Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 221: : Weird relationship

It is said that the children of poor families are the early masters!

The reason for this is all because of the poor conditions in poor families!

But what kind of hardships the children of poor families endure compared to the real orphans?

Under Xia Jian's comfort, the little girl did not pester Xia Jian endlessly!

Soon she calmed down from the daze...

Biting his lip stubbornly, his eyes were slightly red, he consciously stood behind Xia Jian, the purpose was just to cause Xia Jian's trouble as little as possible!


During this process, the little girl's left hand was still tightly holding the corner of Xia Jian's clothes!

As if he was afraid that if he let go, Xia Jian would disappear!


I don't know if it was the stubbornness of the little girl that moved Xia Jian!

Or maybe Xia Jian himself is equivalent to an orphan, and the reason for having the same fate as the little girl!

Seeing the little girl like this, Xia Jian felt another heartache...

But I want Xia Jian to comfort people!

It would be better to kill him directly!

All Xia Jian can do is to comfort the little girl with a smile!

Then Xia Jian turned around...

"Wake up?"

The object of inquiry is naturally Xu Leini who came out with the little girl just now!

"Wake up!"

Xu Leini also nodded.

The face is still as cold as ever, as if it is a ten thousand year glacier, making people dare not approach!

"How is your body? Is it okay?"

Xia Jian was already used to this!

It's just that I occasionally look at Xu Leini from a distance. It would be incredible too!

This woman has changed too fast! !

When we first met, we just met. Xu Leini, code-named Black Widow, is simply a beautiful and coquettish woman who only knows how to seduce people everywhere!

But how long has it been?

This woman not only changed her name, but also made a 180-degree turn in her temperament!

"Well! It's okay!!"

Xu Leini nodded, and at the same time did not forget to wave her arm, indicating that she was completely fine!

And she's really fine...

Like Xiaohua, she is also in a deep coma!

only. Xiaohua was in a coma for more than a month! Even if there is life and nutritious water to hang, the body can function. More or less will be affected a little bit!

And Xu Leini, it has only been less than a week since she was in a coma!

What's more, she is still a general-level powerhouse! The foundation of the body is countless times better than Xiaohua!

After waking up. Just a little bit of activity. Because of the lack of activity for too long, the body that seemed a little numb has completely recovered!


After that, Xia Jian asked Xu Leini and Xiaohua a little bit to find out how they were in a coma and how she and Xiaohua woke up!


It was the same as when Xia Jian passed out in a coma!

When they fell into a deep coma, Xu Leini and Xiaohua didn't have any thoughts!

As for how to wake up...

Just like sleeping until you wake up naturally. Without any warning, suddenly woke up!

At last. Xia Jian can only attribute the reason why they woke up, because the king-level blood clan has died for this reason!

If you want to come across a similar situation in the future, you just need to kill the target of the mental shock!

At that time, the subject who fell into a coma will naturally wake up!


Compared to last night...

When Xia Jian returned to the underground city again, the streets were already empty!

Before that, Liu Li had already screened the underground city, where it could be used to imprison Ye Tao and his party!

There seem to be many places like this!

If nothing else, at least the defense strength of the bank vault is very good!

Xia Jian tried it himself...

If you don't need purgatory, even yourself, if you want to break open these treasuries that have been specially reinforced with your bare hands, isn't it unusually large!

Even his own king-level strength is so difficult to open!

Not to mention Ye Tao and his party!

In the end, Xia Jian decided to imprison them in the vault!

As for the environment...

Xia Jian naturally won't think about it!


After Ye Tao and his party were settled, Xia Jian followed Liu Li to a corner of the underground city!

Unlike other places...

The people in this corner live in simple tents!

All the tents form a circle, which looks out of place in the surrounding buildings that are almost printed in a mold!

It became a simple camp...

In the underground city, there is a place similar to a military camp, which is indeed a bit strange!

And in the entire underground city, just around this camp, Liu Li specially arranged for people to be vigilant! From time to time, you can also see many patrolling personnel passing through this area...


When she reached the gate of the camp, Liu Li stopped: "They are inside!"


Who is it that deserves Liu Li's vigilance, and even arranged for someone to monitor it!

But since she was so wary of them, why did Liu Li place them in the underground city?

Aren't you afraid of bringing wolves into your room?


Several fully armed soldiers at the door who were on duty immediately stood at attention after seeing Xia Jian and gave an extremely standard military salute!



Xia Jian nodded...

Sweep around these soldiers on duty!

Without exception, these warriors are all evolutionaries whose strength has reached the soldier level!

It can also be seen from this that the people in the camp who are worthy of Liu Li's monitoring are very good...


The movement at the camp entrance naturally attracted the attention of the people in the camp!

One after another, some soldiers in military uniforms got out of the tent. Looking at Xia Jian from a distance...

"It's them..."

Liu Li pointed at the soldiers who got out of the tent!

Looking in the direction Liu Li pointed, Xia Jian saw hundreds of soldiers!

It is different from the parallel imports who wear military uniforms and salute the military. At the first sight of these people, Xia Jian felt sure that these people were all real soldiers!

no why!

Just relying on the spirit radiating from these people!

Standing there one by one, their bodies are straight, and from a distance, they look like a javelin, with sharp edges.


The group got together. The breath between them is actually very similar!

It feels like a person! A whole!

more importantly……

these soldiers. At a glance, without exception, all of them are evolutionaries whose strength has reached the soldier level! !


As a soldier...

There are so many useful people, and everyone is still a soldier-level evolutionary!

and these people. feel. It's like an inseparable whole!


The most important point is that these people just appeared here at this time!

Coupled with Liu Li and the others, they treated this group of soldiers with a strange attitude that allowed them to enter the underground fortifications, but maintained full vigilance!

Combining these conditions...

The identities of the soldiers who stayed in this camp have already been revealed!

That's right...

These soldiers were taken from the military base No. 015 by Liu Jie. The group of soldiers brought!

Just why did they appear in the underground fortifications?

On the same day, Liu Jie gave Liu Li an ultimatum. Because of this ultimatum, didn't Liu Li still ask Xia Jian for help?

If it wasn't for Ye Tao and a group of people to kill him halfway...

That night, I am afraid that Liu Li would have led the people to blow up the camp where Liu Jie and the others rested!

What happened later that made Liu Li willing to take a huge risk and put Liu Jie and the others into the underground fortifications? !


Things have to start from that night...

There is no need to repeat the previous things!

Back to base with the storm...

Originally, Liu Li planned to lead people to attack Liu Jie's barracks at night!

At that time, the fingers of the storm were already on the trigger of the bazooka, and as soon as Liu Li gave an order, the entire camp could be blown into a pile of rubble!

I didn't think so...

At this moment, Ye Tao and the others, Cheng Yaojin, were killed halfway!

And Ye Tao has already taken people and directly **** with the Tibetan Mastiff group!

After realizing the huge gap in strength between the two sides, Liu Li, who had planned to attack the camp, had to hide again with someone...

Instead, the two soldiers, Liu Jie and Ye Tao, fought inexplicably...

For Liu Li and the others at that time, it was really inexplicable!

Because there is no communication between the two sides at all!

Hit it as soon as you come up!

What makes Liu Li and others even more strange is that, in their opinion, Liu Jie and Ye Tao are two guys, one is a major and the other is a colonel!

The people they brought were all real soldiers!

It's not surprising that the same soldiers exchanged fire without asking why!

And until this time...

Liu Li understands!

It turned out that he underestimated the strength of these soldiers brought by Liu Jie!

What should have been a one-sided battle turned out to be an intractable battle...


Liu Li is very self-aware!

I compared the strength of the three parties in my heart, and soon came to a very helpless conclusion...

These people brought by myself, even if there is a general-level powerhouse like Storm, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of any of the two sides on the battlefield!

Since you can't beat it, you can only withdraw!

But the Tibetan Mastiff group is still in the other's hands, which makes Liu Li very hesitant...

While hesitating...

Two dogs fight, play off!

The stalemate situation allowed Liu Li to see an opportunity!

After negotiating with the storm...

Liu Li suddenly thought that Xia Jian had left behind a batch of "Invisibility" charms before he left!

This time. Opinions were quickly unified...

Since we can't come to Ming, then everyone will just sneak away the Tibetan Mastiff group!

Although these Tibetan Mastiffs seem to have a terrible weight...

But in fact, in front of power-type evolutionaries such as storms and bulls. The problem of resisting one or two ends at a time is actually not too big!


Due to the relationship between the "Invisibility" magic charm...

In addition, the battle between the two groups of soldiers was very fierce...

In the early stage, Liu Li's small movements went very smoothly!

The ordinary soldiers who stayed to guard the Tibetan mastiff group were neatly dealt with, and a group of people started to carry the Tibetan mastiff very neatly!

In just ten minutes...

Liu Li and the others transported nearly half of the Tibetan mastiffs to the passage connecting the underground fortifications...

But if you walk too much at night, you will always bump into ghosts!

not to mention……

Liu Li and the others were carrying Tibetan mastiffs the size of a van!

With the Tibetan Mastiff group remaining in the jungle less and less. Liu Li and the others finally got Ye Tao to stare at...

You know, Ye Tao's purpose for coming here this time. But just for these Tibetan Mastiffs!

When you see your goals, almost all of them are stolen from others, how can you let it go!

without hesitation...

Immediately, Liu Jie and his party were left behind and led them. Killed them towards Liu Li!

before this. Liu Jie and the others couldn’t hold it anymore (the people Liu Jie brought were only soldier-level evolutionaries, after all, although they could hold on for a while with cooperation, they would always reveal flaws as time went on, and their physical ability was weak. drop. Also a big factor!)!

The moment Ye Tao left them, he immediately gave them a chance to breathe!

One by one they became alive again...

It's going to be fun right now!

It was originally just a battle between two sides. It suddenly turned into a three-way melee!

As the weakest party, Liu Li and the others are naturally under enormous pressure...


But at this time...

Something unexpected happened to Liu Li!

After going through the initial chaos, Liu Li inadvertently discovered that the group of soldiers headed by Liu Jie did not seem to have any intention of targeting their own side!

And often give their own support...

At least Liu Li herself has been rescued by Liu Jie several times!

Liu Li is not someone who doesn't know what to do...

Immediately order that everyone stop attacking the group of soldiers headed by Liu Jie!

The situation has changed again...

The original three-way melee turned into Liu Li and Liu Jie, who joined forces to deal with Ye Tao and the others!

The strength between Liu Jie and Ye Tao was originally only between the equals...

With the addition of Liu Li, Feng Feng, and others, although it is not to say that they can suppress Ye Tao and the others, at least the situation is not as passive as it was at the beginning!

In the end, under the cover of Liu Jie's group, Liu Li finally brought people and successfully transferred all the Tibetan mastiffs, including the Tibetan mastiff leader, into the underground passage!


At this time, a problem was placed in front of Liu Li...

Since it seems that the biggest and most important target of this trip, the leader of the Tibetan Mastiff, will be moved away!

Ye Tao is also really angry...

In the last short period of time, he led people and launched an extremely ferocious attack on Liu Jie and his party!

The people that Liu Jie brought were ultimately inferior in strength!

Under the attack of Ye Tao and his people, regardless of the cost, in just a short moment, five hundred soldiers sacrificed more than one layer!

And this number is rapidly increasing!

But even so, Liu Jie still led the people and blocked Ye Tao and the others' attacks, letting Liu Li lead the people and drag all the Tibetan mastiffs into the passage smoothly!

Now there are two choices in front of Liu Li...


Liu Li can naturally close the underground passage, lock Liu Jie and Ye Tao out of the passage, and let them go to the dog to bite the dog, it is best to kill them all!


Rooting out Liu Li's observation, the possibility of losing both sides is very low!

The biggest possibility is that the 500 soldiers brought by Liu Jie should be killed by Ye Tao and the others!

Moreover, if Liu Li was not touched in the slightest by watching Liu Jie lead these 500 soldiers to break up for his own side, causing heavy casualties, it would be a lie!

the second……

It is to welcome Liu Jie and the others into the underground passage!

But in this way, Liu Li is worried that she will lead the wolf into the room...

After all, the purpose of Liu Jie's visit this time is similar to that of Ye Tao and the others!

Before that, an ultimatum was even issued!

In Liu Li's view, Liu Jie and the others are not good people either...


Just when Liu Li was having a hard time deciding...

A suggestion from Yasha finally made Liu Li make up her mind!

Asha's advice is very realistic...

In her opinion, there are only two situations facing her now!

That is whether Xia Jian, Xie Cong, and Xu Leini can get back in time...

If the three of Xia Jian can come back in time, even if Liu Jie and the others are welcomed into the base, they are not afraid of what will happen to them!

And if Xia Jian, Xie Cong, and Xu Leini couldn't come back in time...

With one's own strength alone, it is definitely impossible to deal with this group of people headed by Ye Tao!

Now Liu Jie and his party have lost their strength!

In this case, bringing them close to the base is not an assistant!

I believe that there are this group of people headed by Ye Tao who are staring at them outside, and they are not afraid that they will make something too big!


It was also under Asha's suggestion that Liu Li finally brought Liu Jie and his party closer to the underground passage...

Waiting for the iron gate to fall...

A somewhat inexplicable battle for the three parties finally came to an end!

But at this time, in order to break the post, the 500 people that Liu Jie brought have died, and only more than 300 were left!

The death rate has reached an astonishing three-tier!

And no one is unharmed!

It's a pain in the ass!

Even Liu Jie himself was seriously injured! If not dealt with in time, there is a high chance of death due to excessive blood loss!

Under such circumstances, Liu Jie naturally had no intention of discussing something with Liu Li...

Just leave a simple sentence: "Wait for your boss to come let him come to me..."

After that, I led people, and in the underground city, I found a random place to press and attack...


Except for Liu Li, on the first day, the two sides sent someone to use the "Healing Technique" magic talisman to treat those who were too seriously injured among the group of soldiers brought by Liu Jie after a little treatment.

On weekdays, except for Liu Li, who will arrange people on time every day to bring some necessary food and water to Liu Jie and the others!

Double convenience has been without any communication and exchange!

In order to beware of Liu Jie and the others...

Liu Li even sent someone to guard the camp of Liu Jie and his party!

This strange relationship has been maintained until now...

……………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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