a snow-white woman will not be luck, but an endless disaster! !

"How are you getting ready?"

"Well! Everyone is ready and ready to go. It's just..."

Ai Xiaoxue seemed a little hesitant!

But considering the mountains of supplies in the supermarket warehouse, she finally summoned up her courage and said, "Sir, do we just ignore the supplies in the warehouse?"

turn out to be……

After subduing nearly 400 people yesterday, Xia Jian suddenly felt that maybe he was like this. Wouldn't it seem a little irresponsible to let them go to a naval base on their own?

After all, there are not a few people this time!

is a group of...

And as we all know, the more survivors get together, the easier it is to attract the attention of shadow chasers wandering nearby!

Even if they really broke through Pearl City, there are so many of them in the outermost area where the dark chasers are concentrated. Wouldn't it attract the attention of mutant creatures in the jungle?

Measured around...

Xia Jian decided to work harder and **** these people back to the base!

Anyway, it only takes a few days to go back and forth, so it won't take much time...

And I can take this opportunity to go back and see how far the base has developed in the more than a week since I came out! !


Seeing Ai Xiaoxue's unwillingness to speak. How could Xia Jian not know what this little girl was thinking about...

As a doomsday man!

Almost everyone regards things like food as more important than things like gold! For some, even more important than weapons! !

And as time goes by, this situation is becoming more and more prominent!

This is due to the overall environment...

It will not change at all because of personal will!

After all, everyone knows it now, except for the food left over from before the Great Destruction. Humans, so far, have not found a new food source!

what does this mean?

It means that as long as new food sources are not found every day, the food reserves of the entire human being will become less and less as time goes by. Until one day it is completely exhausted.

At this time, human beings can only risk their lives to fight predators who are far stronger than themselves. Steal the source of the food!

smiling and shaking his head...

Xia Jian wanted to directly issue a death order, prohibiting everyone from carrying all materials except necessities.

But after thinking about it carefully, Xia Jian suddenly realized that he might be a little too strong!

No matter how hype he said, it was only his own words after all. The cruel apocalypse has made today's human beings very practical!

Only when they get what they have can they truly feel at ease...

"Why not!"

Xia Jian received the order in his mouth, and was swallowed back again, with a change of tone, "Tell everyone, bring as much as you want, as long as you can ensure your physical strength, tomorrow, we have to reach our destination. …”


Seeing that Xia Jian finally let go, Ai Xiaoxue ran down happily.

On the roof, there is only Xia Jian left...

Xia Jian shook him helplessly, turned around again, and looked into the distance...

Everything is back to what it was before...


Half an hour later, on the streets of Pearl City, which had been quiet for more than a week, a small and large-scale survivor migration team was once again ushered in!

Walking at the front of the team was a stern young man with a ferocious giant axe on his back!

Along the way, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his eyes were always half-closed, looking a little cynical!

If you just look at the exterior...

Compared with the survivors around him, his expression is more relaxed. After each step, he sinks deeper into the snow than the others. There is no difference between the young man and the survivors around him. place!


It's just for looks!

But actually...

Whenever a figure with stiff movements emerges from the shadows on both sides of the snowy street, this young man will quickly pull out a dagger from his waist, seemingly inadvertently moving towards them. Stiff figure, waving a few times...

Then, those stiff figures. There will be no exceptions, and they will be broken into several pieces in the rain of blood.

This young man is naturally Xia Jian...

And the weapon in his hand was exchanged by him not long ago...


Sharpness: Five points!

weight! Almost negligible!

Naturally, it is not as easy to use as the purgatory behind it, but it is enough to use "Assassination Swordsmanship" and "Half Moon Scimitar"!

Behind him is Ai Xiaoxue!

The little girl is now the manager of the entire team!

After that, there are hundreds of survivors!

The entire team, although the speed of action is slow. But everything is in order!

Although Xia Jian was relieved, everyone was allowed to bring a little more supplies!

But no one has brought a lot of big bags and small bags without knowing how to live or die!

Everyone is here...

It is natural to understand that in such a harsh environment as the last days, if you really bring too many materials and affect your actions, you will not only get the materials in the end. On the contrary, even his own life will be lost!

As for the group of evolutionaries headed by Zhao Long and Wu Kai, no one is in the team now!

But if you extend your sight...

They will be found within a range of about five meters away from the team!

They are constantly walking around the team. Once they find a place where there may be a large number of dark chasers, they will report back as soon as possible!

The team then immediately changes course...


Such a team of hundreds of people suddenly appeared on the icy street!

Naturally draws the attention of those other survivors on the street...

Xia Jian and the others are not moving fast...


At the beginning, everyone just waited and watched!

They are not optimistic about this team...

to this end. When one, two, and three dark chasers emerged from the shadows of the buildings on the street and rushed towards the team, many people even wiped a sweat for this team in their hearts!

But next, they expected a tragic scene. did not happen!

Those dark chasers who rushed to the team, without exception, all fell into a pool of blood and broke into several pieces!

Seeing this...

Finally someone spotted the difference in this team!

After hesitating for a long time, there was finally a girl who trotted out from the buildings on both sides of the street. Catch up with this team and silently walk behind the team...

Man is an animal that likes blind obedience! When the first one appears, run out of his hiding place, and after the person who joins the team appears. Those who were still watching, were immediately moved!

Especially those whose days are almost over! !


Let Xia Jian unexpected scene appeared!

As the team progresses...

He only walked less than five or six miles away, and the team that originally consisted of only three hundred people quickly became more than four hundred!

And this number is increasing at an extremely fast rate!

Regarding this situation, Xia Jian didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed!

Do you keep these people out of the team?

Certainly not possible...

Doesn't Xia Jian just want population now?

Now that he sees so many people joining the team, he can't even be happy, how can he keep these people out!

But if these people are allowed to join, obviously it will not work!

Not to mention that there are too many people, it is not easy to manage! !

Just when the entire team reaches the number of a thousand, that powerful attraction will become like a meat bun thrown into a pack of dogs!

It will definitely attract a large number of dark chasers to come! !

Think again and again...

Xia Jian felt that by himself, no matter how powerful he was, his ability was limited and he could not protect so many survivors!

After instructing Ai Xiaoxue to register each survivor who joins, and explain the precautions, he went to the roof where the mobile radio station was hidden last night!

Contact Xu Renni!

Let her come to support...

It may be a little troublesome for others to come!

But Xu Leini will never have any problem! !

If you fly at full speed, you can dare to come over for a few hours at most...

And with Xu Leini patrolling in the air, the safety factor will undoubtedly be much higher!

However, the development of things did not wait for Xu Leini to come over, and once again exceeded Xia Jian's expectations...

After contacting Xu Leini, Xia Jian rushed back to the team again...

It turned out that it had been in the snow all the time. The slowly advancing team was actually in an open space, facing off against another team with nearly a hundred people!

What's happening here?

Xia Jian was confused on the spot!

Why did I just leave for a while, why did my own people seem to be fighting with other forces soon?


The two sides are facing each other in an open space!

The two sides were at each other's throats, and the atmosphere was very tense!

On Ai Xiaoxue's side, everyone took out their weapons. Break it down into pieces, and sporadically distribute various strategic points on this side of the street! !

It seems that, in the end, it is a survivor who has been tempered in a cruel environment!

nothing else to say...

At least in terms of combat power, it is much stronger than those survivors in Base 015!

As for the evolutionaries headed by Wu Kai, Zhao Long and others!

It's time to get together...

Thinking about it, they also understand that in this kind of group battle. Only by concentrating your strength can you avoid the situation of being defeated by the opponent one by one!

On the other hand, the force on the other side...

Although the number of people is far less than the people on Xia Jian's side.

But in terms of quality, it is much higher!

Not to mention anything else, let's talk about the members, Xia Jian's side is full of men, women and children! On the other side, although there are men and women, most of them are in their prime!

There are far more evolutionaries than here!

Just look at it this way. Xia Jian found at least fifteen evolutionaries! !

This discovery made Xia Jian not only frown...

In Pearl City, a force with as many as fifteen evolutionaries appeared! !

And it seems that these fifteen evolutionaries do not seem to be their full strength!

Why do you think so!

Just look at the composition of this group of people to see.

However, even if there are really only ten evolutionaries, it can also explain this power. Pretty amazing! !

The only thing that Xia Jian is happy about now is that he got back in time!


Really waiting for the two sides to fight, I finally gathered hundreds of people this time, I am afraid that I will lose seventy-eighty-eight! !


In order for the situation to develop in a bad way, Xia Jian did not hesitate at the moment, and immediately accelerated a few times and jumped a few times in the air. In an instant, he crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and landed firmly in front of Ai Xiaoxue!

Be at the heart of this team!

The benefits of Xia Jian's appearance are very obvious!

The difference in strength between the two teams can basically be discerned by individuals!

Because of this. If the two sides are compared, the morale of Xia Jian's team is undoubtedly much worse!

There are many people who joined in the middle of the way, and even sneaked away from the team while taking advantage of the opportunity that no one noticed!

But with the appearance of Xia Jian...

The morale of the entire team suddenly changed!

It's as if Xia Jian brought everyone infinite confidence! !

In fact it does!

More than people don't know, but people who experienced the battle last night still don't know?

In their eyes, Xia Jian is a strong man who can easily kill even a general-level blood clan!

Do you still care about these evolutionaries?


The changes here immediately caught the attention of the other party! !

If Xia Jian walked out from the side by himself, he wouldn't let them pay attention at all!

After all, Xia Jian's breath is very restrained, but judging from the breath, if it is not stronger than him, from the point of view of ordinary evolutionaries, Xia Jian is similar to an ordinary person without any strength!

But now...

This ordinary person in their eyes not only broke out at a speed far exceeding theirs! !

Moreover, his appearance also brought earth-shaking changes to the mob on the opposite side, so they couldn't help but ignore it!

A few people who seemed to be leading the way immediately gathered together, and they didn't know what to discuss...

Just a moment later, two people suddenly separated from their team, trotted towards the building group behind them, and soon disappeared around a corner!


"What's wrong?"

At the same time, when several leaders of the other party gathered to discuss something, Xia Jian was also asking Ai Xiaoxue in a low voice!

But Ai Xiaoxue's answer made Xia Jian very painful!

At least at that moment, it was very painful!

Seeing that Ai Xiaoxue's face turned red, as if she had suffered a great grievance, she whispered, "I don't know..."

do not know?

As the party concerned, as the temporary manager of the entire team, now I'm about to fight with I don't even know what happened!


Xia Jian found that he was completely speechless to the woman in front of him!

Fortunately, after seeing Xia Jian's face turning blue, Ai Xiaoxue realized in time that her answer was ambiguous, and quickly explained it...

turn out to be……

I really can't blame this little girl for this!

The truth is, when the little girl, with her team, followed the route set by Xia Jian before, when they reached this intersection, this group of people suddenly rushed out of the nearby buildings.

And no communication whatsoever...

As soon as they came out, these people set up a formation, and they were completely ready to fight, giving people the feeling that they had been lying in ambush here, just waiting for Ai Xiaoxue and the others to appear!

……………………………………………………(To be continued...)

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