Doomsday Game: I Will Become Stronger Just By Staying At Home!

Chapter 41 Lin Yue’S Crazy Night! Su Yi’S Wanton Spending!

Su Yi sighed, but he also understood the country's intentions.

Obviously, the country discovered the setting of [Re-War], and they happened to know the actual combat power level of the mad demons in the previous battle.

It can be said that F-level difficulty battles have almost no pressure on the country.

Even if the F-level reward is as small as a mosquito leg, it is still better than waiting for 20 days without doing anything.

What if, after accumulating too many wins, another [Industrial System Recovery] reward is given?

The industrial system directly affects the army's logistics capabilities.

Apart from anything else, even if only one-third of the industrial capacity controlled by the country is restored, it will still be somewhat confident to face the future doomsday war.

After all: if nothing is decided, damn it!

The country's attitude is very simple: there is no need for any rest time, fighting an F-level war is no different from resting!

Keep playing and get as many rewards as you can, forming a snowballing advantage!

"The country has worked so hard, so it seems I can't be too decadent."

Su Yi took a deep breath and clenched his fists: "I want to be a homebody! Spend my free time seriously!"

This sounds a bit outrageous, but it is true.

Su Yi's way to become stronger is to lie down and wait, spending time in boredom.

In the chat channel, there was still a lot of shock and discussion about the country's behavior, but Su Yi didn't feel much anymore.

Fight to support war, it's a very fair way of playing.

Just when Su Yi was about to fall asleep and kill time, another message suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Why is there so much news every day?"

"Don't let anyone sleep with you... Fuck! Lin Yue ransacked someone's house and silenced them!"

Su Yi widened his eyes and stared at the information prompt in front of him.

[Your talented units fought with other shelters and won. 】

[Since you are not on site, it is automatically determined that your main talent will make the decision to occupy the shelter. 】

[Your talent "Lin Yue" chooses to destroy the current shelter, and you inherit the remaining survival points of the current shelter "358 points". 】

[Item inheritance is being determined...Inheritance failed! You have not inherited the reserve items of the current shelter. 】

The series of information in front of Su Yi meant that Lin Yue had taken action!

These soldiers really found a suitable target and gave Su Yi a little surprise!

Just lie at home and do nothing, and directly get more than 300 survival points!

"This is indeed more than the dispatch mission. The three dispatch missions add up to 30 points a day, and destroying a shelter is more than 300 points."

Su Yi sighed, but also a little curious: "Where is the shelter that Lin Yue and the others destroyed? What is the situation in that place?"

"It's a pity that there is no remote communication method. I can only wait for them to come back to know what happened."

Su Yi shook his head, feeling sorry that he could not participate in person.

However, the shelter has just started, so it is normal to lack these means.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, and discuss with Jiang Xiaoci tomorrow how to spend these more than 300 points."

Su Yi fell on the bed. In a daze, he saw something flashing in front of his eyes.

Su Yi opened his eyes and was stunned.

[Warning! Your talents are fighting in the wild with the shelter. 】

[Your talent "Lin Yue" chooses to destroy the current shelter, and you inherit the remaining survival points of the current shelter "563 points". 】

[The prop inheritance is being determined...The inheritance is successful! You have obtained the current shelter storage props "D-Grade-Wonder Bread Tree" and "E-Grade-Butterfly Shirt". 】


Su Yi suddenly lost his sleepiness. Why did he get 500 more points?

"What are Lin Yue and the others doing? Have they stabbed a bandit's den?"

Su Yi was confused. He thought, the interval between these two information prompts is only 30 minutes, right?

This means that Lin Yue destroyed the two shelters almost without interruption, and the two shelters may even be very close to each other, just like the residential building where Su Yi was located.

"If this is the case, will there be new strategy prompts in the next 30 minutes?"

Su Yi had no intention of continuing to sleep and waited patiently.

He counted the time silently.

30 minutes later.

[Your talent "Lin Yue" chooses to destroy the current shelter. 】

[You inherit the remaining survival points of the current shelter "100 points". 】

[The prop inheritance is being determined...The inheritance is successful! There are no props in the current shelter. 】


Destroyed another one!

Su Yi took a deep breath: "It's true! She is really destroying the criminal gang!"

This is definitely a cluster of shelters in one building, allowing Lin Yue to continuously destroy the shelters.

Su Yi didn't fall asleep for the next whole night.

Because every time he felt a little sleepy, a new message would appear in front of him, reminding Lin Yue that he had destroyed a new shelter.

Such reminders continued until dawn, and then gradually stopped.

"They were killing all night!"

Su Yi opened the shelter and glanced at his survival points.

Before Lin Yue set off, he only had 86 survival points left.

After Lin Yue played outside all night, Su Yi's survival points are now 4788!

Earn 4,000 survival points in one night!

This efficiency is much faster than dispatching tasks!

"Fuck, you really made a lot of money!"

Su Yi felt like he was so happy that he rolled his eyes, and he couldn't suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth.

He now understands Brother Li's original harvest mood. Lin Yue must have destroyed an entire building!

Even if most of the thugs in this building have no survival points, destroying the level 0 shelter will still reward you with a guaranteed survival point of 100 points.

Even if this residential building is an old model, it has at least twenty or thirty households. The minimum guarantee is two to three thousand survival points!

Including the survival points saved by some thugs themselves, the total does add up to four to five thousand.

"Sir, are you still asleep?"

A soft murmur came from Su Yi's side. He turned around and saw that Jiang Xiaoci had woken up from his sleep and was looking at him with sleepy eyes.

The black hair is scattered, and there is a bit of coquettishness in the laziness, which makes people's hearts beat.

"I can't sleep, Lin Yue and the others have done such a big thing."

Su Yi shook his head, his excitement still not suppressed: "More than four thousand points! They gave me more than four thousand points in one night!"

"Quick, Xiaoci, what do you think we should do with all these points? Do you have any better suggestions?"

Su Yi was not sleepy at all. He just wanted to spend his points happily.

It can't be like Brother Li and the thugs who were killed by Lin Yue and the others. They died and the points were spent!

Really sad.

"So many points? It seems that Lin Yue and the others are really capable."

Jiang Xiaoci smiled tenderly. She stood up with her arms and leaned her head lazily on Su Yi's shoulder.

"Actually, I don't know how to spend so many points. I don't fully understand the doomsday game that sir mentioned."

"But if we start from our current situation and consider Mr.'s safety, then we should focus on strengthening the building we are in."

"According to the idea that the gentleman is the core of the shelter, what we need is to build a powerful shelter that is almost as powerful as a bunker."

"And if you want to meet this point... from my humble perspective, it may be high-tech means."

Jiang Xiaoci lowered his head and played with Su Yi's fingers, and suddenly said: "Sir, I remember that the room Li Ya has been staying in is the scientific research room, right?"

"Ah, yes! Not bad!"

Su Yi's heart beat a little fiercely, is this woman teasing me?

But it didn't look like it, her movements were very casual, and she was seriously thinking about the question she asked.

Jiang Xiaoci tilted her little head: "Then let's use the scientific research room. Hasn't Sir always been complaining about the power system restoration problem?"

"We can improve the shelter's armed facilities as much as possible while meeting the basic living needs of the shelter."

"Where I used to live, there were always a lot of defense mechanisms such as machine guns and forts. I think if our shelter had these, the safety factor would be much improved."

"Of course, we not only have to face human threats, but also consider the potential threats posed by natural disasters."

Jiang Xiaoci's analysis is very thorough and the core is very simple.

After excluding all messy factors, the most important thing in the shelter is Su Yi himself.

Without Su Yi, all that is empty talk.

If you want to protect Su Yi, the defensive measures in the shelter are essential.

"Well, let me take a look at the technology tree."

Su Yi opened the science and technology tree and opened the dense scientific research projects.

Since Jiang Xiaoci could not see the information, Su Yi dictated the content of the information and then listened to Jiang Xiaoci's analysis and suggestions.

After the communication and communication between the two, Su Yi finally selected several technology projects.

[Basic Power System]: Consume 1,000 points to obtain small-scale power generation facilities and corresponding construction technology. After construction, the shelter can have normal power consumption levels for human residents, which can supply the power needs of 10 shelter rooms. (Except special types of rooms).

[Autonomous Water Resources System]: Consume 1,000 points to obtain a small-scale pumping reservoir (automatically filled every day). Once built, it can provide daily water needs for up to 50 residents of the shelter; the water intake points of the water system can be spread all over The entire shelter, and parts of it extending outward.

These two projects are technology projects that Su Yi has long wanted to buy.

Once it is lit, ready-made magical props can be used directly, allowing the shelter to achieve freedom of water and electricity.

Coupled with Su Yi's original water purifier, freezer and greenhouse, with the mutual effects of each other, the quality of life in the shelter can directly return to the normal level before the end!

But these two gadgets are also really expensive, and normal people have to save for a long time to afford them.

"The 2,000 points are gone, the rest will be looked at the defense facilities."

Su Yi adjusted the classification of the technology tree, and the data information in front of him changed rapidly, showing densely packed shelter defense and weapon technology projects.

[Basic defense module of the main body of the shelter]: Consume 1,500 points to equip the main module where the shelter is located with a "multi-level sealed door system (biometrics)", iron walls (four meters high, fully surrounded), electric shock Net wall (annex module of the wall), 24-hour fully intelligent cameras (at least 12); and the overall main structure of the shelter is strengthened to make it have excellent cold resistance, heat resistance, explosion resistance, and earthquake resistance (need to ensure There are no other shelters within 100 meters of the main structure of the shelter).

[Automatic Sentry System]: Consume 1,000 points to quickly install at least 20 [automatic machine guns (300 rounds of ammunition)] inside and outside the shelter, which can automatically identify friends and foes, and can enter alert mode and manual control mode; initially each The automatic machine gun has 1,000 rounds of ammunition and needs to be replenished in time.


Coupled with the two sets of defensive facilities, it was directly announced that Su Yizhi had only 374 points left out of the more than 4,000 points he had just obtained.

Su Yi let out a sigh of satisfaction.

“The feeling of consumption is really good!”

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