Doomsday Extinction

Vol 4 Chapter 15: : Invasion! !

Chapter 15: Invasion! !

And that demon...

I think it was because of too much consumption. When it was separated from the guardian of the demon race, it directly turned into a small puddle of thick black liquid, motionless, and could no longer feel the breath...

For someone who doesn't know...

I will never believe that this little black liquid is actually a demon with a strange shape, and it is a demon mother that can breed demons! !

Forehead! !

The mother of the demon clan, this is the name Xia Jian gave to this demon clan! !

And Xiao Hei can be regarded as the default name of Xia Jian this time...


Xia Jian put his fingers together and slammed out...

A hand knife, forcibly plunged into the chest cavity of the demon guardian, his wrist disappeared...

Black blood, under the pressure of the air pressure inside the chest cavity, seems to be free of money, frantically spurting out along the skin of the wrist and the edge of the wound...

low ground...

As soon as I heard the sound of "Zi...", there was a stinking stench in the air...

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian suddenly frowned...

It was not until this time that Xia Jian suddenly remembered that the blood of the demons has a strong corrosive ability, but he didn't think about it. Over the past year, I haven't encountered many demons, and I almost forgot about this...

At the same time, Xia Jian also faintly felt that the skin of his right hand, which was inserted into the chest of the demon guardian, was constantly sending a burning sensation...

Don't care about anything else...

He quickly searched the chest cavity for a while, until he found a fist-sized lump of smooth meat. Xia Jian stretched his claw with one hand, grabbed the sticky lump of meat and pulled it out...

all of a sudden...

Just listen to the sound of "Pfft...", in the gushing blood. I saw that Xia Jian grabbed a fist-sized ball with his left hand, and pulled it out from the chest of the demon guardian...

This group of fleshy **** is standing on the pulsating meat ball, and it even involves a lot of **** internal organs and blood vessels...

That's right! !

This meat ball is the heart of this demon guardian! !

At the same time, it is also the guardian of the demons, the essence of strength—the place where the emperor-level magic crystal is located! !

Confirmed correct...

There was a sneer at the corner of Xia Jian's mouth, and he tightly grasped the right hand of the pulsating heart. sudden force...

next second...

Just listen to the sound of "crack..."...

A heart the size of an adult's fist was crushed by Xia Jian...

Under strong pressure, full of black blood from the heart. All of a sudden it splashed all over the place...

But this time...

Xia Jian, who had already got what he wanted, did not wait for these black liquids to splash on himself, and had already dodged and disappeared in place ahead of schedule...

Wait until Xia Jian appears again. It has already reached the vicinity of the demon mother body...

And Xia Jian's hands at this time. Suddenly holding a walnut size, the whole body is dark, exuding a deep and dim light, like a black crystal that can devour a person's soul! !

It was the emperor-level magic crystal that Xia Jian had just received from the heart of the demon guardian! !


Take a look at the magic crystal...

When he saw the **** black viscous blood remaining on the magic crystal, Xia Jian couldn't help frowning...

next second...

Xia Jian's eyes suddenly narrowed...

A straight flame, without warning, suddenly rose from Xia Jian's palm...

under scorching heat. The blood remaining on the magic crystal was immediately burned clean...

After Xia Jian is over, blow hard...

With a small puff of black powder raised. This emperor-level magic crystal suddenly emits a deeper, dazzling black light...

Until then, Xia Jian finally showed a smile! !

not bad……

This is a fully mature emperor-level magic crystal. It can be regarded as the biggest gain for Xia Jian since this period of time...

When I return to Pan Gucheng, as long as I hand over this emperor-level magic crystal to Fengfeng, I believe that soon, I will have another emperor-level powerhouse under my command! !

As for why it was for the storm and not for Xu Leini and others...

The reason for this is that Xia Jian has gone through a lot of thought! !

Xu Leini didn't say anything...

Both her general and king rank rely on the king rank crystal core obtained from the king rank bat-winged beast! !

During this period of time, the speed of her strength improvement, although it can be said to be the fastest in the entire ancient city, can be described as sitting on a rocket, but after all, she relied on foreign objects, and her foundation was too thin...

However, using this energy crystal to advance, there is a certain probability that the final result will be achieved, not 100% success! !

under these circumstances……

Xia Jian naturally did not dare to hand over this precious royal magic crystal to Xu Leini! !

At least for a short time, Xia Jian will not give Xu Leini any more high-level energy crystals...

later on...

It depends! !

As for the others...

Either Xia Jian thinks that his loyalty is not enough, or his strength is not enough, or he is the kind of person who has his own small abacus...

Counting and counting...

Only the storm is the most suitable candidate! !


Putting this royal magic crystal into his underwear pocket, Xia Jian's eyes suddenly fell on his arm...

Just a little while...

His right hand, the sleeve below the forearm, has been completely corroded by the super corrosiveness of the demon blood...

And the skin of the palm of the right hand, which was originally exposed, has already been ulcerated to varying degrees...


Now this kind of injury has long been ignored by Xia Jian...

His eyes narrowed again, and the entire right arm, from the forearm down, was completely shrouded in flames...

It's just that the flames come and go quickly...

When the flame went out, Xia Jian's entire right arm had already turned black! And those clothes that were corroded, naturally all burned to ashes...

Preliminary work completed. Xia Jian immediately took out a "Healing Technique" magic talisman from his arms, separated a spiritual force, and activated it...

all of a sudden...

Xia Jian's entire right arm. They are all enveloped in a milky white soft light...

And at this time...

Even if he saw his arm corroded, he could almost see the muscles, but Xia Jian frowned a little, and finally there was a trace of pain in his pupils...


The pain caused by the "Healing Technique", straight just now, made Xia Jian unbearable! !

But this is understandable...

If you had to endure this extraordinary pain when using the Healing Technique to treat an injury, there would not be so many people. I would rather endure, consume, and let the injury heal itself. I'm also reluctant to use "Healing Technique"! !

After ten seconds...

When the milky white soft light dissipated, Xia Jian's arm had completely recovered, and there was not a trace of scars to be seen! !


Wait until this emperor-level magic crystal is finished. and his own injuries. Xia Jian finally turned his attention to this demon mother body again...

It's been so long...

This demon mother body still shows no sign of recovery! !

Instead, there is no breath...

Even if Xia Jian used mental perception, he couldn't feel its existence...


Xia Jian would not be fooled by this appearance...

To be another strong man, faced with such a demon mother body composed entirely of liquid, he may not really know what to do...


Today, this demon mother body should be unlucky...

It happened to bump into Xia Jian! !

Among Xia Jian's series of mage skills, there are several skills that can be used to handle liquids...

Like "Firewall". For example, "Bright Light" and so on...


After thinking about it for a while, Xia Jian didn't plan. Just kill this demon mother...

You must know that this is a perverted existence that can breed demons! !

If you can control it...

The benefits are simply too many to count!



Xia Jian sneered and took a deep breath...

"Let you dress me up..."

In the cold voice, Xia Jian, who was ready, suddenly ignited a raging flame in his palm...

Immediately shake your hand...

This group of flames fell into the black liquid transformed by the mother body of the demon race...

all of a sudden...

On the surface of the calm black liquid, a large piece of raging flames burned violently...

Since the "Fire Wall" is a unique feature of continuous damage, even if it is on the water, there is no combustible material, and the fire will not be extinguished for a long time...

Under this constant burning...

The temperature of the water surface quickly began to rise, and soon, the originally peaceful sleep began to boil violently like boiling water...

at the same time……

Under this kind of continuous burning, the puddle that was more than ten meters away began to shrink rapidly...

It quickly changed from ten meters at the beginning to less than ten meters, and then, Better Death shrank to less than five meters...

That is at this time...

The mother body of the demon race, which had been trying to hide its own breath, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a fierce howl, and in an instant, a terrifying mental wave rushed towards Xia Jian...


Its attacks are destined to be in vain...

Xia Jian already knew this demon mother body and was very good at mental shock. Now that he dares to stand here, he naturally has his own backing...

The whistle just started...

Xia Jian's eyes suddenly froze, and with the same mental shock, he attacked the demon mother body in a confrontational manner...

all of a sudden...

Two invisible terrifying spiritual fluctuations clashed again in the night sky...

Under the influence of the overflowing terrifying spiritual power, the originally empty space between Xia Jian and the demon mother body suddenly vibrated violently...

Later, even a large amount of gravel slowly floated into the air under the control of an inexplicable force...

After a few seconds...

The short confrontation finally exhausted the mental power that the Demon Race mother finally gathered...

See the opportunity...

Xia Jian's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle glow, and it was a "Light of Temptation" that was thrown towards this demon mother...

That's right...

From the beginning. Xia Jian is planning to use "Light of Temptation" to control this demon mother body! !

Before, it was constantly burning with fire. Using mental shock to attack, in fact, is all to consume the mental power of this demon mother...



Xia Jian's idea is good...

Thinking that once you control this demon mother, maybe you can produce a large number of demons in batches...

The reality is extremely cruel...

When "Light of Temptation" fell on this demon mother body, the feedback Xia Jian got was that his "Light of Temptation" was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it disappeared all at once...

And, at the moment when the spiritual power disappeared...

Xia Jian felt his head. It was as if someone had smashed it hard with a hammer, and the tinnitus and brain swelled in an instant, so painful...

It won't be easy for Xia Jian to recover...

"This is……"

Think carefully. Xia Jian knew that his plan to use "Light of Temptation" to control this demon mother might be in vain...

no way……

Because the spiritual power of this demon mother body is too strong! !

No worse than the emperor-level powerhouse at all! !

With Xia Jian's "Light of Temptation" at this time, it is simply not enough to control. A creature similar to his own spiritual power...

Got it. Xia Jian was relieved...

Of course it is impossible to be depressed! !

think about it……

If this "Light of Temptation" can really control everything, when encountering an enemy, Xia Jian will be a "Light of Temptation" and throw it over to control the opponent. If "Light of Temptation" can really achieve this level, In this world, who else is Xia Jian's opponent? !


Xia Jian took this failure very lightly...

Moreover. It doesn't matter if you can't control it, given the importance of this demon mother body. In order to deal with it, in order to maximize its value, Xia Jian has prepared several backup plans for it...


Determined that he could not control this demon mother body with "Light of Temptation", Xia Jian decisively gave up his extravagant hope of controlling it...

Think for a moment...

Xia Jian is another skill, and threw it towards this demon mother body...


This time, Xia Jian used the Taoist occupation level 28 skill - "Spiritual Apocalypse"! !

That's right...

At this time, Xia Jian planned to invade the brain of this demon mother and read its memory...

In Xia Jian's view...

This demon mother body is obviously a creature with wisdom. Otherwise, it would not have such a powerful spiritual power at all...

Since it is an intelligent creature...

Then you will naturally think, there will also be joys and sorrows, there will be self-awareness, and there will be memories...

If normal means are used...

Xia Jian wouldn't believe that he could communicate with this demon mother...

And Xia Jian, it is impossible to give up, the information related to this demon mother body! !

That being the case...

Naturally, Xia Jian could only be hard, relying on the skill of "Spiritual Revelation", and went to the memory of this demon mother to find the information he needed...


next second...

The screen turns...

Xia Jian found that he had come to a deep darkness...

In this darkness, there is not a trace of light! !

At a glance, you can faintly see some bright lights floating in the air...

From time to time, you can also see a series of huge hazy black shadows, passing by from not far away...


Whenever there are these giant shadows swaying around, the surrounding space will sway from a distance...

"This is……"

Xia Jian knew that he had already entered the memory of that demon mother...

And what I see now is what the demon mother body has experienced...


Xia Jian suspects that the scene he sees in front of him is the first scene that this demon mother body saw when it was just born...


"This is where?"


Just when Xia Jian was wondering...

A bright light that was floating in the distance gradually began to approach the direction where the mother of the demon race was located...

100 meters...

fifty meters...

ten meters...

Approaching with that light. Xia Jian finally saw the surrounding situation for a little bit...

At the same time, I can see clearly what that group of light is...

That's a fish! !

One on top of the head. There is a strange fish with an ugly appearance that emits a faint light "lantern"...

Looking at this strange fish with a stunned pocket, and looking at the unique scenery of the seabed around, Xia Jian realized that this demon mother body was actually on the seabed...


"Could it be that this demon mother body was born at the bottom of the sea?!"


"And what was it that gave birth to it?"

Before the strange fish swam far, Xia Jian quickly swarmed the surroundings...

said here...

Xia Jian had to say, a very strange thing...

The sensory world of this demon mother. Very strange! Now what Xia Jian can be sure of is that this demon mother body is not looking at things with eyes at all...


When it observes its surroundings, it can observe 360 ​​degrees without dead ends!

Feels like Xia Jian. It's a bit like the situation when I perceive myself mentally...


The vision of this demon mother. It's closer to how you feel when you see things with your eyes...


Although he was amazed at the wide field of vision of this demon mother, Xia Jian also had to admit that it was thanks to the special vision of this demon mother that he could observe the surrounding situation in more detail...


Thanks to the "lantern" on the head of the strange fish! !

Xia Jian soon made a new discovery...

In the pure and transparent underwater world, Xia Jian discovered a large area of ​​viscous black ink...

just a moment...

Xia Jian can be sure that this large dark and sticky area should be the other end. A large demon mother body...

And this time...

This demon mother body exists so quietly in the underwater world. Not moving, at first glance, no one knows that this is actually a life...


Immediately, Xia Jian discovered another very strange place...

turn out to be……

Xia Jian inadvertently discovered that the demon mother body, whose memory had been invaded by him, was completely connected to the black sticky area...

"Could it be..."

"This is the mother of the Hetou Demon Race?"

With this doubt, Xia Jian carefully observed...


After that, in the long years, it was a single day of darkness and loneliness, without any change...

Fortunately, Xia Jian can choose the memory he wants to view...

After a long fast-forward...

(No way, Xia Jian doesn't know anything about the past and origin of this demon mother body. In order to avoid missing some important information, Xia Jian can only use the fast-forward method to check its memory...)

By chance, Xia Jian finally made a new discovery...

Xia Jian discovered...

The demon mother body, whose memory was invaded by himself, seems to be separating from a large black and sticky area at an extremely slow speed...

at the same time……

In the other corners of this large black and sticky area, Xia Jian also discovered several demon mother bodies that were slowly separating from the sticky area! !

"Could it be..."

"This kind of thing reproduces in a split way?"

After all, Xia Jian seems to have read books for a few days...

This aspect came to my mind very quickly, and was deeply convinced...

you do not say! !

The mother bodies of these demon races were originally composed entirely of liquid. At this time, when they split and reproduced, it seemed that there was nothing to be surprised about...


Continue to fast forward...

Due to being located in the deep seabed of unknown depth...

Without light, Xia Jian had no way of knowing how long it had passed...

I only know that this "split" is continuing in an extremely slow way...

until one day……

Xia Jiandu couldn't help it. When he wanted to jump and observe the memory fragment of the mother of the demon race, the long "split" finally came to an end...

There were dozens of demon mother bodies, separated from the black sticky area...

And then another long wait...

That kind of loneliness, the long wait that forced people to go crazy...

During this long period of time, more than a dozen demon mother bodies continued to grow at an extremely slow rate and became larger...

There has been no movement...

And the biggest one, the big guy who split into the mother body of these dozen demons, during this long period of time, no one has made any other movement...

Just floating there motionless...

at the very beginning……

Xia Jian was very worried when he first saw that the largest demon mother body actually "split" out of ten demon mother bodies from his body once...

think about it……

A dozen of them are bred at a time! Then, after the first "split" of the demons matured, and then "split" again, the number of demons suddenly soared to hundreds...

By the third time, this number will skyrocket to a terrifying nearly 10,000...

If the mother body of the demon really has such a terrifying reproduction speed, Xia Jian estimates that it may not be long before the whole earth will be occupied by these mother body of the demon race...

Fortunately, in fact, Xia Jian's worry does not exist...

Because, in the long wait, Xia Jian was surprised to find that these demon mothers, if they want to grow up, actually have to go through hundreds of years...

This is Xia Jian's most conservative estimate...

After all, in the deep sea, you can't see the sun! !

Next, if the mother body of the demon race wants to reproduce, it will take hundreds of years of preparation in the early stage, and after the "split" officially begins, it will be hundreds of years long...

Counting like this...

It takes nearly a thousand years for a demon mother to reproduce once! ! !

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (Not finished to be continued..)

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