Doomsday Game: I Will Become Stronger Just By Staying At Home!

Chapter 52 Kill Two Birds With One Stone And Expand Outward!

Chen Qiuren's departure must have been arranged by Jiang Xiaoci.

Although this guy just joined the talent unit, Su Yi could tell that part of Chen Qiuren's personality was very similar to his own.

If you can stay at home, stay at home.

Don't go out when you have nothing to do, and lie down when you have nothing to do.

It's hard to imagine that this is the character of a killer who is a bit undisciplined, but Chen Qiuren is indeed like this.

When Su Yi was confused, Jiang Xiaoci had already pushed the door open from behind and walked into the room.

"Xiaoci, do you want Chen Qiuren to go out?"

Su Yi pointed to the sky outside the window: "It's already dark now, why let him go out so late?"

"It's definitely dangerous."

Jiang Xiaoci nodded and admitted, but Su Yi didn't think so: "This guy... I think the danger is secondary. I'm just curious, why does he bring such a thing when he goes out?"

A killer who is good at using poison goes out in the dark night of the high temperature and doomsday.

The level of danger is similar to the feeling of going home, and it is unlikely to die outside.

"Sir, you don't know something."

Jiang Xiaoci smiled and said: "A few days ago, Lin Yue and the others discovered a market organized by survivors six streets away during their search."

"There are often people there who bring items to exchange and barter, and there are people there day and night."

No wonder Chen Qiuren would go out with a lot of things to do business.


Su Yi became even more confused: "What do you plan to ask Chen Qiuren to buy back? Is there anything else we need in the shelter?"

Su Yi knew about the existence of offline markets. He had seen relevant discussion information in the chat channel a few days ago.

Although the shelter platform provides online trading items across the city, many items cannot be put on the shelves for trading.

Among them, the most inconspicuous, but the most needed ones are all kinds of inedible materials and items.

These materials may be table legs, construction site cement, steel bars, etc. They do not belong to the main categories recognized by doomsday game mechanisms such as food, drinking water, equipment weapons, etc., and cannot be put on the shelves for trading.

But today, when most technological means have failed, humans still need these pre-apocalyptic materials to rebuild their own shelters.

These methods are allowed in the doomsday mechanism. Su Yi has long discovered that some low-level technological methods and the ability to use tools that have been re-researched by humans are allowed to take effect.

Many survivors have not yet mastered the means of upgrading their shelters, and there is a need to improve the safety of their shelters. Naturally, there is a market demand for these materials.

In addition to this demand, sellers in online shelters who need it are hiding it, and the information about the items they introduce is fraudulent.

If you buy something that's not right, you can't return it for a refund.

Survivors who don't want to be deceived are also keen on conducting offline transactions. After all, they can see what is being bought and sold with their own eyes, so the risk of being deceived is slightly lower.

Of course, offline transactions are also very risky, including the risk of being robbed and killed, and losing both people and goods.

The gains and losses must be weighed individually.

"We don't lack anything in our shelter, but we need to be prepared for any emergencies. I asked him to buy more medicine and the equipment he needs."

Jiang Xiaoci paused and said with a smile: "Of course, I also asked him to publicize our shelter supplies more and make him more generous."

"Be more generous?"

Su Yi frowned, he seemed to know what Jiang Xiaoci was going to do.

"You want to collect information about Little White Bear Sanctuary through trading?"

Su Yi asked, where there are many people, there is exchange of information.

There are too many people in online communication channels, and a large amount of useless information drowns out useful clues, making it difficult to obtain key intelligence information.

But it is different offline. As long as Chen Qiuren is generous enough, it is easy to open the psychological defense lines of buyers and sellers, and at least initially exchange some intelligence information.

"There is such a plan, but it is not just that."

Jiang Xiaoci nodded and shook his head: "Sir, offline trading itself is full of many unstable factors. Everyone is wary of each other. I think this method of intelligence collection is probably like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Although it is possible to obtain information about the Little White Bear Sanctuary, it may be difficult to know more details about the other party, or even contact the other party."

"Then what is Chen Qiuren's real purpose?"

Su Yi stared at Jiang Xiaoci, he knew that this woman would not do useless things.

Since Chen Qiuren's main purpose is not to collect intelligence, what else can it be?

"Show strength."

Jiang Xiaoci whispered: "Sir, I need him to represent our shelter to contact the survivors within the offline trading market, show our strength, spread our influence, and wait until the time is ripe... .”

“Conquer the offline trading market again!”

Su Yi woke up and blurted out: "You want to occupy new territory! Control the offline trading market!"

"not me."

Jiang Xiaoci smiled slightly and emphasized: "It's for sir."

My husband has gradually adapted to this era and can already predict what she is going to do.

Jiang Xiaoci knew that Su Yi was not stupid, but he had not changed his thinking habits in time before.

"Control the offline trading market... Hey, this method works."

Su Yi paced back and forth, frowning and murmuring: "Use control methods to radiate our influence. As long as we are famous enough, we can naturally get in touch with the Little White Bear Sanctuary."

"And since we appear as the controllers of the offline trading market, we naturally have the identity and attitude of businessmen. No matter how bloodthirsty the little white bear is, he can't kill us."

"He is tyrannical, but not stupid. He must know that establishing a good relationship with us will provide him with more stable channels for receiving supplies."

"In this way, we can further cover up our refuge through the remote control trading market; at the same time, we can also show our strength and actually access the Little White Bear Refuge."

"So, Xiaoci, do you only plan to use this trading market as a shell to hide our identity?"

Su Yi looked at Jiang Xiaoci, who shook his head: "Of course it's not just that. As your husband brings more new partners, the pressure on us to support our family will naturally increase."

"A shelter will eventually be unable to protect more and more people."

"We need more territory, more voice, and more armed forces to ensure your safety to the greatest extent."

Jiang Xiaoci's purpose is simple. She wants to trade the market's territory, not just to get in touch with the Little White Bear Sanctuary.

She also needs to use the trading market to expand the refuge and form a dangerous buffer zone at the same time.

As long as we win the trading market, we can absorb most of the eyes and attention hostile to Su Yi Shelter.

Once someone wants to turn against Su Yi, the trading market, as the official territory, will inevitably bear the brunt.

In this way, Su Yi's own shelter may not be attacked by the enemy immediately, and the safety factor will be greatly improved.

If there is no external territory, once the enemy figures out the location of the shelter, Su Yi will face the enemy outside the shelter.

Although the safety level of the shelter is being improved and reinforced every day, there is always a chance of something like this happening.

If the enemy is too powerful and far exceeds the shelter's capacity, causing the enemy to breach the shelter, everything will naturally come to a halt.

If we think more deeply, once the trading market is taken down, using it as a new springboard, we might be able to gather more external survivors around Su Yi's shelter to unite around Su Yi and hug each other for warmth. Resist the apocalypse.

Under Jiang Xiaoci's management system, it was impossible for these external survivors to see Su Yi himself.

This is like the company management system before the end of the world. Employees at the bottom of the pyramid can't see the chairman casually, but they are no longer striving for the chairman's wealth all the time.

Jiang Xiaoci's decision was to kill two birds with one stone. It was a long-term consideration and was somewhat interrelated.

The more Su Yi thought about it, the more perfect he felt.

“It’s really good and thoughtful.”

Su Yi was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Xiaoci, you are so amazing! This move will be beneficial and harmless to us, whether we encounter danger or develop smoothly."

Jiang Xiaoci is creating layer after layer of external protection for Su Yi, not just providing protection at the physical level, but all-round protection.

"Sir is also very powerful."

Jiang Xiaoci blinked her beautiful eyes and said softly: "No matter what Xiaoci wants, I can't hide it from you."

"Huh? You actually know how to flatter me?"

"I am telling the truth."

Jiang Xiaoci's smile became brighter. She really felt that Su Yi was very smart, a kind-hearted and principled person, but not pedantic.

In the face of danger, Su Yi can be decisive and ruthless; when conditions permit, he can also help the weak.

Although he is sometimes lazy, he can figure out many things on his own, has great trust in his subordinates, and dares to delegate power.

Such a leader may not be perfect, but he can make his subordinates feel at ease.

"Okay, with you here, I can really be a homebody."

Su Yi was lying comfortably on the sofa. Jiang Xiaoci had already begun to implement the expansion plan for the shelter, but these still could not affect Su Yi's plan to stay at home and enjoy it.

She expands hers and I keep mine, without any conflict.

"Sir, it's late at night, do you want to sleep?"


Su Yi stood up and suddenly said with a smile: "Xiao Ci, I suddenly feel that I am a bit like Liu Adou. I can rely on you for everything."

"My filial piety and kindness are not as good as those of Zhuge Liang, and my husband is not as mediocre as Adou."

Jiang Xiaoci lowered his head and spoke softly: "In Xiaoci's opinion, sir, he just doesn't like to fight for things."

My husband doesn't like to fight for it, but I can take it for him.

These were the words Jiang Xiaoci didn't say, and Su Yi didn't even ask, so he just lay down on the bed to sleep.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaoci reminded: "Sir, it seems that you haven't taken a bath for a long time. The water resources in the shelter are sufficient. Do you want to take a bath?"

"That's right. I haven't washed myself seriously during the last few days."

Su Yi nodded: "Take a bath and put some water on it!"

"It's already ready. It's in the room downstairs. Li Ya remodeled it yesterday. It's a big bathtub."

Jiang Xiaoci opened the door gently and led Su Yi to a room downstairs.

This house has basically been renovated, and all the original facilities in the house have been emptied.

The upper third of the room along the wall is a high platform. The high platform contains the clear water in the entire room, and the neatly arranged water outlets can be clearly seen at the bottom.

"This...isn't this a swimming pool!"

Su Yi's eyes widened and he was amazed: "Is this what Li Ya did? Transformed this entire room into a swimming pool?"


Jiang Xiaoci nodded gently and introduced: "I came up with the idea, Li Ya made the drawings and plans, and made the necessary parts. The girls did the rest with their own hands."

"I was just wondering what you are doing tinkering downstairs these days. It turns out there is such a surprise!"

"Sir, this is a surprise the girls have prepared for you."

Jiang Xiaoci whispered: "You provided shelter. The girls are grateful and think they should do something for you to make your life more comfortable."

“Not bad, not bad, indoor swimming pool, I like it!”

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction. Although the swimming pool still looks a bit crude, it is already a good sign.

Now that we have a swimming pool, are other things far behind?

Su Yi felt that the quality of life of an otaku in his shelter was gradually getting better and better.

"Sir, do you want to wash it now?"

"Well, get out...hey! Why did you take off your clothes!"

"Sir, I will always be by your side. If you drown, I have to take care of you."

"That makes sense, but why are you wearing a swimming suit underneath? You have a plan! You have been prepared for it!"

"Sir, this is called being prepared. If you don't like the color, Xiaoci will take it off right now."

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