Doomsday Game Online

Chapter 227 Chapter 227

Aunt Rongsheng’s Susan complexion was tangled, and she glanced at Link, who was smiling, and finally got up and was taken by Tina to the living room.

Then, Link looked at Gene, who had never said a word, and asked softly: "Is all your potions used up?"

"All the medicine is used on this idiot, otherwise we should bring back a corpse." Gene muttered dissatisfiedly: "According to our plan, he should attract the attention of the beholder for a while and just run away. You won’t be injured and unconscious."

Link chuckled lightly and patted the old fox on the shoulder: "Although he is disgusted, you still can't bear him to die, right!"

Gene took a step back with disgust: "He's really dead, I'll be relieved from now on."

Claude's face was calm, and he didn't react to the old partner's bad mouth.

Even if he was still in a coma at the time, he could guess Gene's performance-definitely gritted his teeth, his face was distressed and reluctant, but he still gave him all the potions.

For an LSP who likes money, every medicine means hundreds of professional technicians.

At that time, Genn and Tina had at least ten potions in their hands, and the sales were enough for the old guy's technician service fees for several years. How could it not be distressed.

Link shook his head, these two... are they true love?

Taking out two potions from their arms, Gene and Crowder both brightened their eyes when they saw them: "Super potions?"

Link didn't say a word, just gave Crowder two shots.

After a while, Claude's face flushed and quickly became normal again, and he stood up from the bed when he turned over.

Gene faintly said: "Don't use skills anymore, otherwise these two potions can keep you up to a month, which is a lot of money."

Depending on the level of the medicament, there are still some small differences in the specific treatment effect.

For some injuries, low-level potions can't be helped, and higher-level potions are effective.

According to Link's speculation, there should be a difference in the quality of the divine particles contained in it.

Like a super potion, in the real world, the corpses of extraordinary monsters must be used as raw materials for conversion.

Healing potions use bone armor and tongue monsters with high integrity, but ogre assassins are much worse, so you need to increase the number.

The energy potion is only as complete as the ogre wizard, and the others are a little wasteful.

The material for the potent healing potion requires ordinary long-tongue monsters or multi-headed elite ogres.

The materials for the ordinary healing potions are elite ogres or multi-headed ordinary ogres.

In fact, before Crowder came back, he was half asleep and half awake, using only four super potions (two each for Gene and Tina).

Tina looks forward to Link's return every day, and there are reasons for this.

It doesn't matter what debts you owe, at most let Gene...Uncle go out hunting, or go to the town to cheat people.

Link shook his head: "It's okay. Claude helped me a lot this time. I can find a way to get the potion, but I do need to pay attention to it so that my health cannot get worse."

Gene was speechless, and he muffled again. Lemon: Fake! A person has used six super potions in ten days, is this all right? Master, do you want to be so trenched?

Link glanced at him: "If you lie down next time, I will find a way."

Gene's eyes lit up: "Then, can you make up two potions for me first? Mine is for Claude."

Link waved his hand: "I'll talk about this later, let's talk about Crowder's injury first."

Seeing the two of them, his voice was lower: "What's the situation with that Susan, and to what extent can he be trusted?"

Claude hesitated and nodded: "She is not bad, nor is she a direct line of the Petroleum City Base..."

Gene curled his lips: "Okay, I just asked her to treat you, but in the end I changed your clothes, got a haircut, and trimmed your beard. Hmph, obviously I'm the one in charge of her life."

Link was speechless for a moment and nodded: "Well, Gene, there are always things that are destined to be impossible in a person's life, so don't think too much."

Claude didn't realize the meaning of these words at once, and Gene knew clearly when he turned his mind, and was quite annoyed: "Labor and capital are not ugly. I don't want to talk about feelings when I spend money. I really think that labor and capital have not been chased by women?"

Both Claude and Link laughed but didn't say anything: but it's not ugly, and eating on the face is always two different things!

Gene was annoyed for a moment and gave up this senseless behavior, after all, he had been used to it more than ten years ago.

When I met Tina's mother, they didn't hesitate to choose Claude-it should be said that she didn't choose at all, just as Jean didn't exist.

"Well, based on Claude's face, we can trust Susan to a limited extent." The old fox said his conclusion angrily.

Link: "Will she make Tears of the Sun then?"

Claude shook his head immediately: "She didn't get this ability, otherwise the Petroleum City Base would be reluctant to let her participate in the siege."

Gene nodded in agreement: "A priest who can make Tears of the Sun, even if the output is only a bottle for a few months, no one will put it on the battlefield."

Link just wanted to make sure of this, and he wasn't disappointed when he heard the words: "Then Claude, pay attention to self-cultivation, I should have a way to solve this problem when business gets better."

Sure enough, the young master has a backing. Gene and Crowder nodded together with "I understand" in their eyes.

Link motioned: "Let's go, after all these days of boredom, everyone go out to get some breath."


After a while, the three squatted on the slope.

Link took out three dark brown objects thick with Claude's thumbs and fifteen centimeters long and threw them over.

Genn caught it lightly, and immediately held it to the front of his face, then sniffed it with his nose: "This smell... is tobacco, but the smell is very strong?"

Link: "You can call it a cigar, and it's fun to smoke."

This is a certain tobacco plant found on the road to Petroleum City. It is used as a raw material for dry tobacco, and its completeness is as high as 70%.

So don't think about wrappers, wrappers, and hearts for this "cigar".

With sufficient raw materials, two large sticks of "cigar version" upland cigarettes only need 1 energy point, which is high quality and low price.

The big cigar shape is just for convenience, anyway, it does not involve changes in material and precision, and the energy point is very small.

"How do you smoke?" Claude asked, staring at the silent cigar.

Link: "Small head over there."

The essence is dry tobacco, so naturally there is no need to cut cigars.

Claude knew it, and pinched the other end of the cigar with two fingers for two seconds.

The fingertips quickly turned red, and a few seconds later smoke rose.

He leaned to his mouth and took a puff, and it took several seconds to exhale a big puff of white smoke: "Holyshxt! It's so energetic."

Upon seeing this, Gene immediately threw the cigar in his hand to Claude, grabbed the good cigar, and snorted likewise: "Facco! This is what a man should smoke."

Seeing this situation, Lin Ke silently swallowed back the words "Cigar is not a lung".

Lightning a cigarette empty-handed, a big guy with N times the ordinary body constitution, what happened to the cigar passing the lungs? That is to give face to the cigar.

Of course, ordinary people can't learn from big brothers, it's exhausting.

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