Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 103: :Base Status

After learning that he had been in a coma for three days, Xia Jian had a very bad feeling in his heart!

It's not that Xia Jian doesn't believe in Liu Li and Feng Feng's ability!

Quite the opposite...

You must know that it is five hundred evolutionaries led by a general-level powerhouse! !

Even if it is yourself...

I'm afraid you have to be careful! !

Xia Jian is really careful about the situation of everyone in the camp this time...


Fortunately, the answer will be revealed soon!

When it was about to get dark, Xia Jian and Xie Cong finally arrived on a hill not far from the camp!

In the increasingly dim light, the camp at the foot of the mountain is clearly visible!

Looking from afar...

The whole camp was silent! It's no longer the busy scene it used to be!

The city wall, which is about to be completed, also stands there quietly at this time...

Apparently it's been shut down!

see this scene...

Xia Jian's brows immediately wrinkled, and his face became ashen in an instant!

He remembered that when Liu Li reported to him for the last time, there were nearly 30,000 survivors in the entire camp!

And according to Liu Li...

Due to the increase in the number of people, many planned projects have also been launched!

Logically, the camp should be very lively now...

There will never be such a quiet and dark situation now!

"Did something really happen?"

Xia Jian, who was eager to figure out the situation, moved. Can't wait to rush down now to find out what's going on in the camp!

But before he could pick up his speed, a hand was inserted into the slant. Block him!

It's Xie Cong!

"Let's rest first!!"

Xie Cong stared straight at Xia Jian, shook his head, and said solemnly, "First raise your spirits!!"

Being reminded by him, Xia Jian instantly understood what Xie Cong meant! !

Both he and Xie Cong have been in a coma for three days!

For three days, the body has reached a critical point, and the body is very weak!

In addition, after waking up, there was no rest at all. Just go full speed...

If you can play 50% of your skills, it is already very good!

If you go to investigate the situation with your current physical condition, if something really happens later, you will definitely be tied!

Meet the opponent's general-level powerhouse!

It is very likely that you will take yourself in! !


The most urgent task now is to seize the time and restore strength as much as possible!


It is also understood this. No matter how eager he was in his heart, Xia Jian nodded and suppressed the urge to go down now!

The two found a tree hole at will, and they lit a bonfire in the tree hole!

Xie Cong even took a moment to use his ability to get out of a cave on a hillside. Caught two big white chubby rabbits!

The two of them grilled rabbits on the spot with the bonfire that was burning more and more vigorously! !


Soon, a strong scent of rabbit meat filled the tree hole!

Under the blazing fire...

Two plump rabbits were roasted to a golden brown, and a lot of grease overflowed from their bodies. Smell this enticing scent!


The fragrance floated out from the tree hole and gradually spread out towards the surroundings...

Said earlier. Due to the good weather during this time, it is sunny every day.

The footprints of some people who came to the camp were not buried by the snow...

And the people who come later, in order to save trouble, will naturally follow these footprints!

Over time...

In the jungle that was originally icy and snowy, a path was forced out for these survivors!

And this trail is the closest route from Pearl City to the camp!

Since it's recent...

Xia Jian and Xie Cong naturally followed this route!

The tree hole found by the two is actually a little bit next to this line...

This will be a BBQ for the two of you!

The scent wafted out of the tree hole and was quickly smelled by some of the survivors who passed by!

In the apocalypse, if you want to survive, other skills may not be very good, but the ability to find food has basically become the instinct of every survivor!

I had been rushing all day, and by the end of the day, I was exhausted.

As soon as he smelled the scent of rabbit meat, many survivors immediately followed the scent.

In less than a while, seven or eight survivors came outside the tree hole!

These survivors neither left nor made a sound, but just watched quietly outside, staring at the golden rabbit meat, swallowing saliva from time to time!

Even more daring, a bonfire was also raised not far from the tree hole!

There are even people who try to catch a little game!

But the result is predictable...

They are not Xie Cong!

In this icy world, there is no way to find the nests of those cunning rabbits!

And even if they were found, those rabbits were hiding in the cave and couldn't come out, and they couldn't do anything about it!

In desperation, these people could only return to the tree hole again...

This means that the tree hole is really not big. A bonfire and three people have reached the limit of the tree hole. Otherwise, I am afraid that these people will find an excuse to sneak into the tree hole!


The situation at the scene is very delicate...

No one said anything among the people from all sides. At most, they were discussing something in a low voice among their companions.

No longer is to look at the direction of the tree hole from time to time...

Now is the end of the world...

Survivors kill each other because of food, which happens almost every day!

This kind of thing is about to become the main reason for the killing of each other among the survivors!

The reason why it hasn't hit yet...

This is because the rabbit meat is not cooked yet! Xia Jian and Xie Cong have no intention of opening the hole either! This delicate balance can be maintained for the time being!

And everyone is a little unclear about Xia Jian and Xie Cong's foundation!

No one is willing to be this early bird!


In fact, if it were anyone else, it wouldn't be like this in broad daylight. Don't do any disguised barbecue to eat!

Because doing so in the last days is simply asking for trouble!


Xia Jian and Xie Cong. At this time, there is absolutely no awareness of asking for trouble!

They just want to get back their stamina quickly!

As for the coveted survivors outside, they didn't pay attention to them at all! !

No wonder they are like this!

After all, for general-level powerhouses, ordinary survivors are just ants! Don't worry about it at all!


But according to the situation on the scene!

When the two rabbits are cooked and Xia Jian and Xie Cong plan to speak, the balance of the scene will definitely be broken!

At that time, there will inevitably be a **** storm!

in the long wait...

The two rabbits are finally ripe!

As Xia Jian and Xie Cong took out their daggers, they were outside the tree hole when they were about to enjoy it. Among the more and more survivors gathered, someone finally took the first step!

"Two handsome guys, can you add one of me?"

It's a pretty girl talking!

The kind of very pretty girl, with a very plump figure, with a seductive look from the bottom of her heart!

I think she is also confident in her body, so she wants to come up and try it...

It's a pity this woman chose the wrong time...

Change it to the usual...

When encountering such beauties, maybe Xia Jian and Xie Cong. Really got this girl!

But today they obviously don't have the mind!


Xia Jian's lips moved slightly, and a rolling word blurted out, and there was no temperature in his voice!

at the same time……

In order to continue to make trouble for these people, when he said this, Xia Jian exuded the aura that he had always been restrained in an instant!

Under the oppression of such a terrifying atmosphere. The woman's body trembled, and her face suddenly turned pale!

I was almost scared to kneel on the spot!

Knowing who was in front of her, she immediately flashed away without saying a word!

With this woman's lesson...

Others who have certain thoughts will naturally not dare to shoot at will!

But although these onlookers were honest. But that doesn't mean everyone is honest! There will always be some brave people in this world...

Even Xia Jian has exuded momentum! !

"Huh. Why are there so many people here..."

"Ha, I found it, it's right here, come over here..."

Suddenly there were several voices in the crowd! !

Then, there was a series of rapid footsteps...

In less than a while, three young men in military uniforms pushed aside the tree hole arrogantly and drooled. Survivors who were addicted to their eyes quickly walked on!

Seeing these three soldiers, Xia Jian finally raised his eyes...


Xia Jian frowned slightly!

Judging from the aura emanating from these three people, they are all general-level powerhouses!

Three general-level powerhouses appeared at once, soldiers in military uniforms, and they appeared near his camp, which made Xia Jian suddenly think of the power Liu Li said on the radio!

I was thinking about whether to subdue them and torture them...

Unexpectedly, Xia Jian hasn't made a decision yet. The young man headed by the three can't wait to rush into the tree hole. He can't wait to reach out and want to take away the rabbit in Xie Cong's hand!

Since Xie Cong sits a little this person's first goal can only be Xie Cong!

During the whole process, this young man didn't even look at Xie Cong...

Seeing that this person actually wanted to grab the rabbit meat that he was about to eat, Xie Cong naturally refused to do it!

And he seems to have the same thoughts as Xia Jian!

Without saying a word, while the man was not paying attention to himself, the moment he bent over, without saying a word, the five fingers of his left hand came together, and he slammed the knife out, cutting directly to the opponent's neck!

If I cut him down this time...

Even if this young man is a general-level powerhouse, he has to lose his combat effectiveness in an instant!

……………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)

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