Chapter 111 I Didn’t Stay Up Late! Can staying up all night be called staying up late?

“Would you mind inviting me in and sit down?”

Looking at Zhao Wanqing, who was smiling at the door, Zhou Xiuyan took a deep breath, and her heart could not express her emotions.

Zhao Wanqing can take the initiative to come to her, which means that she remembers the original girlfriend’s feelings, which makes her see more human feelings cold and warm, see more falling stones, and abandon her wife and abandoned her children.

“Come in.”

Hurriedly got up and walked to the door, Zhou Xiuyan wanted to pull Zhao Wanqing in, but she thought of her and Zhao Wanqing’s current identities, and for a moment her face was a little dark, and she bent down to kneel.

This was the rule that the maids had taught her before, and before they had made a choice, everyone was a maid, and it was only natural to see the Lord kneeling on the ground and saluting.

Raising her hand to hold Zhou Xiuyan, Zhao Wanqing said helplessly: “I came to look for you, and I didn’t come to play the score, do you think I am a person of that kind of power?” ”

“I…. That’s the rule. “Why did Zhou Xiuyan ever want to kneel down and salute?” She hadn’t knelt before the end of the world, but now was the end of the day, and people had to bow their heads under the roof.

Lazy to take care of Zhou Xiuyan, Zhao Wanqing pulled her arm to the side of the bed and sat down, her eyes swept over Jasmine, Zhao Wanqing could feel a faint crisis, her current strength is extraordinary, can make her feel a faint crisis now, which is enough to prove Jasmine’s strength!.

“You’re Jasmine, right?”

Jasmine was slightly stunned, her eyes were a little dazed, how did this good end mention her? She didn’t remember seeing the woman in front of her?

“Ah, yes, back to the mother, I am Jasmine.”

Jasmine gritted her teeth and knelt down with her head bowed, she wasn’t stupid, there were some things to get used to.

Raising her hand to support Jasmine, Zhao Wanqing glanced at the door, and with a wave of her hand, the blue thunder flashed and the door was closed.

Looking at Zhao Wanqing’s sudden unleashed hand, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine stayed together, what did they see? Did Zhao Wanqing just discharge electricity in her hand?

Seeing the two women’s dazed looks, Zhao Wanqing did not hide it, raised her palm, the light of lightning in her palm jumped, and a ‘crackling’ sound reverberated in the room.

“You this….”

Zhou Xiuyan nuzzled Nu Qi and quickly reacted, Zhao Wanqing’s identity is the master mother, she heard those maids say before, the master mothers all have divine power, and Zhao Wanqing’s divine power is thunder and lightning.

“This is the divine power that the Lord has given me, which allows me to control the power of thunder and lightning.”

Looking indifferent, as if saying something very ordinary, Zhao Wanqing put away the thunder and lightning in her palm and pulled Zhou Xiuyan’s hand: “At the beginning, I still had to ask you for help, but now I am no longer the woman who had no power to tie the chicken before and would be afraid to scream when she saw a zombie.” ”

Hearing this, Zhou Xiuyan felt bitter in her heart, “Wanqing, I’m sorry I didn’t come to save you when you needed me, I…”

Raising her hand to stop Zhou Xiuyan’s words, Zhao Wanqing did not pay attention to her heart, and smiled: “Thanks to you for not coming to save me, otherwise wouldn’t I have met the Lord?” ”

“Don’t you blame me?”

Looking at Zhou Xiuyan strangely, looking at her bitter face, Zhao Wanqing suddenly had an idea in her heart.

“Don’t you think I was reluctant and forced to commit myself to the Lord?” Or do you blame you for not coming to my rescue? Speaking, Zhao Wanqing took out her mobile phone and clicked on the dialog box with Zhou Xiuyan, which was basically Zhou Xiuyan talking, and the latest one was two days ago.

“See? You didn’t give up on me, but at the beginning I was already desperate, giving up communicating and communicating with the outside world, and then I met the Lord, and then I had no time to read the information. ”

“Actually, I only officially became a woman in the Lord yesterday, and before that, I didn’t dare to ask to save you, because I was not qualified, but fortunately, you are still safe, I am also very happy, and that is enough.” 」

The smile on Zhao Wanqing’s face, and the happy look between her eyebrows did not seem to be fake, Zhou Xiuyan was silent, and after half a moment, she slowly said: “Thank you, Wanqing.” ”

Patting Zhou Xiuyan’s jade hand, Zhao Wanqing said, “Xiuyan looks at me, I have something very important to ask you, this is also one of the purposes for me to come here.” ”


“Are you going to be a woman of the Lord?” Zhao Wanqing raised her hand to stop Zhou Xiuyan, who wanted to speak, and continued: “Don’t rush to answer me, don’t rush to refuse, I just asked about your intentions this time, after all, the core layer is not what you want to enter, there are many people who want to enter, you can slowly consider it.” ”

“As a good sister, I hope that you are with me, and the good of the Lord will slowly discover in the future, and there is another thing, I know that your brain is good, you can think about the new monetary policy and reward system, which can also be counted as your promotion capital, and recently I have been worried about this matter.” 」

Zhao Wanqing turned her eyes and looked at Jasmine next to her.

“And you.”

“Huh? And me? Jasmine’s eyes widened, and she hurriedly waved her hand: “Don’t do anything else, I’m not doing this material, and it hurts to think about currency.” ”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said wordlessly: “You are now the object of our attention, the eldest sister has praised you a lot, performed well, and the future can be expected, of course, the premise is that you can get the approval of the Lord and become the same identity as me.” ”

“This…. In this way, I still think…” Jasmine scratched her head in embarrassment, and the look she showed did not look like a ruthless killer who could kill more than thirty thugs in the corridor, if it were not for that faint sense of crisis, Zhao Wanqing would have suspected that this was not a fake!

“I’m done with all of you, you two choose your identity, I probably know that tomorrow I will take you two to clean up the zombies, work hard.” Zhao Wanqing hugged Zhou Xiuyan, patted her back, and slowly got up.

“You guys have a good rest, it’s time for me to go.”

Zhou Xiuyan did not stay, and Jasmine was sent to the door, until Zhao Wanqing’s figure disappeared, and Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine walked back to the room under the gaze of many women.

Women are love gossip, before long, the original dark incense bar out of a group of women have run to Zhou Xiuyan’s side, twittering asking, messed up like thousands of ducks at the same time calling, Zhou Xiuyan originally planned to think of something, now ….

She’s going to have a big head!

After sending away a group of women, Zhou Xiuyan closed the door and sat back on the bed tiredly, and the whole person did not want to move.

Jasmine shook Bai Yan’s little stomp, she did not wear that tight suit after taking a bath, she seemed very relaxed, looking at Zhou Xiuyan, who was like a salted fish, Jasmine asked curiously: “Sister Yan, what do you think?” Do you really want to be a clear stream? ”

Zhou Xiuyan hummed twice with her beautiful eyes closed, and said, “Of course not, the meaning of Wanqing’s coming over is obvious, the two of us should be concerned at the core layer, in fact, we can’t run away sooner or later, you and I understand this in our hearts, the difference is when the one wants to start.” ”

“But I estimate that this time will be very long and long, after all, that is not very short of women, this time is just that we can perform, at least not too much into the core layer, to let the person know that we have real ability, Wan Qing is arrogant, can be identified by her man, absolutely not bad, I still want something to pick.” 」

“Probably it means that you can lick, but you don’t have to go too far, properly express your own value, show your beauty, or so it seems.”

Zhou Xiuyan’s words Jasmine was stunned, and she didn’t react for half a day, and it took a long time to hold out a word.

“Is this the old woman?” It was horrible! What a heavy heart! ”

Zhou Xiuyan jumped up after listening to it, and her face turned green.

What is an old woman? Can you speak? What is a good heavy heart? Is this called having a brain?

“Deadpool, I’m going to tear you apart!” I’m only 31 this year how old woman! The most golden age for women! It’s called maturity, you know a fart! ”

“What else is there to call the heart?” This is the wisdom of women! If you don’t teach you a lesson for three days, you’ll give me a house to uncover the tiles and see how I can clean you up! If you don’t hit you for two days, you won’t know that your sister is also a martial artist! ”

The smoking Zhou Xiuyan pounced directly on Jasmine, and grabbing her was a social beating.

On the side of the supermarket, Zhao Wanqing came back to catch up with the meal, and after eating, Su Xiaoluo sneaked to Lin Fan’s side and grabbed him and ran.

Su Xiaoluo ran all the way back to the room, and before Lin Fan could react to what was going on, he saw that she had put a bunch of design drawings in front of her.

“What’s this?”

Su Xiaoluo had an excited look on his face and urged, “Of course, it is a design drawing, you can quickly see if it works, this is my proud work!” ”

“This is a bird’s eye view, this is a floor plan, this is a cross-sectional view of the main hall, and then this is the design of the city wall you want, and this is the design style, are you satisfied with it?”

Looking at the pile of drawings in front of him, Lin Fan’s head was big, but looking at the two dark circles on top of Su Xiaoluo, as well as the slightly haggard little face, Lin Fan patiently bowed his head.

Looking at it one by one, Rao is Lin Fan does not understand anything, he sees that this design is not simple, just look at the design drawings, you can feel a sense of beauty coming from the face, an excellent designer is also an excellent painter.

And Su Xiaoluo is undoubtedly the best of them!

The design is a palace-like design, blending the architectural styles of the East and the West, just look at the design drawings, a sense of grace and luxury will come to the face, the design of the city wall is decent, and the ancient city wall is almost no difference, in fact, the ancient city wall has reached its peak, there is not much need to change the place.

Putting down the drawing in his hand, turning his head to look at the little Lolita with a look of anticipation, Lin Fan raised his hand and rubbed it on her head, and then picked her up and put her in his arms, the little Lolita was not big, small, and light as if he was holding a ball of cotton.

“Hard work for you, the design is very good, originally I thought it would take a long time, I didn’t expect that you would draw it in just a few days.”

Lin Fan’s praise immediately made Su Xiaoluo angry, originally because he was suddenly held into his arms there was some stinginess, but now he did not have any sinister look, leaning on his delicate little chin, cross-legging his waist and humming: “That is, who am I!” I am a famous architectural design master Su Xiaoluo! ”

After saying that, I couldn’t help but yawn, and the original momentum was suddenly swept away.

Looking at the exhaustion in Xiao Loli’s big eyes, Lin Fan shook his head and asked, “How long have you not slept?” I remember telling you not to stay up late, right? ”

“Didn’t… I didn’t stay up late, I slept for two hours the day before yesterday. ”


What day? Day before yesterday?

Lin Fan’s face was black when he boarded, how many days do you sleep once?

Looking at Lin Fan’s unkind expression, Su Xiaoluo was panicked in his heart, and he couldn’t help it.

“I didn’t stay up late, and staying up all night is not counting as staying up late.”

I will cure your heresy today!

PS: Chapter 110 is estimated to be because the chapter name has a bullish heaven, so it is not released, it is very uncomfortable, this matter is not something I can influence, everyone wait, I am also very helpless.

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