Doomsday Extinction

Vol 3 Chapter 103: :sister in law!

Chapter 163: Sister-in-law!

Glancing at the metal password box next to him, Xia Jian returned his attention to the white paper in his hand, and continued to look down...

"Besides, let me tell you one more thing..."

"See that little metal box in the box? It's actually a communicator..."

"The other end of the communicator is your brother and my good friend! If you really encounter any difficulties in the future, you can call her for help..."


"I need to tell you something..."

"If you can, you'd better not call her for help!! Your brother, I owe her too much in my life..."

The content on this piece of white paper is now officially over...

However, when Xia Jian was about to put the white paper down, on the other side of the white paper, he found two more words "password" with a black oil-based pen, followed by a set of six-digit Arabic numerals... …

There is no doubt that this set of numbers is the password of the password box containing the energy stock solution! !


See this set of passwords...

Xia Jian hesitated for a moment, and then he couldn't help but be curious. According to this set of numbers, he entered the password on the password box...

The sound made this time is different from the crisp "click" sound of the previous two safes. Instead, it is like a car tire leaking, and it keeps making a subtle "hissing" sound!

Xia Jian couldn't help but strangely looked around the lockbox...

Sure enough, in a corner of the lockbox, a small black hole was found! ! And wait until Xia Jian discovers this small hole. This small hole is constantly inhaling...

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian couldn't help frowning...


Xia Jian was a little unclear. I don't know what this small hole is used for! ! Breathing in so much, what's going on? !

Fortunately, Xia Jian also knows that this is not the focus now...

Just at this time, the small hole finally stopped breathing into the box, inside the lockbox. Finally, there was a soft "click" sound, and the lid of the password box suddenly opened slowly...


Inside the lockbox. There are some extremely complex structures...

This also confirmed Xia Jian's previous speculation!

After some observation...

Xia Jian found that the technology content of this lockbox is very high, because as long as the cover of this lockbox is closed, the inside of the lockbox is inside. It will automatically form a vacuum space. In order to facilitate the preservation of items...

In the middle of the box, there is a fist-sized metal cylinder lying quietly...

Carefully unscrew the metal cylinder...

Gently pull out...

A thumb-sized, light blue reagent suddenly appeared in front of Xia Jian...

Seeing this product, under a little light, it emits a light blue intoxicating halo reagent, Xia Jian knew, if there was no accident. This thing should be the so-called magical energy liquid! !

"Could it be that drinking just such a small bottle of food can make someone break through the level of the general level. Become a king level?!"

Seeing the reagent bottle lying quietly in the palm of my hand...

Xia Jian couldn't help but have some doubts! !

Looking for someone to try it out...

But when he thought of his old brother, he carefully explained the side effects of energy liquid on paper. To be honest, Xia Jian really didn't want his people to try it...

after all……

Nowadays, everyone is promoted to the king level, although it is a little more difficult...

But it's not all chance...

As long as Xia Jian is willing to spend a lot of time looking for king-level creatures, he will always get a little king-level energy spar...

And Xia Jian also knows...

The real effect of this bottle of energy liquid is not here...

think about it……

If you give this bottle of energy liquid to Huang Weiguo, Chen Sisi and others to study, further optimize this energy, and reduce side effects as much as possible...

At that time, what will happen? ! !

But right now, I only have such a bottle of reagent on hand. Once I use it, this idea will become a fantasy...


"Hmm!! That's it..."

After thinking about this section, Xia Jian has already made a decision in his heart...

Resolutely put the reagent bottle in his hand back into the metal cylinder carefully, and put the metal cylinder into the password box...

With the lockbox lid closed...


Sure enough, there was a sound of airflow from the small hole in the lockbox...

It's just that, contrary to the previous one, this time the gas inside the box was discharged...

see this scene...

Xia Jian already knew in his heart that this password box was indeed a special vacuum box! !

As long as the outer cover is closed, the box will automatically discharge the air inside the box, which is conducive to the preservation of energy fluid! !


Put the lockbox back on the desktop...

Xia Jian once again took the small black iron box in the small safe and studied it...

This small iron box is square and upright, about the size of a fist! !

All black...

Xia Jian looked at the small iron box, up, down, left, and right, but he didn't see anything like half a button...

Originally, I wanted to use mental perception to check the inside of the small iron box...

It turned out that this thing actually has the function of shielding mental power! !

"I rely on..."

Xia Jian was speechless at that time...

"This thing is a communicator? Why is this material still used..."

Xia Jian is full of doubts...

If this thing is really a communicator, there must be something that transmits signals, and there must be a button to turn it on! ! Besides, it's just a communicator, do you need to use this precious material that can shield mental power? !

But doubts turned into doubts, Xia Jian still believed. My brother shouldn't lie to himself about this kind of thing...

"How is it used?"

Driven by curiosity, Xia Jian squeezed the "communicator" in his hand, and pressed...


Xia Jian made such a toss. It really made him toss out a little content...

If you press your fingers **** the front of the small iron box, the iron sheet at this position is obviously a little thinner and softer than the surrounding...

"Is this the button?"

Xia Jian pressed hard again...

I want to experience it carefully and see if there is that kind of switch button feeling inside...

didn't think so...


At this time, the peculiar electronic synthesis sound really came out of the small iron box that had been silent all the time...

"Really a communicator?!"

Xia Jian was immediately excited...

Just like a child. Got a very fun toy in general! !


But what Xia Jian didn't expect was...

Right at this moment...

"What?! You finally remembered me..."

Inside the small iron box, a woman's voice came out...


Listening to this woman's tone, it seems quite unkind. The resentment that soared to the sky, even if it was separated by 108,000 miles, Xia Jian could clearly feel it...

Fortunately, Xia Jian's response was not slow...

Immediately remembered, my brother. in a message to myself. But I specially reminded that the other end of the communicator was a good friend of his...

He also told himself that if he really had any difficulties to overcome, he could call her for help...

What else do you say you owe people too much in this life! !

If Xia Jian had all kinds of doubts about what Xia Jian said about his brother before...

Then now...

Hearing the woman's resentful tone, the doubts before that were all clear at once...

Feel your brother. It's a debt of love to others! !

Thinking about this section, Xia Jian suddenly worshipped his old brother a little...


think about it. Needless to say, the time my brother left this communicator was definitely before breaking the mystery...

That is a year ago! !

In short, my brother, I haven't contacted each other for a year...

But the result...

I just started the communicator here, and the other party immediately replied to the message...

What does this represent?

This means that people have been waiting for news from their brother! The first wait is more than a year, even if it is already the end of the world, I have never given up...



Just as Xia Jian was thinking about it, the woman opposite seemed to have noticed something was wrong. After being silent for a while, when he asked again, his tone seemed a little nervous: "Is it A Yu?"

Hearing the question from the other side, Xia Jian slapped his forehead fiercely! !

He cursed at himself for what he was doing! My brother is not calling me, try not to disturb others! !

The results of it?

I just got this communicator today, and people found out...


Now that you've made a mistake, you can only try to make up for it...

The one on the opposite side is also his sister-in-law! If you just don't say anything and don't get angry, it's a bit bad after all...

hesitated for a while...

Xia Jian said cautiously: "Uh!! I'm not Xia Yu! I'm..."

didn't think so...

Before Xia Jian's self-introduction was finished, he was interrupted by the other party...

"Xia Yu..."

Xia Jian could tell from the other party's voice that after hearing his brother's name, the other party should be very surprised...


Xia Jian gave an affirmative answer...

As a result, the other party blurted out: "You are Xia Jian!!"

Now it's Xia Jian's turn to be surprised...

Unexpectedly, he just said his brother's name, and the other party actually knew who he was...

And the other party also knows his name...

Could it be that my brother used to mention his name in front of this woman often? ! !

Xia Jian couldn't help but think so...

In his mouth, he blurted out, "How do you know my name?!"


The other party seemed very proud: "Not only do I know your name is Xia Jian, but I also know. Your kid is Xia Yu's younger brother!! How about it, where are you in Pearl City now, you have a good time!!"

This time. Xia Jian was even more shocked...

Unexpectedly, the other party even knew that he was in Pearl City! !

But think carefully...

My brother, since I told myself that if there is a problem, I will contact the other party...

Then the strength of this woman will definitely not be any worse! !

And this woman cares so much about her brother and wants to come to the end of the world. This woman will definitely be in the dark, secretly paying attention to her younger brother...

Thinking of this, Xia Jian smiled and said, "Haha..."

"It's been a good time..."

Think about it. Xia Jian subconsciously added: "You are my sister-in-law!!"

"sister in law……"

The other party was obviously taken aback by this name...


After a few seconds of silence, the other party actually released a series of extremely feminine laughter...

Just listening to this laughter, Xia Jian can easily imagine what the other party looks like at this time: "This woman must be covering her mouth now. Let's laugh so hard!!"

Xia Jian's mind. Without such a picture emerges...



I have to say, this woman is indeed an incomprehensible animal...

Before that, what the other party said, adding up to less than five sentences...

But just based on these five sentences, Xia Jian can conclude that the other party must be an extremely strong female man...


I just called my sister-in-law, and the other party fell completely! !

"This woman was really poisoned by her elder brother!!"

Xia Jian couldn't help but sigh again...

But now that you have figured out the opponent's temper. Next, when Xia Jian communicated with the other party. Apparently it's easier...

After waiting for the other party to laugh enough, he finally remembered the business...

"Xia Jian, let me ask you..."

"How did you get this communicator? Where's your brother? Is he next to you now?!!"

Hearing the other party ask such a question, Xia Jian was helpless for a while...

"My brother..."


Xia Jian sighed deeply: "I haven't seen anyone for more than ten years. This time I found this place based on the message my brother gave me before..."

"Is that so?"

Hearing this answer, the other party fell into silence again...

looks very lost...

But now Xia Jian can't take care of that much anymore...

It has been more than ten years since his brother disappeared. During these more than ten years, Xia Jian was full of questions and wanted to find answers...


"Sister-in-law, can I ask you something?"


Fortunately, the other party didn't mind: "You ask!!"

But after saying this, the other party seemed to think of something, and quickly added: "If I can tell you what I can tell you..."


"If I can tell you what I can tell you..."

Hearing the other party's reply, Xia Jian's heart suddenly became cold...

Since the other party has already said this...

Xia Jian knew that the things he wanted to know most might not be able to find a result today...

But you can't just give up, can you? !

After thinking about his own question a little, Xia Jian asked, "Sister-in-law! What the **** has my brother been doing these past few years? Can you tell me this?!"


As a result, the other party did not hesitate at all and directly refused...

After finishing, he added: "I'm sorry, Xia Jian, your old man deliberately told me that I can't tell you about these things..."

Although I have already prepared in my heart...

But when the other party refused, Xia Jian still seemed extremely lost...

However, the other party seems to know that if Xia Jian is allowed to ask such a question and he always refuses, it is not a problem...

ponder a little...

The other party suddenly said: "Xia Jian, I believe I should have probably guessed my identity. There is no way. What I can say from you is very limited now..."

"Or else..."

"I'll pick some things I can tell you first and tell you..."


Although the other party used a negotiating tone...

But Xia Jian knew that the other party must be a very assertive woman...

If it can't be said...

Even if you don't care about your face, the other party will definitely not let you go. In this case, the other party's suggestion is indeed the best way now! !


Xia Jian reluctantly agreed to the other party's request...


"Actually, you don't have to be careful..."

"Your brother is more powerful than you thought. That kid belongs to Xiaoqiang. You can't die even if you want him. Now he is definitely more relaxed and comfortable than both of us..."


"You don't have to hate your brother..."

"You should already know by now that your parents' identities are not simple, and their disappearance is not simple..."

"Your brother left you in the first place to investigate this matter, but this matter involves too much and is too dangerous. According to your brother, he doesn't want you to be involved in this matter. , so for so many years, he has not contacted you, he is actually afraid of hurting you..."

"Ha ha……"

"In this regard, my opinion is actually the exact opposite of your brother's..."

"I'm also willing to tell you something I know..."

"You are both sons of the same parents, why should he investigate and you have to be protected and kept in the dark? Isn't that fair, eh!!"

"But, you know! Your sister-in-law, I, listen to your brother very much. Since he told me not to tell you, I'm sorry. If you want to investigate, you can only rely on yourself, sister-in-law. I encourage you in spirit!!"

hear here...

Xia Jian had the urge to vomit blood! !

Do you mean **** horse? Obviously I won't say it, but I just added this sentence, isn't this trying to catch our appetite...


Speaking of the other party suddenly paused...

"Let me tell you! Your kid is actually good at everything, but you're just too stupid..."

Uh! !

I've been scolded for being so stupid! ! Xia Jianman has a black line on his forehead...

But the other party's next words made Xia Jian have to admit that the other party did have a reason for saying so...

"Don't be unconvinced..."

"As far as I know, you actually know a lot of things now, but you just didn't think about it in this way..."

"I suggest you..."

"You should properly organize the information you have now, and don't be like a headless fly, do it in the east, do it in the west..."

……………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.

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