Chapter 109 The big guys can’t sit still, Lin Fan’s attitude

In the imperial president’s office, Yang Ligong knocked on his desk, pointed to the freeze-frame picture in the video, and said in a deep voice: “Magic Capital! It’s Mordor again! Who can tell me how to explain this two consecutive supernatural phenomena? ”

“Zhao Zhi’an, you tell me, what the hell is going on?” Before that, you told me that the result of the unified investigation was that there were no supernatural beings in the whole empire, but how do you explain these two videos of Modu? P’s? ”

Listening to the president’s questioning, Zhao Zhian smiled bitterly in his heart, how did he know this? Obviously a month ago it was fine! But he was thinking about this in his heart, if he said it, it was estimated that the president would let him roll up the eggs!

“Sorry, Mr. President, according to the survey of military satellites, no super-powered people have indeed been found, as for these two times, it is likely to be a special case, according to the investigation, all the survivors in the imperial capital are just ordinary people, and the major regions are basically the same, in terms of magic capital….”

“I don’t want to hear your explanation! I’ve heard enough of these explanations! Yang Ligong raised his hand to interrupt Zhao Zhi’an’s words, pointed to the freeze-frame picture and angrily said, “I don’t care what method you use, even if you send a fighter plane over, you must find this person for me!” ”

“Do you see what I mean?”

Zhao Zhian nodded hurriedly, as soon as the three words of the fighter came out, he knew the president’s determination, indeed, this video was too big compared to the last one!

“Attention, do not use force to coerce the other party, know the feelings, move the reason, borrow the general trend to let the other party serve us, as long as he is still a human being, and there is desire, we can certainly prescribe the conditions of the other party’s heart, this matter can not be lost!” 」

Zhao Zhi’an only nodded his head now, and in the face of a highly regarded president, he had no qualifications to question at all!

“Yes, Mr. President, I’ll do it now.”


Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital, stood at the military region’s airfield, in front of him was Ye Feng with a serious face, and not far away there was a military helicopter waiting to take off.

“General! Ye Feng will definitely bring back the video maker this time, and the main characters in the video and his subordinates will definitely try to bring it back! ”

Patting Ye Feng’s shoulder, Liu Yuanbin said in a serious tone: “Don’t be reluctant, everything is based on your own safety, this time you go out, you can bring back the women you were optimistic about before, I this old guy also wants to see how good the seedlings that can be praised by you are.” ”

Ye Feng’s eyes flashed with excitement, and he said gratefully, “Thank you General!” ”

“Go for it!”


Ye Feng turned his head and boarded the helicopter with full of excitement, and under the command of the signalman, the helicopter took off, leaving the military region all the way, and flying towards the magic city under the sunset.

Sitting in the cabin, Ye Feng looked down at the barbed wire fence around the vast military region, and the barbed wire was covered with dense zombies, tens of thousands of people, at this time, I don’t know how many soldiers were strafing with machine guns, and under the cover of high-intensity fire, the zombies outside the barbed wire fence fell like cutting wheat.

Looking at this scene and scene, Ye Feng took a deep breath, he knew that when these zombies were completely eliminated, the military region would go out to the Demon City to clean up the zombies and rescue more survivors.

The helicopter disappeared into the sky, the sun was like blood, and I didn’t know if it was heralding something.

Just when the four sides were in turmoil, the sky gradually darkened, and Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi also took the women back to the hospital before dark.

More than two hours of fighting, so that the women have been improved to varying degrees, especially after being shocked by the heavens, the zombies are like live targets, they don’t know how to move, and the women kill more effortlessly.

On the second floor of the supermarket, there is Lin Youyou’s spiritual strength supplement, Lin Fan has recovered, but this will still be lazily lying on Lin Youyou’s heels, enjoying the knee pillow.

“Lord, today you made such a big move, I guess you are going to be on the hot search again.” Mei stared at Lin Fan, and Lin Youyou sent the peeled sugar fried chestnuts to Lin Fan, and his tone was full of helplessness.

For the anger of the lady of the palace, Lin Fan skimmed his eyes and cried out in his heart, “I don’t know this, who knows that the small breakthrough is so big, but the hot search is hot, don’t eat chestnuts, give me that potato chip.” ”

Looking at Lin Fan’s appearance, Lin Youyou wanted to laugh, put down the peeled sugar fried chestnuts, and pinched a piece of potato chips to send to Lin Fan.

“Yo-Yo’s words have no other meaning, but today’s big movement may be the same as the last time, noticed by many eyes, after all, the military region on the Modu side sent helicopters to the crowd last time, and no one has the intention of fighting the tiger, and they are afraid that the tiger will hurt people’s hearts.”

Lin Youyou’s worries were not unreasonable, Lin Fan also understood in his heart, eating Lin Youyou’s fingers in a vague tone: “So what, if they do things, if they make a big deal, I will be Wu Song and beat him to death on the spot!” ”

“The end of the day does not want to rescue ordinary people, one by one the soldiers stand up to become the king of the earth, and dare to fight our ideas, I really don’t know how to write the dead word, now these big guys, ah, have deteriorated!” 」

As for the incident in the last days, Lin Fan now knew very well that the leadership of the imperial capital existed in name only, and the major military regions did not listen to the announcements, and one by one they did their own thing, and they did not care about the lives of ordinary people at all.

Perhaps the officers and men at the bottom have not deteriorated, but those high-level officers have been blinded by the power and have been completely saved, he does not take the initiative to provoke the military region, if these big men do not know each other and run over to him to twist him, he will not be half polite.

The female soldier’s cool and heroic posture, Lin Fan still wants to try, the Demon Warlord Liu Clan does not do it is fine, if he does, he will definitely not be polite!

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend, if the other party hits the door of the house and he flinches, I’m really sorry for the system and this special ability!

“After all, can you let go of my finger first, how old are you, why do you still eat my finger?” Looking down at Lin Fan helplessly, Lin Youyou didn’t know what to say.

Without the slightest sign of letting go, Lin Fan said with a straight face: “At first glance, you are the child of a rich family, you are used to having big hands and feet, eating potato chips without licking your fingers, drinking yogurt without licking the bottle cap, and have a soul?” ”


Lin Youyou didn’t say anything, but Zhao Wanqing, who was writing information next to her, couldn’t help but laugh first, and Mu Yueqing, who was kneeling next to Lin Fan and pounding him, couldn’t help but laugh.

Turning her head to look at Lin Fan’s side, Zhao Wanqingmei bent her eyes and said with a smile: “Anything can be said so straightforward and strong in the Lord’s Shangqi, our family is a good child who works and studies before the end of the day, and they are reluctant to eat potato chips, I think it, the Lord should let her eat a slice first.” ”

“If you don’t eat one piece, how do you know where the soul of the finger licking is when you eat potato chips?”

Mu Yueqing endured the old hard, and the little head was almost shrunk into the two little piglets.

Zhao Wanqing glanced at Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou’s expression was vivid, and he didn’t have the cold and indifferent look outside.

“You’ve discussed a joke together, aren’t you?”

Zhao Wanqing quickly shook her head and waved her hand, “I don’t dare, what if Lady Zhenggong doesn’t let me sleep at night and lets me kneel next to the washboard?” ”

Slanting Zhao Wanqing’s eyes, Lin Youyou’s yin and yang said strangely: “How dare I, our old master will not let me kneel on the washboard, it is not bad, you sing a harmony is the same as singing double reeds, I can afford it.” ”

Lin Fan’s face was innocent, when had he ever done such a thing, it was completely illusory.

After joking for a while, Zhao Wanqing put away the smile on her face, took out her mobile phone and said: “In fact, the situation is similar to what Youyu said, and now the video on the Internet about the Lord’s great power is indeed on the hot search, and the sand sculpture netizens below are all the same, but I estimate that the major military regions and the imperial capital must be already studying.” ”

“Maybe you’re ready to take measures now, Lord, are you ready?”

The mobile phone floated out of thin air to the side of the sofa, Lin Youyu picked up the mobile phone, turned it up and down, and handed the mobile phone to Lin Fan with a slightly dignified face.

“Lord, look at it.”

Lin Fan took it and casually glanced at it twice, commenting: “The shooting is good, you can see that the one who shot it is still a bit of a standard, showing my mighty side to the fullest, look at this last wave, how dashing, the thunderclouds in the sky will disperse at once, or a little handsome!” ”

Lin Youyou:????

Zhao Wanqing:…..

What are you looking at?

Looking at the wordless expressions of the two women, Lin Fan threw away the mobile phone casually, and said indifferently: “On the hot search, on the hot search, who wants to move Uncle Ben let them come, I will see who suffers losses in the end, and if there is a skill, throw the nuclear bomb, and see who the nuclear bomb flies to the top of whose head in the end.” ”

Lin Fan’s calm attitude made Zhao Wanqing and Lin Youyou roll their eyes, well, your old man is not good!

“Aside from this, regarding our power, I plan to take the hospital as the center of the circle, circle the ten kilometers in all directions as our initial sphere of influence, and then slowly expand the number of personnel in the future, what do you think?”

Lin Youyou listened and pondered for a moment and agreed: “What the Lord said is very necessary, in fact, we already have a lot of people under us, counting the hundreds of people brought back today, the number of our forces has exceeded a thousand.” ”

“So fast?” Zhao Wanqing was surprised.

Although he probably expected that the number of people would almost exceed a thousand, now that he heard Lin Youyou say it himself, Lin Fan still had some unreal feelings.

He has more than a thousand women under his hands now? This was something he didn’t dare to think about before the end of the world.

“Yes, now counting us, a total of 1157 people, in the evening I will arrange it, just to see how the women choose at night, anyway, this time the manpower will be greatly expanded!” 」

Speaking of this, Lin Youyou has more smiles on his face, watching his subordinates become more and more powerful, anyone will have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts, Lin Youyou is no exception.

“Oh yes, today I also found a very good woman, very combative, I was surprised to see it at the time!”

Lin Fan was still the first time to hear Lin Youyou praise a woman like this, and suddenly became a little interested, “The combat effectiveness is very strong? How strong is it? To make you so optimistic, there should be something extraordinary. ”

“I want to make Yo-Yo praise it so much, and I also want to know what makes that woman so good.” Zhao Wanqing also came to be interested, anyway, the headache of writing information, simply walked over and did it on the sofa.

Seeing that Lin Fan and Zhao Wanqing were very interested, Lin Youyou did not sell Guanzi.

“This woman was in the hotel hallway, and one man killed more than thirty gunmen with guns, and she was only shot once.”

Lin Fan:????

You horse, in the end you open and hang or I open and hang?

PS: Thanks to the support of the brothers, today the liver burst adds an additional chapter.

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