Doomsday Game: I Will Become Stronger Just By Staying At Home!

Chapter 68 In Case I Die, The Genealogy Will Be Opened On A Separate Page!

After an hour of inspection and inventory, the entire police station was declared completely captured.

The materials in the police station were also counted and carried back to the military vehicles by the soldiers one after another.

Another half hour later, a list appeared in front of Lin Yue, which carefully listed the materials and weapons stored in the police station.

[Weapons and equipment]: 126 pistols, including various conventional police models; 12 rifles, mainly automatic rifles, such as Type 95; 1 ​​light machine gun; 2 sniper rifles; 12 shotguns;

[Defense equipment]: 215 body armor vests; 35 sets of explosion-proof helmets, shields and stab-proof suits; 300 sets of bullet-proof vests, helmets, goggles, gas masks and other miscellaneous attacks.

[Weapons and ammunition]: 32 police explosive grenades; 52 special grenades such as flash bombs and tear gas grenades; 3,600 rounds of conventional pistol bullets; 1,200 rounds of rifle bullets; and 600 rounds of machine gun bullets.

[Communication equipment]: Handheld walkie-talkies, satellite phones, signal enhancement equipment and other miscellaneous items are not included, and they are all invalid and unusable.

[Medical equipment]: A total of 335 miscellaneous items such as first aid kits, tourniquets, disinfectants, antibiotics, analgesics, etc.

[Food and water]: Compressed biscuits, canned food, bottled water and other miscellaneous items can provide a total of 40 people's two-week survival needs.

[Fuel and lighting equipment]: Gasoline, diesel, etc. can be burned to fill 30 cars, and the police station has 45 intact police vehicles of various types (not startable); lighting equipment includes generators, batteries, electrical equipment, etc. But only the flashlight can be used normally.

[Miscellaneous items]: A total of 526 items including tents, sleeping bags, portable stoves, ropes, tool bags, multifunctional knives and other miscellaneous items.


Lin Yue was very pleasantly surprised when the densely packed supplies were listed. The profit this time was very considerable!

Although many of the supplies were moved by Wang Daniu and others from other places, they are now cheaper for Su Yi.

As for Wang Daniu and other captives, there were a total of 85 people.

More than 40 people are members of Wang Daniu's own construction team, that is, his juniors and young people from the same village. The remaining 40 people are local survivors who relied on Wang Daniu when the apocalypse broke out.

What is more interesting is that all 85 people are young men, the oldest is only 45 years old, and most of them are in their 20s and 30s, which are men in their peak period.

Lin Yue asked his chief of staff to ask Wang Daniu. It is said that there were no women and old people who came to seek refuge with him, but they were all rejected by Wang Daniu.

Because according to the suggestion of his nephew who loves to read novels, it is not cost-effective to carry these burdensome people in the apocalypse, so Wang Daniu only wants an honest and obedient man.

Wang Daniu doesn't want any man who looks smart and clever.

Don't ask, you're just asking because you're afraid that you won't be able to suppress it.

While Lin Yue was counting the material gains, the chief of staff boarded the command vehicle again.

"Captain Lin, we've almost finished asking."

"Well, what's going on with those people?"

"Most of them came from construction sites, and some had the illusion of becoming kings and hegemons in troubled times. Now they have basically given up, and they all have very good attitudes."

The chief of staff nodded and said: "There are many strong men, but they are not very courageous and dare not make mistakes. Everything they say seems to be basically the truth."

The chief of staff found it very interesting. They were obviously a relatively threatening group of men and had mastered violent weapons.

But they had no intention of resisting at all. They were almost like a group of lambs, perfectly cooperating with their investigations and inquiries.

The submissive attitude of Wang Daniu and others even made the chief of staff feel a little embarrassed, and he often felt that his tone of questioning was too much.

"This is normal."

Lin Yue lowered his head and looked through the supply list: "In this era and this country, the people's affinity towards the military is very high, which is higher than you can imagine."

"That's a good thing!"

The chief of staff laughed: "Then we can save a lot of trouble!"

"Miss Jiang said that this is a bad thing."

Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the Chief of Staff with a serious expression: "This means that we also have to bear the same things that the military of this era once shouldered!"

"People's trust never comes for nothing, we just inherit our identity from them."

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

What Lin Yue said was profound. Jiang Xiaoci complained to her more than once that it would be nice if people here didn't trust the army so much.

At least, when she does many things, she doesn't have to worry too much about Su Yi's position and opinions, and things will be much simpler.

"Yes, Captain Lin!"

The chief of staff's expression became serious, and he understood.

"Captain Lin, what should we do with those people?"

"Take it back first and give it all to Miss Jiang and let her handle it."

Lin Yue did not hesitate: "We only care about the frontline affairs. As long as someone surrenders, we will hand it over to Miss Jiang after ensuring safety. She will be our political commissar. We don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, Captain Lin!"

The chief of staff nodded and lowered his voice: "The leader just reported some things and named several valuable gathering points around here."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the chief of staff with a frown: "Do you think he is telling the truth?"

"There is a high probability that it is true. Considering our combat mission, I think we can go and have a look."

The chief of staff spread his hands and said very sincerely: "No matter sooner or later, we have to clean up the area. I think we can contact them in advance. At least we still have Wang Daniu, someone who is familiar with the surrounding area."


After thinking deeply, Lin Yue nodded and agreed: "Send someone to inform Miss Jiang to bring people to carry the supplies, leaving a few people to guard."

"Bring Wang Daniu here, I want to question him."

"Yes, Captain Lin!"

The chief of staff quickly got out of the car and brought Wang Daniu.

Wang Daniu stooped down and walked into the command car with some restraint, and at first sight he saw the heroic Lin Yue.

She is petite, but has a high spirit, bright eyes, and a refreshing and generous temperament, which exudes the unique and capable beauty of a female soldier.

When Wang Daniu saw it at first glance, his eyes lit up, and he thought in his heart that this was a military beauty!

"This is Team Lin, our current top commander."

The chief of staff introduced Wang Daniu and whispered: "If you have anything to say, you can tell her. If you perform well, she can ask for credit in front of the chief to reduce her guilt."


And the chief?

As soon as these words came out, Wang Daniu was instantly excited.

He was indeed right in his bet!

The army really showed up, even the leader came out!

Damn it, the bet was right!

Judging from this scene, it is in line with the rhythm of urban military control!


Don't consider it at all!

Just follow the army and they will solve all problems!

Wang Daniu even feels that the turning point in his life may be at this moment!

It just so happens that in troubled times, I have made great achievements in front of the army. If I wait until the troubled times are calmed down, will I not be able to get a commendation?

Not to mention whether it works or not, at least it is on the line of the army.

When the time comes for peace, even if this line of connections is not used, just being around it will be awesome! It can bring you countless benefits!

If you are unlucky, I, Wang Daniu, will die in troubled times.

According to the habits of our country's military, this can definitely lead to a martyr! If you are more active, you might even be a hero and martyr!


Genealogy as a single page!

From now on, I will be included in the county magistrate!

Thinking of this, Wang Daniu's eyes turned red involuntarily, and his expression became extremely excited.

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