Doomsday Extinction

Vol 4 Chapter 64: : Bat-winged beasts attack!

Chapter 64: Bat-winged beasts attack!

"Everyone has ten minutes to think about it..."

"Ten minutes later, those who are willing to go with us, gather here, and those who are unwilling to go with us, I won't say much, just leave by yourself..."

As soon as Liu Jian's words came out...

But for the thousands of soldiers on the scene, an extremely difficult multiple-choice question was presented! !


The situation now on the bright side is that, as Liu Jian just said, there are three paths in front of them to choose from...

Either leave with Liu Jian and his party, or continue to return to Yunchuan, or simply go alone, or form a small group of people with good relationships, and travel the world from now on...

In three ways...

The most free, of course, is the third one, alone, or with a few people, and travel the world from now on!

From now on, I no longer have to obey anyone's orders...

However, among these three options, this one is also the most unstable factor!

After all, all the king-level powerhouses in the team have been drawn over by Liu Jian. In this case, relying on the strength of these people in the field, they want to survive in the harsh environment of the apocalypse. , to break out of the world, it is basically difficult! !

Uncertain, from now on, we will live a precarious life...

not to mention……

Since these people on the scene have chosen to join the army, their obedience to orders has almost penetrated into their bones! !

To put it bluntly, they are used to being controlled...

Therefore, among the three choices, this one seems to be the most free and the largest. The most natural option, on the contrary, was the first to be ruled out by most people...

As for the first road, choose to continue back to Yunchuan...


It can be said that if the demons behind him did not follow him. If you follow it all the way to Yunchuan, then this road is undoubtedly the best!

You can save your life and return to your original power...

I can't say, because of this incident, I will take a big step up! !

But in case...

These demons. If you really follow Yunchuan all the way, then this road is a dead end! !

Even if they were lucky enough to be put into the base, when the demons arrived in Yunchuan, those who entered the base would be in a state of indignation. Being torn apart alive! !

The last way left is to choose to continue to follow Liu Jian and his party...

For this road...

To sum it up in one sentence, crisis and opportunity coexist! !

Crisis needless to say...

No one present was an idiot. Although Liu Jian's words on stage just now sounded nice, they couldn't stand up to careful scrutiny...


Basically, as long as he is a sensible person, he knows that Liu Jian intends to establish his own business!

Since it is an independent portal. That is equivalent to convicting the military alliance, which is equivalent to embarking on the old path of those judges...

In this way, it is natural to go to the opposite side of the military!

In the future it is likely...


It can no longer be said that it is possible, but it should be said that it is absolutely!

As long as the military alliance can relax this time, then this part of the people they go out will definitely encounter the most violent counterattack from the military alliance!

As for opportunities...

As I said before, if you go out, you are going to follow the old path of those judges...

Since those judges, under the crisis situation of the military encirclement and suppression at that time, can take down the Southeast Military Base in one fell swoop. Then after they go out, why can't they follow suit?

Speak the truth……

This time, the military and the Jiaoyang Clan and the Southeast have fought to the point where they are now, and there are not many people. I am optimistic that the military can win this war!

For this...

Maybe no one. I can know better than them, the warriors who are fighting on the front line...

The best result is to keep the current situation!

However, it is very difficult to achieve this. It must be done by the Sunshine Clan, the Southeast, and Pan Gucheng and other hostile forces.

But since the hostile forces have already been said...

Those three aspects that want to be hostile, will they be willing to not beat the underdogs?

In other words, it is basically certain that after this time, the strength of the military alliance will begin to shrink in an all-round way.

Since the military alliance is about to fail to protect itself, the counterattack that was said before is tantamount to a joke, which can basically be ignored!


You can expect that if most of the people on the scene followed Liu Jian and other king-level powerhouses, went out, formed a force, and occupied a base with better conditions...

Then their new force will also become a super force that can compete with Pan Gucheng, Southeast, and Jiaoyang clan! !

It's really that time...

If they don't go to trouble with the military, the military already burns incense and worships Buddha!


In general, following Liu Jian and other king-level powerhouses, the opportunities in the future will far outweigh the dangers...


Due to the flaws in character and the influence of the living environment since childhood, although Liu Jian cannot become an amazing handsome talent, he cannot become a wily politician! !

But it is precisely because of these personality flaws that he has the basic conditions to become an excellent general!

For this point, these soldiers on the scene are deeply touched! !

Whenever there is something dangerous, Liu Jian is definitely the one who rushes to the front. Whenever the situation is critical, Liu Jian will always stand up first...

Handsome, can make people admire!

But that's all, he will always make people feel a sense of distance...

Needless to say, politicians who succeed or fail with conspiracy theories, I believe most people will stay away! !

And a good general, a general who can take the lead and share weal and woe with everyone. Although there may be various deficiencies, his personality charm can make people follow them with determination...

not to mention……

Although Liu Jian often speaks, it is a little naive to say it nicely, and a bit reckless to say it badly. But around him, there is no shortage of people who can give him advice...


Taking this into consideration...

Among the three options, it seems that only the evacuation of the follower Liu Jian and others is the most sensible choice...


The above is just what everyone thinks...

Moreover, as soon as Liu Jian finished speaking, he immediately closed his voice. Together with He Jianlong, they walked off the stage together...

But not too far from the high platform...

Instead, it was near the high platform and began to get busy. It could be seen constantly that some soldiers who had received orders were anxious. Or in a panic, trotting away in a hurry...

From time to time, I can see some warriors trotting over from the outside with panicked faces...

It seems to be reporting something to Liu Jian...

Liu Jian did this, of course, he wasn't really discussing or preparing anything!


The preparations that should be made have already been properly arranged under He Jianlong's arrangement. The reason why such a scene is being performed now is entirely to give the soldiers on the scene a hint that the situation is already very critical, so as to exert more pressure! !

Only in this way……

Only then can more people be soberly aware of the urgency of the current situation and let them give up their plans to go out alone! !

And this is just the first step...

It's only half past ten minutes, just when everyone is making a difficult choice,...

"Oh no……"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from far away from the base...

Everyone raised their heads. Looking at the sound, I saw a soldier in ragged clothes and bloodstained in the direction of the gate of the base. With a face full of panic, stumble, and rushing from the outside...


Everyone saw that Liu Jian and other core members, who were arranging affairs, greeted them one after another...

No one could hear what the soldier who ran back in a panic was talking to Liu Jian!


This does not hinder, everyone can judge from the faces of Liu Jian, who are getting colder and colder, that this warrior will definitely not bring any good news...


Just when everyone was speculating, Liu Jian had a gloomy face and stepped onto the temporary high platform again...

"Sorry to disturb everyone..."

As soon as he came up, Liu Jian cut to the subject directly, without any nonsense...

"I just received some very bad news..."

"Our intelligence was a little wrong before..."

"Originally, we thought that those demon strikers were at least fifty miles away from us, and we had enough time to retreat..."

"According to the news we brought back by this soldier just now..."

Liu Jian pointed to the dying soldier not far away, and said solemnly: "As for Yunchuan, after we have broken through and left, we don't know why, but sent another team of fighters to the position to wander around for a while. lock up……"


"When they were retreating, they accidentally disturbed the bat-winged beasts in the demon clan..."

"Now, those fighter planes are escaping in the direction outside with those bat-winged"

"we estimate……"

"At most one and a half hours, the group of bat-winged beasts will reach the sky above us!!"


"I can't give you too much time to think about it, you have to make a decision right away, and in five minutes, we'll leave..."


When he told everyone what he knew, Liu Jian unexpectedly issued a series of chilling sneers...

"Let me see, the pilots of those fighter planes may not know that behind their buttocks, there is a large group of bat-winged beasts, and they are planning to return to Yunchuan!!"

………………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point () to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read it.)9

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