Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 323 I'll take you home in exchange

This is no longer as simple as joining forces, this is completely a unilateral way to crush all difficulties in the developmental stage!

The national army has the highest military strength, the strongest will of its soldiers, the courage of all members to sacrifice, and a highly united fighting ability...coupled with a reborn person who has a complete grasp of almost every detail of the future.

This is how domestic survivors in the previous rounds of doomsday wars felt when they watched copies of doomsday wars: anticipate the enemy first! Win every battle!

The greater the role of Wang Peibo's clone, the more accurate and valuable the news he brings about the future is.

Naturally, Su Yi, who was fighting against the doomsday at home, came into view from above.


General Wang took a deep breath and said in a calm voice: "Comrade Su, we really can't believe that one person can do this, but if he has failed countless times, I believe that every failure can make him stronger. "

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"Such a person is far more suitable to do this than us who know nothing about anything."

"And... domestic survivors can no longer suffer casualties. Not all commanders in the region are the same as you. Although the casualties of domestic survivors have slowed down in the past few months, the negative impact of the disaster still exists."

"For us to go back is the best outcome for the survivors in the country and allows more people to survive."

"Yes, I understand."

Su Yi nodded and smiled silently: "So from the beginning, I was on the predetermined list, and I was destined to become a commander."

Su Yi was a little helpless.

Some things are actually destined from the beginning.

Even if Jinling is not stable, even if Su Yi may be at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Little White Bear gathering place and the city center gathering place.

The higher-ups will still strongly support Su Yi and will do everything possible to support Su Yi.

Perhaps the other commanders have obtained the orthodox status through their own abilities, but Su Yi is different. He is destined to become the commander of Jinling, and he is destined to obtain the orthodox status.

Because in the eyes of the national army, with the launch of this plan, Su Yi himself became a part of the orthodoxy.

"Can't quite say that."

General Wang shook his head: "We all have witnessed your ability. You have taken care of all the survivors within your ability. What you have done is far better than we expected."

"You are indeed, as Team Leader Wang said, a hero destined to exist in this era."

"This is the reason why I will finally tell you about this plan. It is your ability that has gained our final trust."


Su Yi was silent. He never felt that his personal abilities were very strong.

But if I make this choice every time, it may be said that my will is stronger and my faith is firmer.

"Then, Comrade Su..."

General Wang pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice: "We don't have much time to communicate. This plan must have an answer; I still say what I said, and you still have the right to refuse."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We can still take another path. You are not facing the future alone."

"The winning rate of the other path is probably very low."

Su Yi suddenly said: "Team Leader Wang should have discussed it with you. If the other way is feasible, I think he and I should have tried it countless times."


General Wang was silent and did not answer, but Su Yi had already understood the answer.

There is no other way, only the current way, which is the only feasible way demonstrated after countless failures.

"I think if there weren't those futures, I would still choose this way just at this moment."

Su Yi murmured, paused for a moment, and said softly: "General, I will be prepared."

"At the end of this month, I'll take you back home."

In this world, what people desire most is regret medicine.

Go back to the countless moments of regret, make another choice, and embrace another ending.

But few people can understand that even if they start over again, their choices will still not change.

No matter in the future or now.

Some things are destined not to change.

Su Yi expressed his attitude without any hesitation, but General Wang did not speak and remained silent.

Su Yineng could vaguely feel that his body seemed to be shaking and his breathing was a little heavy.


General Wang finally broke the silence, his voice a little hoarse: "See you at the end of that month, Comrade Su."

"Well, see you at the end of the month."

Su Yi nodded. When he was still about to say something, when he looked up again, he found that the communication had been interrupted.


Wang Peibo spoke lazily. Su Yi looked up and saw this guy still lying on the sofa with a lazy look on his face: "What's the point of saying these empty words if you can't see him?"

Su Yi frowned: "You can be more specific."

"I mean, what you can't see, you won't see in this life, unless you beat the mechanism."

Wang Peibo spread his hands and said helplessly: "Since the first time you made this choice to replace the national army and return, you have not seen the general every time since then."

“The exchange process is based on the mechanism itself, which is an achievement reward from the Doomsday War instance.”

"Or to be more precise, this is actually a doomsday mechanism to play with people's hearts, which is in line with the rules."

"But in the process of exchange, the individuals participating in the exchange cannot meet each other."

Wang Peibo raised his chin, and he gestured in the air with his hands, trying to make Su Yi understand more: "Do you understand? It's just [whoosh]! The exchange is completed, very quickly!"

"What meeting, there is no such thing! In just a blink of an eye, we went to the Doomsday War copy, and they returned to the designated city range on Earth."

"What goodbye? Ha..."

Wang Peibo smiled and shook his head: "It's just a trick you people use to fool yourselves, bah! Hypocritical!"

Wang Peibo's slightly mocking tone did not make Su Yi feel unhappy.

It's strange to say that some of this guy's words sounded very annoying, and his attitude was not very serious, but Su Yi just couldn't get angry.

It's like a close friend playing and joking, no one would really care about the details.

"Wait, that's not right."

Su Yi was more concerned about what Wang Peibo said. He frowned and asked, "You said I've had this choice many times, and every time I chose to exchange with the national army?"

"Uh-huh, you should have guessed this yourself."

"Yes, but you just said...we?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows: "We? Not only me, but there are others? You should be included. Besides you and me, are there other people?"

"You reacted pretty quickly."

Wang Peibo looked at Su Yi with a smile, and started to complain again: "But I don't like this about you. You know you will... How annoying is it? You have this tendency now! You always find something in my words and pick some words! "

"Sometimes I don't want to be a riddle man, but you have to over-interpret some words, which really annoys me. "

"Over-interpretation? "

Su Yi frowned: "Did I misunderstand you? Are we really the only two going to the Doomsday War copy?"


Wang Peibo spread his hands: "There are indeed other people, but I am not sure about the number this time, because we will adjust the total number of candidates every time. "

At this moment, Su Yi seemed to know why he would over-interpret in the future.

This guy is too unreliable!

He just likes to be a riddle man!

Su Yi sighed helplessly and asked seriously: "Then don't joke this time, tell me honestly, who will go?"

"Why are you asking me, ask about the mechanism."

Wang Peibo smiled and said: "You will receive the information soon, just wait."

When he finished this sentence, almost at the same second, a new message prompt appeared on Su Yi's screen.

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