Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 95 Detention

Although Jincheng's gathering place is just under construction and is still far from being fully completed, some of the necessary facilities inside are already relatively complete.

For example, it is a place where some prisoners are specially held.

However, this kind of place is no longer called a prison or a detention center, but is derived from the original confinement room of the military station.

Whether they are soldiers or survivors in the gathering place, as long as they violate the rules of the gathering place, they will be temporarily detained here.

Then it was time to wait for the verdict at the gathering place.

If the crime is not particularly serious, it is basically just a matter of reform through labor. The specific time will depend on the seriousness of the crime.

After all, the population is extremely short in the apocalypse, and every survivor is a labor force that can contribute.

If the crime is really serious, there are two ways to deal with it.

Those who would not be outraged by the common people should be put to death in public. The other option is to choose exile, drive them out of the gathering place, and let them fend for themselves outside.

Humanity is about to fall into a crisis of genocide. No high-level leaders in the gathering place are willing to kill people easily unless they have to.

The kind of leader of a gathering place who kills people at will is not very common at this stage. It will be a few years later when all the rules are completely subverted, and then there will be a few crazy guys occasionally.

Because both Liu Chen and Chen Lei are evolutionaries and have very strong combat capabilities, the confinement room where they are imprisoned is obviously specially made by the gathering place. It is a small room made entirely of fine steel. The steel plate is two inches thick and has good defense. The power is extremely amazing.

According to the gathering place, this kind of confinement room can currently trap any evolver with the highest known evolutionary level.

This statement undoubtedly made Liu Chen sneer.

Leaving aside others, as far as Liu Chen knew, this confinement room made of fine steel would never be able to trap him with an alloy sword in his hand.

It also cannot trap the mysterious super-evolver whom Macaw saw not long ago, whose evolutionary level is higher than that of Liu Chen, and who has a harpoon in his hand that can be called a magic weapon.

Two inches of fine steel seems difficult to destroy, but in front of high-level evolvers holding sharp weapons, it will only take a little time at most.

"Brother Liu, who did you offend? Why did they treat you like this?"

After being locked up in the special confinement room, Chen Lei finally couldn't help but express his inner questions.

"Brother Chen, I won't hide it from you. To be honest, I don't know what's going on now. After thinking about it, I should have no enemies in this gathering place." Liu Chen said with a bitter smile.

Although Liu Chen has a somewhat cold personality due to his two lives and has always been wary of strangers, Chen Lei's loyal actions still won his approval, and there was no need to hide some things from him.

Chen Lei scratched his head in confusion and said: "That's weird. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. I heard when I was in Hushi that the gathering place in Jincheng has a strong welcome attitude towards survivors. In particular, we treat evolved people as VIPs. But today’s situation does not seem to be the case. This gathering place looks completely different from the rumors.”

"Oh? Please tell Brother Chen what you know about the Jincheng gathering place."

Liu Chen asked while wandering around the confinement room, studying ways to get out.

Although the party at the gathering place charged Liu Chen with being a felon, they were not subjected to any abuse after they were imprisoned here, and they were not restrained in any way, allowing them to move freely.

However, it is not that easy to restrain the evolved ones, unless it is made of alloy materials or rare materials extracted from mutant beasts.

Ordinary items, even steel shackles, cannot trap the evolved person.

"I heard that the leader of the Jincheng military gathering place was a major general with a very kind heart. He always proposed that the purpose of the gathering place was to allow more survivors to live better in the apocalypse. Initially. This was the purpose of building two gathering places No. 1 and 2 and trying to connect them underground. But not long after, the major general never appeared again, as if disappearing out of thin air. The leader of the gathering place , became a colonel."

"The colonel's ideas are obviously different from those of the major general. Although he also advocates gathering survivors, he values ​​the evolvers and warriors more. His attitude towards ordinary survivors is somewhat meaningless, which is why No. 1 and No. 2 appear. The differentiation of the living environment in the two gathering places. Obviously, in the eyes of this colonel, ordinary survivors are not qualified to enjoy a better living environment like the evolved people and warriors."

Having said this, Chen Lei paused, and then said angrily: "If that major general was still in charge of the overall situation, I believe that Brother Liu's arrest would never have happened, because that general always emphasized fairness and justice, and now this The group of people didn't care about this at all and just arrested people without any evidence. This was simply using the power in their hands to do whatever they wanted."

"It seems that something happened to the top management of Jincheng gathering place..."

Liu Chen frowned, but found that this matter probably had nothing to do with him.

Regardless of whether the major general or colonel, Liu Chen didn't even have any grudges, he didn't even know who they were, and there was no reason to arrest him.

"This matter...couldn't it be related to my father's comrade in arms?"

Liu Chen suddenly came up with a bold guess.

Since his father's comrades had the ability to bring his parents to this gathering place, they obviously should have a certain status in the gathering place.

In this way, it is inevitable to get involved in the fight between the two senior officials at the gathering place.

And it would be okay if he was on the colonel's side. After all, it was the colonel who seized power in the end. But if you sided with the major general, the outcome after failure might not be much better.

But even so, logically there is no reason to involve him.

After thinking about it carefully, Liu Chen found that this guess was still somewhat untenable.

In the end, he was too lazy to continue guessing. He just chatted with Chen Lei and waited patiently.

Since the other party caught him, they couldn't just keep him in this confinement room. There must be some reason or purpose.

No matter what the reason is, you will eventually come to him.

Sure enough, just as Liu Chen had guessed, he and Chen Lei had only been in the solitary room for about an hour when a group of fully armed soldiers appeared outside the door. The leader was still the same captain with a sneer on his face. He looked at Liu Chen and said, "Come out with me, someone wants to see you."

Liu Chen's expression did not change at all when he heard this, but Chen Lei suddenly became nervous. He leaned forward and was about to speak when Liu Chen said with a smile: "Brother Chen, don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

After saying that, Liu Chen quietly winked at Chen Lei who was about to speak, then turned to look at the captain and said, "You have been watching the whole process, and there is nothing wrong with him. Can you let him go now?"

The captain snorted and said: "It has nothing to do with him in the first place. He was imprisoned willingly. The legs are on his body. If he wants to leave, he will stay and no one will stop him."

"That's good. Brother Chen, please leave here first. I'll find you when I'm done."

Liu Chen finally relaxed and said no more. He nodded at Chen Lei and followed the captain, escorted by several fully armed soldiers, towards a building in the gathering place.

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