Doomsday Fortress

Chapter 975: swirl

After all, they would not listen to Wang Yi's orders.

But the soldiers were destined to worry too much. When Wang Yi led the people directly into the town, what he saw was not what he had imagined.

There were no expected corpses, no screaming, and no zombies with big mouths and fangs pounced on them. Some were just slow to move, and many of their bodies were about to be trampled into mud. Zombies.

Quietly watching these humans who suddenly broke into their territory.

"Uh... Chief? What is going on?"

Li Jun looked at these zombies hesitantly, didn't he say that there are 30,000 zombies in this town? How come there are only less than 10,000 of these, and most of them are semi-disabled zombies.

"Unexpectedly, they are quite prepared."

The corner of Wang Yi's mouth "exposed" a sneer. In the early morning, he and Yang Ze clearly saw that there were at least 30,000 zombies in this town, but now, the zombies have disappeared out of thin air?

How can it be?

Wang Yi shook his head, his gaze fell on the few zombies that stayed not far away that could barely be automatic.

They are gathering together, biting wildly at a broken bag.

Li Jun followed Wang Yi's gaze and immediately waved his hand. Several soldiers immediately stepped forward, killing one by one, ending the lives of the poor zombies, and then brought the rag over.

"It's blood." Li Jun glanced at the red blood on the rag.

"It seems that the zombies inside have been attracted by them." Wang Yi said softly.

"Do you want to relax our vigilance by doing this?" A flash of anger flashed in Li Jun's eyes. They were all survivors. Even if they wanted to destroy their own side, they wouldn't be so vicious.

"What should I do now?" Li Jun asked.

"Kill!" Wang Yi glanced at the hundreds of zombies in front of him.


The two thousand soldiers roared in unison and rushed up with machetes.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff!

The zombies left are old, weak, sick and disabled, their automatic speed is slow, and they have no attack power. Faced with the elite soldiers and strong generals of Daqingshan, let alone attack, even if they resist, there are dozens of zombies in the front row. When their heads were lowered, these soldiers did not stop, almost as if a bulldozer had passed over them. In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of zombies were cleared, and even the soldiers behind did not have the opportunity to reach out. One charge came down, at least. The machete in the hands of two-thirds of the soldiers is still clean.

At the same time, around the town, a group of zombies were running frantically in front of vehicles.

But no matter how hard they chase, they can't keep up with the speed of the car.

"Almost, the Daqingshan gang should have arrived in town." Xiao Feng glanced at the time, and immediately issued an order to bring the corpse group back. All the vehicles suddenly circled in a big circle, attracting the corpse group following towards the town. past.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

"Brother Yi, listen!"

Li Jun's expression tightened, only to feel that there was a sudden roar of zombies in the distance.

"Huh, is it finally going to start?" Wang Yi smiled, looking at the distant horizon.

Sure enough, a car suddenly appeared in Wang Yi's line of sight.

"There are other directions too!"

Li Jun looked around, and saw corpses rushing from all sides of the town.

"After the notice, all soldiers will fight according to the plan." Wang Yi ordered in a deep voice.

The purpose of showing the enemy's weakness is to "force" all the thoughts of Chen Gang and others. Only when they feel that they are absolutely dangerous will they "expose" their true nature.

Otherwise, Wang Yi would not be able to thoroughly clean up the coal gathering place.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

When the cars on all sides were about to reach the town, they suddenly turned around and brought all the corpses behind them.

Although the corpses lost the attraction of the cars, they developed suddenly. I don't know when a large number of humans came to their nests.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The corpses immediately became excited. Compared to the cars that dangle them, it is clear that humans without any defensive measures attract their attention.

The corpses in all directions poured into the town like "tide" water. From the air, it looked like a whirlpool, and Wang Yi's soldiers were the center of the whirlpool!


Wang Yi shouted angrily, his eyes fell on a zombie with sharp claws that rushed the fastest.

Since breaking through the five-level evolutionary, Wang Yi has not experienced a battle in the true sense, and the sharp claw zombies, as the most powerful mutant zombies in the current corpse group, can just let Wang Yi try.

After struggling for ten years in his previous life, Wang Yi is also a Level 5 evolutionary. But in this life, Wang Yi has reached this level in just one year. Is his strength the same as his previous life?


Wang Yi's speed soared to the extreme, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of this sharp-claw zombie.


The steel knife made of stainless steel cleaved with all its strength, and the claw zombie had no room to react, so it was cut in half by Wang Yi.

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