Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 106: :mighty? Outstanding?

Although Lin Fan has been managing the entire air-raid shelter settlement in an orderly manner for the past six months, and the other forces in the settlement have also not violated the water, the two sides get along very happily!

From the heart, everyone hopes that the entire air-raid shelter will always be in Lin Fan's hands!

At that time, there were indeed people who wanted to unite everyone to defend against this mysterious force that suddenly appeared from nowhere!

But then, Lin Fan lost too fast! !

Without even seeing the leader of the other party clearly, he was defeated neatly by the other party, or was rescued from the hands of this mysterious force by a group of younger brothers desperately trying to survive!

This makes those who are inclined towards Lin Fan and want to help him, but they haven't had time to put this idea into practice! !

(At that time, Xie Weihong and Han Da were actually one of the many leaders who supported Lin Fan!)

Second, after all, everyone belongs to different forces!

Not only are people scattered, but opinions are even more difficult to unify! In the end, it became a tripartite with completely different opinions, and the one with the largest number of people was naturally on the sidelines! The second is those who support Lin Fan, and among them, a considerable part directly chose to join the newly emerging mysterious forces!

And most importantly!

That was the mysterious force at that time, after defeating Lin Fan, it was extremely strong!

Not only is the leader a super strong who can defeat Lin Fan with just one move, but even their second leader is also a general level strong!

It is said that he fought against Lin Fan at that time! It was Lin Fan who defeated him that led to the opponent's biggest ss!

In the face of this powerful force. Even if everyone wanted to help Lin Fan, they had to weigh it!

What's more, Lin Fan was already defeated at this time!

In the case of whoever comes out, whoever is sure will be repaired. Naturally, no one will jump out and be this early bird!


At the beginning, this mysterious force could be regarded as trustworthy!

After coming in, I just replaced the personnel at the entrance and exit with my own people, and everything else remained the same, even the internal management personnel did not change!

Their attitude has also made everyone feel a little more balanced!

Then on the second day, they officially started recruiting members for the survivors in the entire base!

It's no surprise!

After all, when they first came. There are hundreds of people! And this air-raid shelter can accommodate four or five thousand people! And these four or five thousand people are just the resident population!

There are no wandering survivors who come to replenish supplies from time to time, or exchange supplies!

It's just that their process for recruiting full members is a bit weird...

Neither look at strength. It is also unbearable for talent, even more unbearable for stature, appearance, etc., just make people stand in a row neatly. Then get a few specific people. Walk back and forth, and when you are selected, you can be one of them!

There is no rule to follow when choosing!

wrong! It's not that there is no pattern. In fact, from the observations of the past few days, it seems that they only recruit ordinary people or enhancers!

Once you become an evolutionary person, don't even think about it, people will directly shut you out!

Only accept weak ones. Do not accept the strong!

This is the case in the end times. It was the first time I heard it. At that time, those in the entire base who wanted to rely on their evolution were depressed!

However, although this plan made these evolutionaries depressed, but in the air-raid shelter, the thousands of ordinary survivors got good feedback!

After all, the previous powers only accepted the powerful! This makes it difficult for those who are not very strong to have a bright future.

Now that such a strange force has suddenly appeared, isn't this the savior of the end times, Guanshiyin!

Survivors who wanted to join them ushered in the first outbreak! Almost all the survivors who were not strong enough participated in their selection!

But it is also because there are too many people participating, and there are only a few administrators who choose people, and the selection speed is slow, so they wait to join their team, the longer the queue, the longer the queue, and the larger the scale. Spectacular!

Then, on the second day of recruiting members, another strange thing began to happen...

According to them, every new member must go to their leader to recognize someone and meet the boss!

Those who are picked out will all be arranged to re-queue in another place! !

New members meet the boss, this is a must do! At the beginning, everyone didn't pay much attention to this!

And those who met the boss didn't come out!

Often when a certain person is in line, that person only needs to go into the room where their boss is, stay for ten minutes or so, and then they will come out!

Then someone will distribute supplies, weapons, and arrange jobs to them!

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this!

But when these new members who met their leader, more and more, everyone slowly found a very strange reaction...

These new members seem to have changed since they met their leader and came out of it!

That's right! ! It feels like a different person!

The character has become completely different from before entering, the whole has become like a killing machine, only knows to obey their various orders, and has become disdainful of former friends, acquaintances, and even relatives. Take care!

It seems that all of a sudden, the six parents do not recognize each other!

But oddly enough...

They remember everything they have done before! !

This situation quickly reminded everyone of a situation. It seems that this situation is similar to the pyramid scheme that was severely cracked down by the state before the Great Destruction Day! !

Could it be that this leader is still engaged in pyramid schemes and brainwashing people?

this situation. Immediately aroused the vigilance of those survivors in the dugout! !

Although everyone admits that the leader of the other party is a real master! Willing to obey him too! But willing to obey does not mean willing to be brainwashed by the other party!

Even their own nature has been lost, and even relatives can be forgotten, such a person. Can you count yourself as yourself?

When the news was spread privately by the many survivors of the bomb shelter, the number of survivors who had been in a long queue and wanted to join them suddenly dropped drastically!

But this slump didn't last long...

Only one day later, the second strange thing began to appear again...

When everyone woke up the next day, some people were more sensitive to breath. Shocked to find that among the first batch of ordinary survivors who joined the other party, there was a breath of evolution!

Only two days. Among the ordinary survivors who were originally close to the same color, there were evolutionaries, and as soon as they appeared, there were several...

This incredible situation. Immediately aroused in the dugout. Attention all high-level forces! !

When I first heard people report like this, everyone thought that someone was joking...

But after everyone felt it for themselves, and even tried it out, they were shocked to find that this matter turned out to be true! !

Then something even scarier happened...

wait until day three...

When these ordinary survivors joined, the rate of becoming evolutionary has been upgraded again! !

Among the hundred or so survivors who joined the first batch, nearly one-third of them made a successful breakthrough. Become an Evolver!

And of those people, only a fraction of them joined before. It is already a strengthener! More people, before joining, are not even enhancers at all! It's just an ordinary human being!

Omg! !

Everyone was restless then!

In three days, from an ordinary human who has the power of a famous hand without a chicken, he directly broke through and became a powerful evolutionary!

Is this dreaming?

Even if it is 20 hours, to absorb the energy in the blood crystal with the maximum saturation, there is no such speed, right?

Shocked, many people curiously asked the foreign person in charge of this force - a middle-aged man of mixed Chinese and French blood!

His answer is simple! ! Their leader has an extremely special ability, which can also be said to be a kind of cultivation technique, which can greatly improve the speed of personal absorption of blood crystals! !

And the reason why they choose ordinary survivors or enhancers is because only those who have not reached the soldier level in strength can start learning this method again because they do not absorb much blood crystal energy in their bodies!

As for why some people can succeed suddenly and some people can't...

This is related to their personal physique, so when they choose new members, they will check their physique in advance to see if they can adapt to this method! !

It sounds incredible...

Almost no one wanted to believe it at the time! But the **** facts are in front of you again!

As for how to ask...

No one is going to open this mouth! Everyone is not a fool. If someone tells you this information, it is already very good! I want them to make this method public, that's what Er Lengzi would do!


It's the end of it!

But I don't know what happened. The fact that they possessed this special exercise method spread out among the survivors of the bomb shelter as if they had grown wings that day!

It is possible for one party to be brainwashed!

One side is powerful, as long as it has strength, it is possible to become a strong person, no longer discriminated against, no longer bullied!

Comparing the two items, the lineup that had just spread out yesterday was quickly filled up again!

And this time there were more people in line than the last time, and they were even crazier...

Thinking about it, in the eyes of these people, as long as you can become a strong person, it may be okay to be brainwashed!

Besides, there are still those who are extremely confident among them. Those who think that those who can be brainwashed are all idiots, and they all have weak willpower, but their own! Can definitely hold on!

People who have this kind of thinking look incredible, don't they?

But in fact, the ratio of people who have this idea among all survivors is still very high! !

Then next, as more and more people. After choosing to join, more and more people have become evolutionaries. This time, under the temptation of strength, even the bosses of some of the forces began to be unable to restrain their subordinates!

However, since at the beginning, no one knew whether they were physically fit or not, so the people who ran to the queue were just sneaking!

But with more and more people. When queuing up, after being discovered by their boss, more and more bosses. They come to check posts from time to time, and then things are simply made public! Many people simply recognized that they came and queued up!

The bosses of these small forces are angry!

You recruit ordinary survivors, we agree, but what do you mean by poaching?

There were a few people in the lead that night. The ultimate group of people. Run to find the other party Xingshi to ask the guilt!

But people only replied: "As long as it is voluntary, they will accept it!"

Then, without looking back, the big gang was left in place...

This time it has caused public anger! Many people are also clamoring to give them some color to see! But when they carefully measured the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, they found that the more than 100 people who had just come from the other side had increased their opinions to more than 500 people in a few days!

What is even more terrifying is that among these five hundred people, there are more than two hundred evolutionaries in Jiangren! !

More than two hundred evolutionaries!

After seeing this data, those who were still clamoring to give each other a little color to look at. Immediately became dumb!

What can I do without being dumb?

than high end?

There are two general-level powerhouses!

than the number of people! !

The opponent has more than 200 soldier-level evolutionaries!

And what about yourself? Even if all the forces are united, the total number of evolutionaries registered. Only a hundred or so! ! And among them, there are many people who are not at the base, but go outside to take risks and wander!

As for the general-level powerhouse, there is not even a single one! !


After going through this incident, the fuss of dual-play has finally reached a paragraph!

Many people who felt threatened from the strength of this mysterious force began to leave the air raid shelter base and move to other places one after another!

Among them, two of the five forces who were in charge of patrolling this area with Zhou Li at the beginning!

In fact, thinking about it, it is also very easy to understand why they have to move places!

After all, unlike Zhou Li and his team, there are two four-evolvers out of five!

Among the four teams, the most evolved is one. In front of the current mysterious forces, their boss is not even a green onion!

From the boss with huge power in his hand, he suddenly became a soldier!

This huge deficit is not something that everyone can endure, and it is easy to understand why they left!

And now...

They should have appeared here on time, but another group of forces that took over from Zhou Li and the others on patrol did not appear, which means that it is very likely that this force also chose to leave! !

In this way, it is very easy to explain why the atmosphere in the pavilion is so dull!

After all, when these areas were divided, the accountability system was implemented!

Now remove three of the five forces!

Only two left! It is obviously impossible for the two forces to patrol such a large area! Unless you can pull in other forces to join in!

But now, will there be other forces to win them over?

It is estimated that all the forces in the entire base will face this situation! !


After being silent for a long time, a flash of light flashed in Zhou Li's mind, and suddenly he thought of a very serious question, "Tell me, did Lao Huang and the others also leave? Otherwise, they should come to inform us, right?"

Because Xie Weihong and Han Da didn't like the strict levels in the air-raid shelter, even the weakest Zhou Li could speak freely when there was no one there at ordinary times!

As for Lan Feng and Liu Yu...

Two and a half old children, when it comes to the actual age difference, Zhou Li can almost be their father, and they will naturally have no opinion on this!

It's just that when he is in the air defense, he needs to restrain a little...

Zhou Li did not disappoint everyone!

As a graduating class teacher, his head is always running, and when he never rusts, he is naturally more flexible, often when analyzing things. Everyone is still confused, he has already thought of the key point!

This time too...

"Old Huang and the others are gone too?"

"No way?"

"Weren't they fine yesterday?"

"Yeah! I didn't hear that they were leaving! Even if they were leaving, they should have come to say goodbye to us, right?"

In addition, the four of them were stunned for a while, and their heads did not turn around for a while. They all thought that the only remaining boss named Lao Huang would not just leave without saying goodbye!

Zhou Li obviously thought more than they thought, and immediately analyzed with a serious face: "If it was yesterday, Lao Huang would not leave! But have you ever thought about it, yesterday was yesterday, today is today! In case today is today! Lao Huang just saw Lao Liao and the others leaving?"

Speaking of which, I may feel that I am going too far in circles. Zhou Li paused for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and added again: "Everyone can think about it. Suppose we are Lao Huang, and now we see Lao Liao, who is about the same strength as us, and they have all gone, and we will not feel in our hearts. Are you thinking of leaving here?"

The place was silent...

Everyone frowned thoughtfully...

He seemed to know that everyone was thinking, but Zhou Li didn't bother them. Just silently adding firewood to the fire...

a time. throughout the pavilion. All that was left was the "crackling" sound when the wood was burning.

For a long time, Liu Yu, who is relatively young and has a relatively free-thinking mind, was the first to wake up from his contemplation, and he listened with a serious face: "Old Zhou said this, I really think of a question, if the four of them really If all of them are gone, what should we do here? Are we supposed to stay here for 24 hours on patrol?"


It's better not to mention Liu Yu! Just a mention. The other three also reacted immediately...

Lan Feng suddenly realized: "That's right! If even Lao Huang left, wouldn't we be the only ones in charge of this area?"

Han Da was even more direct: "Oh my God! 24-hour patrol. Thank you boss, let's just leave!!"

All three said so...

Obviously, he had already figured it out just now and agreed with Zhou Li's judgment!


After listening to Han Da's suggestion, Xie Weihong scratched his head, this is really a big head!

The reason why he has been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai is that I believe that with the strength of himself and Han Da, the other party will give him a little face no matter how he goes! !

But the problem is...

If this person is almost gone, then the agreement that everyone made at the beginning cannot be carried out at all!

Since the implementation cannot continue, it is natural to have to renegotiate!

Can the strength of this force now really need to be renegotiated, can they still get such favorable conditions?

Looking at the current situation, maybe people never thought about raising a group of people in their base who didn't listen to their own words at all! !

Thinking of this, Xie Weihong couldn't help but feel a little regretful, and said with emotion: "If we knew today, we might as well just follow Lin Fan and the others on that day!!"

From Xie Weihong's point of view, although Lin Fan has a fierce reputation, in fact, the reason why he is like this is all because of those people who offended him!

And Lin Fan's inverse scale, as long as anyone who knows him knows, that is his daughter Lin Dan!

really get along...

In fact, Xie Weihong had already discovered that Lin Fan was actually a good person! Very accessible!

"Cut..." But Xie Weihong's sigh, immediately attracted Han Da's contempt: "What's the use of choosing regret, it's not that you refused to listen to Lao Zhou!!"


When Han Dayi mentioned this matter, Liu Yu and Lan Feng also sighed.

Even Xie Weihong nodded and said gloomily, "Yeah!! If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to Lao Zhou!"

Listening to what they said, it seems that when Lin Fan left that day, they planned to take a look at Tang Wenshan and others, and leave with this Lin Fan!

But because of Xie Weihong's self-confidence and hesitation, he finally missed this opportunity!

Now if they leave, they will only have two evolutionaries!

In the huge Pearl City, it is also in the middle of the middle, and you have to be worried at any time! But if he had followed Lin Fan in the first place, the situation might have been completely different!


Just when everyone was groaning...


In the woods not far from them, a very slight sound suddenly sounded. An almost negligible crunch!

It was even so light that it was like a small cloud of snow accumulated on the branches and leaves, being blown by the wind. fell into the snow!

Under normal circumstances, no one would pay attention to these small noises!

But now among the five people in the small pavilion, just one person has a very keen hearing!


Han Da, who was still sighing just now, with a depressed face, suddenly his momentum skyrocketed! A pair of eyes were as sharp as lightning, and they shot fiercely in the direction from which the voice came from just now!

No more sound came out...

There is no one either. Or creatures, drilled out from that direction...

As if it was really just an accident!

Could it be that Han Da heard it wrong?

The other four who suddenly became vigilant just because of Han Da's cold drink. Can't help but look at Han Da in doubt!

Is there really anyone there?

Just when they were puzzled, Han Da snorted again: "I can't come out, right? Do you really want me to find you out myself?"

Seeing Han Da's face full of awe, his whole body tense and ready to go. The other four immediately dispelled their hearts. I thought Han Da was just bluffing other people's thoughts at will.

Because looking at Han Da like this, it is clear that there is an eavesdropper in that place!

Although the place is empty...

Looking at it from this angle, apart from a few big trees, there is only a vast expanse of snow left, and it seems that there is nothing else at all...


Xie Weihong's pupils suddenly shrank!

Not really nothing...

Just now, he found a few very light footprints on the snow!

Have footprints?

They were clearly not coming from that direction just now, that is to say. There is no way that footprints were left by them!

this discovery. Immediately, Xie Weihong became serious and said with a cold face, "Friend, come out!!"

at the same time……

Perhaps it was because he had endured to the limit, and Han Da walked straight down from the pavilion and walked in the direction of the footprint...


I don't know whether it was Xie Weihong's warning that worked, or whether he was afraid that Han Da would really find him out.

Anyway, when Han Da walked out of the pavilion, when Xie Weihong's voice just fell...

"Don't come here! Don't come here!! I'll come out by myself!!"

Following a series of scoldings, under everyone's shocked gaze, the space that seemed to be empty just now, more precisely, above the shallow footprints, suddenly flashed a few times!

Immediately afterwards, a vague figure appeared from the air so strangely!

is a youth!

A young man in his twenties, who is too ordinary to be ordinary, and even has this immature student breath left on his body!

Stealth! !

This young man can actually be invisible! !


"Is this person a mutant?"

Han Da and Xie Weihong both frowned. The next second, the two sides didn't communicate at all, and they rushed towards the young man who had just revealed at the same time!

Han Da and Xie Weihong are prepared for this!

In their cognition, generally speaking, these mutants with certain special abilities are very difficult to deal with!

And now, they didn't feel any breath in this young man! This made them even more vigilant...

Not only Han Da and Xie Weihong!

At the moment when this man showed his figure, Lan Feng, Liu Yu, and Zhou Li who were still sitting in the pavilion just now also pulled out their weapons and aimed their black muzzles at this young man who suddenly appeared!

However, the young man's next reaction made everyone stunned...


Hearing his sudden scream, seeing Han Da and Xie Weihong rushing towards him, this young man, as if he had been frightened, simply hugged his head and squatted on the ground!

At the same time, he did not forget to apologize repeatedly: "Don't kill me!! Don't kill me! I really didn't mean it!! Please don't kill me..."

This young man was actually scared and squatted down!

This situation suddenly surprised Han Da and Xie Weihong who rushed towards him!

Seeing this young man trembling and trembling all over, as if he was frightened, the pressing aura of the two of them radiated out, as if they were hit in a ball of air! !

The feeling of emptiness made the two feel so uncomfortable that they wanted to vomit blood! !

Now everyone is reacting...

If this young man is not acting, then he should be a coward! A coward with invisibility! !

Han Da and Xie Weihong looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile...

I didn't expect to meet such a strange character here today, but I don't know who sent it...

"Cough cough..."

Xie Weihong cleared his throat and said coldly, "Who are you!!"

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

This is the young man's answer...

Xie Weihong asked patiently, "Who sent you here?"

The young man secretly raised his head and glanced secretly at the people around him who were staring at him. At this time, Zhou Li, Lan Feng, and Liu Yu had also surrounded him. Carefully said: "Can you not kill me?"

People are full of black lines...

A person is so afraid of death that it is rare in this world! !

Xie Weihong wanted to be angry, but seeing the young man squatting on the ground, now and what he looked like, what did he think in his heart?

Considering that she didn't want to smell the smell of urine, Xie Weihong still held back her anger! !

After calming down for a while, after seeing Zhou Li, he immediately came up with an idea and said, "Zhou Li, you should come!"


After the replacement, the interrogation continued...

"Tell me! Who are you? Who sent you to watch us?"

Sure enough, he is a teacher. When he asks, he is not in good order, and the tone of his speech sounds like a special flavor!

But it doesn't seem to work for a young man!

"Did you promise not to kill me?"

The words that came out of his mouth were still the same, but the order was slightly changed!

At the same time, his face was flushed, and he looked at Zhou Li pitifully!

That way, it looks like if he is fiercer again, this guy will cry!

Fortunately, Zhou Li is doing this kind of training work. He grinned at the moment, showing a very gentle smile, "Of course! As long as you answer my question truthfully, we will not kill you!!"


The young man nodded very seriously: "Then you ask! As long as I know, I will tell you everything!"

"Well! What's your name then?"

"Wu Jie! Mighty Wu, outstanding Jie!"


The crowd behind Zhou Li is full of black lines! !

This guy in front of him, with this frustrated look, where is his mighty power? Where is it outstanding again?

Zhou Li was obviously struck by lightning too, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he was quickly covered up by his impassive expression, and asked again, "Did that send you over to monitor us?"

When everyone thinks about it, since this person has stealth ability, he is the best candidate for surveillance. Now that he is here, there must be someone who is using this young man to spy on them!

…………………………………………(To be continued..)

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