Doomsday Game Online

Chapter 221 Chapter 221

It doesn't matter what talent is waste, but now the league has a heavy workload, and being a team leader also requires physical fitness.

At this point, Stoby, who is also a waste material, is much better.

The former insurance salesman who lives with An Xin's wife and son is now obviously much better than Lauser.

A stable life pattern is the first reason, and honest training is the second reason.

They are all workers. Of course, Lowther and Cod can't be special.

After pondering for a moment, Link still called and asked people to call Cod up, so that he would not be rampant with Lauther, and arranged for him a new task by the way.

Compared to the clever Lauser, Cod is a little bit more in love and more true.

This kind of character is actually very unlucky, but Link feels that the current league also needs a more genuine person.

After listening to Link's instructions, Cod scratched his head: "Boss, you mean to let me be a spy?"

Link: "...Your position is still the deputy team leader, but you secretly serve as the head of the internal affairs department, you can develop some people to be the eyeliner. If you do it well, the internal affairs department can formally recruit people in the future."

"Understood, Boss." Cod nodded, and immediately asked where he was more concerned: "Then, can you monitor Lauser? For example, how many women he has slept with in the past few days..."

Link raised his hand and pointed: "Get out!"

Cod chuckled, and quickly slipped away: just ask, it's all angry! Boss, you are partial.

Just muttering in my heart, someone downstairs said that Lauser was looking for him.

When Cod went over, he heard Lauther talk about the "configuration" of the two black aunts every day, and he immediately felt the boss's "fairness", and couldn't help but say: "Maji Fake! You didn't ask me to go, I'm an accomplice at best... …"

Lower glanced at him obliquely, faintly: "Then you have to accompany one every day."

Cod was choked, feeling that the accomplice's "reduction" seemed useless, and he could only look at Lauser with a frown, only to feel that everything was dull and separated.

After practicing yoga, sending away Old Man Bi, and cleaning up the embarrassed Lowther and Cod, Link finally relaxed.

After solving the two largest groups of gangsters in Su Sheng Mary, he did not stay here, but went east to Ottawa and Montreal to check the situation, which took a day.

After returning from the south, passing by Kingston, Toronto, and going around Detroit, it took another day.

That means he has a strong physique and can sleep for one hour a day, and it will take at least two or three days for others.

Based on the situation seen in the past two days, it is not very dangerous for the Alliance to stay in Su Sheng Mary.

The chaos in Detroit is more chaotic than the former Chicago surrounded by a wall of dense fog. The police inside have basically lost control of the order and can only shrink a small number of mid-to-high-end neighborhoods.

Robbery and murder are everywhere in other places, and no one knows when they will be shot or stray bullets.

Chicago is also the third largest city in the United States, the world's financial center, and its industry and manufacturing industries are also very developed.

What's in Detroit? More than ten years ago, the automobile manufacturing industry collapsed because of the financial crisis. A large number of wealthy people left, a large number of people who lost their jobs, and even African Americans who could not find a job.

So a few years ago, the municipal government that was once the fourth largest city in the United States declared bankruptcy.

In the past two years, it announced its withdrawal from bankruptcy. As a result, six of the eight mayor candidates in the first round were charged with trafficking in illegal drugs, shooting, and murder, and they were once felons.

In places like this, the Michigan National Guard is not active at all. It just protects some important places and allows those African-Americans to spread the sweet smell of gunpowder in the city.

After walking through Detroit, heading back north, passing by the Grand Rapids across the lake from Chicago, where there are already many Chicago refugees who have fled from both sides of the land.

Link spent some supplies and inquired about the current situation in Chicago.

Three generals were killed by Link and Old Man Bi by accident, and thousands of troops were lost. The U.S. military is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning, mainly in defense.

There are about one or two million people in the city who did not leave for various reasons. Knowing that the blockade of the US military was defeated and fled, they were not so afraid of them.

A few or more than a dozen soldiers dared to show off in the city and robbed them. Now they go out like this and they will soon be shot.

The Chicago U.S. Army, which is most likely to be eyeing the Alliance, has no energy to distract it in a short period of time.

With this conclusion, Link returned north overnight.

Nowadays, the wilderness world is still a few days away from entering. The real world does not have a group of monsters with abundant energy points, and it is impossible to imagine the rapid improvement as before.

The bright and brilliant sunlight outside the window and the clear and open golden color made him feel a little moved: How about...I also rested for two days?

While hesitating, Summer and Stubby came up and knocked on the door of the open meeting room.

Well, rest is impossible to rest. Link sighed and turned from the window: "What's the matter?"

Summerer said: "Two of our patrol team members were missing the night before. We conducted investigations and only found a suspicious trace on the grass by the lake, like one of them dragged the body of the other into the lake. In. Of course, there have been a lot of people near the lake recently, and it is impossible to be sure that the trace was left by the two."

After a pause, he continued: "We asked the team members who are familiar with these two people. They didn't have any conflict. One of them has a wife and the other has children. Both are in the women's and children's camp."

Link frowned.

This means that the two have basically no motive to kill each other, and there is no need to escape privately.

Who would run this far, kill his companions as soon as he settles down, and run away regardless of his relatives.

Stubby also spoke at this time: "I also heard about this, but Summer was investigating it, so I didn't care too much. As a result, three of my staff also disappeared last night, and one person was also found by the lake. Trailing the traces of the two. The results of the investigation are similar to those of the two reserve players. The relationship between the three is good and there has been no conflict. Both of them have relatives."

Link rubbed his forehead: "Has a similar situation happened in the city before?"

Summer and Stubby looked at each other and both laughed bitterly.

Still Stubby said: "Before we came, people were missing and dead here every day, but nobody cared, so it's impossible to be sure that it was the gangster or someone else."

"It's true that there are rumors in this city that there are cannibal monsters, but there are too many versions. We have asked many people, and the results are all heard from others. They themselves have not even seen an ogre."

"These initial sources are naturally unknown."

Link is also a little speechless: this is reality.

Most of the time, the trouble with trying to find out one thing is not too few clues, but too many false clues.

After a period of time, no one knows the initial situation.

In this case, it still refers to the period of peace.

Now that the social order is chaotic, the water is even more mixed.

"You don't want me to find out the reason, do you?" he asked.

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