Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 29 Kill two birds with one stone, kill them all!

"Hey, beauties!"

In the darkness, a man's playful greeting suddenly came, and the girl closest to them was startled.

"Ah! Who is it!"

She turned around and saw more than 20 men on both sides walking towards them, holding fire axes, steel bars, kitchen knives and other weapons in their hands.

"Sister Jiang! Sister Jiang!"

The girl was frightened and turned pale. She turned and ran while shouting loudly.

The girls who were focusing on carrying materials raised their heads and their faces changed suddenly.

They have been surrounded by this group of men!

"Don't be chaotic, don't panic!"

Jiang Xiaoci's crisp voice rose several degrees, and she was still calmly soothing the girls' emotions: "Take a deep breath, remember what I taught you."

When the women heard Jiang Xiaoci's voice, they all had a backbone and kept running from a distance and surrounded her.

Some girls remembered Jiang Xiaoci's instructions before leaving, and then they hurriedly picked up the scattered steel spears and shields from the ground, and trembled with their shields in their hands facing the men.

"Hey, you still want to use force?"

"Look, it's the women's army!"

"Hahaha, I just like spicy women, it's exciting!"

The men teased and laughed from time to time, not taking these women who couldn't even hold their weapons seriously.

They looked at these women with ill intentions, and more of their eyes fell on Jiang Xiaoci.

There was no other reason. Among these women, only Jiang Xiaoci was the most beautiful. She was breathtakingly beautiful, far better than the stars and internet celebrities in peacetime.

Under the greedy gaze of the men, Jiang Xiaoci lifted her temples blown by the evening breeze and said lightly: "Gentlemen, are you out so late to search for supplies?"

"The shopping mall is very large. We have already got some, and we won't fight with you for the rest."

Jiang Xiaoci's tone was calm, without any fear.

"Searching for supplies?"

Big Brother Liu looked at Jiang Xiaoci with interest and smiled: "Yes, but this shopping mall is the territory of our White Bear Gang!"

"You came here to rob us, hand over the things! Then compensate us!"

"Big Brother Liu, how do you want them to compensate?"

"How else can I compensate? Of course, I will compensate with my body, hahaha!"

"The one with the biggest butt! I want that one! I love this one!"

The men did not hide their purpose and laughed unscrupulously.

The women around Jiang Xiaoci showed fear and despair in their eyes. They seemed to remember the inhuman experience in the dark days in the residential building.

"The shopping mall is your territory?"

Jiang Xiaoci looked up at the dimmed sign on the building, and suddenly smiled helplessly: "Okay, it seems there is no room for negotiation."

"Negotiation, what do you want to discuss with us?"

Big Liu took two steps forward with a smile, approaching Jiang Xiaoci: "Do you plan to discuss how much dowry you want?"

Jiang Xiaoci was silent, no longer speaking, just calmly raised his right hand and clenched his fist.

"Got it."

Lin Yue, hiding on the top floor of the night, took a deep breath and entered the aiming state.

"What do you mean by this?"

Big Liu was stunned and smiled: "Are you raising your hand to surrender? If you..."

Before Big Liu finished speaking, he saw Jiang Xiaoci put down his right hand, gently bent his index finger, and imitated the action of shooting. Aim at Big Liu.

Jiang Xiaoci tilted his head slightly, and the sound of a bullet coming out of the gun came from his rosy lips.



Almost at the moment when Jiang Xiaoci made a sound, Big Liu's head exploded!

Suddenly, red, yellow and white filth splashed everywhere!

The women were frightened and screamed shrilly, awakening many unlucky people who had heatstroke in the dark night.


Liu's headless body fell softly in a pool of blood. The men were stunned by the screams and looked at Liu's body in disbelief.

Their boss was still talking and laughing in the last second, and the next second he was directly...headshot?

What shot him in the head!

Could this woman be magic?

The men were stunned. They couldn't react for a while. After all, anyone who saw this scene would be stunned.

But Jiang Xiaoci didn't stop. She moved the target in a playful way, aimed with gestures, and squinted slightly.



Another man was accurately shot in the head!

The huge explosion almost blew his neck open!

"Ahhhh! Ugh... Ugh!"

A woman couldn't hold it in any longer, screaming and vomiting, the scene in front of her was too bloody and cruel.

There is no mosaic in reality, only the most direct and cruel competition and fighting.

Life and death often happen in an ordinary moment.

"Fuck! This woman knows magic!"

A man jumped up immediately, and everyone reacted, looking at Jiang Xiaoci with fear.

"Damn it, revenge for Da Liu!"

"Can't run, we can't run away!"

"Come together, she is alone, it's impossible to deal with so many of us at the same time!"

"Catch her and break her fingers!"

There are smart people among the men, knowing that they may not be able to escape from Jiang Xiaoci, so it's better to fight to the death.

More than 20 men rushed towards Jiang Xiaoci, Jiang Xiaoci did not retreat, and still aimed with gestures.





Jiang Xiaoci kept switching targets, as if her white and slender fingers could really shoot bullets, and the men approaching her fell to the ground one after another.

In just a few breaths, seven or eight men who were the first to charge fell to the ground. These headless corpses formed a natural protective belt, hindering the charging speed of the men behind them.

It’s over!

This woman really knows witchcraft!

Whoever she targets will die!

"Is this her talent for shelter?"

A man was so frightened that he stood still, muttering coldly: "Aim in the void? Whoever you point at will die?"

"Hurry and help Miss Jiang!"

Among the women, Sister Li, the oldest, was the first to react.

She wiped the vomit from the corner of her mouth, suppressed the fear and anxiety in her heart, and encouraged her sisters with a hiss: "If Miss Jiang dies, we don't have to run!"

"Take up weapons! Protect Miss Jiang!"

Under Sister Li's roar, the girls woke up one after another, picked up the steel spears in their hands, and scattered one after another, barely maintaining a special formation to deal with any new charges that the men might launch.

Although the palms of the women holding the weapons were still trembling, their eyes were very firm.

All contradictory emotions turned into anger at this moment. Whether it was anger towards the man or anger towards this damn doomsday, they became the driving force for fighting at this moment!

They only have one thought now, to remember the formations and simple combat techniques taught by Miss Jiang!


Work hard!

"Their a little faster than I expected."

Jiang Xiaoci raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling a little satisfied in her heart.

She brought these women out not only to use them as bait, but also to let them witness the brutal battle with their own eyes.

Only when stimulated by the death threat of blood, severed limbs and internal organs can they grow rapidly!

Those who do not adapt will be eliminated by the times!

Only those who adapt are qualified to become residents of the shelter!

Now, men.

How could they dare to launch a new charge? They all froze in place, unable to escape or fight.

The overly beautiful cheongsam woman in front of her still maintained her shooting gesture, but she was not aiming at anyone.

"it's over?"

Lin Yue breathed out slowly, and she was happy to take a break and let the hot barrel of the gun relax.

"You just said, the White Bear Gang?"

Jiang Xiaoci tilted her head, squinted her eyes slightly, and asked calmly: "Where is your shelter? How many people are there? Have you killed the survivors in this shopping mall?"

Jiang Xiaoci kept asking questions, and the men looked at each other in silence, seeing the fear in each other's eyes.

It seemed that he could not offend this terrifying woman.

She is beautiful, but also very strong!

"Beauty...we, we are good people, we just wanted to say hello to you."

One man had the courage to speak in a hoarse voice, his eyes fixed on Jiang Xiaoci's fingers, for fear that she would target him.


Jiang Xiaoci sneered: "Answer my question!"

Jiang Xiaoci scolded, making the men tremble in fright. Some couldn't help it and shouted: "Don't mess around! Behind us is the Little White Bear Sanctuary! Big Brother Bang is looking after us!"

"I advise you to be wise. Your talent is indeed great, but Little White Bear is even stronger! He is the number one doomsday player in the city!"

"If you let us go, we can pretend that nothing happened and we will never tell anything about you."

"Anyway, we don't know who you are, let alone where you are."

One man came to his senses in a hurry, and what he said made the other men nod in agreement, looking at Jiang Xiaoci eagerly.

This statement, which was both a threat and a statement that he would not pose any danger to Jiang Xiaoci, was the most convincing.

After all, from a common sense point of view, no one wants to make too many enemies in the apocalypse, let alone offend the big brother.

The reputation of Little White Bear has spread throughout the city in the past few days.

Any survivor who has a shelter panel knows the name of Little White Bear Shelter, even survivors who have lost their shelter have heard of it.

The men felt that Jiang Xiaoci, a woman, would not want to offend the big brother.

"Little white bear..."

Jiang Xiaoci didn't look surprised. She was just silent for a moment. She seemed to be thinking about something.

The men nervously waited for the judgment of fate until Jiang Xiaoci slowly raised his left hand.

"Oh? Were they all killed?"

Lin Yue was stunned, held her breath, and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under the dark night, the light of gunfire flickered, and bullets came out silently, blowing the heads of men one after another.

Accurate and headshot!

"This woman is crazy! She wants to kill us all!"

"Run! Run quickly!!"

"Bitch, you fucking...pfft!"

The men fled in panic, but their legs couldn't outrun the bullets.

In this open area, they were the best moving targets for snipers. It only took Lin Yue a minute to kill all the remaining men.

A moment later, there were only headless corpses lying on the ground in a pool of blood, like a human slaughterhouse, exuding a heart-stopping horror in the middle of the night.

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