Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 102: : Mad Jack

In the following time, Xie Weihong and Han Da found Liu Yu and Lan Feng successively!

These two boys aren't much better off than the two of them...

It is also disgraced and embarrassed!

Lan Feng was even more crushed in the ruins, and it was with everyone's help that he finally broke free from it!

Luckily no one was hurt...

At most, dizziness, deafness in both ears, etc. are not serious problems! Compared to those unlucky ghosts who had broken hands and feet, or were simply buried in the collapsed fortifications, they were undoubtedly much luckier!

When the four of them gathered together, the dust covering the area gradually settled down, but the air was still the same!

As long as you breathe a little harder, you will feel a hot air flow from your nostrils to your lungs, followed by a dry mouth!

This can be proved by the violent coughing sound from time to time around!

When I was about to find Zhou Li...


Xie Weihong suddenly heard a crisp sound!

It feels like an eggshell suddenly shattered...

Looking at the sound, I saw the position where Xia Jian and Xie Cong were standing. At this time, a semi-circular stone 'egg shell' of about three meters appeared! !

The entire 'egg shell' was charred black! At a glance, you can tell that it was baked by flames!

The moment Xie Weihong saw this 'eggshell', he immediately thought that before he was hit by the explosion, he seemed to have seen the bald man, raised his hand, and drilled out a stone wall from the ground!

"Could it be he who changed it?"


Just as Xie Weihong was thinking about it, a crisp sound suddenly came from the top of the 'egg shell'!

Immediately after, cracks, like spider webs, quickly spread on this 'egg shell', in just a few seconds. It spreads to the entire 'egg shell'!

Immediately after, "Crash...", the soil 'egg shell' with a diameter of about three meters collapsed with a bang. Inside, it was Zhou Li, Xie Cong, and Xia Jian!


But at this time, Zhou Li's image was rather embarrassed!

All grey! His face was even more sluggish!

It feels like a kind of fright...

However, compared to Zhou Li, who is still in shock, Xie Cong and Xia Jian will undoubtedly be much calmer!

Before the explosion, so to speak. How the two stood there, and how they are standing there now, the two of them didn't even move their feet during the whole process!

Seeing the two of them like this, a word suddenly appeared in Xie Weihong's mind - master! !

That's right! ! This is the real master!


But then again, for someone like Xie Weihong. Xia Jian and Xie Cong really deserve to be called masters!

The reason why they are so indifferent, they even save dodging! Isn't it just because of self-confidence that I can't help myself with this level of explosion!

Looking around, Xia Jian smiled and nodded when he saw Xie Weihong and the others who were stunned. Immediately stretched out his hand, lightly patted the dust off his clothes, looked towards the bottomless gully, and said calmly, "Go! Go and have a look!!"

The purpose of Xia Jian's visit this time was not to slaughter these dark chasers! Without seeing that Jack's body, without personally confirming his death! Xia Jian will never leave!

For this, Xie Cong naturally knows...


Nodding his head, he stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers!

I heard a crisp sound of "crack...". There was a sudden slight tremor on the ground, and then, a stone bridge more than one meter wide and about half a meter thick, at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, drilled directly from the soil not far in front of him. Extend to the opposite side of the crack!

Wait until this stone bridge is fully presented. Xie Cong raised his chin and said quite proudly, "Let's go!"

Xia Jian glanced at Xie Cong in surprise, and said in surprise, "Yeah, not bad! You'll be in the lower ranks so soon!!"

turn out to be……

Xie Cong just came down a while ago. In order to save everyone, the crack created, although the movement is quite big! But that can only be regarded as a big explosion after accumulating strength! Xia Jian couldn't, so he could judge Xie Cong's true strength!

And now, Xie Cong just snapped his fingers to create such a stone bridge, this is not a simple explosion after accumulating strength, it can be done!

Although it seems that the power is not in a hurry the previous time...

But it is precisely because of this randomness that he has not used any accumulated power and unprepared abilities, which can better represent that Xie Cong's control of his abilities has reached a new level!

Moreover, not long ago, Xie Cong consumed a lot of mental energy to create the bottomless ravine in front of him. Under such circumstances, it was even more so to be able to make this stone bridge so easily. It seems that his progress is not simple anymore!


Seeing Xia Jian's face full of surprise, Xie Cong smiled lightly: "Where! Where!! It's far worse than you..."

However, even Xie Weihong, who was more than ten meters away from him, could clearly see it. Even though he said modest words, the smug look in his eyes couldn't be hidden even if he wanted to hide it!

No wonder actually...

Think about it, when Xia Jian and Xie Cong met for the first time, Xia Jian was a rookie who had just entered the threshold of the general level! As for Xie Cong himself, he has already entered the general middle class for half a year!

In the entire Shenzhen-Hong Kong city at that time, it can even be said that he was the third person after Huo Jie and Xiao Ling!

However, after a few months, when Xia Jian's strength had reached the peak of the general level, Xie Cong's strength still remained at the middle level of the general level!

Seeing that Xia Jian, a little rookie who was inferior to himself at the beginning, has come to the top, he may break through and be promoted to the king level! And he is still standing still, without any progress, if Xie Cong has no idea in his heart, it is absolutely impossible!

He is in a hurry too! !

Especially when even Xu Leini has become a general-level powerhouse...

The sense of urgency in Xie Cong's heart became stronger and stronger!

Otherwise, some time ago, he would not have devoted himself to the work of the dark chaser in the underground fortifications of the plot!

He wants to improve himself through battle!


But his words stopped in the ears of Xie Weihong and others. But there is an incredible meaning!

In their opinion, a person with terrifying strength like Xie Cong can already be regarded as non-human!

However, even a powerful non-human like Xie Cong even said that he was far worse than the 'coward' Xia Jian in their images?

How powerful should that 'coward' Xia Jian be?

Is he a god?

Xie Weihong was a little confused at the time...

He can't tell the difference, he doesn't know whether he is crazy or the world is crazy!

How to blink. In Pearl City, there are so many super powerhouses!

Is this really the world he is familiar with?


Xia Jian can naturally see Xie Cong's careful thought!

But Xia Jian didn't break it...

After all, no matter what, Xie Cong's strength is stronger, which is always a good thing for him!

At the same time, Xia Jian couldn't help but think of his level that he hadn't touched for a long time!

Think of the king-level crystal core you need to upgrade yourself!

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little discouraged!

Female Mara sucks!

What makes Xia Jian even more discouraged. Now, let’s not talk about the question of whether I can fight after encountering a king-level blood clan. The real problem is that I have been wandering around Pearl City for almost two weeks, but I still don’t even have a shadow of a king-level blood clan. see you!

Not to mention the king-level demons!

Xia Jian even wondered if there were any demons in Pearl City? !


If you say, the air-raid shelter at this time. This piece of fortification in front of the entrance, after the explosion, has been in a mess, and it has completely become a ruin!

The opposite side that is separated by a ravine can only be described as **** at this time!

The entire area, within a radius of one kilometer, has been completely reduced to a **** on earth in the explosions just now!

All the snow has melted!

But there was no standing water. All the melted snow water was evaporated and gasified at the first moment of the explosion, and what was exposed was a piece of charred soil!

On the blackened soil, no grass grows...

Countless corpses lie on this scorched earth!

Some of the corpses were among them. Most of the corpses were in the explosion, and were vaporized by the extreme high temperature, leaving only the scorched black or yellow, withered and cracked bones! Some corpses were charred all over. The whole corpse was twisted together in various unimaginable shapes under the baking of the fire!

If you don't look a little closer, no one can even tell that this is the corpse of the dark chaser!


More are those bloody, charred black skins with a hint of blood red, just like the skin of roasted chicken thighs, rolled out disgustingly, revealing the shocking rotten meat under the skin, just looking at it, it makes people shudder!

And until this time, some of these dark chasers are still emitting heat! Others twitched and struggled!

They were not killed on the spot by the violent explosion!

However, the extreme high temperature and the violent shock wave have completely destroyed their body functions!

In addition, at this time, all the jungles in this area have been destroyed by the explosion just now...

Under the faint rays of light in the sky...

It won't be long before they think about it, they will completely lose their vitality!



With the continuous deepening, Xia Jian accidentally stepped on a bone!

Under the high temperature baking, this bone has become very brittle, and as soon as Xia Jian stepped on it, it completely turned into a pile of gray fragments!

Looking around, you can also see a lot of similar fragments, as well as gray-white ashes! Come to think of it, this is the so-called ashes!


But at this time, Xia Jian was not in the mood to pay attention to these bones and ashes!

As the fire gradually became smaller and the smoke gradually disappeared, the visibility in this area at this time was much better than at the beginning!

When a scorching heat wave swept through, Xia Jian vaguely saw a small dirt bag behind a hazy white smoke!

Little dirt bag?

How can there be a small dirt bag in this place?

In addition to doubts in his heart, Xia Jian quickly approached...

It was soon discovered that what kind of small dirt bag was in front of me! !

It was clearly a pile of corpses four or five meters high! !

That's right! It's a corpse pile!

The bodies of hundreds of dark chasers were densely packed in a pile. The outermost part is naturally completely dead!

And the more dark chasers inside, the better!

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian was immediately dumbfounded!

Not only Xia Jian, Xie Cong, Xie Weihong and others are not much better than Xia Jian!

They don't understand very much!

I don't know how this pile of corpses appeared here!

But Xia Jian just wondered for a moment, then found the reason, and then his face changed greatly...

Because at this moment. From this pile of corpses, Xia Jian could feel the life breath of stone dark chasers, and the breath of these dark chasers was all relatively powerful!

"I rely on..."

Xia Jian understood from the beginning...

Emotions, these dark chasers are already smart to such a degree that they know to abandon the car and protect the handsome, in such a short period of time. Under such a violent bombardment, he actually thought of such a way to protect some of the dark chasers from the catastrophe!

"Everyone be careful, there is still life inside..."



"Is there still life?"

Everyone looked at Xia Jian, and at the pile of corpses, his face was incredible!

It's hard for them to imagine under such an equidistant bombardment. And still in the center of the explosion, there are still creatures that can survive.

However, Xia Jian's judgment was soon confirmed...

Perhaps it was Xia Jian's voice that stimulated the still-living dark chasers inside!

Not long after his voice fell...


In the pile of corpses, there was a sudden roar!

Immediately afterwards, a mountain of corpses exploded violently, and a large number of mutilated corpses were lifted into the air.

Among the flying corpses...

Five black figures exuding a violent and terrifying aura. As fast as lightning, like a sharp black arrow, it slammed towards Xia Jian who was standing at the front of the team.


Seeing this scene, Xie Weihong and the others didn't know that these shadows rushing towards Xia Jian were the dark chasers!

And it can be judged from the breath...

Afterwards, the aura of a few dark chasers, without exception, all reached the peak of the soldier level!

Xie Weihong wanted to come. Even if Xia Jian is really powerful, he will always be a little bit overwhelmed by the sneak attack of the five-headed soldier-level peak dark chaser!

I was wondering if I should go and help!

I don't think at this time...

However, Xia Jian calmly pulled out the dagger he was carrying from his waist!

It seemed to be very casual and waved a few times in the air...

"This is……"

Seeing Xia Jian's actions, Xie Weihong was puzzled! Not only are there some doubts about whether Xia Jian was scared stupid. Crazy!

Otherwise, not only did he not hide, but he also held the dagger like this and waved it in the air a few times.

However, this thought of Xie Weihong only lasted for less than a second in his mind!

next second...

Xie Weihong's eyes suddenly widened! !

Full of horror!

What did he see? ! It turned out that just when he thought that Xia Jian was frightened, he waved a few times in the air, Xie Weihong actually saw a strange twist in the air in front of Xia Jian that was slashed by the dagger!

Afterwards, there were more than a dozen strong, invisible energy similar to the wind blade, and the electricity shot out...

Five headed towards Xia Jian's dark chaser, he was in mid-air and had nowhere to use his strength. When he turned around, he was concentrated by these wind-like energy...


In an instant, blood splattered on the scene! The five-headed dark chasers who were still aggressive just now have been cut into pieces in an instant!

"Is he also a mutant?"

This **** scene made Xie Weihong's brain instantly go away!

Looking at Xia Jian's eyes, I can't help but feel a little awe and fear...

In fact, it's not just him...

When he saw that Xia Jian just waved a few times in the air, the five powerful dark chasers were actually dismembered!

Even Xie Cong couldn't help but look at Xia Jian in surprise!

"Hey! I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for a few days. Your control of sword qi is getting better and better!!"

Xia Jian smiled very modestly: "Where! Where! Compared with you, my progress is not worth mentioning at all!"

Hearing this, Xie Cong gave Xia Jian a blank look...

It was the first time he knew that Xia Jian was still a careful eye! !

How long has it been!

Just give back what you just said!


But just when Xia Jian wanted to say a few more words...

"Xia Jian?!!"

There was a sudden exclamation from the other side!

Hearing this voice, the other party was clearly very surprised and surprised by the appearance of Xia Jian!

Xia Jian heard the sound and looked over, but found that a disgraced and tattered guy was standing in the middle of the corpse pile, looking at himself in surprise!


Xia Jian quickly became breathless and recognized this person: "Aren't you dead yet?"

That's right!


This person is exactly Xia Jian's goal this time! Jack! What Xia Jian never imagined was that this guy managed to survive the violent explosion just now, and when he was still the main target of the bombing!

It's just that Jack at this is not as high-spirited as he was at the beginning!

Not only is he dressed in cloth strips, but his body is full of scars!

The appearance is as embarrassed as it is!


With Xia Jian's words, Jack almost choked to death! He coughed violently on the spot.

Half-paid, when Jack recovered a little, he pointed at Xia Jian with an angry face: "Didn't you already leave Pearl City yesterday?"

"I left Pearl City?"

Xia Jian was stunned for a moment, but after he pondered, he immediately understood, and suddenly realized: "No wonder!! No wonder I always feel that someone is following me during this period of time! My feelings are you!!"

………………………………………………(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is me The biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to an. to read.)

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