Doomsday Extinction

Vol 3 Chapter 41: : 1 hit

The sun is like blood!

As far as the field of vision can be seen, the earth is vast and white! Under the scorching sun, it exudes a dazzling, coquettish blood-colored brilliance...

At a glance, the whole world seems to be enveloped in a sea of ​​blood...

This is the end...

An apocalypse filled with killing and death everywhere!

No wind!

no smoke...

Throughout the entire area, there is little sign of biological activity!

The whole world is dead silent!

Deathly silence! !



A frenzied, insolent laughter with endless violent aura cut through the sky and completely broke your silence in this area!

And, over time...

The laughter became more and more crazy, and the momentum became more and more amazing! Under the roar of the terrifying sound waves, ice and snow continued to fall from the big trees and under the eaves, making a sound of "Xixi Suo Suo..."!

Wind blows……

Cloud moves!

As the laughter became more and more arrogant, the suffocating aura went straight into the sky, and finally a faint vision of heaven and earth was faintly triggered!


"How can it be?"

"How can it be!!"

"How could this lunatic break through at this time?"

Not far away, Gu Tong, who was laughing wildly, was madly surging, and the captain's face, which had been flushed red because of shame, instantly turned pale! !



Constantly questioning, questioning...

He simply couldn't accept it. A maddened, murderous devil would be in such a situation. Break through the huge gap between soldier level and general level!

Is this God blind? ! !


Under the excitement, the captain suddenly thought of a possibility! !

A terrifying possibility that is extremely crazy and completely violates his moral bottom line and worldview! !


The captain, who was still in a hurry, didn't know that at this moment, his face was still resolute, showing a bit of a soldier's breath. It seems that it is a little more brutal and a little more hideous! !

Go on fire! !

That's right! At this time, the captain had doubts about his beliefs and persistence. It's on the verge of going crazy! !

A heaven, a hell! That is exactly what describes his situation at this time!


Also at this time...


The insolent laughter that resounded through the four fields came to an end...

That shot straight into the sky, and it has grown to a terrifying level of suffocation. It seems to have reached a peak. Finally stopped and continued to enhance!

"It's done!"

In the vagueness, Gu Tong, who was laughing wildly, suddenly whispered! !

Immediately after...

On the face that was originally shrouded in madness and violent aura, suddenly there was a trace of uncontrollable excitement and excitement! !

Because he was too excited, his whole body could not help but tremble slightly! !

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I finally succeeded..."

Gu Tong, who finally confirmed that he had successfully broken through and became a general-level powerhouse, couldn't contain his excitement. Screaming up to the sky again...

When the whistling stopped, Gu Tong used his sharp eyes. After scanning a circle, those who stood in place behind them, and those who forgot to escape for a while because of too much fear!

With his characteristic, slightly hoarse voice, he sternly said, "What are you still doing? Why don't you kneel down and worship your god?"

Before the Great Destruction Day, if someone dared to say this, they would definitely be regarded as a lunatic, as a narcissist, and they might even be thrown into a mental hospital! !

But at this moment, Gu Tong said it so grandly! !

It's so natural! As if this matter is justified!

have to say……

This Gu Tong is indeed narcissistic enough and arrogant enough! !

Today, this is not the first time he has said that he is a **** or something like that!

How much narcissism has to be in order to do such a thing that is almost unreasonable for others! !


Gu Tong's words, under the agitated mind, the captain who was on the verge of going into trouble naturally also heard it...

My heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, very unhappy...

But even if it's unhappy, what can it do?

Who makes their own strength, not as good as others!

Before Gu Tong made a breakthrough, he was already one line behind others. Now that Gu Tong has become a general-level powerhouse, the gap between the two is even bigger!


Because of Gu Tong's words, a trace of blood gradually appeared in the captain's eyes, and his face became more and more hideous...

Libra is out of balance! !

Maybe in the next second, the captain, whose mind has been lost, is about to follow Gu Tong's footsteps and become a demon who only knows how to kill...

But at this time...

"Ha ha……"

At the critical moment, the captain who was distracted suddenly heard a chuckle! !

This chuckle, the sound is very small, but it is impossible to ignore at all. It gives the feeling that it sounds directly in people's minds...

"who is it?"

The next moment, the captain heard a loud shout again in his ears!

This burst of shouting also completely woke the captain from the state of being in a state of madness...

"who is it!!"

"Get out of here..."

Looking at the sound, I saw that he was still high-spirited and indomitable Gu Tong, and he was roaring not far away! He waved his fist crazily, blasting out powerful punches around him, venting frantically, constantly blasting shocking pits one after another in the surrounding snow!

He is trying to find the person who chuckled!


At this time, Gu Tong seems to be in the process of breaking through. It has also been affected to a certain extent, and the whole person is already in a state of madness!

Coupled with that smirk, it was so ethereal. And in a flash...

In this state, how could he find the owner of that voice! !

But I didn't wait for the captain to feel...

Gu Tong, who was madly destroying all around, suddenly stopped without warning, suddenly raised his head, blood red, and his eyes exuding endless evil spirits, suddenly looked in the direction where the captain was...

Seeing that Gu Tong was staring at himself. With his eyes filled with endless anger and suffocation, the captain's heart "squeaked...", and for no reason had a very bad feeling...

"not good……"

Just a second thought. The captain knew where the bad feeling in his heart came from!

It's obvious...

In the case that the source of the sound cannot be found, this Gu Tong has already subconsciously. The one who will make this chuckle. See it as yourself!

"I fuck..."

Knowing this, the captain suddenly cursed, and he didn't care to find the direction that the voice came from. He quickly looked around, he was planning to escape! !

From the captain's point of view, Gu Tong at this time is obviously crazy! Totally incomprehensible! !

Since he can't beat him, he can only escape! !

However, before he could put this move into practice...


"Just you?"

That voice. It rang again...

This time, even if it's a fool. From this voice, I can hear the disdain and contempt in the tone!

This time, I poked the hornet's nest...


Roaring furiously, venting...

"who is it……"

"Get out of here..."


Exactly the same as last time, this voice gave the captain the feeling that it sounded directly in his mind. He could only hear the voice but not see the person. For a time, he couldn't tell where the voice came from!

Since even the captain can't tell the difference...

At this time, Gu Tong, who was in a state of madness, needless to say...


That is at this time...


In the direction of the school gate of Hekou Wan Elementary School, there was a sudden burst of thunder-like explosions...

Captivated by this deafening sound...

The captain subconsciously looked in the direction where the voice sounded for the first time...

But the next second...

The captain's pupils suddenly enlarged...

What did he see?

There were dense woods and a trail leading to the school gate hidden in the woods!

But this time...

The dense forest that covered the sky and the sun was actually swaying wildly under some kind of terrifying power, and it was overwhelmed and separated to both sides!

A large amount of snow, ice **** fragments, and those broken branches and leaves were swept up in the air from the ground, from the swaying sky tree, and danced wildly by this terrifying force...

You can faintly see that a milky white energy, like a tornado, shoots towards the "Zhuangyuan Bridge" like lightning at a speed beyond the limit of your eyesight!

"This is……"

This earth-shattering scene suddenly made the captain's heart hang in his throat!

The Captain is a well-informed man after all!

On weekdays, it is not uncommon to see some scenes of masters fighting each other!

When he saw this raging white energy...

Before it was contacted, it was deafening, like a thunderous explosion!

After just thinking about it for a while, I speculated that the terrifying scene in front of me must have been caused by the speed of something that broke through the speed of sound and was approaching them at supersonic speed! !

As for this breakthrough of the speed of sound, what exactly is it, due to the limitation of strength, until now, the captain is not clear! !

But one thing, Captain, is certain...

No matter what the speed of sound is, it must be aimed at this group of people!

To be more precise, it must be aimed at Gu Tong who speaks wildly!

Who made Gu Tong claim to be a god! !



This thought just flashed through the captain's mind...

A streamer suddenly appeared in his field of vision...

Finally caught it! !

It's a spear!

One was as fast as lightning. The spear, which is popular in the ashes, is carrying a terrifying momentum, with the trend of destroying the dead. Burst shot at Gu Tong, who was still invincible just now!

Looking back at the same...

At this time, he finally discovered this sudden attack!

It's just that maybe it was because he was frightened by the terrifying momentum of the attack. For a while, he was stunned and stared at the direction the spear was shooting from, forgetting to dodge! !

Do not! !

The captain soon discovered that he was wrong!

The spear that shot at Gu Tong was not the only one...

After the first spear, dozens of spears. Impressively formed a character shape and shot towards Gu Tongfei overwhelmingly!

And Gu Tong was not what the captain imagined. was petrified!

In fact...

Gu Tong is concentrating, trying to calculate the angle at which these spears are shot, looking for the possible chance of survival! !


A distance of several hundred meters, for a spear fired at the speed of sound. Just in the blink of an eye!

these spears. In a blink of an eye, he reached a place less than ten meters away from Gu Tong, and he was about to be placed across from him...

In the nick of time...


Hearing Gu Tong's savage laugh, he who had not made any movement all of a sudden suddenly twisted his body strangely, and in an almost impossible way, he narrowly escaped this sure-kill spear! !


Seeing this scene, the captain suddenly took a deep breath! !

General! !

Is this the true strength of the general level?

Even this, in his opinion, was a mortal blow. Can you all escape? !

You know, these spears. But it is several times faster than the speed of a bullet! !


But before the cold air inhaled by the captain reaches his lungs...


The captain's face changed wildly again, and he subconsciously exclaimed...

What the **** did the captain see?

It turned out that at the moment just now, at the moment when he thought that Gu Tong had already attacked with that spear! Those spears that had already passed Gu Tong, as if they suddenly had life, turned around in mid-air, changed their angle, and flew towards Gu Tong again! !

"How can it be……"

"How can it be……"

This is a scene that goes against common sense, far beyond the captain's understanding!

He unconsciously muttered to himself...

He stared blankly at those from all directions, almost blocking all possible spaces for Gu Tong to dodge!


Looking back at the same...

In the eyes of many people at the scene, this demon who was still invincible just now has the smug smile on his face just now...

next second...

His body trembled violently! !


Hearing a loud noise, gravel, snowflakes, and ice **** suddenly rose, covering Gu Tong's whole body...

Block everyone's sight! !

Fortunately, at this time...

A gust of cold wind blew away the snow and dust that had been raised in an instant...

Gu Tong's figure was revealed again in front of everyone! !

However, at this time, Gu Tong has long since lost his indomitable, high-spirited, bloodthirsty devil-like demeanor! !

The whole person is standing there...

The whole body was pierced by as many as a dozen spears, like a skewer of meat, and was nailed to the ground! !

Even if you want to move your body a little bit, you can't do it at all! !

But even so...

Gu Tong is still not dead! !

Breaking through to become a general-level powerhouse, this not only means that his strength has soared, but also represents his vitality, which is much stronger than the general soldier-level evolutionary!


At this moment, the powerful vitality brought Gu Tong not luck! !

but endless torture...

He saw blood gushing out from the wounds on his body, slowly flowing down these spears, staining the originally spotless snow...

Chilling wind...

Gu Tong's placket was blown!

His life seemed to dissipate rapidly at an astonishing speed under the swept away of the cold wind! !

At the same time, the smile on Gu Tong's face quickly dissipated, replaced by puzzlement, confusion, and unwillingness...

Unwilling! !

Even at this point, Gu Tong didn't even know who attacked him! !

How can you not feel embarrassed! !


From that indifferent, calm voice, it suddenly sounded in my mind...

Until these spears appear...

And then Gu Tong was nailed to the ground...

The whole process, to the captain, seems to be extremely long!

But actually...

All of this, all of this, in fact, the time experienced is only a short time, less than five seconds! !

This is also because the strength of the captain has reached a certain level! !

You can see exactly what's going on here...

For many survivors who were on the scene, they didn't even know what happened just now, only that a series of deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the distance! !

When they followed the direction of the voice and came over, the mighty, murderous demon just now had been nailed to the spot by dozens of iron spears! !

at this time……

Some people who have lived in Hekou for a long time have already seen it!

Those dozens of iron spears that nailed Gu Tong to the ground, where are the real spears! !


These dozens of iron spears are basically Hekou Wan Primary School, the school gate, and the iron bars on the iron gate that are welded like spears! !

But these iron bars, which are only a little bigger than the thumb, completely nailed a powerful evolutionary person who, in their eyes, was almost as powerful as a god! !

"Who is it?"

Subconsciously, everyone on the scene turned their attention to the direction of the school gate...

No one speaks!

Even breathing was restrained by everyone, overwhelming it to an almost inaudible level! !

The place is quiet! Quiet needle drop can be heard...


It was in this extremely quiet environment, the direction of the school gate, suddenly sounded a crisp sound of ice cracking! !

That's the sound of the sole stepping on the ice! !


The moment this voice sounded everyone's heart tightened...

Except for this sound!

In this world, it seems that there is only the sound of your own heart beating! !


The footsteps sounded again...

finally saw...

In the dark woods where the trees covered the sky and the sun, a figure suddenly appeared...

In the darkness, a very dazzling figure suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision...

……………………………………………………………… (To be continued..)

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