Doomsday Extinction

Vol 4 Chapter 47: : Terrifying truth!

Chapter 47: The terrifying truth!

Although this mountain is remote at the moment, it is so far from the Beiyan Base after all...

After what happened yesterday, no one can guarantee that the dark chasers and blood clans who retreated into the jungle at dawn will eventually come here...

In this case, Li Hao had to be vigilant!


Li Hao's worry this time, at least this time is a bit redundant...

Before he could get out of the wooden house, a familiar figure had already opened the door curtain, which was temporarily served by a large number of branches and leaves, and walked in...

It is the mysterious powerhouse who left early in the morning!

"grown ups……"

Perhaps because the previous knot has been completely figured out, seeing this mysterious powerhouse again, I felt a little bit of a tongue-in-cheek name before, but now it has become a lot smoother...

It seems to be a matter of course!

This change was naturally felt by the mysterious powerhouse who had been carrying a giant double-edged axe. When he looked at Li Hao again, the smile on his face became more natural...

"What? Just rest?!"


As long as he thinks that the person opposite him is an extremely terrifying super powerhouse, Li Hao seems a little cautious!

Seeing this, the mysterious powerhouse pointed to the open space beside the bonfire and smiled: "Sit down! I just have something to look for you..."


Li Hao nodded, just about to sit down...

But at this time, this mysterious powerhouse. He greeted the door again, "Come in too!"

Hearing this, Li Hao couldn't help but feel a little curious...

Did this adult go out all morning. Who is it to save?

As long as he thinks of this, Li Hao can't help but be curious about the identity of the person outside...


Before this, Li Hao had been pondering, what the **** was this adult doing after going out for so long!

Lost to save Beiyan base?

Or continue to pick up leaks?

Li Hao even fantasized about whether the new boss he recognized would find a chance to get rid of the golden blood clan. Capture the emperor-level energy spar after the death of the flame giant!


Don't say it's impossible! You must know that it is a peerless treasure that can create an emperor-level powerhouse in a very short period of time!

In this apocalypse where strength is respected...

As long as it is something that enhances human strength. It's the rarity that everyone wants! There are almost no exceptions!

And this kind of emperor-level blood crystal is known and can be found on Earth at this time. The top treasure among such items that can improve people's strength!

Even if it's someone you don't know. Also understand this!


Before this, no one thought about it...

Not only do they dare not think about it, but everyone is praying every day that they must not encounter emperor-level creatures...

Otherwise, it is not an opportunity, but a disaster! It's the end! !

Not to mention the royal class!

Even the blood races, demon races and mutant creatures with king-level strength, for today's human beings. They are all too powerful! It is beyond the limit that humans can deal with today!


This is just Li Hao's opinion before contacting the lord in front of him...

for others. What that golden blood clan represents is death! It is a disaster!

Even if everyone knows that as long as they kill the golden blood clan, they will get two royal blood crystals, and everyone will avoid it! He would never attempt to challenge a royal bloodline! !

But for the person in front of him, who is very likely to have the strength of the emperor, he doesn't need to be afraid of the blood of the emperor at all!

Maybe not necessarily able to defeat the golden blood race!

But there is always a chance to fight for one!


Even Li Hao has already taken this, in his view, extremely incredible possibility into consideration...

When the truth came to him...

Li Hao, who had just sat down, his face changed drastically, as if he had been electrocuted, he stood up again with a swipe, his whole body was tense, and he looked in the direction of the door of the wooden house with horror on his face. It's time to get ready to run away at any time!

Who was it that came in? !

To actually scare a king-level powerhouse like Li Hao into such a state! !


Less than a meter tall...

There are no strands on the whole body, the skin is fair and moist like a cream, a small fat face, small lips, a small nose that is upturned, plus a pair of watery eyes full of aura...

This small figure who came in from outside the door and swayed while walking, how cute it looks!

The premise is...

You must ignore it, its pair of scarlet pupils are full of rage, hostility and cruelty, like a **** vortex! !

The person who walked in from outside the door was suddenly this golden blood race! !


To be precise, it is the golden blood clan who has completely lifted the fighting state and returned to the original baby form! !

As for the cruelty and treacherousness of this royal bloodline last night, Li Haoke still vividly remembers that scene, and he will see it at such a close distance all of a sudden...

Feeling the violent and dangerous aura that almost condensed into substance, Li Hao only felt that his whole person was like being drenched by a bucket of ice water...

All the hairs on the whole body suddenly stood upside down. At that time, the first thought that came to my mind was...


The second thought is...


Fortunately, Li Hao managed to control his legs at the critical moment...

Otherwise, it would be a shame to lose a lot of hair! !


turn out to be……

Just when Li Hao was horrified, he wanted to turn around and run away...

"Sit down!"

Li Hao suddenly heard it in his ears. The calm, but full of confidence and majestic voice of the adult opposite him...

In an instant...

Li Hao shuddered suddenly...

Afterwards, Li Hao felt that the adult's voice was in it. It seemed to contain endless magic, and all of a sudden, the fear and anxiety in his heart were dispelled...

The blindfolded head, after this, returned to normal operation again!

Also until this time...

Li Haocai suddenly noticed that the golden blood clan who came in through the door had a terrifying aura. But when it faced the adult opposite it, the expression on its face was unprecedented respect and fear!

Thinking that it was brought by adults...

see again. Under the command of the adults, this head exuded a terrifying aura from all over the body and put it outside. You can slaughter a city and destroy a country at will. The demon with death and despair actually sat down to the side honestly...

Li Hao suddenly thought of something...

The expression on his face was also changing instantly. When he looked at the adult in front of him again, the admiration and respect in his eyes had begun to change like pure fear!

Human beings admire and adore, and even envy, all known powers!

Only for that. It has been far beyond his own cognition, mysterious and powerful beyond his own understanding. Only then will there be awe that is almost instinctive and comes from the soul!

And this kind of reverence is precisely the purest! Deep into the soul! !

It's like a brand, once you have it, it will accompany you!

Obviously, the current Li Hao, even himself, has been frightened by the possibility he thought of...

so that...

His body trembled slightly because of this, and Li Hao didn't even notice it!


What is the truth?

Could it really be what Li Hao thought, the situation that made him feel fear? !

The adult opposite Li Hao quickly gave the answer...

Just listened to his faint smile, looked at the golden blood clan sitting next to him like a good baby, and said calmly: "Don't worry, it has been subdued by me..."

When he said this, the adult's tone was as if he was talking about a trivial matter!


These words stopped in Li Hao's ears, but it was like a blast of thunder, which instantly blew Li Hao into a coke and tenderness...

The brain is also dizzy, and lost the ability to think in an instant! !

Can't blame Li Hao for his poor acceptance!

It is really……

This thing is too shocking, too unthinkable, too shocking and terrifying...

You must know that the one sitting at the door looks like a little thing like a good baby, but its true identity is a golden blood clan with emperor-level strength!

And what was the newly recognized boss saying just now?

He said that he had recovered this golden blood race!

Is that understandable...

From then on, the adult in front of him can pass through, and the little monster at the door indirectly controls the millions, or even tens of millions of blood races in the jungle outside!

Whenever he thinks of this, Li Hao feels like he is going crazy!

There are millions, tens of millions of dark chasers and blood clans out there! But from today onwards, these terrifying creatures that have brought catastrophe to the entire Northeast region will all be controlled by this person in front of them!

And myself...

I actually worship such a person as the boss!

Li Hao suddenly understood why when he first met, when he made the decision to rely on him, why did the adult in front of him say that he must remember what he said today! !

just for a moment...

Li Hao thought again that since those dark chasers and blood clans may all be controlled...

Has the crisis at Beiyan Base also been completely resolved?


Thinking of this, Li Hao's thoughts flashed, and he felt that he seemed to have overlooked some extremely important information...

But for a while, I can't catch this thought! !

.......... .)

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