"Sir, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Xiaoci raised her head and looked at Su Yi thinking blankly. She asked curiously: "Is there anything wrong with this machine?"

Jiang Xiaoci had already figured out the function and use of the machine. She didn't understand why Su Yi hadn't ordered her to install and use the machine.

This big machine can provide the most stable drinking water guarantee for the shelter!

"I'm just thinking about one thing, a possibility that hasn't appeared yet..."

Su Yi took a deep breath and told Jiang Xiaoci the information prompt in front of him and his guess: "...Do you think my guess is possible?"

"Sir's guess is correct. This is bound to happen."

Jiang Xiaoci did not think, but made a judgment in an instant, and pointed out the key: "As Mr. said, the mysterious existence did not have any superfluous actions or behaviors, which means that its actions are unreasonable. , there must be a reason.”

"I was thinking before that if the mechanism of Doomsday War really wants to test mankind, it should not just give cruel choices."

"Simply sowing discord and squeezing is not a test; giving more opportunities and choices at the same time is more in line with the mentality of those in high positions and can better demonstrate absolute control."

"I can't understand what level it is at and how powerful it is. I just feel... If I were facing a group of ants and I wanted to test them, it would definitely give me a way out."

"If I just want to kill a bunch of ants, I can just pour a pot of boiling water. Why go to all the trouble?"

Jiang Xiaoci paused and said with a smile: "So sir's guess is completely correct. Although we don't know when this new mechanism will appear, we are almost certain that we will definitely have the possibility of affecting the Doomsday War!"

"Of course, this influence can not only support our army, but also does not rule out that someone will weaken their combat effectiveness."

"I think this is fairness with more choices and the real confrontation between good and evil in human nature."

Jiang Xiaoci's approval made Su Yi relieved.

It seems that I am not overthinking, smart people think so too, so it is probably true.

"If you say that, other smart people will definitely be able to think of this."

"Once more and more people know this, then the survival points will be more useful."

"Whether it is to help the soldiers or to weaken the soldiers, everyone with their own thoughts will try their best to get more survival points."

Su Yi murmured: "Xiaoci, we have to move quickly! We also have to keep up with the pace and find ways to get more points!"

Obtaining more survival points can not only improve the survival conditions of the shelter, but also affect the soldiers in the doomsday war.

Su Yi values ​​the latter more!

At this stage, he no longer has any urgent pressure to survive. The only thing that can directly threaten Su Yi's life is the random erasure that may occur after the failure of the Doomsday War!

Although it is impossible for soldiers to make this choice, since this punishment mechanism appears, [mandatory obliteration punishment] may not appear.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What if the military loses several games in a row in the future and some kind of forced elimination happens, and I happen to be unlucky enough to do so... Then I can't just rest where I am!

"What you said is absolutely true."

Jiang Xiaoci nodded and asked, "Should I let Lin Yue continue to explore for supplies outside?"

Exploring supplies is second, and the survival points reward after the exploration mission is the key.

"No, wait a moment, those 10 points and 20 points are not far behind."

Su Yi waved his hand: "Whether it is to build a shelter or to support the doomsday war, the points required will definitely not be too low."

"Ordinary means simply won't save enough, so we have to use extraordinary means."

Su Yi's eyes shone with a strange light, and at this moment, his psychology underwent some subtle changes.

Jiang Xiaoci was very considerate. She felt the slight change in Su Yi's heart and couldn't help but lower her head and say one word.

"Little White Bear Sanctuary."


Su Yi was silent and didn't speak.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want me to learn from the Little White Bear Sanctuary?"


Jiang Xiaoci shook her head and said with a smile: "Sir, you told me that the Little White Bear Shelter has the most survival points in the city, and destroying the shelter can directly inherit the other party's unused points."

"So, sir, why don't you do something good for the people?"


late at night.

Su Yi was lying on the bed, staring out the window with bright eyes in the darkness.

Next to him was Jiang Xiaoci, who was already sleeping soundly. After arranging the water purifier and keeping vigil, she naturally lay next to Su Yi and fell asleep under the quilt.

Neither of them refused this matter, and it seemed to have become the content of the night that the couple tacitly agreed to.

Su Yi could feel the delicate body next to him, still warm and without a trace.

But Su Yi still had no distracting thoughts and no intention of falling asleep.

He was thinking about the advice Jiang Xiaoci gave him.

"I don't mind taking the initiative to punish the evildoers... It's just that I only have one Lin Yue now."

Su Yi was thinking silently in his heart. No matter how he thought about it, he didn't think Lin Yue could solve the problem of Little White Bear Sanctuary alone.

He is the top brother on the list, and his talent and ability are definitely not bad!

Su Yi even suspected that the other party's talent might be much stronger than his own, otherwise how could he destroy so many shelters in just a few days.

It is impossible for Lin Yue to defeat the opponent.

But Jiang Xiaoci's proposal cannot be completely ignored, after all, the two sides are now at odds.

Even if the other party can't find Su Yi now, it doesn't necessarily mean that he won't be able to find him in the future.

"You have to deal with the other party as soon as possible while I am still in the dark. Waiting for the other party to come to seek revenge on me would be really stupid."

"But if I want to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of the shelter, the best way is to use my talents... How can I use them effectively so that the talent rewards will have the type of reward I want every time?"

Su Yi pondered: "Talent rewards are what I need most urgently at the moment... But the current combat power of the shelter is not too bad for a level 1 shelter. This is no longer within the urgent need, right?"

"But can I adjust it? Although there is no urgent shortage of combat power, if more and more resources such as food and drinking water are provided, which are higher than the level of combat power, will it appear that the combat power of the shelter is insufficient?"

"Does the talent reward [most urgently needed at the moment] follow the barrel theory?"

Unconsciously, Su Yi thought about it all night.

When he came back to his senses, the sky was already dark, and he was shocked to realize that he had not slept all night, and a deep sleepiness swept over him.

"Take a rest. Studying the talent mechanism is not something that can be mastered in a day or two."

Su Yi fell asleep in sleepiness. He felt as if he had just closed his eyes when he heard Jiang Xiaoci's gentle awakening in his ear.

"Sir, sir, it's time to get up."

"It's already past 11 noon."

Su Yi opened his eyes a little tiredly and rubbed his aching head. Jiang Xiaoci asked gently: "Sir, are you okay if you didn't sleep last night?"

"Well, I've been thinking about it all night."

Su Yi sighed: "Xiaoci, tell me...how can we improve the combat effectiveness of the shelter?"

"Accumulate a self-circulating material supply system, develop more people, train the army, and research weapons and equipment."

Jiang Xiaoci gave the answer almost without hesitation: "Build an army that is loyal to you, and you will naturally not be afraid of any threats."

"Build an army?!"

Su Yi was stunned. He looked at Jiang Xiaoci and suddenly asked: "Have you been planning this all along? Including persuading me to accept those women, is it for this purpose?"


Jiang Xiaoci did not refute, but just lowered his head and explained softly: "Compared to men, I understand women better, and I am more confident in training them."

"I'm becoming more and more curious about what you did before. Can you even train female soldiers?"

Su Yi looked Jiang Xiaoci up and down and asked tentatively: "Can you tell me? If my question is not offensive."

"Director of the Special Forces Training Station."

Jiang Xiaoci did not hide anything, and even explained in detail to Su Yi: "This position... is probably the identity of a special soldier trainer during the Anti-Japanese War in this world. It will also be responsible for the secret tasks of the trainers and exist as their superior. "

"Secret mission... grass, underground organization! Lurker! Spy!"

Su Yi's eyes widened: "You know how to train spies!"

"Well...that's right."

Jiang Xiaoci smiled and nodded.

No wonder this bitch is an A-level talent. No wonder she tried her best to persuade herself to accept those women. It turns out she still has this ability!

Good at management, resourceful, and capable of training spies...this woman is a bit of an all-rounder!

Su Yi was pleasantly surprised, but soon he realized that this could not solve his current dilemma: "Xiaoci, you are indeed very powerful, but...well, what I need is to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of the shelter."

"Your approach is only suitable for long-term development. If we encounter danger in the short term, we can only rely on Lin Yue."

Su Yi understood very well that no matter how powerful Jiang Xiaoci was, it would be impossible to quickly transform those women into warriors.

This requires a process.

Jiang Xiaoci also understood. She lowered her head and whispered softly: "Sir, before that, I will try my best to ensure the safety of the shelter and will not let us go to a desperate situation."

"Everything in the world is unpredictable, so let's eat first."

Su Yi sat down at the dining table and was about to use his chopsticks when he suddenly remembered the Doomsday War.

"One night has passed, and I don't know how the soldiers' first battle went."

"How should I check the battle situation...Oh, by the way, here."

Su Yi found the battle status module through the shelter interface. After selecting it, several information prompts appeared in front of Su Yi.

[Tonight at 0 o'clock in the morning, the first doomsday war begins, and the country's army enters the scene. 】

[At 30 a.m., the country’s army mastered the battlefield city information and sent out scouts to collect enemy intelligence. 】

[At 1:30 in the morning, the first large-scale encounter occurred. The Chinese army completed its strategic deployment and lured the enemy into an ambush circle at the expense of 569 drones. 】

[At 1:40 in the morning, the first round of artillery bombardment began. The H-6 carried out its mission, perfectly completing the war goals, collapsing the city buildings and burying 525 crazy monsters. 】

[At 2:10 in the morning, 18 J-20s jointly dispatched to suppress the low-altitude flying ability of the Kuangmo and destroy the enemy's intention to break out of the ruins of the city. 】

[At 2:30 in the morning, Dongfeng-15 began cluster bombing, which lasted for 2 hours. 】

[At 4:30 in the morning, the drone entered the ruins and confirmed that a total of 506 enemy corpses were killed. It is suspected that some remaining soldiers escaped. 】

[At 5:26 a.m., the headquarters confirmed the battle situation of another heavy-armed synthetic brigade and successfully delayed more than 200 mad demons. It was suspected that the opponent was a mad demon scout; at the same time, a large-scale mad demon activity target was discovered, and it was suspected that an ambush and attack were carried out in the wild. Support activities. 】

[At 5:40 a.m., the headquarters launched the Guardian-2D long-range rocket launcher to carry out a full-coverage saturation strike on the area where large-scale madmen were active. 】

[At 6:20 in the morning, the artillery bombardment stopped and the results could not be confirmed; the second round of drone operations to lure the enemy began, but the lure failed. 】

[At 7:50 in the morning, the battlefield entered a period of silence. 】


Su Yi finished reading them one by one, and his mouth opened wide unconsciously.

"Have you guys been having sex all night?!"

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