"Not weird, because someone told me."

Chen Yanshuo chuckled, and Su Yi raised his eyebrows: "Who is it?"

"Of course it's the person behind me, as I just said."

"So, who's behind you?"

Su Yi frowned. Could it be that Chen Yanshuo didn't lie to me? Is there really someone behind him?

No, why don't you leave them here and interlock with each other?

One behind-the-scenes after another, right?

Su Yi felt something was wrong.

But Chen Yanshuo didn't look like he was lying. After all, Chen Yanshuo had reached this point. Even if Chen Yanshuo wanted to find a way to delay excuses and time, he would not use such despicable means.

This reason cannot be a means for him to escape, which means that it is somewhat credible.

But Su Yi couldn't figure out who could stand behind Chen Yanshuo? To direct Chen Yanshuo to do things?

Chen Yanshuo's talent is almost the strongest that Su Yi has ever seen. Even among SSS-level talents, he is the only one with a gap in the lead.

How can a strong man of this level be controlled by others?

Chen Yanshuo did not answer directly. This time he looked much more normal. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Isn't there someone behind you?"

He pursed his lips to signal to Wang Chen. Wang Chen was standing behind Su Yi, indeed very supportive.

"This is different."

Su Yi shook his head and looked at Chen Yanshuo without moving away, carefully judging every word of this lunatic: "Are the people behind your scenes equal to you?"

Su Yi never treats the talent unit as pure subordinates, never condescends, and only regards everyone as helpers to help him.

The stronger the ability, the more respected Su Yi will naturally be, but the weaker talent units can also be treated well enough.

“How do you know about inequality?”

Chen Yanshuo looked at Su Yi with a smile: "What that guy said is really good. You really speak in a high-sounding way, and you have a sense of justice that deserves to be beaten... Damn it! How do you know it's not equal!"

Before Chen Yanshuo could finish half of his sentence, he seemed to have collapsed. He suddenly stood up and stared at Su Yi with wide eyes. There was anger in his eyes, as if he would pounce at any time.

"You know what equality is! You know he will order me! Why do you show off to me like this! Just because of your damn justice, do you think you are the kindest person in the world..."

Wang Chen frowned: "Sit down."


Chen Yanshuo trembled, calmed down his sudden arrogance, and sat back on the sofa silently.

"Did you break your defense just now?"

Su Yi looked Chen Yanshuo up and down, with a hint of consideration in his eyes: "So...he treats you badly? Then you still do things for him, well...you should have something in his hands. ”

"What a joke!"

Chen Yanshuo smiled coldly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "It's fear, a fear you don't understand."

"You can talk about it in detail."

Su Yi looked at Chen Yanshuo with a smile and said, "If you think it's unfair, you can tell me. Even if you think I'm pretending to be just, at least I'm not a threat to you, right?"

"And judging from what you just said, that guy not only scares you, he also knows me very well, and he also knows a lot about Wang Chen."

Su Yi glanced at Wang Chen, and he suddenly asked: "Are you a boy or a girl? Are you in the country?"

"Men, in the country..."

Chen Yanshuo spoke reflexively, and then was shocked: "You are trying to trick me!"

"Why is this a cliche?"

Su Yi had already entered Chen Yanshuo's state and found a suitable communication rhythm. He replied with a smile: "Didn't you just say you wanted to communicate? We have to communicate faster, otherwise it would be bad if your gas exploded. "

"Will you let me go?"

Chen Yanshuo didn't believe it, but Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Men, in China, can make Chen Yanshuo feel scared, and they also know themselves and Wang Chen very well.

Hmm...Su Yi raised his eyebrows, he probably had a guess in his mind.

"What do you want to communicate?"

Chen Yanshuo stared at Su Yi and murmured: "Why do I feel that you are just like that guy, a little scary..."

"I feel honored by it."

Su Yi smiled and said casually: "Explain the person behind you, didn't you say you wanted to hand him over?"

"I don't want to talk about it now."

Chen Yanshuo suddenly changed his words, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone became normal and serious, with a smile that was successful in his conspiracy: "You took the bait, you want to know about him, so I am valuable, so you can't kill me."

"Actually, I don't particularly want to know."

Su Yi looked at Chen Yanshuo and said calmly: "I'm just giving you a chance, you have to cherish it."

"I don't believe it!"

Chen Yanshuo raised his head and smiled proudly: "You just want to know!"

"Wang Chen."

Su Yi raised his hand and said calmly: "Take him away and keep an eye on him."

"I will send people to Shencheng to find his refuge."


Wang Chen nodded, raised his legs and walked towards Chen Yanshuo. Wang Chen didn't see any movement. Su Yi only saw Chen Yanshuo's body floating automatically without wind.

Like a puppet on strings, it was floating feebly and swaying beside Wang Chen.

"Hey? Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute!"

When Chen Yanshuo saw that Su Yi seemed to be serious, he suddenly panicked: "Don't make trouble, let's talk properly. If you ask again, I will explain!"

"I don't have the leisure time."

Su Yi shook his head: "Since you are just a pawn, your value must be limited. His layout involves me, which means he must be observing me."

"This is the most basic logic. Even if I don't go to him, he will come to me."

"Your value is not great."

Su Yi finished speaking and nodded to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen nodded, turned and walked to the window, ready to pick a good place to look after Chen Yanshuo.

"Hey! Hey! Mr. Su! Mr. Su!"

"Don't do it, really don't do it! I was just joking just now!"

"The surname Su! The surname Su! The surname Su...!"

Chen Yanshuo's screams gradually faded away outside the window. With Wang Chen's speed, Su Yi soon couldn't hear the abuse and threats behind Chen Yanshuo.

Chen Yanshuo definitely didn't expect Su Yi to be so decisive.

The last second, he had the tendency to slowly pull with himself, and the next second he directly concluded that he had no value and wanted to imprison himself to find an opportunity to eliminate himself.

The speed of this change of face caught Chen Yanshuo off guard and he had no time to adapt.

"A man, in the country..."

Su Yi watched the sunset outside the window gradually fall, his fingers could not help but slowly tap on the sofa, his thoughts gradually sinking.

"In this case, at least he is not in the Doomsday War copy, and he is not a member of the national army."

"At present, the suspicion of me can be reduced."

Su Yi silently retracted his gaze, stood up and walked to the national map on the wall.

"Is it because I developed too fast and touched the interests of some people?"

"Or someone has already plotted against me?"

"But, what do they want from me?"

Su Yi's eyes were empty, he remembered the words that Chen Yanshuo said unintentionally when he met him, which seemed to mention something like vitality.

If we only judge from this sentence, we may be able to guess a direction, that his existence is somewhat related to the doomsday rotation mechanism, and only this direction can be linked to the word "vitality".

But it is also possible that this word is just a smoke bomb released by this madman.

Su Yi couldn't be sure, he could only analyze the rest of the information and deduce the possible direction in his mind.

But even if he analyzed a lot, there was no basis to stand on: he had no means to prove that what Chen Yanshuo said was true.

Even the lie detection method in the mechanism props, Su Yi didn't believe it now.

In the struggle at this level, too low-level mechanism props could not play a decisive role, and might even provide him with wrong intelligence information.

"Xiaoci said that no matter who or what, you must be skeptical."

"When facing any problem, you must shield your inner subjective views and feelings and analyze objective factors and the underlying logic."

"Then, the only certain logic in this matter is: he wants to do something to me, and what he wants to do to me is dangerous."

"Since he has a plan for me, then I shouldn't be anxious."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, feeling a little enlightened.

As for Chen Yanshuo, Su Yi didn't plan to keep him.

He would definitely kill this lunatic.

Subduing Chen Yanshuo was not within Su Yi's consideration.

Even though they had not been in contact for a long time, Su Yi could tell that Chen Yanshuo was not someone who could easily be subordinate to others.

Not to mention that his talent was too difficult to deal with, and ordinary means could not form an effective check and balance. Su Yi could not waste Wang Chen's top combat power to keep Chen Yanshuo and monitor him for a long time.

Based on Chen Yanshuo's previous layout of Xinchang, Dantu, Guangling and even the entire Jiangnan region, it is not difficult to see that this guy is ruthless and a disaster.

Even if it is possible that the overall layout of Jiangnan was caused by that man, Chen Yanshuo participated in it and commanded on his behalf, and he also had a blood debt that could not be washed away.

Since he could not be released and could not be kept, the best result was to kill him and eliminate the troubles!

As for why he did not act now, Su Yi wanted to wait a little longer.

Wait and see if that man would rescue Chen Yanshuo. This is an opportunity to use static to control dynamic, a real king-to-king moment.

"I hope there won't be another behind-the-scenes person behind the mysterious king."

Su Yi murmured: "Every day, these riddle people are against me. I just want to live a down-to-earth life with the people. Why do I get in their way?"

Just when Su Yi was thinking, the communicator on the table suddenly rang.

This is from Jiang Xiaoci's communicator, a dedicated line.

It can ring at this moment, which can only mean that the battlefield of Dantu has ended across the board.


Su Yi picked up the communicator and put it to his ear, saying calmly: "Xiaoci, how is the front line?"

"Sir, a great victory!"

Jiang Xiaoci's voice was full of joy and laughter. She would not miss this good opportunity to cheer up Su Yi: "The old man is too strong! I don't know if you saw it, he blocked all the powerful enemies alone!"

"No one survived, all were killed!"

"The first line of defense where Chen Dafeng was located also held up, he exceeded my expectations!"

"Captain Chen not only solved the problem of the first line of defense, but also captured more than 50,000 people who were preparing to retreat to Guangling in the south of Dantu during the detour to the north!"

"So far, I have sent people to check the battlefield and integrate intelligence, and have confirmed that there are no enemies lurking in the entire Dantu battlefield."

Jiang Xiaoci's voice was very brisk: "Sir, I think we don't need to retreat anymore! We won!"

"Very good."

Su Yi nodded, without much joy in his heart. After a pause, he reminded: "The total number of accompanying troops is no more than 100,000, but there are strong men from eight cities accompanying them."

"The top combat power and ordinary combat power are too much, disproportionate, there is a problem here."

Su Yi's nose is very sharp now, and he can easily see the hidden dangers behind the victory: the enemy should not have used its full strength.

The nine cities' strong men united, even if they went to Wengzhou in the rear, it was the power of the eight cities!

Even if the infrastructure of these eight cities is not as good as that of Jinling and Xinchang, the total combat power added up should be overwhelming in both quantity and quality!

But Su Yi felt that it was not enough.

They have a lot of top combat power, but the accompanying combatants are too scarce.

"I've thought about this question, too."

Jiang Xiaoci restrained his smile and said softly, "Sir, I think there are two possibilities. Either they have a backup plan and intend to inflict heavy damage when we win or are careless; or, their combat personnel in the city are too scarce and they can't gather too many people."

Jiang Xiaoci paused and said, "Sir, I prefer the latter. Judging from their layout methods in Jiangnan, most of them are Lei Ling's risky defenders, and I'm afraid they are not much better than Guangling's commander."

"In addition, the speed of the unification of the nine cities is too amazing. I suspect that there are compulsory oppression methods. Perhaps the people of the nine cities suffered heavy casualties during this period, and not many people survived."

Jiang Xiaoci's analysis is very well-founded. High-pressure bloodbaths are the most likely way to quickly form a unified situation of multiple cities in troubled times.

However, the result of doing so will indeed lead to a sharp decline in the number of grassroots personnel, leaving the city with insufficient population.

"I don't think so."

Su Yi shook his head and looked up at the north outside the window: "They sucked blood from Guangling and transferred a lot of resources; then it is also possible that these nine cities are just a springboard, and the population has been transferred to a new place."

"The man in Shencheng is not the real enemy?!"

Jiang Xiaoci is smart and woke up instantly: "Sir, do you know something?"


Su Yi nodded and told everything about the meeting with Chen Yanshuo, and also expressed his analysis and opinions on it.

"Xiaoci, the real opponent we have always thought of is still a pawn."

"To be honest, I felt it was scary at the time. Who is so good at hiding and knows me so well? I even began to doubt the people around me."

"Of course, he may just be a pure lunatic, using false language to deceive me in the end, but this possibility is too low."

Su Yi paused and sighed slightly: "Xiaoci, what do you think I should do now?"

Jiang Xiaoci is not a god who can predict the future, so naturally he can't predict in advance that there is a man standing behind Shencheng.

But she is still very smart, and can analyze the best ideas to break the situation based on the existing intelligence. She still has the qualities and abilities of a top strategist.

Jiang Xiaoci was no longer surprised. He just thought in silence for a while, and then he understood the meaning of Su Yi's question.

"Sir, do you want to attack Shencheng?"

Jiang Xiaoci hesitated to speak, and suddenly shut up. When she spoke again, her voice was full of surprise: "No, you want to target the whole country!"

"If there is a need, it can also be the world."

Su Yi smiled, his voice was very calm: "I don't want to continue like this. It feels bad to be stared at every day."

"The only way I can think of to break the situation is to take everything I see into my arms."

"If the world is in my hands, how can he hide."

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