Doomsday Extinction

Vol 3 Chapter 102: : 1 line of life! !

One hundred and ninety-two chapters: a silver lining! !

Suddenly, Xia Jian felt an extremely violent dizziness again...

"The female horse's..."

The current Xia Jian is no longer the rookie he used to be. In the past six months, because he often needs to practice skills day and night, Xia Jian has already had a lot of experience with this kind of dizziness...

This discovery made me want to cry all of a sudden...

Because of Xia Jian's painful discovery...

Now not only have the violent thunder and lightning elements gathered around him have not decreased, but now, relying on his little mental power left, he can no longer control these thunder and lightning elements...

Just for a short while...

Those lightning elements gathered near him have begun to lose control, and even the two vortexes in the air have become extremely unstable at this moment...

Maybe in the next second, disaster will come...

"It won't be so unlucky!!"

Now Xia Jian feels depressed in his heart, it's true, all the unfortunate things have collided together...

But unfortunately, things have to have a solution...

what to do? !


The current situation is...

Xia Jian pondered, judging by the power of the "Hell Lightning" he just released, if he can't find a way to control these out-of-control lightning elements...

This time, even if I am lucky, I can rely on my own strength to survive the attacks of these out-of-control lightning elements...

What about those people in the ancient city of Kepan?

To know……

I just released the lightning element consumed by "Hell Lightning". It's not even one-tenth of the total amount of these lightning elements gathered near me now...

But just one-tenth of the amount has already caused so much damage...

That really has to wait until the lightning elements gathered near him are all out of control. How terrifying could happen?

what can be confirmed is……

Pan Gucheng itself, that is, the buildings in Pan Gucheng, should not suffer much damage under the attack of "Hell Lightning"...

After all, as long as it is not just struck by lightning, the building will not be damaged too much! !

But that doesn't mean it's okay...

You must know that there are a large number of electronic instruments in the ancient city of Pan...

By the time……

these electronic instruments. I am afraid that all of them will become a pile of scrap copper and iron under the raging of these currents! !

And the underground fortifications...

Think about it, underground fortifications. There shouldn't be any problem with that super strong and comprehensive defense...

As for the nearly one million survivors in Pan Ancient City...


Even if Xia Jian was used to seeing life and death, he didn't dare to think about it any more...


As the supreme ruler of the ancient city of Pan...

The whole ancient city. Including the people inside. It is no exaggeration to say that it is Xia Jian's private property...

Although Xia Jian doesn't care much on weekdays...

But no matter what, he also watched Pan Gucheng with his own eyes, little by little, from an inconspicuous ruin in the past, step by step, it has gradually developed into the scale it is today...

Just these two things...

Xia Jian had enough reasons to protect the ancient city of Pan as much as possible. And the survivors in the ancient city of Pan...

If this time, Pan Gucheng was really curious because of his own momentary curiosity. He couldn't help experimenting with new skills, and then put them all into flames. Xia Jian guessed that he would regret it later...


In order not to regret it in the future...

No matter how you look at it, Xia Jian has every reason to prevent this tragedy from happening...

In an instant, Xia Jian's thoughts turned and he racked his brains. At an unprecedented speed, he was madly thinking about ways to solve this crisis in his mind...

However, where is the way to think so well?

If it were really that easy to think of...

Xia Jian is not going to fall into the current stage of the field! !


Fortunately, there is no way out of the sky...

Just when Xia Jian was at a loss for this matter, the corner of Xia Jian's eyes, but through the dazzling electric light, he inadvertently saw the east of the ancient city of Pan, the boundless ocean hidden in the dark night...


Thinking of the ocean, Xia Jian's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of a basic common sense of physics...

"Isn't water conductive?"

Then Xia Jian suddenly thought that, although he didn't know, why did these thunder and lightning elements gather near him and refused to disperse after he had released "Hell Lightning"? !

But these lightning elements gathered near one's body, in essence, are not much different from the current in daily life...

If you really want to tell the difference between the two, perhaps these lightning elements are more active, more violent, and more destructive than those common electric currents in daily life! !

Since who is conducting electricity...

If you run into the sea now, will these terrifying lightning elements gathered near you be absorbed by the water in the ocean? !

think carefully……

Xia Jian suddenly felt that this was really a good idea...

Although before this, I was not sure if there would be any accident in the middle, and whether the final result would be as I thought...

But now that I have the opportunity, I can't even give up without trying it! !

If you try...

There is always a glimmer of opportunity, although this opportunity is very slim, but there is always a glimmer of hope, not...

But if you don't try...

That means there is no hope at all! !

Xia Jian has never been a person who likes to hesitate. After a short period of weighing, he almost didn't hesitate. Xia Jian chose the idea of ​​giving it a try without any suspense...


Although the decision has been made, how it will go through is a big question...

actually. Until now, Xia Jian didn't know why he could be suspended in mid-air...


In addition to being sure that his body is not restricted and can move freely, Xia Jian doesn't even know how he can get back to the ground...

In the current situation, it is obviously impossible to ask others to help...

That is to say. Xia Jian can only rely on himself...


"Female horse!! Never mind..."

After thinking hard about the result, Xia Jian finally ran away...

Thinking of just now, I was favored by the goddess of luck. All of a sudden, from the underground fortifications, "Momentary Movement" directly into the air...

This time, it is possible that I will also have **** luck! !

Do what you want, take advantage of the thunder and lightning elements in mid-air, before it completely breaks out. Xia Jian pulled out a few pictures from his arms and kept them with him. In order to prevent accidents, I specially made the "Fast Movement" charm...

It's not that Xia Jian doesn't want to use the "Fast Movement" skill directly...

But the current stage...

Xia Jian's mental power has already been consumed almost, and it is not even enough to use "Fast Movement" once...

In this case, Xia Jian can only use the pre-made "Fast Movement" amulet! !

Gritting his teeth, he activated "Fast Movement"...

next second...

Just when everyone below was running away, or looking for a place to hide. Suspended in mid-air, ball lightning that is more dazzling than the sun. suddenly disappeared...

After Xia Jianci recovered from the turmoil, Xia Jian felt an extremely violent squeeze again...

Fortunately, Xia Jian's current physique has reached a hundred points that can be called perverted...

What is this concept?

This means that Xia Jian's physique and physical strength at this time are already the strength of a hundred or so himself before the Great Destruction...


This 100-point physique, acting on people, is not as simple as one plus one...

Plus Xia Jian's perverted "Healing Technique"! !

The current Xia Jian can be called an unbeatable Xiaoqiang! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is copper skin and iron bones! !

But even with such perverted physical quality, in the face of such a strong squeeze, Xia Jian can't help but feel an extremely strong pressure...

this moment……

Xia Jian found that every muscle, every bone, and every cell in his body seemed to groan in pain under such terrifying pressure...

Under this suffocating horror pressure...

Xia Jian felt as if he was being crushed under a mountain...

Activity blocked...

can not breath! !

Boundless darkness and piercing cold...

That cold, empty and helpless feeling can almost make people desperate...

"The female horse's..."

Xia Jian wants to swear...

But that powerful pressure made it extremely difficult for him to speak...


At the moment when he opened his mouth, a biting cold current rushed into his mouth from the outside...

Under the strong pressure outside, after this cold current poured into the mouth, it refused to stop for a moment, and it continued to advance by leaps and bounds, reaching the lungs...

It is a stance to fill Xia Jian's body in one fell swoop...

If Xia Jian didn't realize that something was closed his mouth in time, I am afraid that at this moment, all the internal organs have been filled with these cold currents...


In the current situation, during this period of time, Xia Jian has experienced it more than once...

Also has a lot of experience in coping with...

This will not only not panic, but secretly rejoice in my heart...

That's right...

This time "Momentary Movement", Xia Jian actually directly moved himself to the bottom of the sea that is hundreds of meters, or simply thousands of meters deep...

This is Xia Jian...

If it was replaced by other people with average strength, it would be estimated that they would have been buried in the deep sea, and the terrifying pressure would be directly crushed into a mass of meat sauce...

……………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.

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