Chapter 101 Everything is fate, and half of it is not by man

“Is it weird?”

The bland tone seemed to be telling something perfectly normal, and Jasmine looked at Lin Youyou, her face full of incredulity, “Isn’t this strange?” ”

Looking at the women below, Jasmine didn’t know how to describe it! More than a hundred people, crossing the streets, killing through the tide of corpses, you tell me this is not strange?

If she hadn’t experienced everything before, seeing this situation, Lin Youyou would definitely be almost the same as Jasmine, but she met Lin Fan, the man who changed her life!

“What’s so weird? For me, this is very normal, for my Lord, these are even more reasonable, I am optimistic about you, only to give you this opportunity, if it is not your performance is too amazing, I will not say those words to you, nor will I come to save you. ”

Lin Youyou retracted his gaze, glanced at Jasmine with a confused face, and slowly walked to the door.

“Your talent should not be buried, surrender to my Lord you can go further, believe me, many years later you will be glad for the decision you made.” 」

Watching Lin Youyou walk out of the room, Jasmine’s eyes were dazed, she didn’t understand why Lin Youyou was so determined!

Recalling the extraordinary display of Lin Youyou, and looking at the women who pushed all the way down the street below, Jasmine seemed to understand something.

Lin Youyou is very mysterious and powerful, and the things he shows are like things that can only be found in those science fiction movies, more like superpowers!

If Lin Youyou still can’t understand, those women on the street can see one or two!

Can a normal person wear earthy yellow armor and hold an earthy yellow knife to rampage through the zombie horde? Can a normal person be like the woman who walks behind with a smile and a groan, surrounded by vines?

And those women around, one by one, strong outrageous, can normal people swing the knife? This is beyond common sense, right?

More than a hundred people, hard to shake thousands of zombies, replaced by normal people, have long been overwhelmed by the corpse group into a plate of food, right? Which normal person can kill zombies like chopping melons and cutting vegetables? Still not stopped? Are normal people tired? Zombies are not cabbage!

fuck! Where is this normal?

Seeing this kind of extraordinary, Jasmine probably understood what Lin Youyou meant by what she said, surrendering to that unknown Lord, this extraordinary strength, she could also have, and even listen to Lin Youyou’s meaning, her talent was amazing, it was likely to become Lin Youyou’s kind of person!

That is to have extraordinary power!

Jasmine was now a little curious about how terrible the Lord who was above Lin Youyou was to be able to calm such a mysterious and powerful woman as Lin Youyou!

Yes! Mysterious and powerful!

Jasmine is not a fool, she heard from Lin Youyou’s words, the other party is specially coming up to save her, then she is definitely not coming up, the 17th floor is still facing off, that woman! She flew straight up from below!

Although it was incredible, a voice in Jasmine’s heart told her that she must believe that the woman had flown up directly from below! As for why the other party can fly….

This is beyond comprehension!

On the 16th floor, Liu Bao carried a slight charge against the upstairs strafing, bullets flew everywhere, hitting the stairs and splashing out a large spark, Zhou Xiuyan upstairs was not weak in momentum, holding the captured micro chong downstairs and quickly returning the color, crushing Liu Bao backwards.

In the corridor on the 16th floor, Liu Bao scolded angrily, turned his head to look behind him, and drank: “Did you call upstairs?” What is that crap doing? ”

The little brother standing behind was full of fear and stammered, “Leopard… Brother Leopard, hit, but no one answered, I don’t know what I’m doing! ”

“Grass! A bunch of crap! Liu Bao was angry, and he was eager to rush up with a gun and burst out all those women, but he could only think about it.

Although he looked down on the women upstairs, but the bullet was not long-eyed, he rushed up with the courage of a moment, it was estimated that he was beaten into a honeycomb halfway, and the women upstairs would not let him go up even if they were stupid.

The result of the head bird is death, and if the 18th floor does not give pressure to the bottom, the possibility of his side wanting to rush up is almost zero!

Liu Bao’s side was restless, and Zhou Xiuyan upstairs was also very anxious in her heart, every second that passed meant that Jasmine upstairs had to bear a danger, and she could only pray that Jasmine could destroy those people upstairs, so that they had a chance to win!

At this time, there was a sudden burst of footsteps on the stairs, the footsteps were very light, very rare, it seemed that there was only one person, or a woman, because men could not make such footsteps, Zhou Xiuyan was overjoyed, and quickly looked up, but was shocked to find that from the upstairs, it was not Jasmine, but a woman she did not know!

“Who are you?” What about Jasmine? Looking warily at the woman who came down from the stairs, Zhou Xiuyan did not rush to shoot, she saw that the other party had no weapons in her hands, and her body did not look like it was.

Looking flat and coming down from the upstairs, the footsteps were not hurried, Lin Youyou glanced over, looked at Zhou Xiuyan with a wary face, and said calmly: “If you say Jasmine is that girl with good skills, she is now upstairs.” ”

Hearing Jasmine’s news, Zhou Xiuyan was overjoyed, “What happened to Jasmine?” Injured? The people above are all wiped out? ”

“Well, those thugs are dead, you don’t need to know who I am for the time being, you just need to know, from now on, you are all my people, and I will solve the following people.” Lin Youyou’s words were very plain, as if he was saying something big deal, and that unquestionable calm made Zhou Xiuyan stunned in her heart.

Over a period of time, the growth of strength has brought Lin Youyou’s unparalleled self-confidence, moving qi, raising and moving, and the breath of the superior in speech is naturally emitted, and Zhou Xiuyan, who has also been in a high position for a long time, is unable to speak.

Even in Zhou Xiuyan’s own feelings, Lin Youyu was doing this very normally, of course, as if everything should be like this, she couldn’t find the feeling of a rebuttal.

It wasn’t until Lin Youyou’s figure crossed her and disappeared into the line of sight that Zhou Xiuyan suddenly returned to her senses.

Looking at Lin Youyou, who had disappeared without a trace, Zhou Xiuyan’s heart was unspeakably shaken, just now she was completely mastered by that mysterious woman, there was no room for resistance, and she was led by someone else’s nose!

Looking back, looking at the women behind her, the same look that could not return to God, Zhou Xiuyan smiled bitterly in her heart, what kind of demon did she encounter?

After a bitter laugh, Zhou Xiuyan looked downstairs, she was very curious, how did that mysterious woman destroy Liu Bao and others downstairs, she was bare-handed, it was impossible to be reasonable, right?

“Xiaoli, a few of you go upstairs to see Jasmine.” Zhou Xiuyan did not dare to leave here, she had to guard against Liu Bao rushing up, but her heart was also worried about Jasmine’s situation, although the woman said that it was okay, but everything still had to be seen by the eyes, and she would be relieved.

“No, I’m down.”

Before she could make a move, Jasmine’s voice came from upstairs, and Zhou Xiuyan looked upstairs with a happy face, but found Jasmine limping down the stairs.

Zhou Xiuyan couldn’t take care of Liu Bao downstairs, so she quickly walked upstairs to Jasmine’s side to help her, looked at Jasmine’s still bleeding wounds, and exclaimed, “You were shot? Sit down! ”

Shot is not a trivial matter, now there is no medical conditions, taking bullets is a difficult thing, not to mention there is follow-up work, do not deal with it well, don’t say whether you can keep it, if it is inflamed and infected, whether you can save your life is two different things!

Feeling the anxiety in Zhou Xiuyan’s tone, Jasmine felt a warmth rise in her heart, smiled and comforted: “Sister Yan is fine, a little gunshot wound is not a big problem, just now did you see a woman come down?” ”

Zhou Xiuyan was stunned when she heard this, remembered the woman just now, and couldn’t help but nod, and then asked curiously: “Do you know that woman?” ”

Recalling Lin Youyou and the scenes on the street, Jasmine shook her head and said everything she saw and heard upstairs, and Zhou Xiuyan’s face changed one after another, nervous, amazed, shocked, confused, and so on.

The women on the side listened to Jasmine’s story, with a look of incredulity on their faces, as if they had heard something out of nowhere.

Even Xiao Li, who had just been named by name, rushed upstairs in disbelief, and then walked down in a loss of soul not long after.

Looking at Xiao Li who seemed to have lost their souls, Zhou Xiuyan’s heart suddenly burst out, and she probably understood in her heart that everything Jasmine said was true!

But she’d rather believe it’s fake!

Are you kidding? Superpowers actually exist! And it also appeared in front of the eyes, can a woman be strong enough to be that kind? Killing zombies is as simple as chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and even knife qi or something, which is simply too mysterious!

Just that condition, Zhou Xiuyan frowned, she is a proud woman, otherwise she would not have run away from home in a negative mood and came to the magic capital to start from scratch.

On the one hand, it is extraordinary ability, on the other hand, it is to sell oneself into slavery, which is really difficult to choose!

As a good sister, Jasmine could naturally see what she was thinking in her heart from Zhou Xiuyan’s face, and smiled bitterly, “Sister, do you think the other party gives us the right to choose?” ”

Jasmine thought upstairs to understand, flies do not bite seamless eggs, why Lin Youyou came here, through a series of things that happened upstairs, she has figured it out!

Why did Wang Kui take people out? Obviously, he found these women, and then felt that the other party was a bully, and as a result, he hit the steel plate, and he has not come back so far not because he does not want to, but he has not been able to come back.

That phone call has shown a lot of things, none of the women upstairs are dead, just the men are all dead, why? Looking at the women downstairs who didn’t look like normal people, Jasmine had already speculated about a lot of things.

Does she have a choice? Without a choice, the result is the same no matter what, that is, to be taken away as a tool at the bottom, to resist? That does not exist, and the result of the revolt is certainly a dead word.

Jasmine’s bitter laugh made Zhou Xiuyan slightly stunned, remembering what the woman had just said, as if she did not have the right to give her a choice at all, Zhou Xiuyan’s face was blue and white, she understood now.

The choice is not in her hands, she thinks too much, she is now a prisoner of others! Are there any options? No, people have already chosen!

“I really didn’t expect that I would have this day….”

PS: The comment area said that I was lazy after being on the shelves, a minimum of 3200 words, four times a day are basically more than 1.3W, which is more lazy than before the shelves? Can big chapters and small chapters be mixed? Don’t…

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