Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 107: :problem

As a person who has been in the society to chase the bottom, the little beggars, little liars, little bastards, acting and talking nonsense in the eyes of others have basically become his instincts!

Even in recent years, especially after college, life is much better than before!

But this ability did not become rusty because of not using it for a long time...

On the other hand, look at Ye Tao!

Although at this time his rank has reached the level of a colonel!

Just one step away from becoming a true general...

But even so, it doesn't change the fact that he is a pure soldier!

What is a soldier?

Defend the country? Maintain social stability?

fart! !

If this were the case, there would not be so many wars in this world, and there would not be so many changes of dynasties immediately!

to be honest……

Soldiers are bound to obey orders! It is also the only group that pursues the completion of the order!

Soldiers just do it!

without asking why you do it!

The entire army is a precision machine, and each soldier is a part of this machine!

Before that, Ye Tao was one of the many parts in this machine! !


Such two people, bumping into each other, the final result no longer needs to be guessed!

Especially when the team led by Ye Tao, the only think tank and the only brain, was killed in Liu Jie's sneak attack that night three days ago. The remaining warriors are all in the same situation as Ye Tao! !

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry!

Even if Ye Tao and others are not stupid! But in the face of a professional liar - Xia Jianshi!

Ye Tao and others, who have never been in contact with this aspect, obviously cannot see through the tricks at once! !

The result is...

Xia Jian and Xie Cong. Ye Tao and his party welcomed them into the camp with great enthusiasm!

Out of prudence, Ye Tao did not fully trust Xia Jian and Xie Cong!

But because of Xu Leini's existence, Ye Tao was not too wary of Xia Jian and Xie Cong!

After all, in Ye Tao's view, Xia Jian and Xie Cong were in this situation. He is also unwilling to give up his companions, this kind of character is obviously to his appetite!

Don't give up! Not give up!

Isn't that what the military has always advocated!

Love the house and Wu. Because of this incident, Ye Tao's sense of Xia Jian and Xie Cong rose to several levels at once!


In Ye Tao's view, Xu Leini's existence. Isn't it a hostage in a disguised sense? Now that even relatives have been brought into the camp. It is Xia Jian and Xie Cong, the most favorable proof that there is no two hearts!

It is also under this mainstream thinking!

Coupled with Xia Jian's series of soft grinding and hard foaming, and slapping horses...

In just a few hours, Xia Jian and most of the warriors Ye Tao brought have begun to call themselves brothers! !


In the process, Xia Jian naturally also found out the truth of Ye Tao and others!

Even Xia Jian had to admit...

The strength of Ye Tao and his party is indeed terrifying enough!

A total of fifty-three warriors, of which only the strength reached the general level. There are almost eighteen!

Xia Jian didn't know the exact number...

But one thing Xia Jian can be sure of!

That is all the warriors Xia Jian encountered, without exception. All are evolutionary! !

And Xia Jian still inadvertently heard that they were attacked by another group of soldiers a few nights ago, so several brothers died!

It seems that some of them are general powerhouses! !

That is to say, the most conservative estimate is that among the fifty or so of them, more than one third of them are general-level powerhouses! !

Twenty general-level powerhouses!

This is already more than the sum of the general-level powerhouses that Xia Jian knew before this!

Such strength can no longer be called terrifying!

This is simply perverted! !

As for where they came from, and which side they belonged to...

Xia Jian guessed that they should have been issued a password ban!

Because every time they bring up the topic in this direction, these warriors will care about him, not giving Xia Jian a chance to ask!

just saying...

As long as Xia Jian joins them, when this mission is completed, they will naturally know!

On the contrary, for this mission, these warriors with a line in their heads did not hide it...

Some time ago, a group of their expatriates accidentally learned that there are a group of Tibetan mastiffs that are suspected to have been tamed! And among this group of Tibetan mastiffs, there is another Tibetan mastiff leader whose strength has reached the king level, but is now weak!

Their mission this time is to subdue this group of Tibetan mastiffs as much as possible!

If you really can't conquer it, then you have to kill the king-level Tibetan mastiff leader!

As for why...

Even if they don't say it, Xia Jian can guess it!

Nothing more than coveting the powerful combat power of these Tibetan Mastiffs and the beast crystals in the Tibetan Mastiff!

I said it before...

The blood clan has blood crystals, the demon clan has magic crystals, and the mutant creatures actually have similar crystal nuclei!

It's just that compared to the primary blood race, the demon race, and the dark chasers who have not entered the grade, they have the fighting instinct, and the mutant creatures that can sneak attack and escape are very difficult to deal with!

This has caused most of the survivors to go all out to hunt and kill the Dark Stalker rather than face the mutant creatures!

Especially those ferocious predators! !


dark night...

It's night in the blink of an eye...

In the corner of the camp, this is an extremely ordinary brick room!

The whole room is about 30 square meters, with complete kitchen and bathroom, and two iron-framed beds, one on the left and one on the right, occupying nearly half of the entire room. It can be regarded as a relatively standard four-person dormitory!

Inside the room...

One has a thin face, is in his twenties, and has short hair. With a faint breath, a very strange young man was standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back. Looking at the endless night sky outside the window, the eyes are deep, as if observing something!

But if you get closer and observe carefully, you will find that his pupils have no focal length at all, and he does not know where his thoughts are floating!

Behind this young man...

A head is bare. It looks like a light bulb, with a bald head around twenty-five years old.

The bald head put his hands behind his head, and the whole person seemed to have no bones. Lying softly on the bottom bunk of one of the iron-framed beds!

Eyes narrowed slightly...

Erlang's legs are crossed with both feet, and they are up and down in a very rhythmic manner!

On the surface, it looked like he was humming something!

But if you look closely, you will find it. At this moment, he was frowning deeply!

And in this bald shop...

The woman who seemed to be sleeping was placed neatly! !

no doubt……

Three people in the room. It was Xia Jian, Xie Cong, who broke into the enemy's interior, and Xu Leini who was still in a coma!


The picture seems to be frozen...

It has been going on for a long time, knowing that Xia Jian's pupils finally have a focal length...


Close your eyes, take a deep breath...

The air in the room still smelled of earth!

Looking around, there are dense tiles on the top of the head, and even the walls have not even had time to paint, and they turn their heads neatly, all of which are exposed outside...

Conditions are extremely poor!

It's not that Ye Tao and his party were deliberately embarrassed!

on the contrary. It is precisely because he attaches great importance to Xia Jian and Xie Cong that Ye Tao specially arranged them a separate room!

Since occupying this camp...

in three days. Hundreds of survivors have come to take refuge before and after, but those survivors, without exception, are all arranged in the collective dormitory!

Only Xia Jian and Xie Cong have this kind of treatment! !


The reason for this arrangement is that there is no reason for easy monitoring!

Ye Tao is not an idiot after all...

Although he was quite sure that Xia Jian and Xie Cong had no problem, he did not represent him, so he lost the vigilance that a soldier should have!

For this, Xia Jian naturally knows something...

Xia Jian remembered very clearly that the house he was in had started construction the day before he left the camp to go to Pearl City!

And there are fewer than five such rooms in the entire camp!

Before this, in order to give everyone a place to rest as soon as possible, all the camps were built, the kind of large barracks that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people!

That is to say...

This house, really completed, should not exceed five days!



Thinking of this, Xia Jian couldn't help sighing softly...

After careful calculation, it has been more than two weeks since Xia Jian left the camp!

In just two weeks, the camp at this time, compared with when I left, has long been a different person!

And what caused all this...

Of course, most of the reasons are due to the fact that the enemy is too powerful and comes too suddenly!

But in the process, it also exposed many problems in the camp that everyone ignored before...

nothing else...

At the very least, before this, whether it was Xia Jian, or Liu Li, Xie Cong, Xu Leini, and others, they had never considered, one day, what would happen if the camp was attacked by other forces?

Also never prepared a contingency plan to deal with a similar event!

(Xia Jian only made an emergency plan in case the camp was destroyed by mutant creatures or the dark chasers, which did not include other human forces!!)

So much so that Xia Jian couldn't even contact Liu Li and others!

Even if you want to know what happened that night, you still need to break into the enemy's interior to get some news!

This made Xia Jian extremely passive! !

Before he knew the truth and figured out what happened in the camp during this period of time, Xia Jian didn't dare to act rashly!

If a similar plan had been made earlier, the chances would have been completely different!

That's right! !

Xia Jian did not deny that Ye Tao and his party were indeed strong enough!

Xia Jian even thought that even that night. He, Xie Cong, and Xu Leini are both in the camp, so they may not be able to stop Ye Tao's attack!

But if he can't stop it, it doesn't mean that Xia Jian can't do anything about Ye Tao and his party! !

You must know that it is now in the military port. But there are still four sea giants docked!

Xia Jian believes...

No matter how strong the enemy is, that night, as long as Liu Li takes everyone to the destroyer Mustin and the aircraft carrier George Washington in time, and drives the two giant ships out of the harbor in time!

With the deterrent power of these two giant ships, Ye Tao and his party, no matter how strong they are, can only stare blankly!

More than just staring. They didn't even dare to occupy the camp! !

Instead of being like now, everyone was blocked in the underground fortifications by Ye Tao and his party!

Speaking of which……

Xia Jiandao discovered a very strange place!

Originally just in case. Xia Jian berthed the Weiyuan, Dingyuan, George Washington, and Mustin destroyers in the center of the harbor!

There is no guard force on it! Just let the skeleton summoned by yourself secretly guard it under the water!

As for the skeletons lurking on the seabed, Xia Jian believed that Ye Tao and his party never found it!

In other words, in the cognition of Ye Tao and his party. They only need to send a small team. You can take down these four sea giants!

Strange to blame here...

Ye Tao and the others seem to be very afraid of the sea!

Even if they can take down the four giant ships as long as they stretch out their hands, they have no intention of taking any shots!

It was as if the four giant ships had been deliberately forgotten!

Not only that……

Xia Jian also found that they rarely even got close to the coast! !


Just when Xia Jian was wondering...

In the darkness outside, there was a sound of neat and powerful footsteps in the distance!

Xia Jianjian immediately gathered his mind and followed the voice to look over. After a long time, he saw three black figures. looming in the dark...

It's the soldier in charge of patrolling tonight...

In order not to cause suspicion and unnecessary trouble from the other party, Xia Jian withdrew his gaze. He stepped back from the window, walked straight to the bed and sat down...

"Clap clap clap..."

Unexpectedly, after a while, there was a knock on the door!

"Are there still room rounds?"

Xia Jian raised his brows, he didn't expect the other party to be so vigilant! Originally, he thought that these patrolling soldiers were just wandering around outside!

In desperation, Xia Jian could only stand up from the bed again and open the door for the other party!


When Xia Jian opened the door, three fully armed soldiers appeared at the door!

Moreover, these three warriors were led by a general-level powerhouse!

Seeing this scene, even Xia Jian had to admit that, as a professional soldier, the professionalism and execution of these people are indeed not comparable to those of the rabble under him!

nothing else...

You can see it just by comparing the arrangements of the general-level powerhouses!

In Ye Tao and his party, even if you are a general-level powerhouse, you can still patrol! Not too many privileges!

But in Xia Jian's team...

As long as the strength is promoted to the general level, it will become a privileged class almost immediately!

But envy is envy, and Xia Jian also knows that these things cannot be learned by themselves...

There must be a process!

"How is it? Are you still used to it?"

At this time, the general-level powerhouse on the other side had already greeted Xia Jian...

The tone is very casual!

People who don't know will definitely think that he is doing homework! There is no doubt that he is actually here for the ward round!

In this regard, Xia Jian naturally won't break it, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and his smile is so brilliant...

"Of course I'm used to it! It's much better than living in the open air before..."

For Xia Jian's answer, the general-level powerhouse has no doubts!

Now is the end of the world...

In their perception, survivors like Xia Jian who are wandering outside are not just living in the air all day long, and have no fixed place to live! wrong! Gotta add a bit of urgency! !

"That's good!!"

Seeing him smiling and nodding, he glanced calmly into the room!

Just at this time, Xie Cong, who had been closing his eyes and seemed to be asleep, sat up from the bed with his eyes confused...

It's as if you haven't woken up yet!

Seeing this, this general-level powerhouse is completely relieved!

He smiled apologetically: "I won't disturb you, we will continue to patrol..."

After all...

Leading the two subordinates, they went straight to the next room!


Wait until it is confirmed that the patrol team outside is far away...

Xia Jian closed the door and sat back on the bed again, looking directly at Xie Cong!

At this time, Xie Cong was not at all confused as before, as if he hadn't woken up yet!

The eyes are open and closed, full of light, and the spirit is incredible!

"How is it? Have you thought about it?"

Xia Jian looked at Xie Cong expectantly...


Xie Cong shook his head: "No! It's too complicated inside, there's no map, there's no way!"

Hearing this, Xia Jian's eyes flashed with disappointment, with a look of remorse, and he said with emotion: "Girl's horse! I knew I would print a copy and take it with me..."

It turned out that Xie Cong was not closing his eyes and resting at all before, but had been thinking about things...

Since Xia Jian decided to start clearing the underground fortifications, Xie Cong has been immersed in the underground fortifications almost all the time! !

So, if you want to find one person from the entire camp who is most familiar with the terrain in the underground fortifications! It must be Xie Cong!

And before that...

When Xia Jian first looked at the general structure diagram of the underground fortifications, he seemed to remember that the underground fortifications were not connected to the surface by only one passage!

nothing else...

As far as Xia Jian knows, there is also a flight channel for entering and exiting aircraft, and several missile silos for launching missiles!

In the past, the entire underground fortifications were completely blocked, and these passages were naturally blocked as well!

But since Xie Cong completely cleared the ground floor of the underground fortifications, Liu Li has already opened these passages!

As long as you can find the specific location of these channels!

Xia Jian can naturally find opportunities to enter the underground fortifications!

At that time, many of the current problems can be solved easily!

However, there is a general structure diagram of the underground fortification on Liu Li's computer. Xia Jian just glanced at it at first, and the structure of the underground fortification is too complicated. Distribution!

No, I hope Xie Cong can use his own experience to infer the approximate locations of those entrances!

…………………………………………(To be continued..)

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