Doomsday Extinction

Vol 3 Chapter 109: :trap! !

Chapter 199: Trap! !

"Shut up……"

With the instructor's voice, the violent bear who was dancing with excitement and foaming from his mouth just now became an eggplant beaten by frost, and the whole person went down...

During this process, he was like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, peeking at the instructor from time to time...

Those resentful eyes only made Xuehu, who saw this scene for the first time, feel a chill.

Immediately, Xuehu suddenly thought of the person in front of him, but he was a grumpy king-level powerhouse! In an instant, Xuehu only felt a chill, from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and quickly turned his eyes away...

At this time, the instructor has directly ignored the performance of the violent bear, and turned to look at the cobra beside him...

Its meaning is self-evident...

It's time to ask Cobra's opinion! !


Feel the attention of people...

Cobra, who had been bowing his head for a long time, finally raised his head and said thoughtfully: "Boss, I remember this time, just last night, the headquarters' plan for Pan Gucheng and Nuwa City seemed to fail, right? !"

Before the instructor could answer, the violent bear over there couldn't hold it in any longer and replied, "You're not a waste..."

It's a pity that I didn't wait for the violent bear to finish speaking...


In the small space, a deafening roar suddenly came out, and in the violent wind, Bao Xiong flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and then slammed into the stone wall behind him...

"Cough cough..."

The bear covered his chest. He coughed in pain, and on the stone wall behind him, a human-shaped dent was clearly visible...

Sudden attack. Suddenly, Xuehu was startled, and his body reacted instinctively...

But just when he touched the weapon, he accidentally saw that the instructor, who had never turned around, retracted his fist without looking back...

see this scene...

Xuehu may not know that just now, the instructor shot the violent bear to fly...

"Go on……"

At this time, the instructor gestured to the cobra, his voice flat. It's as if the stormy bear was just blasted away, but it was just a trivial thing...

And for all this, except for Xuehu. The bats and blood demons at the scene seem to be used to it! !

No one even cared about the injury of the violent bear...


Cobra nodded and continued: "Boss, I remember before we came out. The heads of each district. It seems that they are already preparing to gather the core strength of each military district, right?!"

"That's right..."

This time, the instructor gave a positive answer: "There is such a thing!"

"That's right……"

Cobra looked around the room and said solemnly, "Everyone!! I don't know how you guys thought about our opponent this time..."

"But according to my analysis..."

"Since those judges, and this blazing sun clan, were able to take down the largest military base in Southeast Asia among the military regions in such a short period of time, and the most powerful Yanjing military base, then their strength would definitely not be the same. How much worse than we are..."

"Some of you may not believe..."

"But have you ever thought about it? If not, how would you explain what happened in Pan Gucheng? You know, I heard that the strength of the team that attacked Pan Gucheng this time is not much worse than ours..."


"I suspect that the people above didn't plan to attack from the beginning!! Otherwise, they wouldn't have to gather everyone..."

"If you want me to say, they are clearly prepared to defend themselves!!"

The crowd was silent...

Although no one spoke, but looking at their expressions, they clearly agreed with Cobra's statement...

a long time……

The instructor raised his head and said solemnly: "Then what should we do now? Just withdraw? Then rush back to support?!"

"Do not……"

Cobra refused without thinking: "Now we absolutely can't go back..."

The instructor asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

Cobra smiled bitterly: "It's very simple!!"

"It would be fine if that team captured Pancheng..."

"But now!!"

"Even if we rush back, it won't have much impact on the overall situation..."

Everyone is thinking...

indeed! !

Now not only have they failed to capture the ancient city of Pangu, but the people who have been sent are almost served by others, and they have also forced them into the opponent's camp...

Pan Gucheng, the Judge and these scorching sun tribes are united...

Their small number of people really can't have much impact on the overall situation...

Think of this...

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little depressed...

Since they can be sent here by the military, everyone on the scene is the kind of soldier with strong thinking, naturally they will not want to see this result...

But what if you don't want to?


But at this moment, Cobra's tone changed, and he said coldly: "Now we have no choice at all..."

"We must take down the City of Hope according to the original plan. Only by taking down the City of Hope can we possibly share the pressure on it..."


"Take ten thousand steps back and say, even this time, the headquarters really couldn't survive their three-way attack..."

"With the help of the City of Hope, we have a chance to make a comeback..."

Speaking of which...

Cobra stopped talking...

His words sounded like there was no problem...

But the people present can naturally hear the meaning behind his words from his words...

Their original mission was to take advantage of the Sunshine Clan's group to gain strength. All focused on the opportunity of Yanjing to attack the City of Hope, where the guard force is empty...

Just before that, after some investigation. They found that the guarding force of the City of Hope was not as weak as they thought, and finally had to give up the attack plan...

Instead, lurking here, waiting for the opportunity again in the dark...

And today...

The Jiaoyang Clan once again sent a team of more than 3,000 people from the City of Hope...

Not to mention, this team of more than 3,000 people. What is the purpose of coming out...

After hearing this news, everyone present thought of it for the first time. It was the departure of these 3,000 people, and it was the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that my group had been waiting for for a long time...

If they take this opportunity to really enter the City of Hope...


If the military wins this war between the two sides. That's certainly good. Because they have completed the above tasks perfectly, they don't have to worry about the punishment above...


If the military loses...

They occupied the City of Hope, and with the City of Hope as a stronghold, the military might have a chance to make a comeback...


This is only the obvious meaning, the other meaning is more obscure, but everyone knows it, but no one wants to reveal it...


After such an analysis by Cobra...

Instructor, violent bear. Cobra, ruling. Bats, the opinions of the six bloodthirsty people were quickly unified...

One order after another...

This army was lurking near the City of Hope. It was composed entirely of generals and above. The team with more than 2,000 people quickly moved into action...

less than ten minutes...

The entire team has completed the assembly and is ready to go...

In half an hour...

This fully-armed team, composed entirely of generals and above, successfully broke through the outer defensive circle of the City of Hope with the momentum of annihilation...

Waiting for the guardians in the City of Hope to react...

The sharp knife team headed by Cobra has taken the lead in rushing to the opponent's city wall and successfully opened the opponent's city gate...



When an instructor, led the violent bear, blood sha, and others, led a large army, passed the city gate, and rushed into the majestic, majestic, and splendid City of Hope...


With a loud bang...

The thick city gates slammed shut...

Also until this time...

The instructor and other talents suddenly realized that they and others were actually trapped between two city gates...

This discovery made the instructor and others have a very bad premonition...

"not good……"

"There is an ambush among us..."


Before he finished speaking, in the next moment, following a series of metal collisions, countless warriors in golden armor suddenly appeared on the majestic city walls all around...

There are also small dark secret doors on the stone walls of the city wall...

Gun barrels exuding icy metallic luster continued to protrude from these secret doors, and the dark gun barrels were aimed at the soldiers trapped between the two city walls...

"Where's the cobra?"

At this critical moment, the instructor suddenly thought of the cobra that served as the sharp knife team...

As the first to attack the wall...

And the person who opened the city gate, it is impossible for the cobra to not find the abnormality in the city...



"Are you looking for me?"

With a feminine voice coming from above the city wall, all the doubts seemed to become clear at this moment...

As one of the Big Six...

As the most trusted instructor, he has already taken refuge with the Jiaoyang family...


The angered instructor wanted to get angry, but then he thought about it, winning the king and losing the bandit, in the end of the world, betrayal is a normal thing...

Can't help being a little discouraged...

Indifferently: "Can you tell me why?"

"Ha ha……"

Cobra shook his head and chuckled, his voice full of ruthless sarcasm: "Why? Isn't it simple? They can give me more benefits and make me stronger..."


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